Ubuntu :: Bash - Check If All The File Names Are Correct?
Sep 23, 2010
I have bash script for converting files. I have a problem. If file name is "corrupted" then mv command for that file will not work. For example file with "-" in front of the name.
Is there a way to check if in some folder (subfolder) all the files have correct file names or they don't?
If they are all correct -> OK proceed with execution of the script!
If they are not all correct -> NOT OK stop with execution of the script!
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Dec 10, 2010
I have been searching for 90 minutes for something that I "think" should be fairly easy. I'm pretty new to Bash Scripting so I could be completely wrong. Then again it may be a weird request to even need something like this. But here it is.I have a script written to convert data from one of our software version to another. The only thing I need to add to it is a "check to make sure the user running the script is in the /tmp directory".
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May 11, 2011
I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.
Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?
something like: -printfunction -printername < file*
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a laptop that I am in through SSH. The laptop does not have an Xwindow system so I am using the program fbi to open an image on my laptop screen from my SSH connection:
fbi -T 8 picture.jpg #this opens the image on the laptops tty8 terminal
I've found that making a for loop does not work with files that contain a space in the name. Something to due with a bug that they call a "feature" that stops the first variable at the first whitespace.
Using a "while" loop is not exactly what i require either seeing as I want to be able to view each image in the directory on screen and tag it accordingly, before it jumps off to the next image, and I'm not sure how to add a pause to a while loop.
How do I make a Bash script and loop Variables handle files like "files that contain spaces.jpg"
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Feb 14, 2011
Im writing my first bash script. Its function is to move files to the trash can and write a log file in the same format that the system does to allow for file restoration. The problem is that in bash, everything works fine, but in the OpenBox window session, the files are named after the source directory, not the original name. Heres the script:
# trash - Script to move file or folder to the trash can and create a log file
##### Functions #####
err_output () # Writes error message {
echo "$0: cannot stat `$1': No such file or directory"
exit 1 } >&2
write_log_numbered ()
# Writes log entry for numbered files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.$max.trashinfo
write_log_unique () # Writes log entry for unique files {
echo "[Trash Info]" > $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "Path="$PWD >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
echo "DeletionDate="`date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"` >> $HOME/.local/share/Trash/info/${FILE}.trashinfo
} make_paths () # Makes necessary folders {
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/files
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash/info
##### Main #####
DEST=$(dirname ~/.local/share/Trash/files/filename)
[ -e "$SOURCE" ] || err_output "$SOURCE"
[ -d "$DEST" ] || err_output "$DEST"
FILE="$(basename "$SOURCE")"
if [ -e "${DEST}/${FILE}" ]; then
max=0 DIR="$(pwd)" cd "$DEST"
shopt -s nullglob for backup in "${FILE}."; do
if [[ "$nr" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
if (( nr>max )); then
max="$nr" fi
cd "$DIR"
max=$(( max + 1 ))
mv -- "$SOURCE" "${DEST}/${FILE}.$max"
mv -- "$SOURCE" "$DEST/${FILE}"
So I run the script with the test file "Junk". In bash, it moves over and its named correctly.
~/.local/share/Trash/files$ ls
file file.1 Files Files.1 Junk
The log file is also named correctly
~/.local/share/Trash/info$ ls
file.1.trashinfo Files.1.trashinfo Files.trashinfo file.trashinfo Junk.trashinfo
But, when I go to view the trash can in the file manager in Openbox, the file is called "Testing" which is the name of the source directory. However, if I go to the trashcan via its full path (going to .local/, then share/) all the files are named correctly. Whats going on here? Is there some way to get the trash can to read the correct file name?
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Jun 6, 2011
I understand the tilde (~) at the end of a file displayed in bash is a backup file in the Linux file system. Is there a way to keep these hidden when listing the contents of a directory?
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Dec 10, 2010
I have been using linux for a bit of time but would still class myself as a noobie. I dont know excatly what I am looking for but I can best describe it in a sanario. I have started creating bash scripts which are looped indefinetly which checks afor files to process. my problem is, is there any way to check if the file is complete, as if the file is large and is being coppied from a different volume the file may still be copying or if the file is being uploaded by a user over samba/nfs, and if the file is still copying the process will most likely fail.
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Aug 1, 2011
So I want to run command through ssh but also run a if check in bash to see ifa file exist. I know that to run ssh commands you do ssh user@server YOURCOMMANDbut if i need to run an if statements, how would this work??
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Oct 6, 2010
This script that I found online does the job it promises. it does convert the files to mp3 without an issue. What I need to include now is an if statement that says If $file.mp3 exists then delete $file.wav
# name of this script: wav2mp3.sh
# wav to mp3
# Credit to the script creator (Nikesh Jauhari):
After that I'm stumped as to how to do the if statement
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May 27, 2010
I am playing around with RH for the first time. I have two applications which insist on using names for network ranges - so they need /etc/networks. I created one on the RH box as suggested via google but the apps still cant see the names (basically they are not reading /etc/networks). What is the correct process to create network names on RH? Basically the equivalent of solaris /etc/networks?
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May 9, 2010
I just dloaded ubuntu 10.04 iso, i used firefox and on the way i had to pause n start for about 5 times, when i burned the iso with brasero and booted from it I got an error, but recently I have burned discs with my burner and they never work. So how do i check if the iso is correct or not
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May 3, 2010
I need to check and see that dbus, udisks and gvfs are running correctly, how can I check them?
I'm running only LXDE on a custom install of Lucid I did and I can't get my usb hard drive to automount properly and I was told by an LXDE developer that I need to check and make sure these three are running ok.
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Jul 12, 2011
Can fedora do bash completion of package names in yum?
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Apr 7, 2011
In my script, and I would like to concatenate 2 variables names, to give me the true variable.I've 3 variables X1, X2 and X3, and I invoked them inside a for loop.
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Apr 11, 2009
I am programming in bash and really stuck finding directory names. I have a script to find all the .php files on my / partition which will return the whole path. Is there a way to print directory hierarchy with all those values leaving out the forward slashes.
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Apr 11, 2011
I have a directory that has a bunch of files and directories under it that I need to correct the filenames of. In fact, I plan on running this as a cronjob to keep checking filenames for certain characters. I want directories and filenames with spaces or pluses (+) to have those certain characters replaced with underscores (_). I know that this will involve sed but I'm not sure what else. A simple shell script would handle it.
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Jul 28, 2011
I've been trying to update Fedora 15 for weeks. I always end up with a transaction error and the update stalls. The error reads: GPG keys listed for RPM Fusion for Fedora Rawhide-free repository are installed but they are not correct for this package. Check that the correct key urls are configured for this repository.
This is far too involved for a linux newbie, I think my only option is to reformat and reinstall. This is so frustrating, there are 250 MB of updates available that I can't access.
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Aug 12, 2011
nested loop in ''Bash-Scripting in Linux'' ?What's wrong with my code:
for x in `seq 0.75 0.01 0.95`
for y in `seq 0.20 0.01 0.40`
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Sep 7, 2011
I'd like to instruct bash to use a special method to perform completion on certain directory names. For example, bash would call a program of mine to perform completion if a path starts with "$$", and perform completion normally otherwise. Is this at all possible? How would you implement it? The goal is to allow autojump to complete paths for all commands when the user starts them with a certain prefix. So for example when copying a file from a far directory, you could type: cp $$patern + <Tab>
and autojump would complete cp /home/user/CompliCatedDireCTOry/long/path/bla/bla and you would just have to add where you want to put the file. Of course I can use ott's comment to add it to a few specific commands
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May 23, 2011
I'll try to be clear but I think I'm in a mess with my code right now, so it may appear here too
Here is a function. The part I want you to see is the 'eval' sentence.
This works.
It evaluates ${SourceTxt} (which is $1), takes away a part of it and uses it as an array to put data in.
That's alright.
Now, later, I NEED to count the number of elements in the array(s).
So, I try to do something like....
Which gives me the evaluated name ('#txtFields_email_customers[@]' e.g)
Which gives me nothing....
I was wondering if I was reaching the limits of bash in this kind of capabilities, or if there is a.... bash-like solution. I.e. a good solution
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Apr 1, 2011
*I'm using Ubuntu 10.10
My issue is I can't handle the files with spaces in their name, I've donde the below script to print each file found inside folder and subbfolders with "find".
I would like to "ls" to each file found with its complete path and with its basename too.
files=$(find . -type f)
for each in "$files"
ls -l "$each" # 1rst option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo "$each")" # 2nd option I've tried to list with full path
ls -l "$(/bin/echo $(basename "$each"))" # 1nd option I've tried to list with it basename
How can I list "ls -l" in both cases (with full path and with basename) when there are files with spaces in their name?
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a very simple bash script:echo -n Create home directory?:
if [ $homedir="y" ] || [ $homedir="yes" ]; then
homeval=" --makehomedir"
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Oct 10, 2010
Any script to categorize folders with similar name into one directory. For example: There are 4 directories named LinuxFedora, LinuxUbuntu, WindowsXP and Windows7. The script should be able to create two folder named Linux and Windows wheree respective directories are moved.
Next example: If there are many folder as below:
DevLys 010
DevLys 010
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Jan 6, 2009
Is there a way to customize bash autocomplete such that it avoids searching for commands? I want it to auto complete file and folder names only!
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May 8, 2011
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11 and a few days later my ecryptfs filesystem began misbehaving in a weird way. In my home directory, many subdirectory names are duplicated verbatim. Here's an ls -F excerpt:
I can no longer access files in those directories (if I ls the directory, it appears empty; I can cd to it, but there's nothing inside). Not all of the directories are duplicated/damaged like this, but most are. A few non-directory files are also duplicated in this fashion, so for example:
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May 22, 2010
I am looking for an application that will read the file names in a folder and generate a comma delimited file. I want then to import the comma delimited file contests to a spread sheet such as open office.I hava a number of PDF files generated from a scanner, each file with its own scaner generated file name. I want to put these into a data base so I can add the title and other reference information to provide a data base.
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Nov 16, 2010
In case that NFS client of fedora is set to cache nfs file handle, where is the cache stored such as /var/lib/nfs?If it's stored in memory instead of directory tree, what command can I know the combination of file names and file handles with?OS in my test environment: Fedora Core 6
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a considerable number of files in a subdirectory (some fascinating old military clips from archive.org - search on Big Picture if interested). Anyhow, I am downloading them using Internet Download Manager running in an XP virtual machine in VMWare on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC (due to the queuing, restart and speed capabilities of IDM). But I digress - the files are being saved on the host (Samba share) without a file extension. So I have a collection of files with names like
The Douglas MacArthur Story
I wish to add the extension ".mp4" In Windows this is simply done with the command
rename *. *.mp4
This of course does not work in Linux. I have researched the Linux rename command and reviewed a lot of examples. However, I have not found a way to add an extension to a batch of files which are named with no extension to start with. The spaces in the file names also seem to present an issue. At the moment I am renaming them from the Windows VM while they are sitting on the Samba share using the ancient File Manager program from Windows NT which works great on XP. I have experimented with the file rename facility in Gnome Commander however, it does not seem to want to do something so simple.
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Jul 14, 2010
I know with if statements in bash you can do
if [ $fruit = apple ]
then echo "Good, I like Apples"
But I was wondering if you could do something like this:
if [apt-cache pkgnames smbfs = smbfs doesn't exist]
the apt-get install smbfs
If so how would you capture the output from apt-cache pkgname smbfs to determine if it's installed?
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Apr 3, 2011
so I wrote a small script that pretty much just takes in two numbers and counts from the first to the second, e.g.
unknown-hacker|544> count.sh 1 3
My problem is I want to make it so that if you input invalid parameters, such as non-numerical characters, more than 2 numbers, etc., you'd get an error message
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