Programming :: Bash File Names With Spaces?

Jul 24, 2010

I have a laptop that I am in through SSH. The laptop does not have an Xwindow system so I am using the program fbi to open an image on my laptop screen from my SSH connection:

fbi -T 8 picture.jpg #this opens the image on the laptops tty8 terminal

I've found that making a for loop does not work with files that contain a space in the name. Something to due with a bug that they call a "feature" that stops the first variable at the first whitespace.

Using a "while" loop is not exactly what i require either seeing as I want to be able to view each image in the directory on screen and tag it accordingly, before it jumps off to the next image, and I'm not sure how to add a pause to a while loop.

How do I make a Bash script and loop Variables handle files like "files that contain spaces.jpg"

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Programming :: Handle Files With Spaces In Their Names In Bash?

Apr 1, 2011

*I'm using Ubuntu 10.10

My issue is I can't handle the files with spaces in their name, I've donde the below script to print each file found inside folder and subbfolders with "find".

I would like to "ls" to each file found with its complete path and with its basename too.

files=$(find . -type f)
for each in "$files"
ls -l "$each" # 1rst option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo "$each")" # 2nd option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo $(basename "$each"))" # 1nd option I've tried to list with it basename


How can I list "ls -l" in both cases (with full path and with basename) when there are files with spaces in their name?

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Programming :: Replace Spaces With Underscores In File Names?

Jan 11, 2011

I often get files with many spaces as part of their names. I would like to automatically replace these spaces with underscores, but otherwise not change the file name. Is there a way to do this task with just the bash shell?

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Programming :: Rename File Names : Replace Dots By Spaces, Keep The Extension?

Mar 28, 2011

I am trying to rename a lot of files but need to keep the extension :

the files are films names :


the result should be replacing "." by spaces " "

this command :

for files in *.iso ; do mv "$files" `echo "$files" | tr '.' ' '`; done

put a space also before the extension iso ??

How can I rename files from

"a.b.c.d.iso" to "a b c d.iso"

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Programming :: Bash File Names Different Than Openbox Trash

Feb 14, 2011

Im writing my first bash script. Its function is to move files to the trash can and write a log file in the same format that the system does to allow for file restoration. The problem is that in bash, everything works fine, but in the OpenBox window session, the files are named after the source directory, not the original name. Heres the script:

# trash - Script to move file or folder to the trash can and create a log file
##### Functions #####
err_output () # Writes error message {
echo "$0: cannot stat `$1': No such file or directory"
exit 1 } >&2

write_log_numbered ()
# Writes log entry for numbered files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo

write_log_unique () # Writes log entry for unique files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
} make_paths () # Makes necessary folders {
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/files
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/info

##### Main #####
DEST=$(dirname ~/.local/share/Trash/files/filename)
[ -e "$SOURCE" ] || err_output "$SOURCE"
[ -d "$DEST" ] || err_output "$DEST"
FILE="$(basename "$SOURCE")"

if [ -e "${DEST}/${FILE}" ]; then
max=0 DIR="$(pwd)" cd "$DEST"
shopt -s nullglob for backup in "${FILE}."; do
if [[ "$nr" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
if (( nr>max )); then
max="$nr" fi
cd "$DIR"
max=$(( max + 1 ))
mv -- "$SOURCE" "${DEST}/${FILE}.$max"
mv -- "$SOURCE" "$DEST/${FILE}"

So I run the script with the test file "Junk". In bash, it moves over and its named correctly.
~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls
file file.1 Files Files.1 Junk
The log file is also named correctly

~/.local/share/Trash/info$ ls
file.1.trashinfo Files.1.trashinfo Files.trashinfo file.trashinfo Junk.trashinfo

But, when I go to view the trash can in the file manager in Openbox, the file is called "Testing" which is the name of the source directory. However, if I go to the trashcan via its full path (going to .local/, then share/) all the files are named correctly. Whats going on here? Is there some way to get the trash can to read the correct file name?

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General :: Remove Spaces From Many File Names Under Cygwin?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm hoping that someone can help me, I need to remove spaces (not replace with underscores) from several thousand files on a system with cygwin.
Can I do this from the shell using rename or mv somehow?

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Programming :: Bash Script And Filename Spaces ?

Jan 15, 2010

I have over 50 files names with spaces in them.

I'm trying to use a for loop as such:

However, when I print the $filename in the script, the script prints out parts of the filename because of the spaces in the file name.

For example, say the file name was Star Quest.php

When the script executes one $filename would be Star and another Quest.php.

How could I account for this? Something like $'filename'

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Programming :: BASH Script: Spaces Are Getting Converted To TAB Character?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a BASH shell script with embedded SQL script. The SQL script fetches the data from oracle server and the data contains more than 8 spaces in the value (eg, 28051630 A) and the data is written to flat file using the below syntax:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s ${CONNECT_STRING} >${out_file} <<!!
.. sql query..

The problem is that whenever the data is written to ${out_file} spaces are getting converted to TAB character

eg, 10 spaces (in Oracle) converted to 1 TAB and 2 spaces 7 spaces (in Oracle) converted to 1 TAB and 1 space Also, from above example you can see the width of TAB char is not constant (8 in first example and 6 in second example) Is there any way that I can stop shell script to convert spaces into TAB character as I want the data as it is from Oracle DB (i.e. only spaces not TABs)

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Programming :: Bash - How To Expand Path Variable That Contains Spaces And Wildcards

Feb 15, 2010

having bit of a trouble with path expansion of strings that contain some whitespace and wildcards First my script sources a configuration file that contains array assignments


BACKUP_TARGET_FILES[2]=/boot/config-* # no problems
BACKUP_TARGET_FILES[3]="/root/random dir with space/file*" # this is the problem

then later in the script I want to expand BACKUP_TARGET_FILES elements as below


shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s dotglob


this code seems to work but I'm not quite satisfied with it. I'd like to get rid those IFS changes, but haven't found out a solution as of yet. Problem with default IFS seems to be that with it neither $pattern or "$pattern" work; it either interprets pattern as multiple words (because of spaces) and so expands to wrong paths or it ignores * because it's within quotes.

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Programming :: Bash Script - Does Not Work With Any Paths That Contain Spaces

Jan 25, 2011

Have worked with Linux at home for some time and have wrote the below script.

This script is run when a .torrent file finishes downloading and extracts any .rar files into an extracted directory.

However there are 2 thing that i cannot for the life of me get working.

These are:

1. I need the script to check a txt file to see if the file has been extracted previously.

2. The script does not work with any paths that contain spaces.


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General :: Printing From Bash Shell / Concatenate Files Into One File With File Names Included?

May 11, 2011

I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.

Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?

something like: -printfunction -printername < file*

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Programming :: Getting Directory Names From A Given Path In Bash?

Apr 11, 2009

I am programming in bash and really stuck finding directory names. I have a script to find all the .php files on my / partition which will return the whole path. Is there a way to print directory hierarchy with all those values leaving out the forward slashes.

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Programming :: Bash - Dynamiquely Evaluating Variable Names

May 23, 2011

I'll try to be clear but I think I'm in a mess with my code right now, so it may appear here too

Here is a function. The part I want you to see is the 'eval' sentence.

This works.

It evaluates ${SourceTxt} (which is $1), takes away a part of it and uses it as an array to put data in.

That's alright.


Now, later, I NEED to count the number of elements in the array(s).

So, I try to do something like....

Which gives me the evaluated name ('#txtFields_email_customers[@]' e.g)


Which gives me nothing....

I was wondering if I was reaching the limits of bash in this kind of capabilities, or if there is a.... bash-like solution. I.e. a good solution

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Ubuntu :: Bash - Check If All The File Names Are Correct?

Sep 23, 2010

I have bash script for converting files. I have a problem. If file name is "corrupted" then mv command for that file will not work. For example file with "-" in front of the name.

Is there a way to check if in some folder (subfolder) all the files have correct file names or they don't?

If they are all correct -> OK proceed with execution of the script!

If they are not all correct -> NOT OK stop with execution of the script!

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General :: File Names And Tilde--not For Home Directory--in Bash?

Jun 6, 2011

I understand the tilde (~) at the end of a file displayed in bash is a backup file in the Linux file system. Is there a way to keep these hidden when listing the contents of a directory?

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General :: Shell - Rename A File From Something Without Spaces To Something Containing Spaces?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it possible, in Linux, to rename a file from something without spaces to something containing spaces? I know I can create directories and files with spaces by doing:

mkdir "new dir" and:

touch "new file.txt"

I want to rename files from:

imgp0882.jpg to something like:

20091231 1243 some topic.jpg

And how would it look in a shell script that uses parameters like:

for i in *.jpg do
rename "$i" "$somepath/$mydate $mytime $mytopic$extension"

I'm new to Linux (using PCLinuxOS 2009.2), coming from Windows, and I've written myself a little shell script to download files from my camera and then automatically rename them according to a date-and-topic pattern. As you can guess by now, I'm stuck on the bit about renaming. If you want to see my script, here's a copy. I'm not using jhead for this renaming because that only works with JPEG files but I want a single solution for any media format including videos.

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Ubuntu :: Tomboy Links For Folder Names With Spaces?

Oct 20, 2010

The title should be clear enough. I'm sure its bad practice, but I have loads of folder names with spaces in them. In the terminal I would use the backslash e.g. /home/me/D O C S/More DocumentsBut how do I get Tomboy to recognize the link?

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Programming :: Reading And Writing White Spaces To A File?

Dec 2, 2010

I am trying to read a file character wise and trying to write the same character to another file. In this process, I unable to read and write white spaces successfully to the new file. The script reads the white spaces but while writing the white space is lost. The section of the code, is given below. Please advice how can i read and retain the white space while writing to a new file.


if [ -s f_test.txt ] && [ -f f_test.txt ]; then
echo "File Exists !!"
while read -n1 char; do


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Ubuntu :: Video Thumnailer Not Working On Files With Spaces In Their Names?

May 15, 2011

ffmpegthumbnailer is not working on files with spaces in their names. If i rename the file with no spaces then it creates a thumbnail with no problem.

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Programming :: Read File Names In A Dir And Its Sub Dir In Perl?

Apr 22, 2010

I am writing a script that involves reading the content of a file present in a directory and/or its sub directory. I know readdir returns all the files & DIR names in a directory but how to check weather readdir is returning a file or a directory

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Programming :: Using Key To Match Against Source.txt File To Add Xml Tags To Names In Perl

Jun 21, 2010

Using a list of names (over 4000 of them) painstakingly gleaned from the source file years ago for a database file, I want to match the names against the source file so that they can be updated with the tags <forename></forename> in the original source file.

I placed the list of names in @forenames (only posted a few of them here).

Perl script is:

I am able to get the name bracketed by the tags to appear on the console screen but don't know how to apply the output to the source file. Perhaps I need to do a match on the words then some kind of edit to surround the matching words with the xml tags? I'm a rank novice doing this as a labour of love for a friend.

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Programming :: Script To Remove Single Quote That Begin And End File Names?

Aug 13, 2010

Made the following bash script named trimsquote:



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General :: Bash Command To Remove Spaces

Sep 14, 2010

I am reading the output of /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ATF0/temperature in a program to read my CPU temp. I am using cat like the following:

#cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ATF0/temperature
temperature: 49 C

I basically want to get rid of the spaces in between temperature and the actual temperature. Is there a command I can pipe the cat output to, to remove the spaces. I have seen suggestions for sed, or tr, but for some reason I cannot get them to work properly.

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Debian :: BASH Scripting - How To Use Variables With Filename Spaces

Jun 25, 2015

I am trying to create scripts to move files over from one directory to an ftp server and there is this one file with spaces that bash is see each word as being a file, here is the variable i am trying to use:

Code: Select allLOCL = '/mnt/cifs/"File name with spaces"/'
cd  $LOCL
ls -l

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General :: Bash - Rename Files With Spaces Using System Shell?

Jun 8, 2011

I named a number of files with spaces in them, and I want to replace the space with "_". However, every time I write a command in the shell with the file name (eg "Spring 2011"), the shell doesn't recognize the file or directory. What can I do about this? Is there any way to use the unicode character for a space?

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Programming :: Bash File Comparing - Report How Many Matching Words My Main File ?

Jun 9, 2009

I have been messing with diff and grep for 2 days now without result

I am trying to match a file consisting of words to many separate other wordfiles in a specific directory. one by one.

What i want the script to do is to report how many matching words my main file has with every file in the directory, each in turn


Each of em are plain text files with 1 word per line

Output should be something like:


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Programming :: Bash File Which Requests File Name

Nov 30, 2010

What's the easiest way for me to make a program that requests a file location and then tar balls it. I basically want to start making a simple method of using pv with tar (lzma).

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Software :: Retain Multiple Spaces And Tabs In A File By C-sh File Operation?

Feb 21, 2011

Iam reading a file using C-sh script after manipulating the variables I need to dump into a new file. This in working fine but I couldn't retain the multiple spaces and tabs in a same line. For readability I want to print it back as I read. Now script treating multiple tabs as onl tab or space.

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Fedora :: Make A Script In Which Drag A File (with Spaces In File Name )?

Aug 2, 2011

i am trying to make a script in which i can drag a file (with spaces in file name ) and it will scp the file to another computermy code is

echo "--------------------------------------------"
echo "drag file now"


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Programming :: Bash Awk Column To End Of File?

Sep 4, 2010


ls -lhGg | while read line; do echo "$line"; done | awk ' { print $3" "$6 } '

what i want to do is be able to print column 3 and every column greater then 5. Has to be to the end of the line, since different filenames can have different amounts of words in them and the blank space is the separator. my current code works just fine if the file has no blank space.

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