Software :: Website Designing In WINE Or UI Alike Adobe Or ME?

Dec 3, 2010

When using Linux, like Fedora or Ubuntu, can WINE run Abobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression or is there a program in Linux that has a similar user interface to Adobe or Microsoft? Further, does Amaya or Netbeans have free tutorials, or books or e-books? I need to adjust a Flash template, but things are going wrong with free trials of each, and I am concerned that if I buy the CDs that I may waste my money, as much as $600. I think WINE may run them, but Microsoft need net framework 4.0 and Silverlight, then the trial of Expression lasts 30 days.

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Debian Multimedia :: Outdated Adobe Plugin And Website

Dec 14, 2014

After the upgrade to Iceweasel 31.3, there has been messages popping up saying the browser has detected an outdated plugin and need your approval to run it. Since Debian is known for having old packages, I'd assume it's safe to ignore this message?

On another note, I visited a webpage but cannot load, it was blank. I visit the same website on another browser and it displays correctly. What could be wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Get To Adobe's Website To Report A Bug With 64bit Flash Alpha?

Mar 14, 2010

I know this topic Has been covered pretty extensively, but I am trying to get to adobe's website to report a bug with my 64bit flash alpha, the only problem is that their own website crashes firefox because it is flash-laden. By the way, it will play videos from ...... edit: nvm, can just disable flash plugin in firefox.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Download Adobe Flashplayer From Website?

Aug 24, 2011

Problem #1: My OS is Ubuntu 9.04. Having hard time downloading adobe flashplayer from website.

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Ubuntu :: Install Flashplayer - Found The Package On The Adobe Website - Chosen The Version (9.04+)?

Mar 15, 2010

Probably a stupid question. I want to install flashplayer- found the package on the adobe website- chosen the version (9.04+) and I then get the question 'Choose an application' - to open it with. What do I do now? This prompt simply takes me to file browser. Or is there an easier way to do it?

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General :: Adobe Flash Player Installation Worked Fine - Website Still Complains About An Old

Oct 11, 2010

I am running Mandriva Linux 2010.

It works beautifully.

Now I am running into problems with some websites; they complain the Adobe Flash Player is old.

It suggested downloading.

I obliged to them and downloaded. Everything worked fine.

However, those website still complains about an old Adobe Flash Player.

I just followed the instructions and installed it. Please read the following:

I am doing an online VMware certification course as a part of my education. I can't do it because of this prroblem. It complains about an old Flash Player.

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Fedora :: Adobe Digital Editions In Wine (F11)?

Nov 7, 2009

My local library (you know, the place where they loan you books) started to supply books digitally.

Unfortunately, they only support "Adobe Digital Editions", which again only is supported in Win/Mac

I googled it, and I can see that somebody made it work in "Wine", so I would like to do the same thing.

I installed Wine now (yum install wine) and I got the executable Windows file here: [URL].. how can I proceed further?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Adobe Photoshop CS5 With Wine?

Apr 20, 2011

I am currently trying to install adobe photoshop with wine in my computer. I downloaded a torrent copy and everything is working fine with it.. Just one problem... When it starts to initiates the installer, I begin to have problems. The initializer loads fully, but then, when it's done, the initializer goes but it doesn't bring up an installation screen..

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General :: Adobe Illustrator 10 Crashes In Wine?

Jul 16, 2011

Why does Adobe Illustrator 10 crashes in Wine?

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Software :: Adobe Digital Editions With Wine

Feb 1, 2011

I am using Mandriva 2010.2.I installed Adobe Digital Editions using Wine and the install went fine. I can run adobe digital, and i can download books from my public library ( and they will open in Adobe Digital Editions. My problem is this: I have registered my copy with Adobe but I want to transfer these to my PanDigital Novel (white) and the device doesn't show up in Adobe Dig Editions. It does show up in Dolphin and I can browse the device. But I want to drag a book from Adobe Dig onto the PanDigital device. I am guessing it might be something to do with the way Wine recognizes devices - but being a bit of a newb i could be way off base. I checked winehq and it appears that Dig Editions 1.7 (version i am using) has silver or gold support.

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Software :: Installing Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Using Wine?

Dec 27, 2010

When I run the Acrobat Pro installer, it does its little unpacking thing, takes about 5 minutes to get all the way through, and at 99.something% I get this error:


I've tried several times, always the same result. And it happens even with no other programs running under wine.

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Debian :: Install Adobe Shockwave Player Without The Use Of Wine Or Virtualbox?

Jul 15, 2011

When I try to play this game Red Line Rumble 3 on [URL].gamelanding/redlinerumble3.jsp I get missing plugins. I checked if the plugin is installed on Google Chrome by typing about:plugins it says Shockwave flash but no Shockwave player. I have tried looking for the Shockwave player plugin from Debian packages and the official website but I cannot install it from the official website of the Shockwave player because it is only available for Windows and Mac. [URL]... Is there anyway I can install Adobe Shockwave Player on Linux without the use of Wine or Virtualbox?

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General :: Installed Adobe Flash But Doesn't Show Up In Wine Menu

Jul 18, 2010

I've got wine installed and I've been using it for a while, but I just installed adobe flash but it doesn't show up in my wine menu. I know where I can find it in My Programs I just don't know where that is. Where is the virtual C: drive in wine located?

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Server :: Distributed File Storage With RAID5 Alike Features?

Oct 6, 2009

is there a way to set-up a file system, where you have multiple nodes (PC's) linked to one storage pool? ZFS seems to support this idea with multiple disks on one node, but could you connect multiple nodes in this manner?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Configuration - Designing Webpages In PHP

Feb 4, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.04, I want to design webpages in PHP for that I installed apache 2 on my machine. I'm using my mobile to connect to the internet when ever the mobile is connected and the wired connection established the server running properly. But when the wired connection disconnected my browser page didn't show the localhost home. How can I configure the apache on my machine.

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Programming :: Designing A Signal Handler With Sigwait In UNIX?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm new to Unix and every signal handler algorithm I've seen is more or less a copy of what I'm trying to do.[URL] designing a signal handler with sigwait in UNIX?

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Software :: Removing Adobe Acrobat Reader Installed From Adobe's Binary

May 7, 2011

On a Debian system, I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader using the Linux binary (AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin) downloaded from Adobe's website. I realized there's a way to install it from a Debian package as opposed to Adobe's binary (and be able to keep up better with security updates), so I want to remove Adobe's version and install the Debian package. What's the right way to uninstall Reader when it was installed this way?

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Error "Adobe AIR Could Not Be Installed. Install Either Gnome Keyring Or KDE KWallet Before Installing Adobe AIR"

Jul 4, 2011

I downloaded Adobe Air, both the rpm and the .bin versions. First I tried the rpm, it went through the motions of installing but just disappeared. then I tied the .bin, got tot the installer, accepted the license, entered my root password, but it stopped installing with "an error occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR". I opened Kwallet and tried again, but to no avail. I am running OS11.4 64 bit. What can I do to get this thing working?

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall / Purge Wine And Any Wine Installed Windows Programs

Apr 15, 2011

How can I uninstall / purge wine and any wine installed windows programs?I've tried deleting .wine (hidden folder)but in /usr/bin/ there are a number of wine related files.And wine sub menu still appears in Applications menu

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Server :: Install Wine On Rhel 5 - Send Wine Installtion Command?

May 21, 2010

i want to install wine on rhel 5.plz send me wine installtion command.

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Software :: Wine In Virtualbox \ Distro Which Runs In A Virtual Box An Starts Wine?

Mar 29, 2011

maybe my questions sounds funny: i'm looking for a very small (or better as small as necessary) distro which runs in a virtual box an starts wine.The reason is: we have new laptops in my school runnig windows7 64bit home and we have some software which runs only on WinXP. So why not take a virtualbox wich runs wine to start the old Software?

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General :: WINE GNOME Menus Won't Show Up After Re-install Of WINE?

Dec 18, 2009

Lot of questions about WINE... When I'm done I'm going to make a HOWTO so that others can do what I did It's hard work, but I'm nearly done.The last problem I'm having is the WINE menu on GNOME won't show up after a install of WINE from a .deb package (it usually does). This was after I compiled WINE from source and removed it with "make uninstall" and "rm -rf /.wine".So now I installed the WINE from a deb package and the Wine menu entry is not showing up.I've tried re-installing Wine and rebooting my PC but nothing seems to work.

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Slackware :: 64 Wine Running A Game Results In Wine Crash

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem running a game on a fresh Slackware64 install.

Slack version is 13.37

I've followed alien bobs instructions for a multilib environment from here:[url]

And then used sbopkg to download and compile wine version 1.2.2, which went through just fine.

After that I grabbed cabextract from sbopkg and ran this: wget [url] sh winetricks d3dx9 To get the DX9.

But, when I try to run the game, this is the error I get:


The game it self ran perfectly on the 32 bit version of Slackware, tested with 13.0. So now I think I'm missing some libs or something, but I have no clue which.

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OpenSUSE :: After Applying The Latest Wine Update Mouse Cursor In Wine Windows Is Now Purple/magenta/pink

Oct 19, 2009

I don't know if it's just my system, but after applying the latest Wine update, the mouse cursor in Wine windows is now purple/magenta/pink, whatever. Not a big problem, just annoying. I've looked through the various config files in ~home and /usr/share/wine, and can't find any parameter that might even remotely address this.

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Fedora :: Remove Wine And Wine Installed Program?

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to fedora and installed wine to see if I could get the sony reader software working (required to access sony bookstore from my sony ereader). Well the program did not work though it did create icons on my desktop. wine kept crashing and I said lets just get rid of it. I uninstalled wine via yum remove and nothing appeared to happen so I did rpm -qa |grep wine and saw lots of stuff. So I simply did yum remove wine* and then a rpm -qa |grep wine was empty. however wine is still under applications on my desktop and still has a category for programs--reader. I should also mention that while wine was installed I attempted to remove the reader via the wine uninstalller but a) wine gave a message of a core crash and b) all the uninstaller did was give me the option to reinstall the reader program. so now when I attempt to open an epub it tries with the sony reader software. I know I can just right click to use another program but for now I want wine gone completely from my pc and the sony program gone.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Open Firefox, Some Website Works, On Some Other Website Firefox Says "Connecting To..."?

Apr 18, 2010

I open Firefox, Some Website Works, on some other Website Firefox Says "Connecting to...",but all the Sites I have Tested working on my Windows 7.

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Fedora :: "A Windows 16/32/64 Bit Emulator" But Wine Stands For Wine Is Not An Emulator

Jan 11, 2011

I opened KPackageKit in my new Fedora system. I want to get wine. The description says "A Windows 16/32/64 bit emulator". But wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.

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OpenSUSE :: Adobe Air Will Not Install On 11.4

May 27, 2011

I'm in the unfortunate position that I have to run an app that is written in Adobe Air. Worked fine on opensuse11.1, but not on 11.4. It complains about kwallet or gnome-keyring, which I've installed.

linux-8il4:/home/mortenb/Downloads # rpm -Uvh adobeair.i386.rpm
warning: adobeair.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID f6777c67: NOKEY
Preparing... [100%]

Running 32-bit AIR on 64-bit systems has not been fully tested. However, 32-bit AIR is expected to run on 64-bit systems if they have the required 32-bit libraries and packages installed. The following links describe how to install or update AIR 2.6 on 64-bit versions of Ubuntu 9.10, Fedora Core 12 and OpenSuse 11.2. Installing Adobe AIR 2.6 on 64-bit Linux visit Install Adobe AIR 2 on 64-bit Linux distributions. Updating to Adobe AIR 2.6 on 64-bit Linux visit Install Adobe AIR 2 on 64-bit Linux distributions Adobe AIR could not be installed. Either gnome-keyring or Kwallet must be installed prior to installing Adobe AIR.

error: %pre(adobeair-2.6.0-19140.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping adobeair-2.6.0-19140
linux-8il4:/home/mortenb/Downloads # rpm -qa | grep kwallet
linux-8il4:/home/mortenb/Downloads # rpm -qa | grep gnome-keyring

linux-8il4:/home/mortenb/Downloads # rpm -pqi adobeair.i386.rpm
warning: adobeair.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID f6777c67: NOKEY
Name : adobeair Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version : 2.6.0 Vendor: Adobe Systems, Incorporated
Release : 19140 Build Date: Wed Apr 13 02:33:26 2011
Install Date: (not installed) Build Host: localhost.localdomain
Group : Applications Source RPM: adobeair-2.6.0-19140.src.rpm
Size : 46265024 License: Commercial
Signature : DSA/SHA1, Wed Apr 13 19:03:33 2011, Key ID 3a69bd24f6777c67
Packager : Adobe Systems, Incorporated
URL : Adobe
Summary : Adobe AIR
Description :
Adobe AIR 2
Distribution: (none)

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