Software :: Dovecot Dotlock Error - Locking Set To Fcntl?

Aug 16, 2010

We are currently running Dovecot 1.2 on a Centos 5.5 machine for a production workload of around 56,000 - 60,000 pop/imap logins per hour of the day (totaling a million something a day). The server has it's storage hosted on nfs. This server is usually humming along just fine until we get the following error in the mail syslog:

Created dotlock file's timestamp is different than current time (1281964699 vs 1281964649): /mail/user/Mai. ldir/dovecot-uidlist We see a couple of these errors and the server explodes with a load average of over 300, which drops back down immediately but definitely causes a small outage. The strangest part is that we are NOT using dotlock as a locking mechanism on this server. We are also not using dotlock as a locking mechanism for any of the servers that access this nfs storage, rather we use fcntl. There was a time when we tested dotlock on the servers in our mail cluster, but we are not sure why these errors are appearing now after running without dotlock for so long.

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General :: Error In Locking Xauthority?

Jan 29, 2011

Just before X begins, the screen states that there's an error in locking Xauthority. What does this mean? Is this something that should concern me? Is there a way to fix this?

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Debian :: Dovecot Starting Error ?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed the dovecot with aptitude in the debian squeeze, and want to use dovecot as imap and pop3 server with exim4 for my mail server, i configured the dovecot and exim4, but when want to start the dovecot get this error:

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General :: Error In Locking .Xauthority File ... Continued From Previous Post?

Apr 27, 2011

I agree deleting .Xauthority files work, but thats not a good solution. I mean, everytime I have to run any X forwarding application I have to delete the .Xauthority file. Here is my scenarioThe applications that I want to run are on Linux Server [NFS] and the client machines [CIFS] that are having problem in locking theXauthority files are Macs which share the same domain as that of client solaris machine. i.e. The home directory of particular user on Solaris & the home directory of that user on Mac have same contents.When I ssh -X from Solaris to the server, everything works fine, no error messages.When I ssh -X from MACs to the server, I get the following warning messages.

/usr/X/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority
/usr/X/bin/xauth is the path on the server. If I try to break the lock by sudo


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Server :: Dovecot Can't Access Maildir (log Error Posted)

Dec 27, 2010

I am having the following error on my logs.


I used mail_uid and mail_gid in dovecot.conf to set the permissions, I'm not using local system accounts, instead accounts specified in MySQL. I can dump all the output of doveconf if requested.

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Server :: Error: Connection Dropped By IMAP With Dovecot

Apr 19, 2011

I am running SquirrelMail version 1.4.8-5.el5.centos.10 on a CentOS 5.6 64-bit distribution with MailScanner 4.83.4, Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8, and Dovecot 1.0.7 release. One user is having problems connecting via the SquirrelMail interface to his e-mail. Whenever he tries to connect, he gets the following error message:


Error: Connection dropped by IMAP server with dovecot

I have tested another user account, and that user is able to connect without issue. I confirmed the presence of dovecot.index, dovecot.index.cache, and dovecot.index.log files in the user's <HOME DIR>/mail/.imap/INBOX folder. The /var/log/maillog files do not list any apparent error messages with SquirrelMail.

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Software :: Postfix With Dovecot On Ubuntu 9.10 Mail Send Error

May 8, 2010

i installed a new server ubuntu server 9.10 with lamp, etc.

after which i followed the following tutorial to setup

Postfix, DoveCot, Squirell


It was working fine till here. After which i installed the spamassain which also got configured perfectly.

I can send only 1 or 2 mails after which i get error

here is my confid file of postfix


# See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more complete version
# Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first
# line of that file to be used as the name. The Debian default
# is /etc/mailname.


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Server :: Dovecot IMAP And Subfolders - Mac's Mail Application And Thunderbird - Both Come Up With Error

Mar 18, 2010

I'm running Dovecot version dovecot-1.0.7 on CentOS 5.4. I'm trying to create subfolders and I can't. I've tried Mac's mail application and Thunderbird; they both come up with an error, basically saying that the server doesn't support level one folders(subfolders). Squirrelmail can't create subfolders neither. I did some reading and thought that perhaps the problem lies in the /etc/dovecot.conf file; specifically with the "mail_location" directive. I currently don't have that directive active which means Dovecot uses defaults settings: saving users' mail in the %u/mail folder. Is there any way to configure Dovecot to use subfolders?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Error: Starting Dovecot Imap: Fatal: Listen(995) Failed: Address Already In Use?

Jun 28, 2009

Sometimes during bootup I get the following error:Starting Dovecot Imap: Fatal: listen(995) failed: Address already in useI tried to figure out what I could with the command lsof -i :995 and this was my output:COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAMErpc.mount 2936 root 7u IPv4 9201 TCP *:pop3s (LISTEN)When the system boots without the dovecot error the output of losof -i :995 is as follows:

dovecot 3079 root 8u IPv6 9419 TCP *:pop3s (LISTEN)
pop3-logi 3157 dovecot 1u IPv6 9419 TCP *:pop3s (LISTEN)


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CentOS 5 :: Error "timeout In Locking Authority File /root/.xauthkk661q" Message When Starting Vnc-server

Jun 17, 2011

I have installed vnc-server on my CentOS 5.6 virtual machine. I can connect to it with a java web browser so it seems to be working. However, I get the following error message when I start, stop or restart the vnc-server process. Quote: Starting VNC server: 1:ken xauth: timeout in locking authority file /root/.xauthkk661q

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Fedora :: 15 Locking Up On Thinkpad X41

Jun 2, 2011

I've recently installed F15 on my old thinkpad X41 to give it a go after sticking to ubuntu for quite a bunch of years now.

Somehow there seems to be a problem with the installation tho: the screen freezes up (as does the keyboard) after a while using it - not many programs open, a couple of workspaces enabled, no memory or CPU stress whatsoever - and all i'm left with is a moving mouse cursor. Ctrl + alt + F2 doesn't work and the only solution is to restart the laptop again.

Tried the fallback mode and same thing still happens, so maybe its not a graphic card issue.

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Fedora Hardware :: 15 Keeps Locking Up

Jun 23, 2011

My computer keep locking up when I try to open a new tab in Google Chrome. It locks up when I do other stuff too but it does not stay locked up. When it gets locked up from Chrome I have to fix it by doing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace. It only happens sometimes though. I can open new tabs sometimes without it locking up. I know it has something to do with my graphics driver (I have an ati). When it locks up I can't do anything and then like 10 seconds later I can move my mouse but that's it, everything else is still frozen. That's when I do Ctrl + Alt + Backspace. Here is what the messages log file says:


Jun 22 17:47:31 hostname kernel: [12767.018056] radeon 0000:01:00.0: GPU lockup CP stall for more than 10000msec
Jun 22 17:47:31 hostname kernel: [12767.018058] ------------[ cut here ]------------


I changed the real host name of my computer to hostname.

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Ubuntu :: How To Trace GUI Locking Up

Jan 1, 2010

I just did a fresh install of Kubuntu 9.10. The GUI regularly locks up. I can SSH to it from another machine everytime it locks up. Top shows Xorg consuming 99% cpu. I think downgrading the nvidia driver to 173 from 185 helped reduce the lockups. Before they seemed very random and very often. Now it seems to happen when copying a large amount of files over the network but I'm not entirely sure. It ran the electricsheep screensaver all day today with no problems and the RSS euphoria GL screensaver all day yesterday. If I copy 2GB of files from one local directory to another no problem, if I do it through cifs mounted samba shares it will lock up for sure. Small amounts seem ok. Apt-get install has had some lock ups too.

I don't really know how to trace what's going on beyond installing ssh and finding out that it's totally alive inside. I don't know what to look for in log files nor which ones to look at. I didn't recognize anything wrong in Xorg log. In the system log I look for the time gap between when it locked up and I shut down and when I rebooted but I didn't notice anything.

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Ubuntu :: X Is Locking Up System

Feb 4, 2011

I first started experiencing it when I would leave my computer logged in overnight.I would come in and find the screen frozen and flickering. When I ssh'd into the machine, I could see that Xorg was using 100% of the CPU and a ton of memory. I could kill kdm, but not Xorg. Only a full reboot would cure it.When it would reboot, my second monitor sometimes would not work and it would take several reboots to get it up and running. Recently, I was working in matlab and had Xorg freeze on my numerous times...always when I had my second monitor up and running.

The card in question is an Nvidia 9800 GX 2.It almost seems like GPU0 (the one running the second monitor) is dead or dieing and is causing instability when it is up and running..but I've also heard that X running away and locking up the system is a known bug.

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Ubuntu Security :: Locking Down 10.04

Jul 25, 2011

I know that Ubuntu doesn't need antivirus, and a firewall isn't imperative.

I would, however, like to know what I could do to make my Lucid box a bit more secure, as I'm using it as my work system.

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Debian :: Lenny - Locking Up ?

Dec 28, 2010

I installed with no problem. I have 2 hd's one with winxp3-32bit the other with debain-amd64. When i move a window on the desktop or try to scroll in a window the text gets out of whack and computer locks up.

asus a8n32 sli deluxe mobo
2 nvidia 7800gt' sli
segate barraccuda 500g hd(winxp)
wd 200g hd(linux)

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Security :: Locking Down A Nameserver

Mar 27, 2010

Ok, one more question on nameserver security. So I was reading this post and it recommended not setting a defined outgoing port for your nameserver due to the Kaminsky vulnerability.What is the proper way to lock down a nameserver, but avoid the vulnerability of only allowing incoming and outgoing requests on port 53

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Programming :: Resources Locking In C?

May 9, 2011

I am going to write two or more programs that will take control of the same resources on Linux. What are the common methods/functions that can do locks/synchronizations in C?

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CentOS 5 :: Locking A TWM Session

May 6, 2010

I have to run a graphical session for using something with wine on a server (unfortunately :((( ) and I'd like to run a TWM session. As I would like to lock the session, I settled things to log on from XDM. However, I can't find anyway to lock the session. Is it possible (I guess yes) ? How can it be achieved?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: F12 Locking Up On Boot

Nov 19, 2009

I added the rpmfusion repos so that I could install the nvidia drivers and downloaded whatever updates appeared. Initially after rebooting, I kept getting "No root device found" which I've managed to solve but now it keeps locking up after "Starting atd". That actually manages to load and then it locks so I'm guessing that it's "S99livesys" that is causing the problem.From googling, this appear to be a problem with certain kernels and can be resolved by either using an older kernel image or turning the process off in the command line. My problem is that this was a fresh install so there's only one kernel image so it's impossible for me to use a different one. For the same reason, I can't get into the command line.

Is there anyway to get around this without re-installing?I don't want to have the same issue if I re-install?Can I download the kernel images and just place them in /boot?

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Fedora :: Need File Locking Sofware

Mar 8, 2010

I need file locking software or command for my project

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Fedora :: F13 I686 Box Keeps Locking Up Without Crash?

Jun 7, 2010

I upgraded from F12 i686 to F13 (I should say clean install). And now ever so often my computer locks up...... I will wait for an update or something this week but if it continues after I may have to go back to F12 (on another HDD)

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Ubuntu :: Locking Screen At Startup?

Mar 28, 2010

I looked for this but couldn't find it.

When Gnome starts, I would like to auto-login a user account, but I and the screensaver to lock at boot. I am using the gnome-screensaver.

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 Crashing / Locking Up After Login

May 1, 2010

So is this what I get for not upgrading because the support for 8.10 ends on 4/30? I have 8.10 but it is locking up immediately after logging in. It's a 64 bit system and has worked flawlessly up to this point. Ctrl-alt-BS does not work. Alt-Sys-K does not work. Alt-Sys-R, E, I, S, U, E does not work. Only turning off the power resets the computer. Memtest turned up nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Locking Printer Config

Jul 24, 2010

I run 6 machines at our local library with Ubuntu Lucid. Here is a problem. We use a network printer accessed through the ethernet cabling system. It isn't attached to a computer. I want to set it up so the Ubuntu computers find it by ip address, it has a static address. Then I would like to lock down the printer config as each week other printers show up there, all basically the same printer but only works if the patrons pick the correct iteration of it and it doesn't always stick to the default option I haver set up. So people get confused and then pick another one and no prints. I want them to click print and bingo only one printer shows up and it is the ip address I have set up. Ubuntu seems to love to add numerous copies of printers and in this situation it is creating havoc. So can I somehow set a command to lock the printer config and eliminate all this confusion? I hope this is clear as it is a fairly complicated issue.But is reflecting poorly on Linux to people who come in and I want it to b e very stable.

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Ubuntu :: After Locking Desktop Not Asking For Password?

Aug 25, 2010

After locking desktop not asking for password I am using Ubuntu 10.04 TLS from a pen-drive (running Ubuntu example). I created a new user account When I lock desktop it correctly turnout the screen (everything go dark). When I move the mouse Ubuntu returns perfectly. My problem is that in any time I am not asked for password. I want that Ubuntu while locking ask for password to login again. I already tried configuring lock down and lock properties (application) via gconf-editor.

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Ubuntu :: X And System Locking Up/crashing

Dec 14, 2010

first of some specs;
kernel 2.6.35-23-generic
64 bit amd turion dual core
toshiba satellite about 6 months old
4gig ram (oddly only 3.1gig shows up :/)
ubuntu 10.10

how to get it and i will get it

alright the problem is every now and then my system locks up and i try things like ctrl+alt+Fn and ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+alt+backspace but nothing works exsept when hold down the power button for a hard reset and occasionally somthing else happens that can only be comppared to a BSOD in windows but with out the blue screen it just goes to a screen with vertical grey stripes for 2 seconds ish then reboots

so i dont have the slightest idea of what it could be tho i think it could be something to do with the graphics chip maybe?

its happened quite a few times both in 10.04 and 10.10

if you want system logs i can attach them when ever

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Ubuntu :: Keeps On Randomly Locking Up And Freezing?

Mar 25, 2011

I noticed in the last month or so that Ubuntu keeps on randomly locking up and freezing.Most of the time Crtl+Alt+Backspace (zap X) does not work and I have to power down my PC manually.What has happened good old reliable Ubuntu? Its starting to me off now but luckily I haven't lost anything of value as a result of these lockups.

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Ubuntu :: Locking Icons In Docky?

Apr 7, 2011

I have used the guide that makes ubuntu look like osX, but is there a way to lock the icons on the dock, so they can not be removed?

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Ubuntu :: Locking Password And Start Up

Jun 18, 2011

I've tried to configure ubuntu 10.04.2 to start up without having to enter a password, thought I did all the correct things yet I get this 'lockring' thing where I still have to enter my password every single time I start up. I get past the first screen where I was having to enter a password when selecting user, (actually never set up a user, just using whatever the primary 'user' is, what is it called?)How do I disable the request for a password for this lockring thingy?

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