Fedora :: Configure Postfix And The Dovecot?

May 27, 2010

I have configured Postfix, mysql and Dovecot according to following guide. [URL] My issue is When I'm Install dovecot ( using yum command). it Didn't create a "/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver" folder.Then my mail.log trace this error message


May 27 16:36:02 localhost pipe[26056]: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: No such file or directory May 27 16:36:02 localhost postfix/pipe[26055]: CE9768FED3: to=<john@example.com>, relay=dovecot, delay=26, delays=26/0.02/0/0.02, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: pipe: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: No such file or directory )
After that I have create "/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver' folder. Then I have set permission using follwing command.


mkdir /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
chown vmail /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver

Now My log file trace this message


May 27 19:26:52 localhost postfix/pipe[30111]: E178F9000E: to=<john@example.com>, relay=dovecot, delay=388941, delays=388941/0.02/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: pipe: fatal: pipe_command: execvp /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver: Permission denied )

how to set permission for this? Or My configuration is wrong?

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Fedora Servers :: Email Sender Address - Postfix / Dovecot Etc

May 21, 2009

I have an email server configured with postfix, dovecot, saslauthd and squirrelmail. It works great. In fact I'd even say it works too well: in squirrelmail, I can configure any sender address and my server will accept it. Message will be sent, wether the sender's address is [URL] or [URL]. Is there any way of limiting it in such way that only [URL] is accepted as sender's address?

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Fedora Servers :: Configure Dovecot To Use Domain Name As Well As Part Of Username?

Jul 14, 2011

I installed Postfix, Roundcube (webmail) and Dovecot. Postfix stores the e-mails in maildirs located at /home/postfix/maildir/[user]@[domain]. Now I set the mail_location configuration option in Dovecot to: mail_location = maildir:/home/postfix/maildir/%u@%d The problem I run into is logging in with [user]@[domain]. Right now I can only login with [user] (without @[domain]), which makes the mail_location invalid (no e-mails can be found). How could I configure dovecot to use the domain name as well as part of the username?

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Server :: Dovecot / Postfix Migration

Feb 26, 2010

Im a fairly new linux person and have a hopefully easy question. I am running centos with dovecot and postfix for the mail. Im using imap so all the mail is on the server. Im also using thawte certificates. What is the easiest way to move all of this over to a more stable box? The box i have now is a major POS.

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Server :: Postfix / Dovecot Help On New Setup

Mar 20, 2011

CentOS 5 box was just setup to replace a crashed old one. I have postfix.admin installed and working, added users (confirmed from mysql command line) and can login using telnet server pop3 with the user information. The problem I am left with is just receiving mail. I have both squirrelmail and roundcube installed, and can also authenticate using both (/var/log/maillog shows);From either webclient I can naturally send mail out and both yahoo and gmail client confirms, yet a reply shows nothing, and nothing ever shows in the maillog. Firewall is shut down but I don't know postfix enough to see how to test, or is something else grabbing the mail.

I can provide anything necessary, just let me know what. As I see it (just so far) Postfix should be the server that answers and receives the mail, dovecot is more the pop/imap the client would use, so I think it's a postfix issue. If so, can I turn up the debugging, etc. but again, I think all mail received should appear in the maillog file 1st as I see the outbound mail go fine!

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2x64/Postfix/dovecot 32M Memory

Jun 3, 2010

We have OpenSUSE 11.2 64bit installed (Intel XEON 4 core 2.5GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB RAID ). One of our requirements is to provide huge emails (up to 100M each) sending and receiving. For this purpose we have configured posfix and dovecot(POP3+IMAP). Then issue is that when email size is greater than 32M it sometimes (very often) couldn't be received by users through POP3 protocol and also through IMAP (receiving process fails at server side). Could it be a kernel or hardware compatibility issue?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Dovecot Postfix POP Not Responding?

Jan 2, 2011

I am running CentOS 5.2 on a server here in my home. It runs Dovecot and Postfix and also serves as a website host for a small website of mine. Everything works fine. POP, SMTP, Webmail, WWW, all works great and has for ages.Here's the issue. I recently reinstalled a clean copy of Windows 7 on a workstation in my home onto a new harddrive(I still have the old drive int he machine so I can boot to it as well). I setup the Windows Live Mail client to send/receive mail with my mail/web server. However, it won't connect to the POP server on my server machine.Here's the kicker. If I boot to the old harddrive that is running Windows 7, it connects fine to my mailserver and can send/receive just fine. I've checked, rechecked and rechecked and all mail settings on the mail clients on both drives are identical.

Note: The installations of Windows 7 on both drives is identical. Same computer name/ same credentials, same IP, etc. However, as I stated, I can send/receive email with my server if I boot to my old drive, but if I boot to my new drive, I cannot send/receive.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix+dovecot Not Working As Expected?

Nov 9, 2010

I have tried to find solution in existing posts but could not specifically find any with my kind of issues and hence a new post on oft repeated subject !! -- and apologies for a long long post here.Here is where I am ..On a AMD 64bit machine - I have ubuntu 10.10 desktop installed. I want this development machine to support virtual mailboxes so that I can use them from multiple apps and create real life deployment situations.I installed postfix + dovecot following the tutorials available here and current state is - I can send mails using telnet sessions and I see that the mail files are getting created in /Maildir form as I have directed in the conf files. I have configured Thunderbird mail client as well.

Issue #1: Mail sending works from Thunderbird but it always responds back with 'No mail on server' message when I try to receive mails. SMTP is configured with STARTTLS and POP3 with None (i.e. plain text password)Issue #2: Also, while going thru conf, logs and during testing - I found a few things which defer in this installation for authentication. I have given the session transcripts here.Issue #3: That being major issue - I also want to configure my virtual users to use TB client to access their mails - I did not find any tutorials or pointers towards that in my search for past few days. If I send mails to a non-Unix virtual user - the mail gets stored into /home/vmail/<domain>/<user>/new directory.Here are the conf files.main.cf for postfix

# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version
# Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Receive Mail On Dovecot / Postfix

Mar 10, 2011

I do not know why I could send email outside but not receive. I use relay to my ISP that port 25 is blocked by my ISP. What can I doing with configuration when it should be works to receive mail? Okay, I have sent a test e-mail between localhost and it works. I can send from mailserver to my gmail without problem. So why I cannot receive email from gmail?

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Server :: Create Postfix Virtual Users Without Dovecot

May 28, 2010

I just want to create virtual postfix users using static external file, without using dovecot as MDA or mysql db.

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Server :: Dovecot-lda/postfix - Failed: Permission Denied

Apr 27, 2011

I'm sooo exausted after two days of fooling with this. The problem: Apr 27 17:29:21 mxkasib dovecot: lda: Error: userdb lookup: connect(/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb) failed: Permission denied (euid=8(mail) egid=12(mail) missing +w perm: /var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb, euid is not dir owner)

Obviously, dovecot-lda, instanced by postfix, couldn't access the auth-userdb file because of permission. There are plenty of topics over the internet, the problem is really simple. Except for I've got all the permissions needed, or it seems to me so and I'm missing something. Here is some additional information:


I've given all the permissions I could imagine. It's even devil 666, and it still complains.

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Server :: Combine The Dovecot And Inbound Postfix Servers?

Jun 13, 2011

We are planning on rolling out a mail service that will backend a webmail/groupware interface using postfix and dovecot, and we are trying to nail down an architecture for the system. I was hoping I could get some opinions from you good people on the different models we have come up with, and any improvements. To preface this discussion, we use NFS as the backend storage for mail so that clusters of mail servers can be created.

One possible solution is to separate three services, inbound email, outbound email, and message retrieval onto separate servers. We currently run a mail system with 65K users in this manner and it works, but there is a lot of wasted cpu on the inbound and outbound mail servers. where the dovecot servers are doing most of the work.

Another solution would be to combine the dovecot and inbound postfix servers to run dovecot as the local transport agent for postfix with LMTP, giving us quota and sieve capability.

The last solution is to run all three services on the same machine, giving us a single server image that we can clone on demand when we need to add more performance.

The single server, all three services, solution seems to be the simplest to build and manage, but putting all your eggs in one basket like that concerns us. What if there is a sudden influx of mail from our filtering platform, and it slows down all the other processes? What if the NFS server becomes disconnected from the network and the load average on each server skyrockets killing the ability for outbound mail to flow (where a separate outbound mail server would continue running despite this issue)?

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Server :: Postfix+dovecot Closed Community Setup?

May 22, 2010

I have a Postfix+Dovecot and virtual users setup taken from here. I've got virtual users authenticating using a password file. But I'd like to lock the service down further, so authenticated users can only email other authenticated users (those listed in the same password file) - so it's a closed community. I don't seem to be able to stop authenticated users mailing outside the community.

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Server :: Real Time Postfix & Dovecot Monitor

Jun 5, 2009

Is there any application (preferrably web) that can monitor in real time what is going on in my mail server?

Who is sending to who
Who is receiving
List of incoming/sent mail
Dovecot mailbox size
Monitor postfix queue

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Server :: TLS / SASL Authentication - Dovecot And Postfix - Does Config

Oct 14, 2010

I am running the following on CentOS 5.5 (Final)

dovecot 1.0.7
saslauthd 2.1.22

When I send an email via TLS I see the following log entries.

Oct 14 11:53:06 ns2 postfix/smtpd[11372]: connect from unknown[]
Oct 14 11:53:06 ns2 postfix/smtpd[11372]: setting up TLS connection from unknown[]

What I'm really curious about is there is an intial TLS connection with a 256 bit cipher, but then.. The last entry states "sasl_method=PLAIN" - so surely this is not encrypted? Or am I misunderstanding how it works?

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Software :: Debian + Postfix + Dovecot Find Old Accounts?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using mbox storing for dovecot 1.0.15 messages. The mailbox is in a different partition (/var/mail).The MTA is postfix 2.5.5. SO is Debian 5. How can I find email accounts that haven't be accessed within a 30 days period in order to delete them?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dovecot/Postfix Cannot Receive Email Via Client?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a very basic install of dovecot and postfix on the latest version of Ubuntu server. This is an internal only email server with internal only DNS. I can send email via clients and check said emails via the command line when logged in as the appropriate user. I cannot for the life of me check said emails via SquirrelMail on the server nor using IMAP clients. I have no idea where to look and I can't find a basic tutorial for the life of me. Where should I start?

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General :: Can't Send/receive Mail Using Postfix/Dovecot On CentOS 5?

Apr 18, 2011

nstalled Postfix + Dovecot + Roundcube on a plain CentOS 5.5 box, let say on "site.com".I cant send or receive emails. When I try to telnet from both localhost and from the outside world, it can not reach the mail server.Testing itself on port 25:

[root@srv-estudio:~]telnet mail.site.com 25
Trying 200.40.xx.xx..


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Server :: Postfix - Dovecot - Postfixadmin And Vacation (auto Response)

Feb 17, 2010

I have a problem concerning the vacation(auto response). I got a mailserver(smtp.mydomain.com), pop3/imap-server(mail.mydomain.com) webserver(www.mydomain.com, with postfixadmin on it). I use Debian 5.0 So it's like this, I receive mail to smtp.mydomain.com, it get checked for spam with amavisd-maia(Maia Mailguard), then delivered to the pop3/imap-server. I'm guessing there's something wrong with my postfix setup. I activate auto response for my account, when I get a mail it says this at smtp.mydomain.com:


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Software :: Postfix With Dovecot On Ubuntu 9.10 Mail Send Error

May 8, 2010

i installed a new server ubuntu server 9.10 with lamp, etc.

after which i followed the following tutorial to setup

Postfix, DoveCot, Squirell


It was working fine till here. After which i installed the spamassain which also got configured perfectly.

I can send only 1 or 2 mails after which i get error

here is my confid file of postfix


# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version
# Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first
# line of that file to be used as the name. The Debian default
# is /etc/mailname.


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CentOS 5 :: Setup A Box With Apache, PHP, MySQL And IRedMail (Postfix/Dovecot)?

Jul 26, 2010

For 3 days now I've been trying to setup a CentOS box with Apache, PHP, MySQL and iRedMail (Postfix/Dovecot) Everything is great apart from Apache, which is returning 403 errors: "You don't have permission to access / on this server.". The apache error_log file says: "[Mon Jul 26 14:02:32 2010] [error] [client x.x.x.x] (13)Permission denied: access to / denied" (I've blanked out my IP). I have no idea what's happening here. Apache works fine until I add my VirtualHost which is:

<VirtualHost mydomainname.com>
DocumentRoot "/home/myuser/public_html"
<Directory "/home/myuser/public_html">
allow from all
Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine On


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configure Sendmail Or Postfix?

Nov 28, 2010

How will I configure sendmail or postfix ,so that I can send mail to external mailclient like to gmail,hotmail etc.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Deal With Mass Postfix Relay And Dovecot Login Attempts

Jul 25, 2011

For about a week now I've been seeing mass attempts to relay through postfix and login to dovecot from the same 2 addresses, none are successful due to how postfix/dovecot are configured and I wouldn't be overly worried but my isp have picked up on it and are nagging at me

What ways do people go about just dropping connection attempts from offending addresses/ranges when stuff like that happens? An ideal thing would be something that detects repeated failed attempts from a host or range and subsequently ignore/ban them, perhaps for a specified length of time, something along the lines of denyhosts and fail2ban for ssh would be great Don't know if there's anything out there or just a plain tried and trusted method anyone might use for stuff like this, if not a hint on the most appropriate way to go about it 'manually' would do

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General :: Setup A Functioning Imap And Pop3 Mail Server Using Dovecot-postfix?

May 4, 2010

I'm somewhat familiar with Linux and became pretty decent at installing and configuring packages in Ubuntu. One of the things I was able to do with my tinkering was set up a functioning imap and pop3 mail server using dovecot-postfix. Now I'm experimenting with Slackware to get the feel of another distro, and I noticed that the mail server packages were already installed. On my client computer they can pick up that I have users configured and my mx record is working.

However it is failing to send mail saying that it is failing to relay the e-mail message and that the server responded 5.7.1 which was a problem that I was having in Ubuntu when first configuring the mail server. The fix was to edit the postfix.conf file and adding the localhost name of my server. Does anybody know of the file that I need to edit to make it possible to relay my messages with both pop3 and imap.

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Ubuntu :: Postfix / Dovecot Config - Send Mail From Iphone Using An Account On Server Doesn't Work

May 15, 2010

the mail server itself will receive mail, that part works. i'm using dovecot imap to grab my mail, that works. but if i try to send mail from my iphone using an account on that server it doesnt work. this is what i see in syslog: May 15 07:14:52 coax postfix/smtpd[1432]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mobile-166-137-139-003.mycingular.net[]: 450 4.1.8 <eppo@customconnexions.com>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from=<eppo@customconnexions.com> to=<xxxxxxx@aol.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

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Fedora Servers :: Configure Email Address Alias Using Regular Expression In Postfix?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to configure virtual alias using regular expression.

For example :

Email send to user.1@example.com and user.2@example.com will deliver to user mailbox.

Email send to user2.1@example.com and user2.2@example.com will deliver to user2 mailbox.

And the numbers or alphabet in between user name and the domain will be vary , I can't just do a normal alias.

I been try to play around with main.cf and the virtual alias table but still not able to get work. So I am not sure is the main.cf didnt configure correctly or the regular expression is not working.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Way To Configure Dovecot For Auto-Reply Out Of Office Messages?

Jul 5, 2011

Does anyone know of a way to configure dovecot for Auto-Reply Out of Office messages? Preferably one that clients can do on their own from their PCs.

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Server :: Basic Postfix And Dovecot Mail Server For A Test Environment?

Sep 16, 2009

I did a a basic install of postfix and dovecot instead of using courier-pop and courier-imap. This is only send and receiving e-mail locally within the test network 10.7.0.X and 10.0.0.X. I used:


my postfix.conf is;

PHP Code:


This is the error when I send an email from a local machine on the 10.0.0.X network.

PHP Code:

Jan 20 17:05:48 testbox postfix/smtpd[2491]: warning: Illegal address syntax from unknown[] in MAIL command: <test@> 

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recover Emails Ubuntu Server Dovecot Postfix

Apr 27, 2010

I tried searching the posts and have come up empty handed. I need to find an email I sent to myself (actually a forward of several other emails) that did not get delivered. Otherwise I need the original emails themselves. I have been using pop with dovecot on my ubuntu server Jaunty machine. I searched the mail logs and found that the reason the message might not have been delivered could be because my permissions were not set to administrator for that user. I changed the permissions and still nothing came back.

I deleted the client mail account on the machine I used that had the messages but I was hoping they might still be somewhere on the server. Any ideas?

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Server :: Can't Download Messages From Mail Server (Dovecot, Postfix)

Sep 29, 2010

I am running Fedora 10, Postfix and Dovecot I recently changed the password of a user using the 'passwd' command. The problem is that the user can no longer receive their email messages in Thunderbird (Authentication Error). However, they can still login using SquirrelMail and get their mail.

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