Ubuntu :: Locking Password And Start Up

Jun 18, 2011

I've tried to configure ubuntu 10.04.2 to start up without having to enter a password, thought I did all the correct things yet I get this 'lockring' thing where I still have to enter my password every single time I start up. I get past the first screen where I was having to enter a password when selecting user, (actually never set up a user, just using whatever the primary 'user' is, what is it called?)How do I disable the request for a password for this lockring thingy?

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Ubuntu :: After Locking Desktop Not Asking For Password?

Aug 25, 2010

After locking desktop not asking for password I am using Ubuntu 10.04 TLS from a pen-drive (running Ubuntu example). I created a new user account When I lock desktop it correctly turnout the screen (everything go dark). When I move the mouse Ubuntu returns perfectly. My problem is that in any time I am not asked for password. I want that Ubuntu while locking ask for password to login again. I already tried configuring lock down and lock properties (application) via gconf-editor.

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General :: Start Truecrypt Automatically And Use The Same Password As Login Password?

Sep 13, 2009

Ubuntu 8.4 Just installed Truecrypt yesterday. Would like to be able to start Truecrypt automatically and use the same password as my login password.

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Ubuntu :: Keyring Password On Start Up

Jan 19, 2010

When I start up my laptop that is running Ubuntu 9.10 I get a pop up window that asks me to input my password for Keyring. How can i remove this from the start up or how can I remove from having to put in my password for every time I get prompted ?

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Ubuntu :: Get A Terminal To Appear At The Start Up To Ask For The Password

Mar 31, 2010

I've copied a little shell script from the net and when I run it in xfce4-terminal it just works


sudo ./script.sh

The problem is that this script needs interaction with the user (entering a password) and I want to run it at the startup. I've put it in the /etc/init.d folder, configured the options but I need to know how you can get a terminal to appear at the start up to ask you for the password.


echo "1. Enter your password
oldConfig=`stty -g`


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Ubuntu :: Demanding Password On Start-up?

Jun 6, 2010

I'd like to password protect the startup of my computer.

My computer has 1 user log-in. I'd like to keep it that way but simply make the computer ask for password before loading into the desktop.

If I go: System > Administration > Users and Groups.... I click on my username, and there is a check box that says "Don't ask for password on login". For some reason, this message and box is grayed out and unavailable for changing.

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Ubuntu :: Start Empathy It Wants Root Password

Jun 5, 2011

Whenever I start empathy it wants my root password is this right and if not how do I stop it ?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-terminal Require Password At Start?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm usingg Ubuntu 10.04. When i start gnome-terminal (from terminal or gui) at the first i see invite to enter sudo pass: Terminal window is opening and i see the string:

[sudo] password for tenhi:

Yesterday i changed .bashrc file and some settings in User and Groups management.

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Ubuntu :: When Try To Start That Program; Asked For Administrator Password?

Sep 1, 2010

There where some updates for 10.04.1 yesterday, after I installed them, a few hours later I restarted my machine as new headers and kernel files where downloaded.So this morning, when I come in, I wanted to check my software sources as I saw something a little odd yesterday.When I try to start that program; I am asked for my administrator password. Not the password I use for administrative tasks; which is what I am generally asked for.Anyone else seeing this? And if so, what happened. The admin account I have setup is My account, I am the only person on the machine. In the past I have entered my password and carried on; not this morning. Not sure what is happening; but I have not setup an actual admin account / password.

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Ubuntu :: Localhost - Asking For Username And A Password When Start Firefox

Oct 26, 2010

When I start firefox the first thing it does is asking a username and a password. Very strange. Other browsers do not do this authomatically, but they do if i type localhost in the adressbar. I'm using ubuntu10.04, and firefox 3.6.11. At the very beginning I thought that there was some problem with TOR, since the problem first appeared one day I turned it on (I had used it before, without having any problem). Now I've completely uninstalled TOR, but the problem is still there.

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Ubuntu Security :: Get Openvpn Start-up Script To Ask For A Password?

Jul 20, 2011

I have to say, I'm a little astonished at how anxious people are to bypass password checks on networks, all for the convenience of having things come up automatically. But given the world as we find it, I'm seeking a different approach.

I have an OpenVPN network. It works fine, but for my laptop, I've selected a client certificate that requires a password, so that if it falls into nefarious hands, the thief will not have immediate access to the VPN.

I'm trying not to have any data at all on the laptop (yes, a waste of a 500GB drive). So I want the VPN up even before I log in through the GUI.

It would be nice if the boot-up sequence would pause for the openvpn start script to ask for this password. I see the script contains a line "# X-Interactive: true" which I understand from documentation is supposed to accomplish this. But it doesn't. OpenVPN simply fails to start, which is better than the alternative, but a pain.

I have already disabled the splash screen (having been around Linux for over ten years, I am more comfortable seeing boot-up messages anyway, though even on this x86 they flash on so quickly I'm not sure I'm really gaining anything).

What am I missing?

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Ubuntu :: Start Up Computer Without Always Having To Enter Login Keyring Password?

Jul 22, 2010

Every time I start up my PC, I am always prompted to enter my login keyring password. Is there a way to start up my computer without always having to enter my login keyring password?

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Ubuntu :: No Longer Asked For Password/keyring Prompt At Start-up?

Sep 1, 2010

Been having trouble connecting to the internet and i am no longer being asked for password/keyring prompt at start-up. Something the prompt comes up 5-15 minutes after start-up.

I even manually set 'password at login' but it doesn't even ask me for that?

ps: over here

HTML Code:

i found something about Avahi potentially causing a conflict with network configuration - so i typed the following command and am now online at least:

sudo stop avahi-daemon
sudo sed -e '/^start/,+1s/^/#/' /etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf

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Fedora :: Start Program Without Root Password

Apr 12, 2011

I have a couple of encrypted external hard drives that I have to mount with realcrypt.The thing is, to start realcrypt I always need to put in my root password, which is kind of a drag.I have combed the internet for information and the most sensible solutions always pointed to do a visudo edit.There were a few things I tried, but none of them seem to work.This is the last iteration - I put in all realcrypt files i could find, which I suppose shouldn't be necessary but desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Password Incorrect For Default Keyring To Start Wireless

Oct 10, 2010

I just did a fresh install of 10.10 and whenever I log on it request the password for default keyring (the same as sign in password) in previous versions of ubuntu it never asked and automatically started the wireless; now it asks and tells me the password is incorrect. I can hit cancel a numerous amount of times and it will eventually allow me to connect, but that doesn't seem like a good fix in my opinion. This also happened when I tried out lubuntu 10.04 which I promptly removed due to the menu style.

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Ubuntu Security :: Avoid To Rewrite The Password Again And Again - Start With Superuser Permissions

Oct 16, 2010

Having to write my user password every time I want to do anything. I DO know I'm doing something risky for the system, that's why I have Linux. Is there a way to avoid to rewrite the password again and again, like start with superuser permissions?

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Slackware :: WICD Keeps Asking For User Password At Openbox Start?

Nov 25, 2010

So, in any other Desktop WM, wicd never asks for passwordyesterday I installed Openbox,etc from SlackBuilds and each time I start Openbox it asks for my user's password.I did some googling but couldn't find anything regarding Slackware & wicdand I'm using -currentUser is part of netdev group so what's the issue

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Needs No Password In Order To Mount / Firefox Can't Start

Apr 30, 2010

well yesterday I upgraded my karmic to lynx. So far so good, overall much improved plus I love the new theme. Now the problem, I share my Firefox/Thunderbird profile (stored in my secondary HD) with WinXP (dual boot box). Since karmic, before I opened Firefox/Thunderbird, I had to mount the 2ndary HD which of course prompted me for a password and then everything worked fine. In case I forgot to mount the disk then Firefox popped the following msg: Firefox is either opened or in use.Now, lucid strangely mounts my HD without a password, more peculiarly I have r-w-e permissions and on top of that Firefox/Thunderbird gives me the silly msg!

Tried to unmount/mount back but still no password. I end up believing that this Firefox hesitation to start (based on karmic experience) is related with the password thing...or not?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Make Computer Start KDE Session By Asking Username And Password?

May 20, 2011

I am using OpenSUSE 11.4 on my office desktop computer. I would like to prevent users tinkering my computer, since there are personal and important files. How can I ask a username and password? I have one of course, but it is asked only if I log out and then log in. In the first boot, everyone can reach the KDE desktop.I am pretty sure it is an easy task.

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General :: Changed User Password / Unable To Start Services

Jul 25, 2011

Vmware tells me it cannot start services.I believe the issue is tied to permissions because the message indicated the log with the full details was located in /tmp/vmware-root/setup-4772.log but when I go there I receive a message telling me I do not have permission to the directory and there's a lock symbol on the directory from the File Browser utility.What do I need to do to unlock the folder and get vmware working again ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Crash Can't Start - Computer Doesn't Accept Password

Oct 7, 2010

My wifes computor crashed during an update with a message to fill in a report. It would not respond to any key presses. The computor has been running 11.3 since it was realeased without problems other than jerky video. The computor will not boot it asks for the password but does not accept it, Although I can see the Home folder it does not mount. I have tried testdisk but although it sees the partions it cannot acess them.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Start A Browser It Asks To Enter Root Password?

Sep 7, 2011

Whenever I start a browser, it asks me to enter my root password because of some pgp keyring issue. I set my password as standard in seahorse, but no change.

The Gnome3 interface sometimes lags very noticeably.

Packagekit constantly blocks my zypper use, and it won't shut down. Not even after I log out and log in again. I tried just removing everything related to packagekit, but that just breaks everything.

Searching for repositories is a pain and there are too many different ones and I never know which one is the latest and how these will be upgraded in the future. Zypper itself is awesome, everything else about package and repo management is not.

I can't uninstall applications properly. I remove them via zypper, and when I do a distro update they get added back in. (gnome games for example)

Whenever I install or search for anything in zypper, I get hundreds of these errors: GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See GConf configuration system for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: The connection is closed)..but it still finds something.

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Type In Password At Login Screen And Hit Enter / Gnome Do Not Start

Feb 5, 2010

It happens like 50% of my Suse 11.2 startups, when I type in my password at login screen and hit enter, Gnome do not start, i can only see the green blank screen,or sometimes it start to show only my custom wallpaper and nothing more, when i try ctrl+alt+backspacex2 and login again everything seems to work fine, but what could be wrong ? is it a hardware issue ? Moreover, sometimes when I want to shutdown my laptop and click the shutdown button, suse do logout, but instead of turning off the laptop , it brings me to login screen, clicking the shutdown button at login screen makes my hdd lamp blink and thats all.

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Ubuntu :: How To Trace GUI Locking Up

Jan 1, 2010

I just did a fresh install of Kubuntu 9.10. The GUI regularly locks up. I can SSH to it from another machine everytime it locks up. Top shows Xorg consuming 99% cpu. I think downgrading the nvidia driver to 173 from 185 helped reduce the lockups. Before they seemed very random and very often. Now it seems to happen when copying a large amount of files over the network but I'm not entirely sure. It ran the electricsheep screensaver all day today with no problems and the RSS euphoria GL screensaver all day yesterday. If I copy 2GB of files from one local directory to another no problem, if I do it through cifs mounted samba shares it will lock up for sure. Small amounts seem ok. Apt-get install has had some lock ups too.

I don't really know how to trace what's going on beyond installing ssh and finding out that it's totally alive inside. I don't know what to look for in log files nor which ones to look at. I didn't recognize anything wrong in Xorg log. In the system log I look for the time gap between when it locked up and I shut down and when I rebooted but I didn't notice anything.

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Ubuntu :: X Is Locking Up System

Feb 4, 2011

I first started experiencing it when I would leave my computer logged in overnight.I would come in and find the screen frozen and flickering. When I ssh'd into the machine, I could see that Xorg was using 100% of the CPU and a ton of memory. I could kill kdm, but not Xorg. Only a full reboot would cure it.When it would reboot, my second monitor sometimes would not work and it would take several reboots to get it up and running. Recently, I was working in matlab and had Xorg freeze on my numerous times...always when I had my second monitor up and running.

The card in question is an Nvidia 9800 GX 2.It almost seems like GPU0 (the one running the second monitor) is dead or dieing and is causing instability when it is up and running..but I've also heard that X running away and locking up the system is a known bug.

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Ubuntu Security :: Locking Down 10.04

Jul 25, 2011

I know that Ubuntu doesn't need antivirus, and a firewall isn't imperative.

I would, however, like to know what I could do to make my Lucid box a bit more secure, as I'm using it as my work system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Password But When Type In The New Password Get This "The Password Is Longer Than 8 Characters?

Jan 8, 2010

hello i am trying to change my password, but when i type in the new password i get this:"The password is longer than 8 characters. On some systems, this can cause problems. You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is."my question is what kind of problem could i get and how can i change so i have to log in every time i start the computer?

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Ubuntu :: Locking Screen At Startup?

Mar 28, 2010

I looked for this but couldn't find it.

When Gnome starts, I would like to auto-login a user account, but I and the screensaver to lock at boot. I am using the gnome-screensaver.

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 Crashing / Locking Up After Login

May 1, 2010

So is this what I get for not upgrading because the support for 8.10 ends on 4/30? I have 8.10 but it is locking up immediately after logging in. It's a 64 bit system and has worked flawlessly up to this point. Ctrl-alt-BS does not work. Alt-Sys-K does not work. Alt-Sys-R, E, I, S, U, E does not work. Only turning off the power resets the computer. Memtest turned up nothing.

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Ubuntu :: Locking Printer Config

Jul 24, 2010

I run 6 machines at our local library with Ubuntu Lucid. Here is a problem. We use a network printer accessed through the ethernet cabling system. It isn't attached to a computer. I want to set it up so the Ubuntu computers find it by ip address, it has a static address. Then I would like to lock down the printer config as each week other printers show up there, all basically the same printer but only works if the patrons pick the correct iteration of it and it doesn't always stick to the default option I haver set up. So people get confused and then pick another one and no prints. I want them to click print and bingo only one printer shows up and it is the ip address I have set up. Ubuntu seems to love to add numerous copies of printers and in this situation it is creating havoc. So can I somehow set a command to lock the printer config and eliminate all this confusion? I hope this is clear as it is a fairly complicated issue.But is reflecting poorly on Linux to people who come in and I want it to b e very stable.

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