Software :: Test Of Plugin On Dovecot?

Jun 15, 2011

I activate some plugins (quota,acl,trash,expire) in dovecot server i have in my configuration :

plugin {


but i don't know how to test if this plugins works or no ?

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Server :: Dovecot Autocreate Plugin / No Namespace Found

May 25, 2011

I recently swapped from courier to dovecot on my server and it's working fine, but I can't seem to get the autocreate plugin to work.I have followed the directions to enable the plugin and autocreate and autosubscribe 2 folders.After enabling debug I can see an error "autocreate: No namespace found" listed for both folders. I haven't been able to find any other instructions, docs or threads that suggest what has to be done to the private namespace to allow it to create these folders.

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Server :: Basic Postfix And Dovecot Mail Server For A Test Environment?

Sep 16, 2009

I did a a basic install of postfix and dovecot instead of using courier-pop and courier-imap. This is only send and receiving e-mail locally within the test network 10.7.0.X and 10.0.0.X. I used:


my postfix.conf is;

PHP Code:


This is the error when I send an email from a local machine on the 10.0.0.X network.

PHP Code:

Jan 20 17:05:48 testbox postfix/smtpd[2491]: warning: Illegal address syntax from unknown[] in MAIL command: <test@> 

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Debian :: Install The Java Plugin But The Java Test Pages Show Not Installed

Jun 13, 2011

I try to install the java plugin but the java test pages show not installed. I have tried the openjdk-6-jdk package and the Oracle/Sun 1.6.0_26 version to no avail.

Is there some good instructions page someplace? I have yet to find a set of instructions that provides something clear that works.

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Fedora Servers :: Several Postfix - Test Antivirus Scan Using Eicar Test Virus ?

Apr 8, 2009

I have installed Postfix + Amavisd-new, then I am started all services (and configured and to use amavis).

The questions are:

1) I am trying to test antivirus scan using eicar test virus


And the message is successfully delivered to mailbox with mark "CLEAN" in maillog. But I cant see any attachment using


Where is my mistake?

2) Should I update clam and how I can do it?

3) Is spamassassin enabled by default in amavis (I have started daemon)?

4) Where configuration files of spamassassin is stored?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Warning - Can't Create Test File /var/lib/mysql/mosty.lower-test

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to install mysql i downloaded the binary package, i extracted it and then followed the instructions that were in the manual but i keep getting this error when running this command


scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=/home/mosty/mysql

the error is


Installing MySQL system tables...
100315 20:07:27 [Warning] Can't create test file /var/lib/mysql/mosty.lower-test
100315 20:07:27 [Warning] Can't create test file /var/lib/mysql/mosty.lower-test


You can try to start the mysqld daemon with:

shell> /home/mosty/mysql/bin/mysqld --skip-grant &

and use the command line tool /home/mosty/mysql/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql database and look at the grant tables:

shell> /home/mosty/mysql/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql> show tables

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General :: Execute Scen-20-test And Vbr-20-test In Ns-allinone-2.34?

Mar 26, 2011

I have created mobility of 20 nodes and vbr traffic using following attached script I executed the file as ns234 vbr.tcl I got the and vbr.nam but I was unable to load the graph using matlab <trgraph> I thought problem with is vbr.tcl script.

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Fedora :: Running The Zotero Openoffice Integration Plugin In F13 Under The Openjdk Plugin?

May 31, 2010

I',m having trouble running the zotero openoffice integration plugin in F13 under the openjdk plugin.It's known top be not working as per The problem lies in some permissions as reported here -fedora-linux/However i want to know if there's any progress on it, since i dont have privilege to install it in my lab computer. Also i found this old bug reportwhich seems to have something done.If anypone has any idea please post, else i think i need to file a new bug report.EDIT: I'd be glad even if someone can guide me to write local policy (.java.policy) to enable the plugin

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SUSE / Novell :: Flash Plugin For Mozilla Plugin Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2009

I am using openSUSE 11.0. This OS installation gives firefox 3.0.5 Beta. I had installed new version of firefox at /usr/local/bin/firefox. I had placed link of this firefox at /usr/bin using this command ->


linux-snvz:/usr/bin # ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox firefox My older firefox contains the flush plugin. So i can easily played ..... video's in my browser. But now my new browser saying that it doesn't have flash plugin. I was tried to install flash plugin once again.


Even after installation also my browser is again without flash plugin.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Package-Kit-gstreamer-plugin Requires An Additional Plugin To Decode File

Jul 21, 2010

I just updated my distribution to 11.3 from 11.2. But now this problem occurs when I try to play an mp3. There was no problem before with 11.2.

It also says

The following plugin is required : MPEG-4 AAC decoder

Only certain mp3s have this problem. All gstreamer packages have been installed. What package is missing anyway?

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Ubuntu :: Add Xfce4-xkb-plugin / Keyboard Layout Plugin At Startup?

Feb 28, 2010

i have this-for me huge problem- xfce4-xkb-plugin won�t save my keyboard setup and it won�t show after startup in xfce4 panel (xubuntu 9.10): I did this:

1) i added in /etc/default/console-setup needed keyboard layouts (de,hr,rs)-because i know that after restart xfce4-xkb-plugin will not memorize my layouts.


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Ubuntu :: Plugin Error: Unable To Activate Plugin Cover Art

Jan 17, 2011

While using Rhythmbox this morning, I was greeted by a blunt and undiscriptive error message:


Plugin Error:Unable to activate plugin Cover Art.Going to the plugin page, I was supprised to find that most of the installed plugins would not load. Without any info being offered in the player, I looked on line. Many people had problems with other plugins, and most of the time it was a problem with an uninstalled python package. But I checked on this site and I found that I had all of these packages installed. (Well, the python ones at least, to check all of them would take forever.)



After finding no help there, I ran rhythmbox -d to debug:


(12:04:33) [0x934fe68] [rb_python_module_init] rb-python-module.c:406: Init of python module
(rhythmbox:4971): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: unable to load module as python runtime could not be initialized


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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Doesn't Work - Error "sudo Apt-get Install Vlc Vlc-plugin-pulse Mozilla-plugin-vlc"

Jan 31, 2011

I have just installed the newest version of ubuntu (10.10 the maverick meerkat) and im struggling installing any programs, wine and vlc arnt appearing on synaptic package manager and anything i try to do in either the command promt or ubuntu software centre doesnt work either. On the command promt when i follow the commands as seen on various tutourials the command promt comes back with an error. VLC example given below.


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Software :: Cannot Uninstall Flash-plugin From Yast - Deleted Flash-Plugin Directory

Aug 15, 2010

In my frustration to get adobe flash working in firefox I deleted the /usr/lib/flash-plugin folder. Now when I try to uninstall "Flash-Plugin" from YAST it fails as it can't find the sub-folder. I also cannot install the latest version of flash player as it says that it is already installed - So I am stuck in a loop.

I am running SUSE 11.2.

Is there a config file of installed programs that I can modify to remove the "Flash-Plugin" entry, or is there another way to get over this problem.

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General :: Firefox JRE Plugin Installation / Firefox Isn't Able To Recognise The Plugin?

Apr 11, 2011

Yesterday I wasn't able to successful enable JRE in my firefox.This is what I did ,

I downloaded the rpm from the file and installed it in /usr/java Code: chmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin./jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin This successfully installed Firefox JRE in my system now in order to make firefox know abt it

I went to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and
ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_24/lib/i386/ as said in the instruction manual. Still firefox isn't able to recognise the plugin.

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OpenSUSE :: Dovecot Not Working Over Ssl In 11.4

Mar 21, 2011

I use dovecot as an IMAP server for mail clients on my local machine. This worked fine in 11.3 but on 11.4 the authentication doesn't seem to work - my mail client just can't connect to the dovecot server.

I get errors like this in the /var/log/mail:


My configuration is:


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CentOS 5 :: How To Upgrade Dovecot

Oct 1, 2010

I have Centos 5 and dovecot 1.0.7 I want to upgrade it to 1.0.18 the latest one. I did look at the dovecot website but couldn't find any upgrade instruction.

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Debian :: Dovecot Starting Error ?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed the dovecot with aptitude in the debian squeeze, and want to use dovecot as imap and pop3 server with exim4 for my mail server, i configured the dovecot and exim4, but when want to start the dovecot get this error:

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Debian :: What Are The Pro's And Cons Of Dovecot And Courier

Jul 23, 2011

What are the pro's and cons of Dovecot and Courier?

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Fedora :: Configure Postfix And The Dovecot?

May 27, 2010

I have configured Postfix, mysql and Dovecot according to following guide. [URL] My issue is When I'm Install dovecot ( using yum command). it Didn't create a "/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver" folder.Then my mail.log trace this error message


May 27 16:36:02 localhost pipe[26056]: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: No such file or directory May 27 16:36:02 localhost postfix/pipe[26055]: CE9768FED3: to=<>, relay=dovecot, delay=26, delays=26/0.02/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: pipe: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: No such file or directory )
After that I have create "/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver' folder. Then I have set permission using follwing command.


mkdir /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
chown vmail /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver

Now My log file trace this message


May 27 19:26:52 localhost postfix/pipe[30111]: E178F9000E: to=<>, relay=dovecot, delay=388941, delays=388941/0.02/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: pipe: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: Permission denied )

how to set permission for this? Or My configuration is wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Chkconfig Won't Turn On Dovecot

Nov 15, 2010

I want dovecot to start at boot and I can't seem to get this to work.Initially, I installed chkconfig and tried to run "sudo chkconfig dovecot on". This generated a whole bunch of errors about upstart and insserv not getting along properly. I patched chkconfig according to a post on this page:URL...

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Ubuntu :: OpenLDAP + Dovecot Login On 11.04

Aug 7, 2011

I have OpenLDAP and Dovecot installed based on the following documents. DovecotLDAP OpenLDAPServer (using RTC) When Dovecot is set up to log in with out using LDAP connections work fine. However as soon as I change the dovecot.conf to use ldap I get the following error when trying to log in:


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Fedora :: Can't Authenticate Using Via POP3 For Dovecot / Fix It?

Jul 4, 2010

I believe I have everything but this setup, as when I use my Outlook's Test Account Setting, it's able to do the following:
1) Send a test e-mail
2) Connect to POP3
3) See the actual test e-mail at /var/spool/mail/<username>

However, the Test Account Setting wasn't able to authenticate to POP3. I then do the following:
1) Start up Command Prompt.
2) Execute "telnet <server IP> 110". It gives me "+OK Dovecot ready".
3) Type "user <username>"
4) Type "pass <password>". It gives me "-ERR Authentication failed".

Then I searched around and found this. However, I'm not sure if I am able to make any sense out of it.

My CentOS 5.5 is setup with the following standard files:
/etc/passwd (password field contains the character "x")
/etc/shadow (examining this reveals it's using MD5 has as the password field begins with $1$)

So how should I set my /etc/dovecot.conf? I think it's this file I need to setup to enable POP3 authentication?

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General :: Setup Dovecot To Use Imap?

Mar 20, 2011

I just setup dovecot to use imap. I'm using the same cert and key that I'm using on Postfix smtp over ssl. It's a self signed cert. After running this

openssl s_client -starttls imap -connect localhost:993
I get this


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General :: Dovecot Install To RHEL

Oct 16, 2009

iam using a RHEL 5.3 and facing problem while installing the dovecot package , im trying to install using the yum but it asking for the dependecy of mysqllyb is not install , pls solve this problem

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General :: Check That Dovecot Is Installed Or Not?

Jan 13, 2010

Actually i want my java code to connect to linux sendmail server. Right now i am using gmail pop protocol to connect to gmail server. So now i want to connect to sendmail server using pop and i read that using dovecot you can make sendmail to havepop and imap services. By default it has only SMTP support. So i want to know how can i check that i have dovecot installed or not, or my sendmail has pop or imap enable or not. Means by what command.

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General :: Failed To Install Dovecot

Nov 24, 2010

i failed to install dovecot...plz advice how to solve this?

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Server :: Courier Or Dovecot For IMAP?

Mar 18, 2011

Does anyone know if there are only personal preferences between the two IMAP servers or does one of a slight advantage over the other? I've used Dovecot only in the past but my package manager loads tons of MySQL libraries with Dovecot which is a problem since that's not authorized on my server right now. I can either install it from source or try another application like Courier.

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Server :: Dovecot Not Fetching Mail

May 22, 2010

This is a Virtualmin setup where the user's local mail folders are located at: /home/domain/homes/user/mail The user can login to Dovecot but it doesn't fetch their emails.There are no errors in the logs.Is my mail location wrong?

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Server :: Dovecot / Postfix Migration

Feb 26, 2010

Im a fairly new linux person and have a hopefully easy question. I am running centos with dovecot and postfix for the mail. Im using imap so all the mail is on the server. Im also using thawte certificates. What is the easiest way to move all of this over to a more stable box? The box i have now is a major POS.

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