Ubuntu :: 9.10 64bit Won't Boot - Hangs At 'Starting Up...'

Feb 9, 2010

I don't exactly when this started, but I hadn't booted my mythbuntu box for a while. When I boot it now, it hangs after grub at 'Starting Up...'. I was running 9.10 64bit, with 4GB Ram installed on an AMD64 3700+ ASUS A8N5X mobo. How can I resolve this? Can I modify boot options by hitting the Esc key before grub? What options should I use? I made no changes myself, it just happened on the next reboot. I hope that I won't have to burn a livecd. I only say that because the only machine that I have with a decent burner is my 9.10 box.

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Fedora :: FC11 Boot Hangs On 'starting Atd'

Aug 17, 2009

Running kernel-PAE-

Boot hangs on 'starting atd'

Select 217.2.3 and it boots OK.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic 64bit Boot Hangs With 4GB In Machine?

Feb 19, 2010

I have Karmic 64 bit installed, originally with 2GB of memory. The motherboard will take up to 16GB, and I decided to double to 4GB. When I put in the 4 memory sticks (1GB each) and reboot, it gets past grub2, to the ubuntu "circle" symbol, the screen blacks out and that is it. No desktop, no further action that I can tell from the box, just a black screen. The video feed to the monitor, from what I get with the power light is gone and no activity on the drive.

If I take out one of the memory sticks, it boots happily up with 3GB and runs fine. Put the 4th back in, same behavior. I tried swapping out the old memory, putting in the 2 new sticks, everything works fine. Add in the other two (the old ones), the problem shows again. I thought I might be the last memory slot, so I removed the one from the 3rd slot, works fine. All in all, it works fine with 3GB, but hangs on boot with the 4GB.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F10 Boot Stops At Starting UDev

Mar 29, 2009

I have done a fresh text-only installation of Fedora 10 on a Dell Dimension E521 for the purpose of setting up a server. After installation I ran yum update to bring the system up to date. After the update, I rebooted the computer, but the boot process froze. I recycled power and pressed "I" after the Dell BIOS screen and the GRUB bootloader appeared. I selected the most current version, edited the kernel line by deleting "rhgb quiet" and replacing it with "3." After making this change, I continued with the boot and the computer stopped at "Starting udev:" I have two fedora 10 revisions showing in the GRUB bootloader, the original installation and the update after running yum.

I repeatedly tried rebooting both versions and, after about 30 attempts, the computer finished booting and got me to the command prompt. Reading through the forums indicated there might be some issue with my nVidia GeForce 6150 onboard video and fedora 10. So, when I got to the command prompt, I followed the instructions in the forums [URL] to load the rpmfusion drivers. This appeared to be successful and when I looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf it appeared to be correct for the new nVidia drivers. After loading these new drivers I tried rebooting. Unfortunately, I have been trying now over and over to get back to the command prompt, but simply can't get past "Starting udev."

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Upgrade Hangs On Install Restart At Starting Up

Jun 5, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for a couple of years rather successfully on my dual-boot Vista/Ubuntu. It upgraded to 8.0(4?) LTS, 10.04LTS and I kept it there until this afternoon I followed the instructions on the ubuntu site to open up a terminal and update-manager --somearg to provide me with a nice little "Upgrade" button on the update manager. I clicked said button per the instructions, let it do it's downloading and whatever else it does. The last step of the installation is a system reboot. I let it do that, and then my grub menu comes up as more-or-less this:

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, memtest86+
Other operating systems:
Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)

If I select the top one, I get:
Starting up ...
with a blinking cursor under the S for a LONG time (used the power switch after ~40 mins). I tried the second 2.6.32-32 option for recovery mode. It spit a bunch of gibberish to the screen for a couple seconds and then stopped, presumably doing the same thing, just with 100% more gibberish. I tried booting into Vista, that worked fine. Just to reiterate, I've not yet seen a 10 LTS login screen or desktop, and can't get one yet (just a "Starting up ...") Just to add, I did try searching, but since the only info I had to go on was 8 LTS to 10 LTS upgrade, and "Starting up ...", well those are just hard keywords to get any meaningful info.

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Fedora :: 11 Boot Time / System Hangs For A Very Long Time On Starting Udev?

Sep 25, 2009

When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.

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CentOS 5 :: System Hangs During Boot - "Starting Xend:"

Nov 29, 2009

I am booting centos 5.3 on x86-64 machine. The system hands at line "Starting xend:". Is there any way to skip starting xend service during boot or disable it during boot so the system finally reboots.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64bit VirtualBox XP Not Starting.?

Oct 22, 2010

First off I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit, if you would like a complete discription of my hardware you can find my lshw > [URL]I seem to have broken my VirtualBox installation, I went from VirtualBox OSE to VirtualBox 3.2 (again 64bit version downloaded from virtualbox.org the about says version 3.2.10 r66523) I tried apt-get purging 3.2 and going back to OSE but it gives me the same error I started getting when I tried installing 3.2 so I have decided to install that again and try and trouble shoot the problem.I get two error windows that pop up when I try and start my windows xp virtualbox, the first says:

Kernel driver not installed (rc=-190The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.nd the second says:Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Sierra Designs - XP.The virtual machine 'Sierra*Designs*-*XP' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1.etails:

NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Natty Hangs While Starting Services?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to install 11.04 natty on an HP Probook 6455b and failing.

Using two different burned cds I'm able to start the install process

1) I can get to the initial menu and interact with it to change command line options

2) I can boot the kernel and see services trying to start

At some point the system hangs and I suspect because upstart is starting services in parallel the console messages aren't showing the same consistent point for the hang.

with my last run using --verbose on the command line the last few lines are:

* Starting bluetooth
* Starting configure network device security
* Starting configure network device
* PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions
saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned

Another run I just did (with network cable unplugged) ended with the same but also

* Stopping save kernel messages

I should note that the Pulseaudio line's asterisk is red or orange, does that indicate anything?

Mostly I'm looking for suggestions on how I can further debug and diagnose this problem to resolve it.

The system previously ran 10.10 fine and runs Fedora 15 (which should have a very similar kernel level) with no apparent problems.

Probook 6455 = basic HP laptop with AMD Phenom II mobile processor, 6G of RAM, ATI 4200 embedded graphics, etc, etc. Nothing special really.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: FC13 Hangs On Starting Atd?

Nov 4, 2010

I did a fresh FC13 install on a computer and after trying to install the nvidia drivers the machine hangs on starting atd when it boots.Initially, I tried to install the nvidia drivers with yum but it didn't work. The nvidia module was not loading and although I blakclisted the nouveua driver the machine was still picking it up. Anyway after spending a lot of time trying to find a solution online, I decided to download the drivers from nvidia and install it myself.So I did that, run sh <nvidia-package>.run and the installation was completed without any complaints. Since then the machine hangs when I booted it up. Also I don't see any errors in var/log/messages or in /Xorg.0.logHere is my grub.conf:

Code: default=0


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Ubuntu :: Alternate 10.04 64bit Install Hangs At 75% And Asks For CD?

Jul 2, 2010

Had problems with hard drives yesterday, wouldn't recognise them after I'd installed Linux. Today I fixed that problem (another thread on here, in the hardware section) but now, every single time the install gets to 75%, it asks me to insert the CDROM and basically hangs.

Hitting enter doesn't try to fire up the CDROM, there's zero noise from it. It did this once yesterday but all other tries worked fine. Today it's failed the 7 different times I've tried, in exactly the same place, each time asking for the CD, even tried re-burning the CD, still failing at the same place. It's just after doing something to APT, then storing something (not very helpful I know). Can get a command prompt by CTRL-ALT_F2, but have no clue as to how to proceed when I get there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 - Installation Hangs On Starting UDev

Dec 21, 2008

I want to try the new 11.1. When I start the installation (x86_64 DVD), the startup is hanging. The last message is "Starting udev...". Keyboard is completely frozen, only reset button is working. Mobo is an Intel DG965WH with 4GB RAM and ATI Graphic card (ASUS1950pro). My opensuse 11.0 runs without any problems.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hangs Up When Starting Sound Card?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm trying to install OpenSuse 11.3, everything went fine untill last step : configuring hardware. So my install hangs up at the point "starting sound card" (well it is in french, but it should be this translation in english). My sound card is a classical realtek hd audio card (from a laptop toshiba x200). In the terminal(/dev/tty1) I can see that it is hanging at Starting Yast2. I had no pb with my previous installs regarding the sound card (with openSuse 11.2 and earlier). what to do to have this step working, or at least have the sound card not started at this point.

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Server :: Hangs At Starting Domino Services During Booting Up?

Feb 11, 2010

I joined a company as an IT staff 2 months plus back. I now encounters a problem that the booting up hangs at the time when it is starting domino services. I have no clue where to look at and duno where to start checking. A little description of the server. : It's a lotus notes domino server for employees webmail service. -> Now it is down. it's an external dns server: recently high volumes of query cache denied surfaces. it's also our proxy server. The only way to get it up and running is to turn off domino service. The system is running still with high volumes of queries I last checked.

Althrough it can boot up now and DNS & proxy are running, I couldn't access the system anymore. It will hang when I attempt to log in from the command prompt. Below is an illustration:

iasaix login: root -> I attempt to log in using root user
password: xxxxxxxx -> I keyed in my password
-> The cursor comes down and just keeps blinking and nothing happens.

Remote access is not possible as it has sshd disabled by default. Our employees cannot access their webmail now, which is a major issue.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade It To 11.2 64bit Without Starting From Scratch?

May 17, 2010

I have this 11.0 64bit workstation here. It has been running flawlessly for the longest time. It is setup really nicely for this particular job.Anyways, I would to upgrade it to 11.2 64bit without starting from scratch. What would be the best, simplest way to do this?

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Fedora :: System Hangs At Starting ATI External Events Daemon

Sep 15, 2010

I've followed this guide [URL] after rebooting the system hang at:
starting ati external events daemon [OK]
This line start blinking for a while, then nothing happen. I am using a radeon hd 4225. (I'm booting with acpi=off).

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 12 X86_64 Hangs On Startup?

Jan 17, 2010

I have just installed Fedora 12 on my old AMD64 desktop. The install went fine, I then set about adding various useful things like skype, flash plugin- some manually, some with autoten.

Upon rebooting, the system hangs. Looking at the text startup, the last line before it hangs is:

Starting jexec servicesStarting yum-updatesd: [OK]

After this line appears, the display flashes repeatedly then does nothing. It sits there with the text showing (or on graphical startup, the splash screen disappears) and a cursor flashing.

I think the problem may be with the nvidia driver I installed with autoten, which I suspect is wrong for my system (think my graphics card is too old).

Does anyone know how I might remove the driver given I can't get as far as logging in at the moment? Or am I wrong and the problem likely to be something else?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox Hangs System

Jul 20, 2010

everything else seems well with my FC13-x86-64 except firefox (3.6.4 and earlier versions too) VERY frequently hangs the whole system. only the mouse still working, keyboard not responding to ctrl-alt-del, ctrl-alt-function or any other key and even num-lock won't turn the led on. system is still remotely accessible through ssh so I can issue a reboot. same thing may have occurred with thunderbird but only once or twice and probably firefox was also running then. no problems so far with google chrome (but I have no flash plugin for that). FC5-x86-32 on my old PC has never had any of these problems.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ATI Catalyst 10.7 On 11.3 64bit - Starting Vmtoolsd FATAL : Module Vmmemctl Not Found

Jul 26, 2010

I downloaded the new Catalyst Package from ATI [URL] and I don't know what happened. Installed fine restarted. It starts loading fine then screen flickers like crazy Gnome Desktop won't load. Kicks me over to console type log in. Starting vmtoolsd FATAL : Module vmmemctl not found. gdm[1586]: WARNING: GdmDisplay : display lasted 2.12 seconds Gdm[1586]: WARNING: GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maxium number of X display failures reached: check x server log for errors. I type StartX and is states (ee) fglrx(0): iregl_setsuspendresumestate FAILED -9. Is it going to happen with every computer running 11.3?

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Fedora Hardware :: Toshiba Tecra M11 - Overheat - Hear Fan Starting To Run At Full Speed Then Computer Hangs

Jan 3, 2011

I installed on this laptop two OS : Windows XP SP3 with drivers for M11 from Toshiba download site Fedora 14 64 bits I have no problem running Windows but sometimes when I run Fedora I hear fan starting to run at full speed then computer hangs. When this occurs, I must power off it using switch then reboot and I lost my work. I try to run Memtest86 during a full night and I did not get any error or hang.

Is there somebody who already installed Fedora 14 on Toshiba Tecra M11? kernel is and my graphic card worked fine with hardware acceleration out of the box.


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CentOS 5 Server :: After Modifying Iptables, Reboot Hangs On "starting Firewall"?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a CentOS 5.4 box that I am trying to set up as an OpenVPN server. So I modified the firewall by running the following script:

# the following rules will flush out any existing chains


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OpenSUSE Install :: Hangs At "Starting Udev..."

May 24, 2010

where the install hangs at the "Starting udev..." and nothing seems to be able to get the system to run the install. I have tried starting the install with edd=off, apci=off, noapic, apci=ht, and a variety of other options listed on posts. I have tried versions 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, and 10.2 with no success with any of these. With 10.2 it does not hard lock the system so I am able to Alt-F4 to see some debugging info and I am getting the following "it[1] trap divide error rip:2b6b0c281123 rsp:7fff9e95fdf0 error 0". With any of the version 11 installs the system completely hard locks with "Starting udev..." I have verified the installation media of all distros, re-downloaded the iso files, and burned using the slowest setting all with the same results. I have gone into the bios of my machine and disabled the APCIMCFG, High Precision Event Timer, SW Mem Hole Remap, and UnGanged Enabled. I have also tried to enable this IOMMU option for the memory but still nothing. I have tried using just one of the SATA drives by unplugging the other 5 and same results. I did notice that from time to time I see something from squashfs.ko saying "Clocksource tsc unstable"

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Programming :: Bootstrap Not Starting U-boot In The Normal Boot Sequence

Oct 5, 2010

I am facing a problem with my AT91SAM9260 customized board. Board is almost same as the evaluation kit.

I could download the binaries ( Bootstrap-v1.16, u-boot-1.3.4, linux kernel 2.6.20) successfully to the DATAFLASH/NANDFlash in my board by using atmel SAM-BA tool with usb/serialport/jlink.

Here I describe the problem.

When I power up the board, boot strap is not jumping to U-boot location, in the normal boot sequence and board stuck with bootstrap.

But when I disconnect/connect the JTAG USB cable ( provided with SAM-BA ICE) , it's jumping to u-boot location and booting the board properly. I'm getting the same error in NAND FLASH also.

I have tried one more test case.I copied bootstrap binary at the flash location, [location which is specified for u-boot binary] instead of U-boot.bin (location: 0x8400 in dataflash), I got continous bootstrap debug messages in my console. [ So can I conclude SDRAM doesn't have any problem? ]

Bootstrap code or U-boot code ?

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Ubuntu :: Boot Hangs (sometimes) After Dual Boot Screen?

May 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and a small Windows 7 partition (cuz I can't get Ubuntu to run my MSI TV@nywhere plus card but that's another issue).I can log into Windows fine. If I choose Ubuntu, however, the boot process will go thru a few screen flickers. Then one of two things happens:1) I get a scrambled up pixelated image (not sure what it is) for about 3 second, then it goes into the login screen and I can log in normally.2) I get the scrambled up pixelated image and it hangs. This happens about 4 times out of 5 when rebooting.

I do have an nVidia card and a beta driver (they published it the 21st, I believe, of this month) but this happened long before that. It's happened ever since I installed any of the drivers (I've tried a couple different versions, hoping to fix this) for my card.

My system is a frankenputer:
Phenom II quad core 3.0 cpu
nVidia GeForce BFG 6600
500G drive

Note: I do have 3D rendering when I finally get into the desktop. Everything works great, except that when I'm playing my mmorpg, Regnum Online, it freezes the entire computer and I have to reboot (not sure if that has anything to do with it or not).In case it's needed, this is my grub:(Second note: I'm sorry for the length of the post but I don't know how to upload documents/files to show)

# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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Debian Hardware :: When Boot Plaptop Whith Memorycards In Slots Boot Hangs

Aug 28, 2010

When I boot up my laptop whith memorycards in the slots the boot hangs at "Wating for /dev to be fully populated", "Activating swap" or somewhere in between.If I take out the memorycards so the slots are empty, the laptop boots just fine...Its a CFCard and a SDcard in a PCIMAslot.Does anyone have a clue?Its not a big problem just very annoing to have to take out the memcards all the the time.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: GRUB To Dual Boot 11.2 And Windows XP But Hangs On Boot

Apr 20, 2010

HW config is: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition, MSI 785GTM-E45, 2X 1Gb Kingston HyperX PC2-8500. I have set up GRUB to dualboot openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP. Initially i had set up system with defaults: CPU@2600MHz (200X13) and therefore RAM@800MHz. Both openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP worked just fine. Memtest86 found no problems.

But after a while i decided to change this setup to: CPU@2500MHz (250X10) and therefore RAM@1000MHz, as it promised better overall performance. And now Windows still boots and works better then before. Memtest86 still can't find any problem. But openSUSE 11.2 hangs at boot. I've suspected cpufreq governor, but changing from Ondemand to Conservative in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Cups Not Starting At Boot

Feb 7, 2010

I can't get cups to auto-start at boot time. Running sudo cupsd manually works fine, but I don't want to have to do that every session.This seems to be affecting lots of folks. This thread claims that bug #444597 in launchpad has a solution, but I must be too stupid to see it, and the thread is closed so I can't post there.
All my rc and init files seem fine, bootsplash is off, and, of course, there are no useful boot error logs in Karmic.

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Ubuntu :: Service Not Starting During Boot?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm having a problem getting my MPD service to start during boot. This started a week or so ago. It's no big deal, just a pain. It start fine when I run the script in a terminal. I changed the start priority with update-rc.d. I occasionally get a segfault message in my syslog and messages log. Not sure what it means.

Mar 18 22:44:25 tony-laptop kernel: [ 1244.162897] mpd[3874]: segfault at c00 ip 0806f7d2 sp b6f2a130 error 4 in mpd[8048000+4e000]
Mar 18 22:55:28 tony-laptop kernel: [ 1907.414336] mpd[4759]: segfault at c ip 00194d1d sp b6f9bcd4 error 4 in libpthread-2.10.1.so[18d000+15000]

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Ubuntu :: Boot Frozen At 'Starting Up'

Jul 3, 2010

I lost power to my ubuntu box earlier today, so it didn't shut down properly. I'm now trying to start it but it keeps getting stuck at 'Starting Up' for over an hour. I've tried pressing escape to boot a different version or into recovery mode. The only difference I get is when loading a recovery mode it just puts up a flashing underscore instead of 'starting up . . .' - it still hangs there. This is a small box without a optical drive which is why I haven't tried a live CD.

I'm not really familiar with linux or boot issues.

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Not Starting At Boot Up?

Feb 4, 2011

However, many of those threads show that adding two lines to the file "/etc/network/interfaces" should solve the problem. I checked on my PC and those two lines are already there.. but CUPS still doesn't start properly on boot up...

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