Software :: FTP Via Kget - Username+pw Req'd For This Site But FTP Via Wget Doesn't

Sep 17, 2009

I was trying to download MOPSLinux from their Russian FTP server, using Firefox-->FlashGot-->KDE-Kget and it kept sitting there for about a minute, then popping up a dialog box asking for a Username & Password to access the FTP site.

I tried the usual anonymous type of login information combinations, to no avail; the box kept reappearing.

Finally for the heck of it, I tried Firefox-->FlashGot-->Wget and presto! It began downloading right away, no questions asked.

This is on Slack64 with the stock KDE installation + the KDE3 compat libs.

Here's the transfer currently going on the Wget window:


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General :: Using Wget On A Site With Cgi?

Sep 6, 2011

I need to mirror a website. However, each of the links on the site's webpage is actually a 'submit' to a cgi script that shows up the resulting page. AFAIK wget should fail on this since it needs static links.

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General :: How To Use 'wget' To Download Whole Web Site

Mar 14, 2011

i use this code to download :wget -m -k -H URL... but if some file cant be download , it will retry Again and again ,so how to skip this file and download other files ,

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Software :: Can't Replicate Site Using Wget

Jan 19, 2010

I want to replicate this small howto ( using wget.However I just get a single file and not the other pages and that file too is not html.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mirror Site Using Wget?

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to wget a site so that I can read stuff offline.I have tried

wget -m sitename
wget -r -np -l1 sitename


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Server :: Wget Webpage Secured By Username / Password

Feb 18, 2011

I wish to download a webpage, which is secured by username and password, using WGET. The thing is there are many forms on that page and I dont know how to tell WGET which one should it send (by POST method) the parameters. I have solved it till this so far:
wget --post-data="predmet=xxx" --http-user="yyy" --http-password="zzz" [URL]
It gets through the authentication but it will not submit the form.

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Debian :: Using Wget To Download Site For Offline Viewing

Nov 25, 2015

This is the command line switch I am using:

Code: Select allwget -p -k -e robots=off -U 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4' -r

For some reason it seems to be downloading too much and taking forever for a small website. It seems that it was following alot of the external links that page linked to.

But when I tried:

Code: Select allwget -E -H -k -K -p

It downloaded too little. How much depth I should use with -r? I just want to download a bunch of recipes for offline viewing while staying at a Greek mountain village. Also I don't want to be a prick and keep experimenting on people's webpages.

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General :: Using Wget To Recursively Crawl A Site And Download Images?

Mar 29, 2011

How do you instruct wget to recursively crawl a website and only download certain types of images? I tried using this to crawl a site and only download Jpeg images:

wget --no-parent --wait=10 --limit-rate=100K --recursive --accept=jpg,jpeg --no-directories http://somedomain/images/page1.html

However, even though page1.html contains hundreds of links to subpages, which themselves have direct links to images, wget reports things like "Removing subpage13.html since it should be rejected", and never downloads any images, since none are directly linked to from the starting page.I'm assuming this is because my --accept is being used to both direct the crawl and filter content to download, whereas I want it used only to direct the download of content. How can I make wget crawl all links, but only download files with certain extensions like *.jpeg?

EDIT: Also, some pages are dynamic, and are generated via a CGI script (e.g. img.cgi?fo9s0f989wefw90e). Even if I add cgi to my accept list (e.g. --accept=jpg,jpeg,html,cgi) these still always get rejected. Is there a way around this?

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Ubuntu :: Download Entire Site With Wget From Localhost Proxy?

Dec 24, 2010

i want to download android developer guide from google site but is forbidden from my country i want to use wget to download entire android dev guides with freedom( proxy ) that i set in firefox these for open forbidden sites ( port:8080 ) i use this command to download entire site

`wget -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; nl; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040916" -r -l 2 -A jpg,jpeg -nc --limit-rate=20K -w 4 --random-wait http_proxy -S -o AndroidDevGuide`


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General :: Use Wget To Download A Site And ALL Of Its Requirement Documents Including Remote Ones

Aug 10, 2011

I want to do something simular to the following:

wget -e robots=off --no-clobber --no-parent --page-requisites -r --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows

However, the page I'm downloading has remote content from a domain other than It was asked of me to download that content too. is this possible with wget?

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General :: Konqueror Doesn't Display Image From Wget

Jan 20, 2010

I'm using this command: wget --convert-links -np --wait=20 --limit-rate=20K -m -k -p -U Mozilla -c [URL]

I can only use konqueror (asus eeepc 701) to completely view kneetest.html . The image taimoshan-front-qtr.jpg does not show, but if I right click and save, I can view the jpg. I was able to see this jpg earlier in the day, but not now. I've wget'd the site about 5 or 6 times in a day and sometimes I'll miss 2 images. I've also tried without the -U Mozilla option. BTW: Is there a way to get Mozilla to read files from wget?

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Ubuntu :: Wget Downloads Corrupt Files; Gwget Doesn't Work At All?

Dec 26, 2010

In order to download files from a particular website, I have to include a header containing the text of a cookie, to indicate who I am and that I am properly logged in. So the wget command ends up looking something like:Code:wget --header "Cookie: user=stringofgibbrish", this does work in the sense that the command does download a file of the right size that has the expected name. But the file does not contain what it should--the .zip files cannot be unzipped, the movies can not be played, etc Do I need some additional option, like the "binary" mode in the old FTP protocols?I tried installing gwget; it is easier to use, but has no way to include the --header stuff, so the downloads never happen in the first place

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Ubuntu Installation :: Entering Username And Password But It Doesn't Work?

Jun 10, 2011

I tried installing lubuntu 'over' ubuntu, but am now locked out. Basically, the login screen loads, I've tried entering my username and password, but it doesn't work. I'm not really sure of my username as Ubuntu would automatically fill it in for me. But lubuntu isn't auto-loading my username, so I've been trying to enter all types of variations. I am 100% of my password though

I tried getting help at lubuntu's chat, but that's been kind of hard since there aren't that many people responding. The lubuntu people had me go into recovery mode (2.6.38-8 recovery) and so that would go smoothly. But when the screen of the options of resume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, etc, I cannot move the selector down. So basically, the orange selector is stuck at resume. Whenever I press the down key, the computer runs some lines, and I cannot go back to the list of options. The list is still visible, but can't select any of the options.

If I press the 'end' button, that executes something (probably the last option in the list), and I shut down the pc when it did that. The other arrow keys do nothing. The tab button manages to move the selector from the list to 'Ok' and 'Cancel.' But I cannot move the selector down.. TL;DR: I need to either get into recovery mode, or find a way to get my exact username lubuntu thinks it is.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: The Conky Site Doesn't Appear To Have Any Related Documentation?

Nov 18, 2010

Recently came across this system monitor for the desktop (in PartedMagic).I liked it,thought it would be fun to play with. It bills itself as being for Ubuntu, but it appears to be available through the Fedora repo.I'm just wondering if anyone is/has run it on their Fedora install? The Conky site doesn't appear to have any Fedora related documentation. Note, I'm not looking for instructions, just wondering if any Fedora users are actually running it.

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General :: Cgi Doesn't Work With New Apache Site Configuration

Mar 24, 2010

I installed apache on my local machine to test websites. I have one problem: I created a new site configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available and enabled it. The problem is that cgi is not working, it just prints the content of the files. (The default location for cgi, /usr/lib/cgi-bin works without problem.) Here is the content of the site configuration file:

<VirtualHost *site1:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/site1/public_html
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cgi Doesn't Work With New Apache Site Configuration?

Mar 24, 2010

I installed apache on my local machine to test my sites. I have one problem:I created a new site configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available and enabled it. The problem is that cgi is not working, it just prints the content of the files. (The default location for cgi, /usr/lib/cgi-bin works without problem.)Here is the content of the site configuration file:

<VirtualHost *site1:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost


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Ubuntu :: Firefox Doesn't Display Site Menus Properly?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm using Firefox 3.6.10 for Ubuntu 10.10 with the smooth-scaling ppa (only addons I'm using are Firebug and the Ubuntu modifications pack).Several sites with navigation menus the menu is spread over two lines when it obviously shouldn't be (eg. The Telegraph online, BBC News...) this happens no matter what the zoom level is set to. Chromium renders all these pages normally.

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Software :: Resume An Interrupted Wget Using Wget.log?

Jun 19, 2011

If a wget download is interrupted (like if I have to shutdown prematurely), I get a wget.log with the partial download. How can I later resume the download using the data in wget.log? I have searched high and low (including wget manual) and cannot find how to do this. Is it so obvious that I did not see it? The wget -c option with the wget.log as the argument to the -c option does not work. What I do do is open the wget.log and copy the URL and then paste it into the command line and do another wget. This works but the download is started from the beginning, which means nothing in the wget.log is used.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Broadband Connection That Doesn't Require Username And Password?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04...How do i setup a broadband connection that DOES NOT require a username and password i tried pppoeconf but it wont let me proceed without entering something in the username and password fields. on XP i jus plug in my Ethernet cable and it works but it doest on ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Kget Installed But Won't Run / What To Do?

Jun 5, 2011

I am trying to get a download manager ( like IDM in win ) to work in 11.04 64 bit =
1. DTA = no go
2. tucan manager = no go
3. kget = installed but won't run ?

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OpenSUSE :: Cant Get Kget To Download Bit Torrent All It Says Is Stalled?

Jul 16, 2010

i cant get kget to download bit torrent all it says is stalled?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Download Link In Kget?

Mar 9, 2010

How can i change the link on an ongoing download in in flash get(windows

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kget Window Is Not Opening?

Jul 15, 2010

i have downloaded the kget and installed it successfully,it was working but from tomorrow i am not able to open it.i have reinstalled but all in vain

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Slackware :: KGet In XFCE4 - StartX Command Ends Up

Jan 31, 2011

Kernel, GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0)
xfce 4.4
Qt 3.3.8
KDE 3.5.7
KGet v. 0.8.5

I've just installed all of the packages in disks 1 and 2 of the slack 12.0 distro so, among them, I have the slack series kde/ installed. I run xfce as the desktop environment, which is able to run KDE apps. In main menu>Network there is kget, a download manager and also supposedly a p2p client. I ran it and it said "It is the 1st time you run kget. Do you want to make the default download manager?". I replied "No". As nothing happened I restarted X (the startx command ends up running xfce), ran kget again, and it made the same question, which this time I answered in the affirmative.

Again nothing happened. So I tried to download some file from the web, in the hope that a kget window would open. But no window opened nor anything else happened! In the console, I did 'ps -e' and there it was, however. So I began the search for documentation. First I ran khelpcenter, and was presented with the kget help. It was all about menus. However, typing kget --help-all in a console, gives almost two screens of information. And I tried several commands, from the GUI, following the syntax displayed by this command, but it was no use. So, I finally had to fall back on LQ, like so many times.

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Ubuntu :: After Installing And Uninstalling Kubuntu-desktop - Lost Kget

Sep 1, 2010

under gnome (OS: ubuntu lucid 10.04) i installed KGet and it was working fine with no problems or ( extra PKGs installation ) ... then i wanted to try KDE desktop so i installed kubuntu-desktop , after that gnome windows and message alerts have been transformed to KDE form even if i was logged with gnome ...

I uninstalled kubuntu-desktop using instructions provided here : [url] but then i lost kget .... now when i try to install it again , synaptic iforms me that i have to install a lot of extra packages as well .. what is the shortest way to install and run KDE program on my gnome desktop properly .. ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Openvpn Site-to-Site : Impossibile To Ping Client On Subnet?

Jun 25, 2010

I have to ubuntu machine (9.10 and 10.4) with a openvpn tunnel between them.This is the situation:

UbuntuA br0: (openvpn bridge between eth0 and tap0)[code].....

UbuntuA has one only interface etho and there are two openvpn instance: one bridge istance with br0 and another instance with tun0.
UbuntuA is not the gateway for networkA. UbuntuB is the gateway for NetworkB.I need to comunicate between pc on networkB e those on networkA.This is the "ping situation" (no pc tested has an active firewall):

ubuntuA vs ubuntuB: OK
ubuntuB vs ubuntuA: OK
pc on NetworkA vs ubuntuA and ubuntuB: OK[code].....

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Networking :: Enabling Full Routing Site To Site With Openvpn Not Using Masquerading?

Jul 27, 2010

I've been on a quest to enable full routing through my openvpn tunnel between my office and the colo. Masquerading will work, however it will throw off anything key based and makes a lot of things just more difficult and vague in general. Is there an easy way to do this via iptables? I tried using quagga hoping it would magically solve my problems, however it does not seem to do my routing for me . I just did a basic static route within zebra...

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Networking :: Site To Site Vpn Racoon With Cisco Asa 5505 Routing?

Mar 25, 2010

I have three locations with a central office connected to two remote locations. At the central office I run on a cisco asa 5505 two site to site vpns. The remote end of the first site is a checkpoint firewall , and the remote end of the second site is racoon on debian. Both sites are up and working. However, where at the first site traffic goes both ways, at the second site it only works from the central office to the remote office.

For example, I can ssh from a host in the central office to a host in the first remote site (through checkpoint firewall,) then ssh back from that host at the remote office to any host in the central office. In contrast, after I ssh from a host in the central office to a host in the second remote office (through racoon), I cannot see the central office hosts (ping the ip address of a central office host, ssh, etc. all fail.) The vpn settings at the central office (the cisco asa 5505) are identical. So it seems to me that some routing magic is missing on the host running racoon at the second remote office. Where would such setting reside? racoon config files? iptables?

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Security :: Site-to-site Ouija Board Connection?

Oct 3, 2010

Maybe a site-to-site Ouija board connection.

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Server :: Setup An Ssh Server That Doesn't Require A Username,password Or Cert To Login?

Jun 22, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup an ssh server that doesn't require a username,password or cert to login?I wish to provide shell access to a console program, which will prompt for a username and password.Encryption is essential though, and users must not be able to snoop in on each other

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