Software :: Partition - Installing 9.10 Over 9.04 From USB?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm going to install a fresh iteration of Ubuntu 9.10 to replace the current somewhat faulty 9.04 installation. The system also has a Windows XP installation on an NTFS partition, and some files common between the two OS installations on a FAT32 partition. What's the best way to have 9.10 overwrite 9.04 without affecting the other two partitions?

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General :: Installing In A Partition On A HDD?

Sep 20, 2010

so my new job had me install Linux on a laptop at work, the laptop will be handed off to multiple users, 3 total (for now) The HDD is about 320gb, I believe. First, they just said "Install your flavor of linux", so I installed ubuntu 10.4. Then he said "Make sure you split it into 3 partitions, all boot-able...

fml. So I suck at managing partitions, I took up 100% of sda1. HTF do I split that up, without losing all of my data? My guess is I would need to boot in from a bootable DVD, unmound sda1, then..Im googling it now, but id love to go into work and already know what to do, lol

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Fedora :: Can't Acess Partition After Installing F11?

Sep 20, 2009

I have my hard drive partitioned 40GB for boot and 540 for media. When installing fedora I chose the option to replace the existing linux installation. By not clicking the option "use whole drive" I thought I would easily still be able to acess my media drive (which has a LOT of media on it) I dont know if I chose the right options. Anyways, the partion table has been changed. I know the data is still their, the media partition was at the end of drive, and im guessing fedora installs on the beginning of the drive, so I am hoping none of my data was written over, but I have no idea. Every othe linux Install I have done, I have still been able to acess my media partition, but on those installatons I was sure I was doing it right, but on the fdora installation

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing On A Partition Next To Mac?

Jun 5, 2010

Ok my girlfriend has mac and she wants to play games and we will be useing the wineHQ. I've already looked up games thatwork for it and its good. Well is there away to install ubuntu through bootcamp?
her specs is-

Could i get some instructions? We were currently gonna install windows but it wouldn't work cuz we didnt have the original cd. Bootcamp already has a partition setaside already. Her mac is a Macbook pro

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Ubuntu :: Installing Windows In Another Partition?

Oct 22, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and i want to install windows into another partition in order to play some games. I created a partition (GParted live) 80GB in ext2 and later i convert it to NTFS ( I didnt know what the ext2 was) after that i run the windows live cd but i occured an error that windows can not be installed in none of my partitions because my partitions are unrecognizable.I think that has to do with my file stystem.. but i convert in ntfs...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.10 In Another Partition?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to install ubuntu in another partition. I have C: which contains Windows 7 Ultimate and i have D: for files. D: was pre-configured with my desktop. I wonder how to install Ubuntu in D: .

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Ubuntu :: Installing Over XP - In A Seperate Partition?

Jan 3, 2011

I am currently running XP Pro and am sick of it.

Here's my questions...

1) Can I install Ubuntu over XP or do I have to install it in a seperate partition?

2) If I just pop the disk in, will it do the majority of the work for me (and I won't have to bother you with more questions)?

3) Can I expect any conflicts with running other programs/software and hardware like printers or would I have to run them under XP?

I have an external HD and am running 1.5 gigs of RAM on a Dell Dim E520.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition When Installing ?

Apr 16, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu on a 30 Gb partition. I attached the structure of hard drive under Win 7 and under Ubuntu instalation program. Why the 30 Gb partition in invisible under Ubuntu instalation program, and how could I install Ubuntu on it?

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Ubuntu :: Installing To An Existing Partition?

Apr 26, 2011

I sudo apt-get uninstalled a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have. Now my Ubuntu Partition doesn't boot up correctly, something about the graphic system, video system, etc. all being unconfigured. (I'll get the exact error later.) All I can use is the command line.can I install Ubuntu over my old Ubuntu partition without messing up rebooting/GRUB and all that?

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Slackware :: Use A GPT Partition Table And Tried Installing ( 64 ) 13.1?

Feb 5, 2011

I need to use a GPT partition table and tried installing Slackware(64) 13.1. But it reported that there were no partitions when the disk did have about 10 partitions in the GPT partition table. The MBR partition table was set up with the protective entry that is normal with GPT.

I did a test install using just 2 partitions, initially pointed to via an MBR partition table, and later changed over to a GPT partition table pointing to the same sectors, with the protective MBR, and Slackware boots up and runs just fine.

The lilo command also works just fine. I tried it because I was not sure if it looked at the partition entries, and it would be a critical piece to keep the system running. when Slackware will have GPT support? GPT is required for partitions larger than 2TB or starting after the 2TB line. There are now 3TB drives out, and RAID arrays much larger than 2TB have been possible for years.

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Debian Installation :: Installing From A Local Partition?

Jul 8, 2011

Is it possible to partition a hard drive with Debian already installed and put a live disc image in the second one and use grub to boot it. Then using this boot to the installer and install to the first partition.The answer for why I want to try this is that I have a computer that runs a robot that needs Debian. There is no CD, USB, or internet currently on the drive. there is an Ethernet plug, but It won't work until the OS is in place. We tried taking the hard drive and installing Debian to it from a USB stick on another computer, but it has the wrong Ethernet drivers and we can't get it to talk to the internet on the robot's computer.

Everything else is fine, but with out an internet connection the robot will not work.If your interested the board is an old Versalogic VSBC-8 and the robot is a Pioneer 1 from Mobile robotics. The hard drive (not that it matters) is a standard 80GB IDE notebook drive from Western Digital.

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Debian :: Installing Win 98 On Seperate Partition - Or Overwriting Deb

Apr 21, 2011

Well i have Debian on, and have been using Wine to use some windows applications, unfortunately the 2 main games i wanted to use don't work on it, and a variety of other applications don't work either. XP is a bit intensive for my laptop, so even though i own it, i can't install it. I wanted to install Windows 98 to my laptop, but there are some issues, and i have no idea how to get around them.

1. My laptop has no CD/DVD drive (has one but doesn't seem to read any disk), it has no floppy drives, and the BIOS does not support booting from USB.

2. When trying to create a seperate partition on my HDD with linux on to try and make room for Windows, it stops me saying the drive is busy.

2.8GHZ Pentium 4
ATI Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP 32MB Shared memory
256MB of RAM (217MB due to shared memory)
2GB USB Storage Device which currently has Windows 98 SE setup files on it.

Has an internet connection via ethernet cable to my brothers laptop. Also have GRUB installed, asks me which OS to boot. Debian Squeeze.

Ideally i wanted to wipe debian off, as its putting my laptop under a bit of strain and can't run what i want it too, or if thats not possible, just split the HDD in 2 and have Windows 98 as my main OS.

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General :: Installing Fedora On A Vista Partition?

Aug 15, 2009

I am trying to install Fedora on my machine, Vista currently installed. During the install process, I select the partition which I created, but install program says I must define a ROOT partition. How do I do this?

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Fedora :: Installing CentOS - Partition Disk?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm a subscriber of a Linux magazine who sends me 2 dvds of Linux distros each month. I wanna try some of those just for some time pass. The issue is that out of 52 GB partition on which Fedora 11 is installed, 42 GB is free. I want to have around 10 GB space from that 42 GB so that I can install CentOS 5.3. how shall I partition my disk?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing UNR On A 2.93GB Partition?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a netbook i am quite sure it is based on the msi wind which came with windows XP installed. I noticed that on the hard drive there is a partition called recovery EISA Configuration. I am not 100% sure what it contains but I am quite sure it is todo with the image saying "the tec guys" that comes up when I boot up, this is software I am never going to use if I have any critical problems I will reformat or be able to fix it myself. Would it be possible to install Ubuntu netbook remix on this partition that has a total size of 2.93GBs? I know it is slightly below the minimum requirement, however i am thinking that I could simply prevent some software that I am not likely to use from being installed with the operating system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing To Pre-existing Partition?

Jun 10, 2010

What I am trying to accomplish, is have 3 partitions on my hard drive. The first one being Windows 35GB. The second being 15GB Ubuntu. The remaining just being backups. I have set up partitions for this, but I have failed thus far in finding a way to install to the Ubuntu partition I have created. Should I have left that space unallocated? How would I make this work?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Internal HD Partition

Jul 15, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 PPC along side my mac OS on a partition on the inter hard drive that I created with 10.5 disk utility. When I get to the part in the Ubuntu installer where it ask where to install I only see the whole hard drive and not the partition I made, and when I go into the partition menu I click on it there but it won't let me install it.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS - Installing Grub On Root Partition?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to install grub on the ubuntu root partition because I have another boot loader (boot-us). But when I reach : device for boot loader installation and set the device to the root partition (/dev/sda3) the OK button is not highlighted, I can use the windows partitions but not ubuntu root partition, what goes wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Windows Partition While Installing?

May 2, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu since 2009, but recently I had to reinstall Windows (and Ubuntu.)The problem is that ever since I reinstalled Windows the Ubuntu installation doesn't recognize the Windows partition. I've got a 500GB HDD, and the installation says there's 500GB of free space.Is there any way to make Ubuntu recognize the Windows partition while installing, or is the only solution reinstalling Windows?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 11.04 On MacBook Pro - Can't See Partition

May 3, 2011

I've been trying to install 11.04 on my MacBook Pro5,2, (already have Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Windows 7 installed) but every time I get to screen where it asks me to install, the installation GUI doesn't see my partitions. The strange thing is that if I run sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda I get:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size(logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytesI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


Seems like everything is fine, no sectors are overlapping, and fdisk definitely recognizes the partition.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open More Than One Programs After Installing To Another Partition?

Jun 23, 2011

So I just downloaded Ubuntu to be put on my other partition(I have a C: and a D: drive) So stupid me had a brain fart and ended up not making a new partition and putting Ubuntu on the D: drive which was 3/4 of my total hard drive. So now I have 120 GB for Windows and 350 GB for Ubuntu. So I went to Gparter on Ubuntu and tried to open it and it had an error before it even opened. And when I first went in to Ubuntu it had like 2 things pop up with errors. So I went back to Windows 7 and tried to use the partitioner there and it wouldn't let me expand my C: drive. What am I supposed to do?

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General :: Risks Of Installing Grub Into Partition?

Jan 26, 2010

Using Ubuntu which comes with grub 1.97~beta4:
root@voyager:~# grub-install /dev/sda7
grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.
grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are unreliable and its use is discouraged.
Installation finished. No error reported.
This is the contents of the device map /boot/grub/
Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect, fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'.
(hd0) /dev/sda

As you can see, the installation goes well, but, why installing grub into a partition instead of MBR is a bad idea? I like to have many distros on my computer, and each one comes with their own menu.lst parameters, which also can change during updates. So it's much more pratical to create an empty partition of 64MB or less, create a /boot/grub there, install into MBR and then chainload into the other partitions.

So if I mess up with any distro, my mbr is still intact. And also if the parameters of grub setup required for a distro changes with any updates on the distro, they keep updated. So for me it is not pratical to have one distro installed on MBR controlling the other ones, having to constantly change my menu.lst. What are the risks of installing GRUB into a partition instead of MBR? Why is this message displayed? Maybe the question goes for why blocklists are unreliable or something like that?

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General :: Installing Mint 8 On Separate Partition?

Feb 16, 2010

want get Linux mint8 on to a separate partition but when i go into advance in the partition menu and and chose the partition i want,in this case (e),(c) having windows xp on says root file system is defined.

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Software :: Installing Applications On A Separate Partition?

Jan 6, 2010

I was hoping you could help me figure something out... I am going to install a new distro onto my laptop and i usually set up partitions for / and /home just in case i have some issues and need to reinstall... i was wondering if there were a way to setup a separate partition where i can put all the programs i wish to install?

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CentOS 5 :: Installing To Empty Partition For Multiboot?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a server running Fedora 6, which I wish to upgrade to Centos 5.4. This will be a lengthy switch over because of all of the apps I need to convert etc. As a precaution, I would like to keep my old Fedora running as multiboot. I have a boot partition, a fedora partition (root), and an empty partition for Centos.

Can I run the Centos installer and direct it to install onto the empty partition (I don't care if it formats it)BUT only add to the boot partition (not reformat it).? I don't want to lose the kernels/images on the boot partition, and from what I've seen most installers wipe out the boot partition prior to adding their own files.

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Debian Installation :: Lost Pen Drive Partition While Installing

Jul 3, 2011

I wan trying to install Debain on a 4GB USB drive while running the setting something happened with my pc and i had to restart it.I try to boot from the USB drive it worked but was giving a empty cursor. the installation did not continue.i open the USB drive in my pc now but it shows just 300 MB space and lost the 3.7 GB space.I think space of USB drive with that partition, can i recover my USB drive lost partition space ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Swap Partition Necessary While Installing Suse?

Feb 11, 2010

This is the 1st time I am installing SUSE and I wanted to clear some of my doubts:I have the following computer specs:Core i32 GB RAM320 GB HDDATI Mobility Radeon 43301. Is creating a swap partition necessary while installing Suse 11.2?2. Will I be able to install 64-bit version of Suse on my computer?3. Will I be able to run Windows 7 side by side?4. Will I have any compatibility issues with my Display Adapter since I have had problems previously on Ubuntu with my onboard ATi Graphics..

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Ubuntu :: Installing Bootloader In Root Partition Does Not Do The Trick?

May 7, 2010

I have installed unbuntu 10.04.. since i dont want grub to boot my linux distros , i have installed the bootloader in the root partition (sda9 in my case with no separate partition for boot). Subsequent to successful ubuntu installation i booted using the live cd and extracted the boot loader using the following.

dd if=/dev/sda9 of=/ub.bin bs=512 count=1

Finally i edited the boot.ini (win xp) to show ubuntu in the menu which points to ub.bin.

But this doesnt seem to work... the same had worked with Mandriva 2010

Where did i go wrong ?

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Apple :: Mac Partition Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu 10.4 / Sort It?

Aug 30, 2010

So I repartitioned my mac hard drive using the disk utility in my mac os. Shrink the mac HD and created a new partition for ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu and everything works fine and it was be able to boot back into mac yesterday. However, this morning, when I was holding down the ALT key at startup trying to go into my mac, no boot options come up, it automatically goes into the ubuntu boot option (grub 2) and i tried to go into the mac osx on sda2 from grub2 but it'll take a very long time and nothing boots up. It just says 'waiting for root devices'. Do I need to insert the mac cd and try to repair the system? All my files and partition are still there so I think its not completely gone.

ps. I have the newest macbook version (6.1?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Existing Partition Not Getting Detected While Installing

Jan 7, 2011

My Laptop is Dell Inspiron 1525 with Dual boot Windows vista as well as Linux mint. I was trying to install Ubuntu over Linux Mint, but it is not detecting the existing partitions asking me to go ahead and edit the partitions manually (which I am not familiar with). Earlier when I was installing Linux Mint or SUSE, it was detecting the existing partitions and could install easily. Currently I am sure how to go about, but I would like to install Ubuntu badly.

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