Server :: How To Resize Software RAID Partitions?

Aug 24, 2009

Googling tells you how to resize RAID partitions but not how to resize the underlying disk partitions. In my particular case, I initially sized a RAID array way too large - and when I added another disk to the array, I decided I was wasting too much space.I shrunk the file system, then "grew" the array (/dev/md2) to the smaller size, and resized the file system again to fit. However the actual disk partitions (/dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, etc.) are still the original size - they are just mostly unused space.As I understand it, the superblocks are at the end of the partition. I believe this means the end of space used by the array on each device, so that the superblock moved to a lower block number when I shrunk the array. However it also means that I need to get the new physical partition size correct to avoid clobbering the superblock.

Is there an easy way to get any partition editor to shrink the physical partitions to the new array size?If not, is the superblock included in the space allocated to the array so that the next partition can start in the very next block, or is it added after the array so I'd need to allow some space for it?

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Server :: Mdadm: Rebuild A Software Raid From Drives With Existing Partitions?

Apr 24, 2011

Its from a Synology Box with 3 disks, which one is damaged. But this disk wasnt in use.Take a look on the raid-size of 493 GB - and the both available disks with 250GB..)
On the others there were a linear raid. during this damaged disk the synology-device tells me, that the volume was crashed.But it look like, that this disk was not mounted into this volume.Quote:

DiskStation> mdadm --detail /dev/md2
Version : 00.90


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Slackware :: Is It Safe To Resize Slackware Partitions After Removing Mint 10 Partitions?

Feb 17, 2011

I've reached a point in my Slackware journey where I feel confident enough to remove my Mint 10 linux. It used to be my 'go to distro' when I trashed my Slackware installation. Now, I have Slax on a USB and I think that is enough.Mint 10 occupies /dev/sda5 (root) and /dev/sda6 (home) while Slackware occupies /dev/sda7 (root) and /dev/sda8 (home).If I delete the /dev/sda5 & /dev/sda6 partitions, can I very safely resize /dev/sda7 and /dev/sda8 to use the space freed up?

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Ubuntu :: How To Resize Lvm2 Partitions

Jan 7, 2011

I recently installed fedora on my system along with windows in a dual boot unfortunately, the fedora partition is too big and is taking 80% of my disk space. lvm2 volumes are not recognised by windows so i decided to shrink my fedora lvm2 partition and create a new fat32 partition to store common data. i tried gparted from my ubuntu 10.04 CD but it was unable to resize the partition can someone suggest to me a GUI tool which could do the the resizing of an lvm2 partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Resize Partitions

Jun 13, 2011

I'm dual booting Ubuntu with Windows7. Instructions I've found on how to resize partitions tell me to open gparted and shrink things from there. However, I can't seem to do this because:

-I can't expand the windows partition because i first need to shrink the linux partition
-I can't shrink the linux partition because it is mounted
-I can't unmount the linux partition because it is being used.

So how exactly do I expand my Windows partition?

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Debian :: How To Resize Partitions With LVM2?

Feb 20, 2010

Can someone help me understand by giving me the commands I need in order to shrink my "debian-home" logical volume by 10GBs and increase the size of my "debian-root" logical volume by that same 10GB of data? (Everything in that computer is ext4 including the /boot ... physical volume? (I think that's what it's called))I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could just give me the exact or approximate terminal commands that I would need to use. I assure you, I will never forget them

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Resize Partitions Without Use Of A Live Cd?

May 1, 2009

Is it possible? I have a server that's colocated so a live cd isn't really an option. Everything I can find on resizing the partitions has said to use a live cd.

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General :: Resize Partitions Ubuntu 11.04

Jun 1, 2011

I am currently running Ubuntu 11.04 (narwhal), dualbooting with Windows 7. When I installed ubuntu, i gave it a small(er) partition size for it to use (10gb total for swap and main partition). I now find I have run out of room on my Ubuntu partition, and want to (if possible) shrink down my Windows partioion and move some of that freed space to Ubuntu to expand it.I tried to use gParted from a live Ubuntu CD, but I can't seem to move any unused space into the Ubuntu partitions. Am i doing something wrong?

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General :: Unable To Resize Partitions

Apr 22, 2010

I have a dual boot system on my Laptop running Arch Linux and Windows XP. I have the following setup on my Laptop.

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General :: Gparted Wont Allow To Resize Partitions At All

Sep 20, 2010

I installed linux to my whole hard drive. I want to make it a little smaller to dual boot windows just for games. Gparted wont let me resize my partitions at all.

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Ubuntu :: Resize Partitions - Thought Knew Not Working?

Jan 21, 2010

My ubuntu partition is tiny (~9 GB, ~5 free) and my vista partition is big (~100 GB, ~60 free). I need to reverse this (so I can move all my documents and music (~40 GB) over to the ubuntu portion from the external HD they're on now). I'm using karmic. I installed gparted, but I couldn't figure out how to make it let me access the resize option.

So I booted with the karmic live CD and used gparted there. It let me set up the shrink on the vista partition, but gave me an error in actual running (I'll post the error details at the bottom).

The error details seem to be saying that I should try shrinking it less? But I was already leaving more than 10 GB free space there, no? Does anyone know how to help me past this sticking point here? This is one of the vital steps for me in switching over to using ubuntu as my main OS, and hopefully leaving vista behind.


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Ubuntu :: Windows XP / Dual Boot - Resize Two Different Partitions?

Jan 6, 2011

I am running a dual boot with XP and Ubuntu - what I want to do is increase the partition size of Ubuntu and reduce XP. When I run " G Parted" it shows both partitions with Xp being NTFS. I guess the boot loader is Grub because Ubuntu takes priority at Boot. I cannot persuade G Parted to allow me to resize the two different partitions. I am using the G Parted Live CD.

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Ubuntu :: After Partitions Resize Grub Cannot Boot Win7

Apr 22, 2011

I've resized partitions with some program - perhaps even gparted - but from Win7. partitions are indeed resized, but now I can't boot Win7, grub says:
"No such device found - No such partition found".
I tried to use some advices on similar problems I found here (like adding GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_msdos" to etc/default/grub and running grub-mkconfig after), but nothing helped. I guess I could restore win7 with installation dvd but I want to fix GRUB (and have both ubuntu 10.10 and win7)

john@john:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for john:
Disk /dev/sda: 82.0 GB, 81964302336 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9964 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xd576590b

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 789 6336513 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2 * 1476 4008 20346322+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 4009 9964 47841570 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda5 1 749 6008832 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 749 789 326656 82 Linux swap / Solaris

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Programming :: Shell Script To Resize NTFS Partitions

Sep 1, 2010

Can someone help me to make a shell script to resize automatically the NTFS partitions of my disk ?

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General :: Delete And Resize Windows Basic Ntfs Partitions With Gparted

Mar 22, 2011

I have a windows box running w2003 server on 1 volume with 2x ntfs basic partitions. c: = the windows bit, d: = the data bit for user data.I have cloned (clonezilla) the volume to another and deleted the data (d bit and want to extend the c: into the freed space.I'm booted from a partedmagicv5 cd and using gparted to attempt this.I can't see a way to do this with gparted but then, I could be thick. Maybe I clone off reformat and copy back?Is there a better way or even is this the correct forum (please don't refer me to Microsoft website:-) for this type of question?This is a test box so not worried about breaking it, but the test is to try to solve a live problem at a school I support which is running out of hd space.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Resize Raid Partition - Rebuild /dev/md2 Without Lost Any Datas ?

Jun 15, 2010

I've got 2 hard disk drives of 250GB, with this partitions :

All partitions are with format "linux raid software". I made 3 raid1 with them like that :

I want to clone them to news hdd of 500Gb, to have this partitions :

My problem, how can I resize partitions, before resize the array md2 with the command mdadm --grow /dev/md1 --size=max ?

After, how can I rebuild /dev/md2 without lost any datas ?

I'm using ubuntu-server 10.04 64bits.

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Debian Configuration :: Mixing Partitions In RAID 5

Mar 21, 2011

I have 2x 1.5TB hard disks and I'm going to buy a new 2TB drive soon. First though I just wanted to check that I could partition off the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the 2TB drive (leaving 1.5TB or more free) and install Debian to that part, then use the remainder of the disk in combination with the 2x 1.5 TB drives in RAID 5? i.e. can you mix whole drives and with partitions from other drives in RAID 5 and/or is it best to just stick with complete drives for the RAID array?I only have room for 3 drives in the small mATX case that houses my NAS device and I want to maximise storage capacity and minimise expense.

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Ubuntu :: Logical Partitions Within Software RAID?

Oct 4, 2010

So, over the next couple of days I'm going to be building a new file server based on Ubuntu with three 2TB drives (and possibly a pair of 500GB drives I already own) in RAID 5 using mdadm. I'm under the impression that I would be able to add the 500GB drives using mdadm; while all drives need to be of the same capacity for hardware RAIDs, software RAIDs are able to work with different-sized volumes. Is this correct?

i right in thinking that mdadm presents the RAID as a drive which can then be used like a single drive would be? create a logical partition within the RAID formatted with HFS+ which can be used for network-based Time Machine backups for a few Macs in my house.Now, this is where I particularly show my ignorant side: is it possible to create a logical partition with a variable size? Similar to how a virtual hard drive works with some virtual machines; a "drive" may take up to 200GB, for example, but is only as large as the amount of data it stores. If it is possible, is this only for certain partition formats?

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General :: Create A RAID Set Up And Merge Partitions?

Aug 7, 2009

I have three hard drives in my computer That I want to make RAID 0. All of them already have partitions and data on them. What I want to know is if I can, without losing data, add the disks to RAID and then merge the partitions? All the partitions are of the same type. Or would it easier/better/possible to do this with LVM? Even if I'd have to shrink partitions and copy data to a new LVM one to get it set up properly, would it be better than RAID 0?

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General :: Slackware 13.1 - RAID Using Whole Disks Or Partitions

Aug 17, 2010

I use slackware 13.1 and I want to create a RAID level 5 with 3 disks. Should I use entire device or a partition? What the advantages and disadvantages of each case? If a use the entire device, should I create any partition on it or leave all space as free?

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CentOS 5 :: Install HW RAID Partitions As /dev/md Instead Of /dev/mapper/isw?

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to setup a H/W RAID-1 matrix but I am unsuccessful. I am trying to get partitions installed as /dev/md0, /dev/md1 but it keeps going for /dev/mapper/isw...The reason is that I have R1Soft backup and it needs to hook the partitions as seen in /proc/partitions from /dev not /dev/mapper/isw. I have tried to boot the installation with various options but nothing!

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Debian :: Setting Up A RAID Array With Multiple Partitions

May 23, 2011

I need to set up a RAID 1 array on Squeeze. I have 3 partitions: sda1 is root, sda5 is home, and sda6 is swap. (sda2 is the extended partition containing home and swap. This was a clean installation, so I don't know what happened to sda3 and sda4...)

All the information that I've been able to find recommends doing something like this:

mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

Do I need to type a separate command for each partition, or is there a better way to do it? Also, should I use the UUID instead of the dev names?

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Fedora Hardware :: RAID 0 With 4 Hard Disk - Adding New Partitions?

Jul 27, 2010

We have a server with RAID 0 with 4 hard disks on it each 250 GB. Linux kernel must find one hard disk named: /dev/sda with 1TB capacity. right? And also we have 2 partitions on sda: sda1 and sda2. We want to add another partition but we don't have enough space.

Now the problem:
If we add another hard disk and run
fdisk -l
Will the /dev/sda space incremented automatically so we can add new partitions or we must do something?

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Ubuntu :: Hardware RAID Showing As Seperate Partitions After 10.04 Upgrade?

Sep 27, 2010

I have been trying to upgrade my server to Ubuntu 10.04 since it has come out, but I hit a roadblock with my hardware RAID I have two JBODs that work perfectly in Ubuntu 9.10 x64 - but show as seperate, unformatted partitions (one per hdd) in Ubuntu 10.04 x64. Here's the relevant portion of my fstab:

UUID="1fac4a2c-6a2e-4278-bab4-c7179c8720ee" /media/Motherload ext4 exec,auto,async,rw 0 2 #4TB-ext4-/dev/mapper/pdc_cabedbfaef1
UUID="31f1f023-e6a0-4b5e-b9d9-0a46011e7fa0" /media/Fry ext4 exec,auto,async,rw 0 2 #3TB-


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Server :: How Long Does Hardware Raid Card (raid 1) Take To Mirror 1 TB Drive (500gb Used)

Mar 22, 2011

How long does hardware Raid card (raid 1, 2 drives)take to mirror a 1 TB drive (500gb used)?Is there a general rule of thumb for this?4 hours? 12 hours? 24 hours?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Connect A RAID Box To The Server Via LSI 8880EM2 RAID Controller

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to connect a RAID Box to the server via LSI 8880EM2 RAID controller.The raid box is FUjitsu Externus DX60 with raid 1 configured.The server is Fujitsu Primergy SX300 S5 with LSI 8880EM2 RAID card.The external raid box is being recognised by the raid controllers bios.

The server runs CentOS 5.5 64bit. I have installed the megaraid_sas driver from LSI website and MegaCLI utility but CentOS still fails to see the box.MegaCLI utility, when launched from CentOS, recognises the raid box, CentOS does not(no mapping being created in /dev).

I have also tried to create a logical RAID0 HDD on one physical HDD(as seen by MegaCLI) with MegaCLI utility in CentOS.The result was success and the new logical drive could have been used, but when restarting the server, the controllers' bios fails with an error (not surprised(one logical RAID0 on one physical HDD)) and configuration is being erased.

Has anyone tried connecting 8880EM2 controller to a raid box with raid configured on the box, running it all under CentOS and what were the results.

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Debian :: How To Resize Ext3 Partitions / But No LVM From Debian?

Nov 27, 2009

Howto resize Ext3 partitions, but no LVM from debian?Can I use a tool like GParted?

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Fedora :: Boot Can't Access Ext4 Partitions On LVM Logical Volumes On RAID Array?

Feb 8, 2011

i have a fedora 11 server which can't access the ext4 partitions on lvm logical volumes on a raid array during boot-up. the problem manifested itself after a failed preupgrade to fedora 12; however, i think the attempt at upgrading to fc12 might not have anything to do with the problem, since i last rebooted the server over 250 days ago (sometime soon after the last fedora 11 kernel update). prior to the last reboot, i had successfully rebooted many times (usually after kernel updates) without any problems. i'm pretty sure the fc12 upgrade attempt didn't touch any of the existing files, since it hung on the dependency checking of the fc12 packages. when i try to reboot into my existing fedora 11 installation, though, i get the following screen: (click for full size) a description of the server filesystem (partitions may be different sizes now due to the growing of logical volumes):


- 250GB system drive
lvm partition rest of driveVolGroup_System


except he's talking about fake raid and dmraid, whereas my raid is linux software raid using mdadm. this machine is a headless server which acts as my home file, mail, and web server. it also runs mythtv with four hd tuners. i connect remotely to the server using nx or vnc to run applications directly on the server. i also run an xp professional desktop in a qemu virtual machine on the server for times when i need to use windows. so needless to say, it's a major inconvenience to have the machine down.

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Software :: Unable To Resize Software Raid?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a software raid5 device that spawns across 4 sata drives:

root@transylvania:~ 0 986# cat /proc/mdstat | grep -b 1 md8
md8 : active raid5 sdf1[4] sde1[3] sdd1[1] sdc1[0]


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Server :: Convert Raid 1 To Raid 10?

Jul 21, 2011

I am looking to convert a raid 1 server I have to raid 10. It is using software raid, currently I have 3 drives in raid 1. Is it possible to boot into centos rescue, stop the raid 1 array. Then create the raid 10 with 4 drives, 3 of which still has the raid 1 metadata, will mdadm be able to figure it out and resync properly keeping my data? or is there a better way to do it?

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