Software :: Use CLI To Swap Names In A File?
Feb 25, 2010
I have a csv file of my students' names, but they're listed in the Asian order (last name, first name) and I need to list them in English order (first name, last name).
I know I can use something like awk, but that's usually substituting one thing for another. How can I get it to modify the names in a column in a csv file and swap the order? code...
I would want to switch "Tanaka Hiroto" to read "Hiroto Tanaka". There's about 500-600 names in the list, so doing this using CLI would save a lot of time.
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Mar 20, 2011
Does one need to Check the Swap filesystem, from time to time
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Aug 16, 2010
RAM for older machines like I use is fairly cheap these days. But flash memory is just as cheap or cheaper. So I'd like to ask about the feasibility of expanding my system's memory using flash memory. And about whether creating a partition for swap on the flash memory, or whether a swap file on the flash device, is the better way to go.
By flash memory I have in mind mainly USB sticks or what are sometimes called "pen drives." But I do also have CF and SD cards that, with the proper cheap adapter (one of which I already own for adapting CF) could be used to create extra swap space. So, what is the current consensus on the feasibility/advisability of using flash memory for swap? I've read about the limited write cycles of flash being an argument against using it for swap. But recent reading indicates to me that the limited write cycles problem applies mostly to older, smaller-capacity flash memory. Some will come out and say that, for larger-capacity flash memory, the life of the device is likely to exceed the amount of time your current computer will be useful (I think I've seen estimates in the range of 3-4 years life--minimum--for newer, higher-capacity flash memory).
A more persuasive argument I've heard against using flash memory for swap is that access times for these devices can be much slower than SATA, and maybe even IDE, hard drives. That would certainly dictate against using flash memory for swap.
So, how about some input on this issue? Anyone using flash memory for swap? If so, what kind (e.g., usb stick or SD/CF)? Are you using a swap file or a swap partition? How's system performance? Likewise, has anyone had flash-memory-used-as-swap die on them? The consequences would undoubtedly be dire. Also, has anyone measured flash memory access times to confirm or refute claims about slow access times? Are some types of flash memory better/worse than others in terms of access times?
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May 22, 2010
I am looking for an application that will read the file names in a folder and generate a comma delimited file. I want then to import the comma delimited file contests to a spread sheet such as open office.I hava a number of PDF files generated from a scanner, each file with its own scaner generated file name. I want to put these into a data base so I can add the title and other reference information to provide a data base.
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May 8, 2011
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11 and a few days later my ecryptfs filesystem began misbehaving in a weird way. In my home directory, many subdirectory names are duplicated verbatim. Here's an ls -F excerpt:
I can no longer access files in those directories (if I ls the directory, it appears empty; I can cd to it, but there's nothing inside). Not all of the directories are duplicated/damaged like this, but most are. A few non-directory files are also duplicated in this fashion, so for example:
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May 11, 2011
I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.
Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?
something like: -printfunction -printername < file*
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Nov 16, 2010
In case that NFS client of fedora is set to cache nfs file handle, where is the cache stored such as /var/lib/nfs?If it's stored in memory instead of directory tree, what command can I know the combination of file names and file handles with?OS in my test environment: Fedora Core 6
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a considerable number of files in a subdirectory (some fascinating old military clips from - search on Big Picture if interested). Anyhow, I am downloading them using Internet Download Manager running in an XP virtual machine in VMWare on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC (due to the queuing, restart and speed capabilities of IDM). But I digress - the files are being saved on the host (Samba share) without a file extension. So I have a collection of files with names like
The Douglas MacArthur Story
I wish to add the extension ".mp4" In Windows this is simply done with the command
rename *. *.mp4
This of course does not work in Linux. I have researched the Linux rename command and reviewed a lot of examples. However, I have not found a way to add an extension to a batch of files which are named with no extension to start with. The spaces in the file names also seem to present an issue. At the moment I am renaming them from the Windows VM while they are sitting on the Samba share using the ancient File Manager program from Windows NT which works great on XP. I have experimented with the file rename facility in Gnome Commander however, it does not seem to want to do something so simple.
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Apr 4, 2011
I use the command line frequently to navigate my files so I try not to have spaces in file names. Typically I have used an underscore to connect words but it was recently suggested that I should use a dash. Are there any disadvantages to using an underscore in file names?Should I switch to a dash? My system is running Xubuntu and I almost exclusively use the bash shell.
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Apr 24, 2011
I would like to use the command line to compare two directories against each other. I have two folders called music collection that have evolved over the last year on two separate computers. 90% of the two folders are the same, but there are small differences. I would like a solution that will print out all the differences so I can analyze them and choose what I want to do with them, before merging the two folders. for example.I would like some kind of output that shows the differences and where its located.
comparing MusicCollection1 and MusicCollection2
dif1.mp3 located in MC1/folder1 (this one I might want to keep and merge over)
dif2.mp3 located in MC2/folder3 (while this one I might realize does not exist in both folders because I deleted it for a reason)
I've looked at sort, uniq, and even tried scripting my own solution, but haven't come up with an elegant solution thus far. Its important that it is recursive because there are about 15 folders in Music collection and more folders under those 15.
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Jul 17, 2011
I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 (no desktop installed). I'm wondering how I install the necessary support for Japanese text because I have numerous files with Japanese file names and they all show up as garble. I would also like Icecast to broadcast the proper song names with Japanese characters.
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Feb 20, 2010
I am running gentoo openbox(rox file manager and desktop) I installed Digikam and Amarok. But I have problems with files which include special character in their names(such as �,�, �,ğ... ) The files are shown with strange and weird characters in the file dialogs of Digikam and Amarok.
I don't have this problem in other applications. I can create files with special character included. I think some settings do not agree with KDE4. How can I solve this problem? Does anyone have an idea? I also installed KDE systemsettings program but could not find a relevant config option for character encoding.
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Jul 21, 2011
what is the file and path name of the configuration file to which you would add to the AllowUsers charlie linus lucy?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a number of files:FooBlahhFooI only want to be able to grep for names in a file that contain Foo and not BlahhFoo. However I am not able to pull only those files away. How can this bee done. My grep/zgrep knowledge only goes this far at this point. I'm still learning but I'm stuck on how to make my arguments more precise zgrep 'Foo' SomeFileIMade.gz > /home/user/FOOFILE
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a laptop that I am in through SSH. The laptop does not have an Xwindow system so I am using the program fbi to open an image on my laptop screen from my SSH connection:
fbi -T 8 picture.jpg #this opens the image on the laptops tty8 terminal
I've found that making a for loop does not work with files that contain a space in the name. Something to due with a bug that they call a "feature" that stops the first variable at the first whitespace.
Using a "while" loop is not exactly what i require either seeing as I want to be able to view each image in the directory on screen and tag it accordingly, before it jumps off to the next image, and I'm not sure how to add a pause to a while loop.
How do I make a Bash script and loop Variables handle files like "files that contain spaces.jpg"
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Apr 22, 2010
I am writing a script that involves reading the content of a file present in a directory and/or its sub directory. I know readdir returns all the files & DIR names in a directory but how to check weather readdir is returning a file or a directory
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Dec 2, 2010
I need to make an ISO9660 file from a directory, but some of the files have names that are logner than 37 characters. I could not find a way to get the long names preserved.
I've tried various ways but in vain. "genisoimage -J -R -U -max-iso9660-names -o tst.iso cdroot" gets most close to the end, but not close enough!
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Dec 1, 2009
I recently installed the F12, but it cannot correctly show the Chinese file and directory names on a Windows partition with a fat32 file system. What shall I do?
The disk partition is mounted as
UUID=471D-E212 /mnt/d vfat umask=0022,uid=xxx,gid=xxx 0 0
in the /etc/fstab.
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Jul 19, 2010
How do you install a Chinese character set on the computer so that I can read Chinese file names?
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Oct 18, 2010
and how to list all files in a directory including full path, owner, group and permissions for each file
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Sep 23, 2010
I have bash script for converting files. I have a problem. If file name is "corrupted" then mv command for that file will not work. For example file with "-" in front of the name.
Is there a way to check if in some folder (subfolder) all the files have correct file names or they don't?
If they are all correct -> OK proceed with execution of the script!
If they are not all correct -> NOT OK stop with execution of the script!
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Jan 9, 2010
I use amarok 2 and I have a lot of files that are titled "Track #.mp3", in Amarok I have changed them to see as the real songs but the actual files are still the same. Is there a way to change the actual file names using amarok to match the tags I have inside of amarok? The reason why I'd want to do this:
1. If my home folder becomes corrupt I don't have to redo 100's of songs (I have a backup but none the less
2. If I ever decide to use another program or if I'm in W7 using Windows Media Player classic it'd be nice to have it recognize the correct files without having to double up on the tag editing
If this isn't possible I'm going to wishlist it because I think it's functional and having a bunch of Track# files is a pain but impossible to get around when you have a lot of mix cd's.
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Jan 11, 2011
I often get files with many spaces as part of their names. I would like to automatically replace these spaces with underscores, but otherwise not change the file name. Is there a way to do this task with just the bash shell?
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a problem with file names changes. I have a hundred of file with same names and different subdirectories. I want to change that file names by their subdirectery names.
Currently is:
file name------------------------subdirectory name
1_km_16_days_EVI_s2_01200_01200.img --> MOD13A2.A2000049.h23v03.005.dir
1_km_16_days_EVI_s2_01200_01200.img --> MOD13A2.A2000065.h23v03.005.dir
1_km_16_days_EVI_s2_01200_01200.img --> MOD13A2.A2000081.h23v03.005.dir
I want to
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Nov 22, 2010
I'm hoping that someone can help me, I need to remove spaces (not replace with underscores) from several thousand files on a system with cygwin.
Can I do this from the shell using rename or mv somehow?
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Nov 20, 2010
How can we do a simple match by regular expressions on two filenames. I plan to use it in the command 'find -regex'
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Nov 26, 2010
Kernel, Slackware 12.0
As a result of having mixed files from different filesystems, I have, in directory foo/, files with filenames in uppercase and files with filenames in lowercase. If I want to convert them to all uppercase how do I do it? Consider this will be later recorded into optical discs.
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Jul 23, 2009
Picture the following:On computer A, local user John (and John alone) has rwx access to file1.txtComputer B also has a local user account named John. If file1.txt was to be copied from computer A to computer B, would the user account John on computer B be able to access it?I guess this wouldn't work using two windows computers due to the User name / GUID relationship. Maybe linux has something similar?
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Jul 7, 2009
What I am trying to do is log IP Address, MAC Address and the host name for records. So I can have a record of what PC got which IP address and when they got it. So far my search has yielded no results. It would not be that big of a deal as I could always look at the dhcp file, but it is generated dynamically (3rd party application using RADIUS and each user gets a host).
subnet 208.x.x.0 netmask {
option routers 208.x.x.1;
option subnet-mask;
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Feb 14, 2011
Im writing my first bash script. Its function is to move files to the trash can and write a log file in the same format that the system does to allow for file restoration. The problem is that in bash, everything works fine, but in the OpenBox window session, the files are named after the source directory, not the original name. Heres the script:
# trash - Script to move file or folder to the trash can and create a log file
##### Functions #####
err_output () # Writes error message {
echo "$0: cannot stat `$1': No such file or directory"
exit 1 } >&2
write_log_numbered ()
# Writes log entry for numbered files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
write_log_unique () # Writes log entry for unique files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
} make_paths () # Makes necessary folders {
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/files
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/info
##### Main #####
DEST=$(dirname ~/.local/share/Trash/files/filename)
[ -e "$SOURCE" ] || err_output "$SOURCE"
[ -d "$DEST" ] || err_output "$DEST"
FILE="$(basename "$SOURCE")"
if [ -e "${DEST}/${FILE}" ]; then
max=0 DIR="$(pwd)" cd "$DEST"
shopt -s nullglob for backup in "${FILE}."; do
if [[ "$nr" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
if (( nr>max )); then
max="$nr" fi
cd "$DIR"
max=$(( max + 1 ))
mv -- "$SOURCE" "${DEST}/${FILE}.$max"
mv -- "$SOURCE" "$DEST/${FILE}"
So I run the script with the test file "Junk". In bash, it moves over and its named correctly.
~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls
file file.1 Files Files.1 Junk
The log file is also named correctly
~/.local/share/Trash/info$ ls
file.1.trashinfo Files.1.trashinfo Files.trashinfo file.trashinfo Junk.trashinfo
But, when I go to view the trash can in the file manager in Openbox, the file is called "Testing" which is the name of the source directory. However, if I go to the trashcan via its full path (going to .local/, then share/) all the files are named correctly. Whats going on here? Is there some way to get the trash can to read the correct file name?
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