Software :: Computer Based Church Bell Sound System

Apr 22, 2011

I am trying to set up a computer based church bell sound system for my church. Basically it will be playing a sound at prescribed times during the day through an amplifier and speaker system. With the option of special sounds done manually on demand. I am using Linux Mint.

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CentOS 5 :: Computer Bell Isn't Working ?

Nov 17, 2009

The computer bell isn't working on a CentOS machine. I know it isn't a hardware problem. I tried "xset b on" and "xset b 100", which is the only thing I can think of.

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Software :: GUI (GTK) Based / Open Source Computer Algebra System

Sep 10, 2010

Are there any Computer Algebra Systems in the Ubuntu repositories that are GUI (and preferably GTK+) based and open source, as well as capable of graphing (and in 3D)? That being: A complete FOSS competitor to Microsoft Student.

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General :: No Log-in Sound And Command Line Terminal Bell In Gnome / Fix It?

Jul 27, 2010

I recently replaced (fresh install) Fedora 12 by 13. Surprisingly I noticed there is no log-in sound for Gnome and also when I use command line terminal there is no terminal bell in spite of the fact that I checked the "Terminal Bell" option in the EDIT --> Preferences menu! I checked the speakers are not mute, I can play music. Any idea how to fix it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Packard Bell KAV60: Builtin Mic Produces No Sound?

Jul 12, 2010

There is an issue with built-in microphone on the KAV60 laptop - it produces no signal to apps. If I plug in external mike - it works fine.

lspci shows:

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)

Adding various options "model=..." for snd-hda-intel ALC272 does not help (ALC272 is returned by "aplay -l"). What else could I try?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Disable System Bell For All Applications

Sep 2, 2010

I've searched all over Google and searched the forums and I have not been successful in finding out how to disable the System Bell (Beep) computer-wide. It's annoying hearing this extremely loud "BEEP" when I hit backspace one too many times, even when my sound is muted. People look at me like I'm crazy. Even if I try to backspace a non-existent character in my Google Chrome browser, I am struck with a crazy Error Beep. Long story short, how do I disable the System-wide "System Bell" ("BEEP") permanently? I'm on OpenSuse 11.3 using the KDE 4.4.4 Desktop.

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Slackware :: How To Turn On System Bell In XTerm

Apr 11, 2010

I'm trying to turn on the system bell (pc speaker) in xterm. I have the bell working in console (text mode, not under X), and with X running, even firefox can use the pc speaker (it beeps, when I enter a search term which is not found). Only xterm doesn't seem to work.

Here is my xterm config, and the xset command I'm trying to use to turn the bell on:
xterm*renderFont: true
xterm*faceName: Terminus
xterm*faceSize: 12

xterm*loginShell: true
!xterm*Geometry: 102x48+0+0
xterm*Geometry: 102x48
xterm*scrollBar: false

xterm*background: black
xterm*foreground: white
!xterm*highlightColor: red
xterm*charClass: 46-47:48

xterm*visualBell: false
xset b on
xset bell 100 1000 1000

If I run xterm with the +vb option, it doesn't help either (I'm testing it with printf "a"). What am I missing? How can I make xterm use my pc speaker as bell?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Turn On System Bell / PC Speaker

Mar 2, 2010

This is for all of you who are having problems getting sound out of the PC Speaker, as far as getting the system beep or system bell. In Karmic (9.10), a change was made to get rid of the system beeps and disable the pc speaker. Unfortunately for people who liked (or more likely need) the beeps, the changes occurred in multiple places and are not that easy to find. The pc speaker and beeps were disabled in response to this bug. I believe there were other bugs dealt with here because not everything that was done seems to be covered, if that makes sense.

This bug was created in response, in hope of getting the beeps turned back on. This post by one of the developers has some pretty comprehensive instructions for getting the beep back on. I want to note right now, that I did not have to apply his patch to get the beeps back on where I wanted them. It may already have been included in an update, or was obviated by something else I did. I realize this is pretty fragmented, and you may or may not want or need to go as far as I did with this. When I get a chance to do a new clean install of Karmic (maybe in a vm or something) I intend to go back over these instructions and try to create a synthesis of them that should work for certain. If I can, I'll figure out a way to script it.

One other thing I should point out. I didn't get the bug where I had to reload the pcspkr module on every boot, so that must be fixed. (I did have to remove it from the blacklist so it would be loaded on boot, but I didn't have to kill and reload it or add it to rc.local like some people did in those descriptions). I also did not get the bug of an endless loop of beep sound or multiple beep sounds, but that only happened to people who followed the directions to change the system beep to another sound.

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Applications :: Put Command To Ring System Bell Several Times When Connection Via PPP Drops?

Dec 1, 2010

I would like to put a command to ring the system bell several times when a connection via PPP drops.
Where/how can this be done using bash?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setting Up Receiver To Computer Sound System?

May 14, 2010

im about 3 weeks into linux, started out with fedora actually, but switched to ubuntu. First days of linux was intense but slowly got the hang of it and i enjoy it way better than my previous op vista.

Sound System Setup-
Sony Receiver 3 speakers and 1 subwoofer

From receiver Y connector -(red plug and white plug R/L) to audio plug that goes into laptop output. Laptop- AsusTek g51x with

PHP Code:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC663 Analog [ALC663 Analog]  Subdevices: 0/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC663 Digital [ALC663 Digital]  Subdevices: 1/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 

PHP Code:

alsactl version 1.0.22 

Sound card has Headphone,output,and input holes.

OS- Ubuntu 10.04

The setup worked fine on vista, but on ubuntu whenever i plug in headphones (headphone output) the laptops internal speakers shut off and there is no sound on the headphones, and when i plug in the sony receiver audio plug to my sound card output hole, the laptops speakers are still playing but no sound in the sony receiver. Also when i open the Ubuntu sound manager (I think its either pulseaudio or ASLA, stock gnome one) , it says on the Output tab, "Choose a device for sound output", but there is only one option and it says

"Internal audio analog stereo".

Im literally extremely lost at this point, i have read the forums for help, ASLA wiki (only shows USB sound device support) messed with the Sound Preferences, and spend around 9 hours in the last 2 days trying to make this work.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Makes A Buzz Sound On System Shutdown And Restart

May 3, 2010

For some time now, my laptop makes a quick but loud buzz sound when I shutdown or restart it. Muting my sounds doesn't fix it. Before, it didn't do this. It just started one day and got worse till it happened everytime I shutdown or restart.

Going to preferences > sounds > changing sound theme to no sounds helped a bit and after doing this, it doesn't happen all the time anymore. This is quite disturbing especially when I'm in libraries. What worries me the most though is that it might affect my speaker.

I'm using Karmic btw.

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Hardware :: Cost Efficiency Of A Computer PSU Based On Watts Rating

Jul 20, 2010

Can someone tell me if there a difference between running a 1000 watt computer PSU and a 1000 watt light bulb? For instance, Im sure if you burn a 1000 watt light bulb you'd burn the maximum amount of energy all the time (1000 watts). Using the full 1000 watts might be substantially more costly at the end of the month if you didn't need all the light produced all the time, but of course as long as the light was turned on it would burn the 1000 watts.

Now my question about a computer, while 1000 watt is probably an overkill, I'm thinking I should get a bigger wattage PSU than my current 400 watt power supply. If I got a higher wattage PSU, is there a chance that the wattage rating would burn the power based on the immediate computer load (components installed and intensity of the immediate applications) rather than a constant use based on the 1000 watt rating? During off peak times when I might not have many USB devices plugged in and not be running graphic intensive applications, would it be possible that the 1000 watt PSU would be less bucks (or equal to) the cost of the 400 watt PSU? Or would the 1000 watt PSU cost the same amount for the 24 hour operation of the computer as running a 1000 watt light bulb for the month.By the way, I'm looking at purchasing an 800 watt PSU and I'll be upgrading my 88000gts graphics card soon. I just replaced the case with an AXP 600 that has lots of room and cooling facility. I probably don't need the 800 watts at present, but with time I will be replacing the CPU and motherboard.Is there a chance (or scenario) where a higher wattage PSU might actually be more cost efficient at the end of the month and possible burn less electrical dollars because of less strain to keep up?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get A 'snap-sound' In Computer Sound From Center Speaker

Nov 29, 2010

For a couple of days ago, maybe a week or two I beguinne to get a 'snap-sound' in my compurt sound, like an eletrick charge or someting. I comes with about a minutes period. I resently find out that it came from the center-speaker. I run Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and have this sound-card: 00:09.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP73 High Definition Audio (rev a1)

My speaker system is Logitech X-530 I have located the problem to center-speaker, but the snap-sound only disappear if I mute the center, not lower the input, in the GNOME ALSA Mixer. I have tried to disconnect the antenna to the analoge-TV-tuner. Has anyoe a similar problem, and a trick to fix it? I don't know if it's related to any recent update of the system?

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Debian :: Sound In Plays Only In Xine-based Apps?

Oct 12, 2009

i have a problem with sound. Previously my on-board sound controller was identified automatically and worked flawlessly. But now I don't have any sound in the system with the only exception of Xine-based applications (Xine itself, Kaffeine-xine and Amarok still play fine but all other software is silent)Have anyone had this problem before.I'm using Debian Lenny stable with KDE 3.5.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Terminal-based Sound Card Configuration, Server 10.04?

Jun 18, 2010

I debate whether to place this under Server or under Multimedia, because it's both. I have Server 10.04 installed on a Foxconn Intel Atom board. For one of it's duties, I hope to set it up as a jukebox with Subsonic. I plugged in a pair of headphones and set about testing. Long story short, I have no audio from them, although I can get a light hiss when using sound-test. (I will have no GUI on this machine. Everything will be done through terminal or through a browser.)

Using lspci, I have this: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)

Using aplay -l, I have this:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC662 rev1 Digital [ALC662 rev1 Digital]


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Software :: No Midi Playback / Cannot Make EMU10k1 Based Sound Card?

Oct 16, 2010

Here's the problem of mine: I cannot make my EMU10k1 based sound card (Audigy 2 ZS) to play midi.

What I tried to make it work so far:
1. Install sound fonts: unison.sf2 and FluidR3_GS.sf2
2. Use asfxload to load these soundfonts.
3. Check if they are truly loaded:

user@computer: cat /proc/asound/card0/wavetableD1
Device: Emu10k1
Ports: 4
Addresses: 17:0 17:1 17:2 17:3

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General :: Backup A Debian Based System?

Oct 8, 2009

Issue: I want to backup my system and be able to restore if/when my system crashes.

Setup: Thinkpad T61 running Sidux KDE3.

I want to back up the system files more than personal data. What I have found is that when I apt-get dist-upgrade the upgrade performs without error, but when I restart and login I get a black screen with a mouse. From the 'black screen' I can open yakuake with F12 and then launch applications and such from the command line. The point of this more troubleshooting right now. Later is so I won't need to do a complete reinstall.

What backup prog have you used that will backup the complete system and is easy to restore?

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Software :: Looking For Web Based Version Control System

May 19, 2010

I'm looking for an open source web based version control system for our enterprise.To give you a quick picture of what we need I'll give you an example.

1.The customer send us some files for a new project (these will be the version 1.0)
2.We work on these files and make then available to the customer to let him verify that our changes are what he want. (These will be the version 2.0)
3.The customer accept.
4.We start the production.

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Software :: Web Based Ordering System For Restaurant

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to help a small restaurant owner take orders via the web.Looking for a solution that:Can create the restaurant's menu.Display that menu on the restaurant's web site.Preferably, using PHP with MySQL.Take orders via that web page.Let the restaurant owner update the menu with today's specials, via the web.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot 11.4 On Dualboot Nvdia G7600 Based System - Fresh Install "system Console Stolen At Line"

Apr 22, 2011

I tried to update one of my home machines with a fresh install. This is far from new to me so I did not expect any problem. But I was proven wrong. First: did install the system as usual. First anomaly: system blocked during the install process but did restart it flawlessly one I tried to eject the DVD from the player. It needed actually that intervention to retake working. It then went to install and froze during the first system start. I rebooted with failsafe settings, it then correctly configured. I reached a beautiful desktop. I performed the updates from the update repository and I joined the nvidia proprietary driver repository (which updated to the G02 driver).

I then rebooted the machine and now I am in trouble. In normal mode the system (dual boot Opensuse, XP) does not boot at all and freezes immediately after hitting enter as before. In safe mode it goes further but does not reach X anymore. It blocks with the following line statement: "system console stolen at line 266". I then tried "startx". But the system goes into a scrolling loop that does not allow me to read the output. how to get at least the error message of the loop? I read some line passing by that the system might have an X11 authorization problem.

Athlon Phenom X4 905e
Nividea G7600 graphic card
Former system installed and running flawlessly: 11.1

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Software :: Setting Up A Church Server - What Software Is Best For Recording The Audio Or Audio-video Files

Jun 12, 2010

Setting up a linux based church server to be placed with a collocation host.

-- Server will be used for:
--- providing .pdf files
--- live streaming of church services (audio for now audio video soon)
--- providing audio files
--- providing audio-video files
--- our internet web site

A. Is there a preferred Linux distribution that will make this easier?

B. What is the best format for audio and video files that will be viewed variously on Linux, Mac, and Microsoft operating systems? Files will need to be played on older versions of operating systems and may need a free or very low cost software to play (e.g. play on Win2k)

C. What software is best for recording the audio or audio-video files? Some additional funding might be justified for this software, particularly if it can also support live streaming.

D. What software is best for live streaming both on the file creation and the listening-viewing sides of the process?

Ideally we would like to have a single software suite to live stream, and make downloadable audio or audio-video files for later download, and not require those listening and viewing to have to install additional software. Keeping file sizes small is also desirable because some of our users will probably only have dial-up internet.

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Hardware :: Best USB Based Ir Remote Control For A System HTPC?

Jan 11, 2010

I recently acquired one of the new Acer nettops to have an HTPC in my living room running XBMC - basically because my Gen1 Xbox just can�t handle HD and 264 encoded content.

It works great, upscaling being the best thing about the upgrade. But I don�t have a proper remote control to operate it with; I know that Logitech�s Harmony models are great, and are on my to check list... but I wanted some ideas from the community... What option(s) works best? (Specially keeping a budget)

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound In Firefox With Open Sound System?

Jun 24, 2010

I recently installed the x64 rpm of OSS on my Opensuse 11.2 installation (alsa does not have drivers for my lynx card). Sound works beautifully in KDE (login sounds, apps produce sound, etc), EXCEPT for firefox. I can get no sound at all from firefox. I am baffled at why only firefox does not play audio.

OpenSuse 11.2 (it is a pretty fresh install)
OpenSoundSystem 4.2
KDE 4.4 (updated from factory repos)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Gnash - ALSA For Sound System

Mar 15, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 X64, and am using ALSA for my sound. I have no trouble with sound: VLC, Adobe's Flash plugin, Java, etc. all work properly. When I run the Gnash standalone player, sound does not work at all.

When I run Gnash in a terminal, I get this:


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Fedora Installation :: Unable Using Live Cd On Pentium 3 Based System?

Jun 2, 2011

What is the difference between Fedora 15 Live cd & Fedora 15 Install DVD?

I am unable to install using Live cd on my Pentium 3 based system.

Will the Install DVD solve that problem?

Max ram is 512MB on my system & there is no more room for any upgrades.

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General :: Calculation Of Working Time Based On System Uptime

Jul 28, 2010

I know several tools that allow tracking time spend on different tasks / projects.Is there any existing tool for very very simplified work-time-tracking.I am an employee, come to the office, switch on my laptop directly. I have mostly around 1 hr lunchtime, but sometimes less, sometimes more.At around 18:00 I want to type one command in the console (or simple GUI would also be okay of course) that tells me:"1 hour overworked. Go home now! (came at 8:00, 1 hour standard lunch-break)."

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Ubuntu :: Run Java Applet Web Based System On IE 7 Which Is Run On Crossover 9 Version

Sep 16, 2010

I have install Ubuntu 10.04 version. Then install Crossover 9 and run Internet Explore 7 on the crossover. Now I need to access web based system through IE7 which is java applet enabled system and also I have already installed java runtime environment on crossover. But that system can not access through IE7 it given some errors.

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General :: Generate Software License Key For System Based Applications?

Feb 11, 2011

My application is an integration of all the open source components with customized heavily including OS. I would need to know how to generate license keys for my application.
Does any one have any clue?

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General :: Transfer Files Between System Based OS And Windows Without Any Service?

Mar 14, 2011

Kindly read the complete question I know this question has been asked repeatedly

Is there a way to Transfer files between Linux based OS & Windows OS Without using SCP, FTP, TFTP, HTTP, USB, Netcat or samba share?

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