Software :: Unable To Resize Software Raid?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a software raid5 device that spawns across 4 sata drives:

root@transylvania:~ 0 986# cat /proc/mdstat | grep -b 1 md8
md8 : active raid5 sdf1[4] sde1[3] sdd1[1] sdc1[0]


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Server :: How To Resize Software RAID Partitions?

Aug 24, 2009

Googling tells you how to resize RAID partitions but not how to resize the underlying disk partitions. In my particular case, I initially sized a RAID array way too large - and when I added another disk to the array, I decided I was wasting too much space.I shrunk the file system, then "grew" the array (/dev/md2) to the smaller size, and resized the file system again to fit. However the actual disk partitions (/dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, etc.) are still the original size - they are just mostly unused space.As I understand it, the superblocks are at the end of the partition. I believe this means the end of space used by the array on each device, so that the superblock moved to a lower block number when I shrunk the array. However it also means that I need to get the new physical partition size correct to avoid clobbering the superblock.

Is there an easy way to get any partition editor to shrink the physical partitions to the new array size?If not, is the superblock included in the space allocated to the array so that the next partition can start in the very next block, or is it added after the array so I'd need to allow some space for it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Resize Raid Partition - Rebuild /dev/md2 Without Lost Any Datas ?

Jun 15, 2010

I've got 2 hard disk drives of 250GB, with this partitions :

All partitions are with format "linux raid software". I made 3 raid1 with them like that :

I want to clone them to news hdd of 500Gb, to have this partitions :

My problem, how can I resize partitions, before resize the array md2 with the command mdadm --grow /dev/md1 --size=max ?

After, how can I rebuild /dev/md2 without lost any datas ?

I'm using ubuntu-server 10.04 64bits.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Resize Panel?

Sep 21, 2010

I can do height adjustments but not width. My width buttons have disappeared. I have the same problem with the panel that runs up the right side. KDE 4.4.4 11.3

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Resize Window

Jun 19, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and the window for Gnome Color Chooser that I have installed is no longer able to be resized. I can move it around when I do an alt + mouse click, but the window is too big to view all of the options it contains. The normal ability to resize the windows by their corners no longer exists on the program and the keyboard shortcut to resize the window does not work either.

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General :: Unable To Resize Partitions

Apr 22, 2010

I have a dual boot system on my Laptop running Arch Linux and Windows XP. I have the following setup on my Laptop.

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Fedora :: Unable Resize All Windows On F15 And Gnome?

Sep 4, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 on a new laptop and I am using the Genome desktop. There are some applications that will not the allow you to resize the window. Some examples of this are Libre Calc, gnome-tweak-tool and a window in the package installer. In all these cases when you right mouse click on the top of the active window the "Resize ALT-F8" is grayed out and is not selectable.This is real problem when I'm trying to install the Perl-IDE-for-vim package because the list of dependencies is so long the confirm button is off the bottom of the screen and I cannot resize the window to get to it. There is also a similar issue with the tweak tool where some of the field are chopped off because the window is too small. As for Libre Calc I just don't like a window taking up the whole desktop.

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General :: Unable To Resize (enlarge) Partition?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to increase the size of my Linux partition (yellow and highlighted in image), which is situated in an extended partition, along with my biggest partition.

When I try to select the options from any partitioning software (EASUS, Paragon, Gparted) the option to resize is not available (or can't enlarge).

For example in the Paragon Hard Disk Manager, I can't add free space before the partition, even if I first shrink the "G:" partition, then try to enlarge the one with Linux.

Do you know what's happening here? Why am I not allowed to resize the partition?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Resize Gnome Panels / Do That?

Aug 12, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 10.04. as usual, there is two panels, one in top with Applications, etc. menu, and one in bottom with Opened Windows, Show Desktop, etc.

i simply want two resize the bottom panel to have two rows instead of one. but it seems it is locked and is not resizable. i found no way to unlock or resize panels in Gnome Desktop.

i think it should be very easy, but i cant find how.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Resize Embedded Graphics In OpenOffice?

Dec 16, 2010

The document WNIOSEK O WPIS DO KRS has a CORS logo as an embedded graphic in row 2. The document opens in OpenOffice Writer but the logo is visible at the natural size only; as soon as I enlarge/reduce the picture, either by changing the view resolution or resizing the picture, it just disappears. It happens both in Edit mode and in Print PreviewI tried to export the graphic to a separate image but it did not work. There is a command Save graphics in the context-sensitive menu; it is undocumented either in the Customisation dialogue I used that command and the resulting image was blank. Copy/paste to GIMP via the X Clipboard gives the same blank result.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Resize Panel In KDE 4.6.0 - Button Outside Desktop?

Apr 21, 2011

I have connected and used external display 1920x1080After disconnecting the display it looks like panel remained huge size and I can not resize it as panel button is outside of the desktop:You see the same button in the top right corner? I'm missing exact one in the bottom right corner

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General :: Unable To Resize Fedora 12 Lvm Partition With Gparted

Jan 14, 2011

Unable to resize fedora 12 lvm parition with gparted. Need to resize to make room for ubuntu linux on same drive. When the fedora lvm parition is selected gparted says "No lvm support at this time". I am using gparted through the pmagic (partedmagic) linux boot disk. I have almost the lastest pmagic (5.7) there is a pmagic 5.8 on source forge.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Resize Partition With Gparted On Live CD?

Feb 17, 2011

I recently got new hard drives for more space and copied all my old drives onto this one (everything mirrored, no problems)The thing is, when I first setup my Ubuntu, I only allotted like 20GB because of space.Now that I have new hard drives, I wanted to give it more space, roughly double it to 50gb.The problem is, I am unable to resize it.I have booted into the Ubuntu Live CD, and started Gparted. I see all my stuff there, including the unallocated space next to my ubuntu partition (I left it so i could fill it when I expanded the partition)

The problem is, I am unable to make it larger. I right click, click on resize/move, but when I do, it just shows that I'm at my maximum size for that partition, I can only shrink my question is, how in the world can I extend that partition into the unallocated space?I've tried formatting the unallocated space to ext3 to try and merge it, no success.I tried moving my ubuntu partition all the way to the right (end of the disk) so maybe I could extend it to the left, nothing

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Unable To Resize Launcher Icons Or Set To Auto-hide

May 2, 2011

I recently upgraded to 11.04 and I've been tweaking Unity to get the desktop just the way I like it. I've come across two minor problems though:

1. When I tweak the icon size settings in the Unity tab of CCSM, the icons do not change size; they remain at the default "48" setting regardless of what I type in.

2. When I set the Unity launcher to auto-hide (also in the Unity tab of CCSM), it stays at the default "dodge windows" setting.

Are there any workarounds to change these settings when tweaking them in CCSM's interface does not work? (Or is there some trick I don't know to get CCSM to work properly?)

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Manager: Unable To Resize Partition To Use Free Space BEFORE Partitio?

May 29, 2011

I have around 30gb of free space in my partition table immediately before the Linux partition. I want to resize my linux partition to take up this space.

I tried booting with live cd, sucessfully umounted the hard drive but found I could not resize the partition. On clicking the 'edit size' button, partition manager recognised the free space before the partition but when i reduced this, the 'ok' button was greyed out. (it was not greyed out for the windows partition so I could, in theory, increase the windows partition to take up the free space but this is not what i wanted to do).

I am pretty sure that I had managed to unmount the drive correctly as the padlock symbol had dissapeared (I took the attached screenshot, which does show the lock symbol, after rebooting into my normal system).

Anyone got any ideas as to why it wont allow this? There is no reason why i can resize the partition to take up the free space BEFORE it is there?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install On Raid-1?

Jul 19, 2010

I have an old Fedora machine setup to use Raid-1. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop on it, but the installer can't seem to override the raid partition. I have two 80GB drives, but the "Prepare disk space" screen only shows one 80GB partition called "/dev/mapper/isw_dfafhagdgg_RAID_Volume01". When I selected "Erase and use the entire disk", it gives me the error "The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RADI isw_dfafhagdgg_RAID_Volume0 (mirror) failed".

So I tried going back and specifying partitions manually. However, it only shows me the one device /dev/mapper/isw_dfafhagdgg_RAID_Volume01, and I can't delete it to get my original two hard drives, so I can recreate a RAID-1 setup. What am I doing wrong? I thought Ubuntu supported software RAID-1?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Unable To Create RAID 5 Disks

Jun 25, 2010

I've got 3 extra disks on OpenSuse 11.2 - all the same size. I've created a partition on all of them as type 0xFD. If I then try and add raid in yast I get "There are not enough suitable unused devices to create a RAID."

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install On SCSI RAID?

Feb 16, 2010

First off I'd like to say I'm very new to Ubuntu, so I'm still trying to learn.I have a K8 motherboard with an adaptec U320 SCSI card with RAID ability.To that card I connected two 15k RPM 35 GB Maxtor SCSI drives.For some reason I'm not able to install Ubuntu 9.10 onto these drives with both drives in RAID 0.With both drives separately configured Ubuntu doesn't even see them.I have by the way run Windows XP and 2000 succesfully on these drives in Raid 0 configuration.I set up the array in the card's bios as bootable with write cache enabled.The system's bios sees the array as the array to boot from.Ubuntu (both standard and alternate) sees the array and I have tried to install Ubuntu on it by manually partitioning it or having me guide it with or without LVM.I tend to delete and rebuild the array between attempts so I have a clean slate to start from every time I try.

I have no other drives (except the CD of course) installed on this computer.The whole installation goes very well untill the end where I get a message that it could not install the boot loader (grub?).Every single time I've tried to install Ubuntu in all sorts of ways onto my RAID 0 array I have run into problems installing that boot loader, and I've tried that card and those disks in another computer as well.Tomorrow I'd like to try to manually set up the partitions with a small /boot partition on a standard hard drive with / on the array, but if somebody please has any idea's on how I might get it working without having to rely on another hard disk (which might not even work of course)

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Second Hard Drive (Non RAID)

Sep 8, 2010

Installed 2nd hard drive, both drives non raid. Computer recognizes it but unable to boot. Is this a grub problem?

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Hardware :: Installed But Unable To Check Raid Health?

Apr 20, 2010

i have edge server. raid(5) have been installed but not able to check raid health. using command line able to.but using monitoring tool opsview, showing error -NRPE: Unable to read outpumachine Arch- 64 bit centos -5.2
package installed -MegaCli-2.00.15-1.i386.rpm

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Use RAID On Lenny To Squeeze Update

Mar 29, 2010

Have my proxy running on Lenny and tried to upgrade to squeeze. Originally the system was installed on Etch and upgrading to Lenny was no problem. In the system i have two RAID1 volumes, md0 for / and md1 for /home. For upgrading i added the sources to my apt.conf and startet dist-upgrade. During the installation procedure, when installing udev I was advised to install the new kernel first and continue upgrade after booting the kernel. so I installed the kernel by "apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686. When generating initramfs there was a message, that there are no arrays defined in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf I took a look and there were none. mdadm seems to have been update before.

I then added the lines for RAID definition and added the data for UUID The UUID I got from the output of "mdadm --detail /dev/md0"
What I don't understand: blkid gives the same UUIDs for the first partitions of the RAID and a different UUID for /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 than mdadm --detail The update of initramfs for kernel 2.6.32 then gives this result:

update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.32-3-686
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-3-686
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/e100/d102e_ucode.bin for module e100
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin for module e100


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Due To Changed UUID In RAID Array

May 9, 2010

I'm running 64bit Lucid. I've recently had a severe problem with my softraid (5) array, and have had to recreate the array to fix it. However this now means that something is up with GRUB/initramfs, and booting times out while waiting for the root device (md0) to be ready. /boot is on a normal partition, not the raid array itself. A friend of mine has rebuilt my initramfs file with the new UUID, but now I get the message: 'Kernel panic not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (9,0)'.So my question is either how do I sort this error, OR how do I rebuild initramfs/grub in a way that will boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Grub On RAID Array

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to switch to a new RAID5 array but can't get it to boot. My disks:/dev/sda: new RAID member

/dev/sdb: Windows disk
/dev/sdc: new RAID member
/dev/sdd: old disk, currently using /dev/sdd3 as /

The RAID array is /dev/md0, which is comprised of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdc1. I have copied the contents of /dev/sdd3 to /dev/md0, and can mount /dev/md0 and chroot into it. I did this:


sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt/raid
sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/raid/dev
sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/raid/proc


This completes with no errors, and /boot/grub/grub.cfg looks correct[EDIT: No it doesn't. It has root='(md/0)' instead of root='(md0)']. For example, here's the first entry:


### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-25-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linu
x --class gnu --class os {


However, when I try to boot from /dev/sda, I get:


error: file not found
grub rescue>

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Fresh Install On HARDWARE Raid 1

Aug 31, 2010

I am installing Kubuntu AMD64 10.04 on a 500GB Hardware raid1. After the install completes, the computer will try booting, but grub says "No such disk."

The motherboard specs are Here,

I have tried installing to this raid three times, each returning the results mentioned above. Does anyone know what is going on?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Replace Drive In RAID 5 After Filesystem Check Freezes?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm a bit of a Linux newbie, but I did manage to set up the following RAID-5 system:1x 500GB system drive on ATA IDE4x 1TB SATA drives in software RAIDLinux = Fedora 13So here's what happened. I set up the system to send me an email every time the mdadm stat file changed, so it would send me emails when in periodically ran a self-test. I was away and noticed that the self-test was going incredibly slow (usually took 8 hours...was on course for taking 250 days!) A colleague decided to just reboot the system.Afterwards, the system would not boot and, while all 5 drives were connected, would stop at an endlessly scrolling error message of: Code: ata4.01: exception Emask 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0

ata4.01: BMDMA stay 0x64
ata4.01: failed command: READ DMA
ata4.01: (a bunch of hex numbers)


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Server :: Unable To Mount Additional Harddrive From RAID Volume System

Apr 8, 2010

I believe server section is the best when speaking of RAID stuff...

I have the following situation:We have a DELL T3400 with embedded fake raid on it. I dont know exactly how the system was setup (I wasnt here at that time), but the RAID was enabled in bios and while booting, the two harddrives would be seen as members of intel raid volume0 (RAID 1 mirror). I am not sure if the software raid was actually properly configured in Linux (Fedora 9) and if the OS was reconstructing the whole raid or it was just the bios part that was mirroring the /boot or just some parts of it. Frankly I find these hydrid raids very confusing.Some bad disk manipulation from my part caused the server to crash, but I was able to recover and boot just with one hard drive after using fsck.

I decided to get rid of the raid as it's not the right solution for the application we need it for and decided to go for a traditional single harddrive system and to use Ghost for Linux to clone to a spare disk when backups are needed.So I installed the latest Fedora 12 distribution onto another harddrive and disabled RAID in bios (changed from RAID ON to autodetect, which is the only other option).

Here is what I have now:
/dev/sda has the newly installed fedora 12
/dev/sdb is an empty harddrive that I would use as an intermediate
/dev/sdc is the old harddrive member of intel raid volume0

sdb was partitioned into sdb1 sdb2 and sdb3 and I created an ext3 filesystem on sdb2. The hard drive belonging to RAID volume0 (sdc) has a lot of work done on it and I would like to be able to recuperate the files to the new disk (sda). I cannot mount that old harddrive while in fedora 12, as it sees some unknown raid member filesystem on it probably assigned by the intel raid chip.

So I decided to do it from the other side: to boot from raid volume 0, and from there mount a third intermediate harddrive (sdb) onto which I would copy the documents and then mount the same harddrive from the newly installed fedora 12 and copy those documents from that intermediate harddrive.I can mount /dev/sdb2 from fedora 12 fine and copy stuff to and from it, but not when I boot from the RAID volume 0 harddrive (sdc) with fedora 9 on it. It keeps saying that the partition in question (/dev/sdb2) is an invalid block device.I am stuck here, as my knowledge in this sort of things is very limited.If somebody can indicate me how to recuperate files from that old raid harddrive onto the new fedora 12 drive, I would appreciate a lot.

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General :: Unable To Access Intel Fake RAID 1 Array In Fedora 14 After Reboot

Jan 6, 2011

1st I am relatively new to linux (but not to *nix). I have 4 disks assembled in the following intel ahci bios fake raid arrays:

2x320GB RAID1 - used for operating systems md126
2x1TB RAID1 - used for data md125

I have used the raid of size 320GB to install my operating system and the second raid I didn't even select during the installation of Fedora 14. After successful partitioning and installation of Fedora, I tried to make the second array available, it was possible to make it visible in linux with mdadm --assembe --scan , after that I created one maximum size partition and 1 maximum size ext4 filesystem in it. Mounted, and used it. After restart - a few I/O errors during boot regarding md125 + inability to mount the filesystem on it and dropped into repair shell. I commented the filesystem in fstab and it booted. To my surprise, the array was marked as "auto read only":


and the partition in it was not available as device special file in /dev:


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Hardware :: Amd SB750 Raid And 12 Install - Unable To Find Any Suitable Storage Devices

Apr 17, 2010

The intention is to have this system dual-boot. When i first put it together, i decided to setup a raid5 array spanning 3 sata drives. I installed Windows 7 first, decided i'd get to Linux later. I left 150mb or so at the beginning of the array for /boot, and about 200gb at the end for my linux install. i'm getting to the linux install. My distro of choice is Fedora 12. I start the setup, and at the point where it's time to partition, the installer tells me that its unable to find any suitable storage devices.

I Crtl-Alt-F2 to a console, and fdisk -l. Fdisk reports three individual drives which all have partitions already. All have free space. None make sense. So i turned to google, and found some threads which explain that this chip doesn't run a true raid, rather its what's been referred to as fake raid. Which is that it depends on the windows driver in order to actually present the array to the OS, and that the best way to get by that on linux, is to break the array, and use LVM instead.

That's all well and good, but i lose two things in doing that. First i lose the resiliency of raid 5, and second, well, what does that do to my windows install? I've considered moving all of my data from windows to other machines, and then just starting from scratch, but i'd really much prefer a method of using the chips fake raid in linux. Is there a driver, or module which i can install to make this happen?

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Ubuntu :: Mdadm Raid + GRUB = Not Booting - Error: Unsupported RAID Version: 0.91

Jul 18, 2011

I have a raid5 on 10 disk, 750gb and it have worked fine with grub for a long time with ubuntu 10.04 lts. A couple of days ago I added a disk to the raid, growd it and then resized it.. BUT, I started the resize-process on a terminal on another computer, and after some time my girlfriend powered down that computer!
So the resize process cancelled in the middle and i couldn't acess any of the HDDs so I rebooted the server.

Now the problem, the system is not booting up, simple black with a blinking line. Used a rescue CD to boot it up, finised the resize-process and the raid seems to be working fine so I tried to boot normal again. Same problem. Rescue cd, updated grub, got several errors: error: unsupported RAID version: 0.91. I have tried to purge grub, grub-pc, grub commmon, removed /boot/grub and installed grub again. Same problem.

I have tried to erased mbr (# dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1) on sda (ide disk, system), sdb (sata, new raid disk). Same problem. Removed and reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 and is now getting error: no such device: (hdd id). Again tried to reinstall grub on both sda and sdb, no luck. update-grub is still generating error about raid id 0.91 and is back on a blinking line on normal boot. When you'r resizeing a raid MDADM changed the ID from 0.90 to 0.91 to prevent something that happend happened. But since I have completed the resize-process MDADM have indeed changed the ID back to 0.90 on all disks.

I have also tried to follow a howto on a similar problem with a patch on [URL] But I cant compile, various error about dpkg. So my problem is, I cant get grub to work. It just gives me a blinking line and unsupported RAID version: 0.91.

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