General :: Sed Command - Find Line Not Beginning With Double Quote
Mar 15, 2011
I need to find each line in a file which does NOT begin with a double quote (") and append that line to the previous line. I have been successful doing this using the following command:
cat filname.csv | sed -e :a -e '$!Ns/
[^"]//;ta -e 'P;D' > newfilename.csv
My issue is the substitution. As you would expect after the line is appended to the previous line the first character is removed. I need it to not be removed. I tried:
cat filname.csv | sed -e :a -e '$!Ns/
[^"]/&/;ta -e 'P;D' > newfilename.csv
but it just hangs.
"line 1"
line 2
Output with existing sed command is:
line 1ine2
I need it to be line1line2.
I want to watch a number of processes in "D" status repeatedly with following command:Code:# watch -n 1 'top -b -n 1 | awk '{if ($8 == "D") {print; count++} } END {print count}''but it didn't work. I also tried with double quote. Can I use 'watch' command is this case?PS: I know 'while' and 'sleep' can do the same but it is dirty workaround.
I need sed to be able to search a string that includes both single quotes (') and double quotes ("). can anyone help me out, there has to be a way to do this.
So far I have tried:
But none of these work and I cannot think of how else to escape the sed quote inside of brackets.
Is there a way to specify to find that I only want text files (and not binary files)? Grep has an option to exclude binary files, so I thought find probably has a similar feature, but I've been unable to find it.
I have a lot a folders, each named by a number, and in each of these folders I have a specific file (stddev.dat) containing a single line (of numbers) I need to have a single file with each line being one of the stddev.dat (no matter if it is sorted or not), and also I need to add at the begining of each line the number of the folder it comes from.
I 'm no bash expert, and the "add at the begining of the line" is a bit of problem to me". Here is what I've come up with so far, just to put everything in one file, (and also if you know a better/more elegant way to do the same thing I've done, I'm listening)
I am trying to create a shell script where a user can specify a file with a list of logins and the script will create a batch file with specific information in specific columns.
loginfile.txt has
User1 User2 User3
I need the output to be as below:
1 User1 Date 12/31/9999 2 User2 Date 12/31/9999 3 User3 Date 12/31/9999
I can use the nl utility to get the numbers easily enough, but I need two tab separations between the number and the user list. Is there a sed command that will insert at the beginning of each line? If so I can just run nl after I get some tabs up in the front.
Was wondering if any perl guru's could help me with a quick log file adjustment. I have a text file that looks like so (tabs and newlines are revealed so you can see what separates the data):
There are maybe 100 lines of text in this file at any given time. I need to delete all duplicate lines only looking at the first bit of text prior to the first tab. It doesn't matter which one gets deleted as long as there are no two lines that begin with that same text at the beginning before the first tab. So in this example, either the fist line "1234" or the last line "1234" would need to be deleted. I already have code in my script that opens the files - I just need the code to read the text into an array and the part that would find matches based on the above criteria, and make the deletions.
If it would be easier, I can even do a system call and use SED (v4.1.5) and/or AWK (3.1.5) instead.
I'd like to measure network latency for SNMP GET request. There is a free command line tool time which can be used to find timing statistics for various commands. For example it can be used with snmpget in the following way:$ time snmpget -v 2c -c public . = Counter32: 112857973real 0m0.162suser 0m0.069ssys 0m0.005sAccording to the manual, statistics conists of:
the elapsed real time between invocation and termination, the user CPU time (the sum of the
I want to add something at the end of each line, from line 4 to line 8, in vim? How can i do that? I know adding at the beginning is like: 4,8: normal: i# What i want to add contains special characters ( here it is: <br/> ) , in case that matters.
I want to add tabs at the beginning of each line, from line 6 to line 12. How?
I'm trying sed and was able to put a tag on the end of the line
Output is
What I need to have is
I'm thinking of I redirect my first sed command to a file and then use sed again to put <group> at the beginning of the line. My problem is how to put <group> to all beginning of the string.
I try to do a function which removes '#' from beginning of line. But if there is not '#' then add it on beginning of line. I try something like this, can you correct me?
I am having some difficulties with an expect script. What I want is that as soon as expect sees a newline followed by a dollarsign ($), that interact is done. So I would expect something like this to work:
Code: " $" { interact } However it doesn't. This is debugging output: Code: expect: continuing expect expect: does " " (spawn_id exp6) match glob pattern "#"? no
How do I find files in opensuse 11.2 without using the command line. I see in dolphin "nepomuksearch", but it doesn't work. Even in the command line you cannot whereis a file like Monday, Monday.mp3. whereis also seems to be case sensitive.
Does any one know what syntax i could use to allow me to replace all instances at the beginning of a line with ones.
Before :
Code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical device information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical device number 0 Logical device name : RAID1Mirror RAID level : 1 Status of logical device : Optimal
Code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical device information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical device number 0 111Logical device name : RAID1Mirror 1111RAID level : 1 11111Status of logical device : Optimal
command line, I have a server for work that I ssh into and I need to be able to find multiple files (they have the leading text just the date identifier changes) and then zip the files (with bzip) them and then finally scp(Secure copy) them to another server.
These files are always in the same directory and this is a daily task and just want to make into a script that I run once I am logged into the remote server.
So, in finishing my nFlux slack current edition.I have set it up for users to do certain things in console and one of the things I want is a way to view slackbook-2.0 in runlevel 3 console.I cant find a pdf reader that works in command line mode and I cant figure out how to either convert slackbook 2.0 pdf into html/text Or find a slackbook download that is html or text?I tried converting it using pdftotext, which didnt work very well So, I need a command line pdf viewer or a converter that works good?
I'm pretty sure this is doable from the command line, but my CLI skills have degraded a lot since my pre-Y2K admin days. The goal is to search all the files in the directory for a very long string of text and replace it with another string of text. The text being searched for is my Google Adsense code (which will be stripped from my website) and it will be replaced with a placeholder so I can easily tack something else in there in the future.
Seeing how I have that long snip of code on about 100 pages, automating the process would make life easier. If I was searching for a single word, I can see ways to do this. If I paste the code I'm searching for into a text file, is there a way to: find (contents of oldstring.txt) and replace with (contents of newstring.txt)?
I am able to start up firefox just fine out of my terminal, but i have not been able to find any list of arguments that can be added in the command line. what i'm looking for is that it starts up in Full Screen mode right off. is there an argument that can be added to ti to do that?
Code: sed s/[0-9]//g on each file, I will get Football_part.flv, instead of Football_part2.flv, and Nice_weather__ducks.flv, instead of Nice_weather_4_ducks.flv.
how to instruct sed to only remove numbers that are in the beginning of the name in a simple way?
i'm trying to setup my server box.. it's being setup as a web server, file server, and setup for me to be able to access it remotely (aka i do pc repair for windows users and it'd be nice to just know where ALL of my software tools are and get to them from there)anyways.. these things are almost all setup right now.. but the one thing i'm having issues with.. is the fact that this box does have 2 hard drives in it and i want to use both of them.. now i'm running straight command line and i can't find the info i need to reformat the second HDD (which is currently NTFS formated) and use it in this system... i'm running 9.04 as a server.. NO GUI INSTALLED! i need this with straight command line...What do i need to look for to figure this out? i'm having trouble figuring this out and it's really getting annoying..
I can't find kmod so I'll go for the Nvidia installer from [URL]. I tried to run it Quote: su -c 'sh' but it wants me to kill xserver. How can I do that? " gdm stop" will kill Xserver too? How will I start it again?
i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?
I know my way around MS Windows much better, but I just don't feel right trying to program something for Android on a Microsoft operating system. I am interested in Android programming so I followed the instructions on [URL] to install the environment on my computer...
I just installed the JDK, SDK, Eclipse successfully (or I assume):
* When I get to Step 4 where I'm supposed to run 'android' it will not run. I get the error message "android: command not found" (I am definitely in the right directory).
** When I double-click it in nautilus, it opens up in gedit. I can set the permissions in nautilus (through the properties - Allow executing file as a program) and get it to work,