Ubuntu :: Where Does Gnome Keep Its Bookmarks?

Apr 30, 2010

I just did a fresh install of lucid, and I'd like to transfer over all my bookmarks from karmic (sitting on another partition). Where are they stored?

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Ubuntu :: Importing Bookmarks From 10.04 To 11.04

May 14, 2011

I've upgraded from 10.04 to 11.04, in the process I did not get bookmarks saved. I've have since gone into the 'old' file system and have now gotten the old bookmarks.html file into the 11.04 file system. How do I get them imported into Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Add Bookmarks In Pdf File?

Jun 5, 2011

I wonder if there is a pdf reader in Ubuntu 11.04 that can add bookmarks/annotations. I have some reference/dictionary books and I want to mark the pages that I use a lot, so I don't have to look it up in the index pages every time.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Bookmarks From 9.04 To 9.10 Install

Jan 26, 2010

When I try to restore my 9.04 bookmarks to my 9.10 install it get a "Unable to process the backup file" error message. I changed my group to root but it didn't help. I just changed the permissions of the file and it still doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Syncing Bookmarks With 2 Computers?

Feb 9, 2010

I've got a desktop in my bedroom, and a laptop that I carry everywhere else. I have a tendancy of bookmarking many pages, and sorting them every week or three. sync bookmarks between the two?

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Ubuntu :: Where Bookmarks Are Saved On Computer

May 28, 2010

Where my Bookmarks are saved on my computer?

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Ubuntu One :: Bookmarks Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Sep 18, 2010

I just installed the Firefox add-on to sync my bookmarks between two machines, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there another step I need to take besides checking the bookmark option and installing the Firefox add-on?

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Ubuntu :: Places Bookmarks Keep Resetting?

Oct 19, 2010

A simple and small problem but annoying all the same...I don't like having the downloads/pictures etc bookmarks in the places menu so I remove them but every time I restart my machine they come back.

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Ubuntu One :: Getting Errors Pulling Bookmarks / What's Up?

Jan 1, 2011

I'm getting a lot of stuff like this in ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log (below). Can someone tell me what's up with this??

(Also, an unrelated question, I have some bookmarks that are "read only". They are produced by a firefox extension that saves some information in the unsorted bookmarks. I have set the folder to r/w, but am wondering what u1 would do if I had not - both when pulling the bookmarks up to the server and when pushing them back down.) code...

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Ubuntu :: Re-arrange The Bookmarks In PcmanFM??

Jan 20, 2011

how to re-arrange the bookmarks in pcmanFM? It is a file manager.

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Ubuntu One :: Bookmarks And Tomboy Not Syncing, 11.04?

May 21, 2011

I've used Ubuntu one for file syncing on my work and home computer (started on 10.10 only recently upgraded to 11.04, work is XP) and while it seems a tad slow in syncing it worked okay. Though I've used alternatives because they seem more responsive.

Well I've recently upgraded to 11.04 on my comp at home and installed 11.04 on my lappy (new install). Both are 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Thought I'd start using the other sync features and see how it fairs.

Well files appear to be okay (though I haven't tested it thoroughly yet), but I cannot get firefox bookmarks or tomboy to sync at all. I've searched through the forums but it appears to be only comments about it not working, I've yet to see anyone with a solution. I've checked out .cache/ubuntuone/log and all the syncdeamon exception logs are empty. I also just threw a file into the Ubuntu One folder and it synced damn fast. so it appears the only issues is with the bookmarks and notes.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Transfer Bookmarks To 11.04

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying out the latest Ubuntu and I'm having trouble transferring my bookmarks from my old hard drive. I saved the HTML file , but when I go to import the bookmarks to the new hard drive I don't see an option to import the bookmarks when I launch firefox and open the bookmarks tab. My bookmarks tab doesn't have a manage bookmarks option. can someone tell me how to transfer them ?

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Ubuntu One :: Sharing Bookmarks And Documents?

Sep 1, 2011

I have two Ubuntu Lucid Lynx computers, and I want to share files between them. Whenever I need some file, it's in the another computer. So what I want? I want that my PC's synchronize the files together: When I create a new bookmark (in Chrome) on computer X, it will appear in the computer Y's browser. I also have Documents-folder on both computers. When I put something in that folder I want it to be shown on the other computer's Documents-folder.

Is this possible with Ubuntu One?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 4.01 On Natty Bookmarks

Jun 20, 2011

I have just installed Natty and I need to move my Bookmarks from old laptop with Karmic9.10 To new install. Where are the bookmarks or how can I install them I have got the backup file "json" format but I cant find where to put it or how to install it.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Bookmarks And History Not Accessible

Jan 11, 2010

My firefox bookmark and history is not accessible, instead a message is shown at the top of firefox window. The message reads:
Browser Startup Error
The bookmarks and history system will not be functional because one of Firefox's files is in use by another application. Some security software can cause this problem. And it links to this mozilla page. How to find the error?

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Ubuntu :: Bookmarks Randomly Disappear In Nautilus?

Jan 18, 2010

Does anyone else have this issue? Sometimes, one of my bookmarks (Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos) will randomly disappear from the list in Nautilus, and it seems to also affect the Places menu and Thunar as well. The directories are obviously still there, but the bookmarks randomly disappear!

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Ubuntu :: Moving Bookmarks In Firefox Causes To Freeze?

Feb 6, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop computer which runs a Core 2 Duo at 3.2ghz and I have 2 gig of RAM. I have installed all the latest Ubuntu updates.

In Firefox, I have about 70 bookmarks in the bookmarks toolbar. Obviously the bar can't show 70 so most of them are in the dropdown section of the bar on the right. When I add a new bookmark, Firefox adds it to the end of the dropdown. Sometimes I want them to be closer to the top so I scroll down, click and drag it up closer to the top. In Firefox under Windows this works fine. However in Firefox under Ubuntu, as soon as I start to drag it up Firefox turns gray and Ubuntu totally locks up. Everything in Ubuntu freezes. The main bar at the top stays color, only Firefox turns gray. I tried clicking around but it's frozen. I tried pressing Esc, ctrl-alt-delete, and a number of other keys but noting will unfreeze Ubuntu. I have to physically turn off my computer and reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Infinite Bookmarks On Menu Panel?

Aug 2, 2010

Last week I dropped my keyboard, came back about an hour later, and without realizing the keyboard was on the ground hitting a random button I went to add a bookmark to my menu panel(I think that's what it's called). An unknown amount of the selected bookmark then posted to my menu panel and now i am not even able to select my Applications, Places, or System options without the bookmarked task opening. Is there anyway of clearing out that entire menu panel and having a fresh start?

EDIT: All I did was delete the .gtk-bookmarks file and restart the computer. There were still alot of theme on the panel but i was able to delete them and everything returned to normal.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Infinitely Replicating Bookmarks?

Aug 3, 2010

So I was playing RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 in a WINE Virtual Desktop when I went to check my email. I launched Firefox and suddenly my bookmarks started to replicate and haven't stopped. I've recorded this happening. Link here: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 3.6.8 Bookmarks To Desktop Error

Aug 30, 2010

I have had 2 people ask me about this lately so I thought I would try it. They want to take a bookmark for a site and put it on their desktop. Seems easy enough - just drag the bookmark to the desktop. It works in chrome but when I tried it on 2 different pc's I get the same error:
Error while copying
There was an error getting information about ""
Automount failed: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered
I could just have them use chromium-browser I guess.

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Ubuntu :: Copy Firefox Bookmarks To New Install?

Sep 26, 2010

just loaded 10.04 to second hard drive and was wondering if i can copy my bookmarks to the new disk .

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Bookmarks Import/export?

Oct 15, 2010

how I'd go about copying all my FTP and Directory bookmarks from my main PC to my laptop?I'm assuming it's just as simple as copying a file list from somewhere, as root (Alt F2) but not sure where to look.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Bookmarks In Sopcast Player?

Nov 7, 2010

I currently have sopcast player installed on ubuntu 10.10. any advice on how to remove bookmarks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Import Contacts And Bookmarks

Nov 21, 2010

I have had nothing but trouble, and - judging from the extent of your forums - it looks like I'm not the only one.If this system is so great, why do so many people have so much trouble?

1). How do I import my Contacts, especially if Ubuntu's email program says it can't find my old Outlook?
2) How do I import my bookmarks, again, if Ubuntu's version of Firefox says it can't find any other browser?
3) If I go ahead and install this thing, and then decide it is too much hassle, how hard is it going to be to uninstall it?

I don't mean to be contentious here, but I really don't want to get into something that is only going to substitute one frustration for another, either.

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Ubuntu :: TIP Sync Firefox Bookmarks Between Windows And It

Apr 13, 2011

Tip: Where you have Firefox in both windows and ubuntu it can be useful to synchronise the bookmarks across both browsers. Instead of using Firefox default bookmarks use zotero plugin. Create an account at [URL]Download and install the zotero firefox plugin in both browsers (windows and ubuntu) Use the zotero synchronise feature to sync between windows and ubuntu browsers.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Firefox Bookmarks Onto A Disk?

Apr 16, 2011

I want to backup my firefox bookmarks. Can I put it on a CD? And would it be able to transfer to a different OS or firefox version?

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Ubuntu :: How To Keep Bookmarks Folder Open For Organizing

May 5, 2011

i have hundreds of saved websites in my bookmarks. i'm trying to organize them into folders (one for ..... videos, one for movies, one for news articles, and so on, and each of those folders has sub-categories as well). the problem is when i try to organize the contents of the folders in my bookmarks, my bookmarks closes whenever i drag website into a folder inside of a folder.

for example, i can save a website and drag it to my "videos" folder in bookmarks no problem. the problem is, when i save a website and drag it to a folder inside of a folder (bookmarks -> videos -> music videos -> rock) the bookmarks closes. it's a real nuisance because it's making it take a really long time to organize my bookmarks. how can i keep bookmarks from closing whenever i drag a website into a folder inside of a folder.

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Ubuntu :: How To Save / Transfer SeaMonkey Bookmarks

Feb 6, 2009

I'm very glad that you informed me about my need to download the bulk of Ubuntu's new version through my slow dial-up connection. As a result I ordered the Ubuntu DVD from on-disk because I did not take a liking to Xubuntu; although it's chess game checkmated me in about six or seven moves.

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Software :: FF Bookmarks Not Being Saved?

Jan 17, 2009

When I try storing bookmarks or bookmark folders it doesn't work.What the problem is is;they store for that very session, but when I restart, close, or re-open FF no bookmark /folders are saved anymore.I don't know if it's anything to do with write-permissions to the folders or anything but I still am not very used to ubuntu so don't really know what I'm doing very well.

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Ubuntu One :: Cannot Delete Bookmarks - Bindwood Sends Them Back

Jan 24, 2010

The only problem is I'm having trouble with Bindwood, the bookmark synchronising program. I'm on 9.10 and using firefox and whenever I try and delete a bookmark it just appears in my bookmarks next time I restart firefox.

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