Software :: General Protection In /var/log/messages - Find Related Source Line?

Nov 11, 2010

SuSE SLES10, 32 bit. I have an app which crashes with general protection often.

There is message every time in /var/log/messages:
2010-10-22T08:49:49.350476+02:00 HostName kernel: ProgramName[28023] general protection rip:404575 rsp:7fffc5656270 error:0

How do I establish relation between this message and source code? Error was observed on another host where some tests were running, now license is expired and I can't get more info nor core dump. I have to investigate what I have and try to reproduce it locally. Unfortunately original binary was stripped.Now I prepared non-stripped version. Does it has the same addresses for function as original? Is it possible to use symbol information for finding where RIP points to?

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Software :: Need Open-source Data Protection Management Tool

Nov 19, 2008

Is there a open-source data protection management tool that anyone knows about and/or can recommend?

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Software :: Find Out Protection Mechanisms From The Protected CD Or DVD Media?

Dec 21, 2010

Howto find out protection mechanisms from the protected CD or DVD media?

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General :: Command Line - Use Find To Find Text Files?

Jul 15, 2011

Is there a way to specify to find that I only want text files (and not binary files)? Grep has an option to exclude binary files, so I thought find probably has a similar feature, but I've been unable to find it.

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Ubuntu :: Quickly Remove Multiple Related Packages From Command Line?

Feb 15, 2011

Is there any way to quickly remove multiple related packages from the command line instead of having to enter the name of every single one? I am trying to remove OpenOffice from my server running 10.04. It would work nicely if I could get a list of packages without line breaks, such as the list displayed by aptitude when upgrading. That way I could just paste the package list into the terminal. However, "aptitude search 'openoffice'" dumps a long list on many lines that cannot be used that way.

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Fedora :: Sed Can't Find Related Answer For?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm trying to sed out X and Y coordinates from a identify command. I get back from the identify:

I need:


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Programming :: Filter Source Line Based On Results Line In Log Using Awk And Sed

Apr 5, 2011

I have a log file with entries such as;

Where result is 0 or more.

I want to get the list of file names where result count is more than 0 (in other words filter out files names with result 0).

File name and result are in two different lines in log file.

How can i filter file name based on result?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Find Related Drivers For Laptop?

May 20, 2011

I am new in Linux and Ubuntu. I am using Acer Aspire 4740 laptop. How can i find related drivers for my laptop?

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General :: How To Get Source Code Of Web Page From Command Line?

May 6, 2010

I'm trying to get the source code of a web page from linux command line and save it to a file. I googled for it but didn't get any info. I'm not sure if wget can do this.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Find Any Entries Related To Xfce4-notifyd

Jul 22, 2010

I've recently switched over to gnome desktop environment with gnome-shell preview as my compositing manager.Everything is good except for this process xfce4-notifyd which autostarts somehow..

The problem with this process is it acts as the default notification daemon over-riding gnome-shell's built-in notification support and tends to display balloon popups on the top right corner....If i kill this process everything is good.... But on restart it autostarts again somehow..I looked through the items in gnome-session-properties and also in these places:



But couldn't find any entries related to xfce4-notifyd.

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Programming :: Opencv Related - Find Out Corresponding Points Of Same Scene On Two Cameras?

May 2, 2011

I've a question regarding two camera images. Suppose I've detected 2d window coordinate of 8 markers of an object in a scene in one camera and detected window coordinates of 10 markers of the same object on another camera.

I've detected the marker. It was easy. Now how do i know which window coordinates on two cameras are the coordinates of same marker? I mean there are markers captured on both cameras and some of them are representing the same marker in both cameras. I just like to know which ones are same on both cameras. Is it possible to find that out using opencv?

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General :: Get Configure Line That Was Used To Build An Apache Installation From Source

Feb 1, 2010

Is there any way to get the configure line that was used to build an Apache installation from source.

I compiled Apache 2.2.14 a while ago on Ubuntu and I can't remember the ./configure line I used to build it. Is there any way I can retrieve it?

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General :: Open Source Command Line Subtitle Converter

Mar 9, 2010

Is there any open source, command line, subtitle converter, prefferably for linux?

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General :: Command To Find The Source Package Of A Binary?

May 30, 2010

I know there's a which command, that echoes the full name of a binary (e.g. which sh). However, I'm fairly sure there's a command that echoes the package that provides a particular binary. Is there such a command? If so, what is it? I'd like to be able to run this:

commandName ls and get coreutils for example.

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General :: Find The Bash Source Files Of Programs In Mac OSX?

Jan 6, 2011

I am currently writing some convenience methods for my terminal in my bash_profile and am sure if what I am writing is "the best way". I figure a good way to verify whether what I'm doing is right or not would be to find some source code of more established programs and see how they do it.My question then is, where can I find this code on my Mac? An example is, with Macports installed, where is the source code that opens the port interactive console when I type nothing but "port" in my shell?(I added Linux in the title even though I am on a Mac because I assume the answer would be the same for both)

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General :: Shell Script To Run Source Code And Find All Its Dependencies?

Aug 1, 2010

this is srinath,newbie to linux and shell in need of shell script,which have to checkout the source code(C/C++) from CVS server to a specified directory and compile that source code and get all its dependency files to a specified directory.

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Programming :: Scripting To Find Line And Print Previous Line To Out

May 21, 2010

I have a perl/python interpreter available on the system so really as long as the script would run on a standard linux build I'll be happy.So I don't know how to program a script that would find the unique key (which if needed, can be easily stripped out and put into a separate file) and then print out the data below it without going into the other lines.

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General :: Find The Position Of The First Space In A Line?

Aug 8, 2011

I am trying to edit a large bunch of files. Each file has four columns and I want to get rid of the first one, but in each line the number of the first column changes. the number in the first column ranges from 1 digit to 5. For example

1 aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
23 aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
15343 aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc

and the desired format would be

aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc

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Slackware :: Frequent X Crashes Into Command Line With Error Messages

Nov 26, 2010

I'm having, oddly enough, stability problems on my main slackware desktop. Whenever I try to do certain things, for instance going fullscreen on a flash video, starting regnum online or open arena, it drops out of X into the command line with a few error messages (next time it crashes I'll post the messages). On occasion, it'll do that without any input. Now, there's a few major changes I've had on the desktop since yesterday, chiefly that I've been able to connect it to the net for the first time in a few months. Now because of this, I've been installing plenty of software from slackbuilds, plus flash from adobe (necessary evil). I'm using xfce with some compositing on a geforce Ti 4200 AGP 8x 64Mb with nvidia drivers installed and dual monitors, each now set to 1280x1024 and in twinview, pentium 4 2.8Ghz, 1 GB ram. HDD has a 70GB ext3 slack partition, triple booting with 80GB ext4 ubuntu lucid partition and 40GB ext4 mint isadora.

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General :: Sed Command - Find Line Not Beginning With Double Quote

Mar 15, 2011

I need to find each line in a file which does NOT begin with a double quote (") and append that line to the previous line. I have been successful doing this using the following command:
cat filname.csv | sed -e :a -e '$!Ns/
[^"]//;ta -e 'P;D' > newfilename.csv

My issue is the substitution. As you would expect after the line is appended to the previous line the first character is removed. I need it to not be removed. I tried:
cat filname.csv | sed -e :a -e '$!Ns/
[^"]/&/;ta -e 'P;D' > newfilename.csv
but it just hangs.

"line 1"
line 2
Output with existing sed command is:
line 1ine2
I need it to be line1line2.

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Fedora :: Find To Log File For Boot Messages?

Oct 5, 2010

When i logged into my desktop, i got a notification that said there was boot messages. I remember trying to find this before in /var/log, so that i could investigate why i couldn't get the nvidia drivers to work (which i now know is because i'm using 14-beta, which has a debugging kernel), but couldn't find it.

Welcome to Fedora
Starting udev: [ OK ]


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CentOS 5 :: Where To Find Log Messages Shown During Boot Up?

Jan 26, 2010

I looked in /var/log/messages and also tried dmesg both seem to contain something different than what I saw while booting up. But I am looking for the ones displayed while booting, where it says whether the particular step was ok and if failed it prints few things. I would like to know where I can find those messages.

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General :: Command Line - Find External And Internal Devices Attached To A System?

Feb 24, 2010

How can i find through terminal that which devices are external and which are internal.

By external i mean devices attached to USB port. For Example, USB Drive, Portable USB HardDrive etc.

By internal i mean devices attached internally. For Example, SATA Harddisk etc.

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General :: Find Out The Serial Number Of Hard Disk Through Command Line On OpenSuse 11.2 ?

Jul 12, 2010

I read this thread but

anisha@linux-uitj:~> su


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General :: Free Command Line Tool Time Which Can Be Used To Find Timing Statistics For Various Commands?

Jun 24, 2011

I'd like to measure network latency for SNMP GET request. There is a free command line tool time which can be used to find timing statistics for various commands. For example it can be used with snmpget in the following way:$ time snmpget -v 2c -c public . = Counter32: 112857973real 0m0.162suser 0m0.069ssys 0m0.005sAccording to the manual, statistics conists of:

the elapsed real time between
invocation and termination,
the user CPU time (the sum of the


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General :: How To Use Password Protection With Tar Command

Apr 19, 2011

How can I use password protection with the tar command in Linux? I'm new to Linux so please explain to me with simple usage.

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General :: Burn DVD With A Protection Mechanisms

Apr 16, 2010

I'd like to burn DVD (my pictures and some data) with a possible strong protection mechanismus, to prevent of DVD media copying and not pictures data copying. Which program can I use under Linux?

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General :: Removal Of Write Protection On A USB?

Oct 5, 2010

I have couple of USB modules. They are full of unwanted Windows files.I want to remove everything and format it.The message is it is write protected. The command fdisk -l gives the following:

Disk /dev/sdc: 2008 MB, 2008416256 bytes
57 heads, 56 sectors/track, 1228 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 3192 * 512 = 1634304 bytes


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General :: Rootkit Copy Protection Pose?

Jan 9, 2010

Does rootkit copy protection pose a problem in Linux? I own only one CD with rootkit (XCP), and was wondering if I should avoid playing it on this Linux system. (I know Sony offered to take back the CDs and exchange them for rootkit-free copies, but I never cared to go to the trouble.) (It's not particularly important, because all I have to do is play this CD in my DVD player.)

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General :: Password Protection For Installing New Software?

Aug 7, 2011

I have an acer aspire one running linpus

Generally I'm very happy with it apart from not being able to run some of the software I use but I do like the linux system.

Now, though, I find that it is progressively holding me back as more and more things I want to do require a change that involves the password protected access and I don't know it.

I tried 000000 and 111111 I don't know if anybody knows another default password. It maybe I did change it but I have no idea what to.

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