Server :: Cannot Send Mail To Other Network

Mar 23, 2011

I have configured sendmail server configuration & its working but I was not able to send mail to other network e.g., yahoo mail, etc.

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Networking :: Send Email To Mail Server / Account On Local Network?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to configure postfix so smart daemon can send out notifications emails. My system will need to send emails to a mail server that is on the same local network. I have not had much luck in getting this to work, and am confused on what I need to setup to do this and how to set it up. Does my system need to be apart of the same domain as the mail server? If so, how do I do this? Is there any restrictions sending emails from the command line as the root user? Do I need to configure a relayhost?

Basically all I need to do is send emails to a local mail server, i.e. a mail server on the same local network. I do not need to receive emails. I am rather clueless as to how to set this all up, and what I need for this basic email functionality. I have read and tried many postfix configuration tutorials, but when I try to send out a test email to a email address on the local network mail server I always get "Connection refused" to the server and deferred or bounced status on my test email.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mail Server Configuration - Postfix To Send Incoming Emails To A Php Script Or Perl

Aug 13, 2010

I have a server with a domain running and im trying to resolve the mail server but i can't see where to start. I use OpenSuse 11.2. Basically, for starting, i want postfix to send incoming emails to a php script or perl. for outgoing emails i guess that i could use php mail function and i will see what else to have. I configured the dns. I do a dig.mydomain.tld MX and i get the following:

mydomain.tld3600INMX0 mail.mydomain.tld
mail.mydomain.tld 3600INAmyNumericalIp

So now my system is receiving MX content but i dont know what to do.

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Server :: How Long Normaly Keep The Mail Server Send Mails On The Outbox Queue And Try To Send

Apr 8, 2010

How long normaly keep the mail server send mails on the outbox queue and try to send? What about hotmail, gmx and gmail mail server?

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Server :: Mail Server Configuration - Send Mail To External Domain(internet)

Feb 22, 2011

There is an requirement, intranet people they may not have internet access but they want to send mail to external domain(internet),but in that intranet network one machine can have internet access. Is there any solution for this requirement.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Send From Own Mail Server With Mail Client (Thunderbird Or Evolution)?

Jun 1, 2011

I have set up postfix and dovecot as per the Ubuntu anual and appear to have a functioning mail server.Using the sendmail command I can send mail and I receive mail in ~/Maildir. Using Thunderbird I can read any mails received but I can't send any mail from Thunderbird. I have tried with both STARTTLS and SSL/TLS and whilst I get the prompt for a password I keep getting the message my password for my server is wrong.I have ports 25, 465, 587 and 993. Is that all the right ports?When I ping my domain name it resolves to my router name whereas I believe it should resolve to my IP. Could there be a problem with my host file? I've had a play but to no avail.Here's the error in mail.log.

westwood@westwood-desktop:/etc$ tailf /var/log/mail.log
Jun 1 19:00:33 westwood-desktop postfix/smtpd[2376]: warning: localhost.localdomain[]: SASL LOGIN


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Server :: Send Mail From Unix Mail Command To Yahoo-id With Attachment?

Feb 15, 2010

i want to send mail from unix mail command to my yahoo-id with attachment, but i want to receive it as attachment.

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General :: Debian Mail Server As A User Send A Mail With Attachment Maximum Wight Is 5 Mb

Jun 8, 2011

How to configure a Debian mail server as a user send a mail with attachment maximum wight is 5 Mb.

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Server :: Configure Mail With Postfix & Cyrus-imap - Cannot Send Mail Through Command Line

Nov 19, 2010

I'm running SUSE linux Server version 11. I want to configure mail server with postfix & cyrus-imap. For that, i have read many documents in Internet by i met issues. I'm running DNS in this server & it's ok Now I cannont send mail through command line.


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Networking :: Send Mail - Internet Mail Server Seems Not Working At All

Mar 30, 2011

i have an server which have my site on it, server have an public ip and site works fine..the thing that i done to enable mail server is : sendmail option as mail server(in joomla).
2.install and configure sendmail in server (which ubuntu installed on it )

**if i use my website locally mail server works fine i can send message and receive , but when i use web site from Internet mail server seems not working at all

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Software :: Debian Mail Server Won't Send Or Receive Mail

Apr 22, 2010

i basically had this system installed for our mail system.The setup is as follows:

1. Operating system installed is Debian ver. 5.0.3

2. Roundcube is installed as a webmail(if its right for me to say that)

3. The server is hosted right here at our offices

4.The server uses relay system to send mail i.e. relays all our mails to our ISP

That all i can say about the configurations becuase thats as much as i understand it.The problem now is that we are not able to send or recieve emails from both internal and external.I tried to send mail to a collegue in the office who is on our local LAN,Roundcube says sent successfully but the person does not recieve the mail.i tried to send to my yahoo address but nothing.I dont know where these mails have been trapped.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cent OS 5.4. - Send A Mail With Mail In Console

Apr 21, 2010

i'm trying to send a mail with "mail" on my cent os console , but without success. In Suse it's quite simple with "mail": mail -r sendersaddress@domain -s "subject" targetaddress@domain </tmp/filewithcontent

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Server :: Send Mail Won't Accept Mail

May 21, 2010

I have a bit of problem setting up sendmail on my server. I've gotten so far that I can send mail from my mail server and relay mail from my LAN computers through it. Also, local delivery seems to be working.The problem is receiving mail from other domains. When I send mail from my gmail account to any user in my domain the mail gets delivered back to gmail as it exceeds the max hop count.The mail gets bounced between my ISP mailserver which I use as smart host and between my server.The problem seems to be that my mail server won't accept any mail it is supposed to receive.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get Mail To Send Within Network

Dec 16, 2010

I'm a complete beginner to administrating my own box - and have installed Ubuntu 9.04 (Jackalope).

I have it up and running - and have installed the applications that I needed.

However, I am unable to get mail to send within the network - I can send mail to external address, such as gmail, yahoo, etc, just not inside my work's network. This includes forwarding services such a spamgourmet - which redirects to my work's email addresses.

potential set up issues I can check for? I am currently using Postfix as my email server.

note: this is what I found in the syslog:

Dec 16 13:55:55 mica-tools postfix/smtp[4248]: 9E014E409E: to=<>,[]:25, delay=34, delays=0.02/0/33/0.28, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.7.1 <>,... Relaying denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))

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OpenSUSE Network :: Using Mailx To Send Mail To Gmail?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a couple of servers that are scripted to send cron script output logs to my email address (a Gmail address). Mailx is what I am using, but I didn't have to configure anything; I installed it, and it just worked with the following command: mailx -s "SUBJECT" -r FROMMYADDRESS TOMYADDRESS < FILETOCATANDSEND

This occurs every Saturday and Sunday at noon after my backup scripts run.
I noticed yesterday that I did not receive these logs, so I logged into the machine, started 'mail' and saw messages like this: This is the mail system at host media.deagle.lan.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Postfix Send Root Mail To External Account?

Aug 19, 2010

I want postfix to send me the root mail to an external account, but I never do it and I don't know how to do it, anyone can explain me how to do it?

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Server :: Sendmail - Mail Server Rejected Email And Unable To Send

Feb 24, 2010

I have users [URL] unable to send email to [URL]. [URL] user also unable to send email to [URL]. But both email addresses are fine as they can receive email from others or from [URL] and [URL]. I able to telnet mail server 110 and 25, no problem. Version: ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.10

Mail Log:

Feb 23 11:36:35 mail sendmail[16228]: o1N3aZxt016215: to=<>, ctladdr=<> (501/501), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=442918,, dsn=5.1.2, stat=Host unknown (Name server: no data known)


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Server :: How To Use Postfix To Send Mail Through Microsoft Exchange Server?

Dec 25, 2010

I recently had the need to relay SMTP mail through our organizations hosted MS Exchange server. I had to do a little troubleshooting, so I wrote a concise summary of the procedure I followed.

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Server :: Cannot Send Mail Outside LAN With Postfix

Apr 4, 2010

My problem is that I cannot send mail with postfix. For all mail I get connection timeout Example: (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to [URL] Connection timed out)

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Server :: How To Configure Send Mail Using Red Hat 7.3

Mar 19, 2010

I have to configure sendmail to send messages and receiving any mails on a Red hat 7.3 linux server. Can anyone have an idea how to configure sendmail?

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Server :: Send Mail Through Script?

May 7, 2011

I have written a shell script to take backup and by doubt is after tat i need a script tat it should send mail automatically to tat 'the backup job has done successfull',after tat i need anyone help to write a shell program tat mail should send automatically after the backup job completed for the below program.

mount -t cifs -o user="$1",password="$2" "$3"/"$1" "$4"
echo "Mounted Successfully">>/var/log/kannan


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Server :: Postfix Can Not Send Mail

Jan 21, 2011

telnet localhost 25 when rcpt ,report error: 451 4.3.0 <>:Temporary lookup failure

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Server :: Send Mail From Already Exist SMTP Server?

Apr 4, 2011

I come back to everybody cause I don't find an explicit how to do this!In our internal network, I've created an email server with Postfix and Dovecot. (Just for internal domain, no needed to go outside)

But I've some server which use linux too. All are on CentOS 5.5.I would like to configure these servers to use my internal mail server for send email, and not configure sendmail or postfix on each server.

What I've to do exactly on each servers to use it? I search on the web but I don't find something very explicit

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Server :: Send An E-mail With The Command Line?

Sep 12, 2010

I want to send a simple mail from my terminal

I'm using opensuse and a Know that I have postfix installed...

I don't know what I need configure first...

I know that I need a SMTP server to send e-mails write?

When I try send e-mail with the command mail I received this message :

mail -s "meeting reminder" -c
(host [] refuse to talk to me: 421 cannot conect to SMTP server.

I was reading about fetchmail But I can't understand....

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Server :: Postfix Wont Send Mail?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm having a problem with Postfix sending email. To be more specific, Postfix sends mail perfect but when my web server running webmail (RoundCube) connects to my mail server to send email, it fails & there is nothing in the logs that explain to me why:

Jan 8 11:53:02 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<carlos>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=2161, TLS
Jan 8 11:53:02 mail postfix/smtpd[2162]: connect from[]
Jan 8 11:53:02 mail postfix/smtpd[2162]: setting up TLS connection from[]
Jan 8 11:53:02 mail postfix/smtpd[2162]: Anonymous TLS connection established from


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Server :: Restrict User To Send Mail?

Oct 12, 2009

I want to restrict to send mail for particular allowed users of UNIX user. How can I achieve that? Which file I need to configure to allow users to send mail?

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Server :: Send Mail Not Starting In RHEL5.1?

May 14, 2010

I have installed sendmail in RHEL 5.1 ,while trying to start sendmail iam getting this error Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 90: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': World writable directory 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 567: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory /etc/mail/ WARNING: dangerous write permissions [FAILED] Starting sm-client: /etc/mail/ line 525: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory [FAILED]

i tried by installing same in other system it is able to start sendmail and it is running ,i checked the permissions of /etc/mail both are same , i have tried by reinstallin sendmail application also but iam getting same error again.

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Server :: Send Secret Copy Of Sent Mail?

Jul 2, 2010

I have SMTP POSTFIX on my server and users are connecting there over outlook from windows. I would like to receive every mail that is sent from specific mail address to the Internet. Is that possible?

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Server :: Send Mail From Different Virtual Hosts On One Ip?

Jan 15, 2010

Ok I have 5 virtual hosts on one IP but only 1 domain ( will be sending emails out to people....confirmations and such. The other sites may send out some back to my personal email address not hosted on this server. That works. But to people on like aol or yahoo or doesnt

Problem is, most people are not getting the emails. Mailq reports them being deffered for some reason. I'm having our ISP setup a PTR to this mean all my emails from either of the sites....even if I put a different FROM: address in the php mail script...will come from [URL]? Or should I just setup my server as its own SMTP server?

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Server :: Send A Mail From Outside The User Receives?

Jan 28, 2010

i have ipA -> web server
and ipB -> mail server

when i send a mail from outside the user receives it but when i send it from my web server in mail logs i get the following error

relay=[] [], dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown

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