Slackware :: Default Open On Monitor Screen

Jan 15, 2010

I have two screens, my regular monitor and my TV. When I open a program, sometimes it opens on my monitor and sometimes it opens on my TV. I don't usually have my TV on, so I want to have everything to default to open on my monitor.

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Slackware :: Dual Screen - Disable The Second Monitor When X Is Not Running?

Sep 11, 2010

I would like to use my second monitor with my Slackware (Laptop) setup but they are different sizes/resolutions.

This is no problem with KDE but before X is started and when X ends there are big issues with the TTY0 console being distorted.

Is it possible to disable the second monitor when X is not running?

(Slackware64Current, ATI Mobility Radeon HD3200 card)

I essentially want the second monitor to activate ONLY in the event of an X Session and turn off when X halts.

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Slackware :: Automating Xorg RandR Turning Laptop Screen Off If External Monitor Is Connected?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One) I'm running Slackware 13. and usually, I prefer to connect an external monitor. When I switch my machine on with the monitor connected, the display is duplicated on both screens and since I just want the netbook's screen to be off and only see the display on the external monitor, I can doxrandr --output LVDS --off

Great! However, it's a hassle to do this every time I log in and I'd like to automate the process if possible. I did some googling and I found that if you want to automate xrandr commands, you can put a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ (see this). I wrote the following script to automate my xrandr commands and since the Xsession.d directory didn't exist, I tried creating it. The script was called 45custom-xrandr_settings, as the one on the RandR wiki is called the same.

# Check whether the external monitor is connected


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Ubuntu :: Change Default Monitor When Dual Monitor Is Enabled

Nov 19, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup in Ubuntu, with my main monitor on the right and the monitor I want to extend to on the left monitor, but I can't seem to get it to do this, it always has the 'desktop' on the left monitor and then extends onto what I want to be my main monitor. I have an ATI Radeon 4350 Graphics card.

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Slackware :: Default PATH - Python: Can't Open File '': [Errno 2] No Such File Or Directory

Nov 24, 2010

I have just installed SABnzb application in my home folder. The executable file is When I run the command in the Konsole # python I have this Quote: python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Set Totem Player To Open In External Monitor And Not In Built-in Monitor

Aug 11, 2011

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop (extended display). I always drag the Totem player from the laptop screen to external monitor to watch video files. I wonder, if the Totem player can be set to open in the external monitor automatically, everytime I open it?

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Software :: Mouse Click On Monitor 1 Kills Full-screen In Flash On Monitor 2 ?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm playing with dual monitors. I have an NVIDIA GT220 set up so that my monitor and my TV are running as extended desktops. Everything is working well enough, but there is one annoying bit I've noticed:

If I'm watching ..... on monitor 1 in fullscreen and working on monitor 2, clicking anything in monitor 2 kills full-screen in monitor 1. Is this something that can be fixed somehow or is it a hardwired "feature"?

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Fedora :: External Monitor Won't Work - Both Monitor And Laptop Screen Black

Aug 7, 2011

I am having problems getting my external monitor to work. When I plug in the monitor, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go black. When I unplug the monitor, the laptop screen works again.
When I startup with the external monitor plugged in, neither screen works or teh computer hangs or something.

I have had the external monitor going on a couple of occasions. I did manage to configure my monitors through System Settings > Display. I turned off the laptop monitor as I just want to use the external. But after rebooting, things didn't work.

I have a Thinkpad E420, Fedora 15

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General :: Screen Rate - Refresh Mode Of The Monitor In The Monitor Options Have Only One Option 60Hz

Mar 20, 2010

I am having problems with the refresh rate if the screen. In the refresh mode of the monitor in the monitor options have only one option 60Hz. I have LG 24 + ATI Radon 3870, and have already installed the ATI driver via Ubuntu download center.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.37 Doesn't Determine Monitor Size Correctly

Jun 12, 2011

I have a display problem since updating to Slackware 13.37. Everything was fine on Slackware 13.1, but when I switched to 13.37 some piece of software came up with the wrong monitor size. I have a 1600x900 LCD monitor but the X screen came up as 1024x768 with blackness on either side of it. Under Slackware 13.1 the X screen came up as 1600x900 as it should without any prompting from me; I didn't even have an Xorg.conf file. I tried using the Xorg.conf file which was needed and work for older Slackwares, eg 12.*, but it didn't work. (Saying it didn't work is a gross understatement! That old Xorg.conf completely screwed up mouse, keyboard, and monitor; the screen was flashing and nothing worked. The only way to get control back was to SSH into the machine from my laptop and reboot. Killing the X server via that SSH console did NOT the flashing or get me back to my console login; only reboot worked.)

I find I can get the screen to be the right size manually by going through KDE's "System Settings" --> "Display and Monitor" --> "Size & Orientation", then disabling "LVDS1" and setting VGA1 to 1600x900. The size of my odd-sized monitor is being correctly detected for the "Auto" choice. Upon reboot LVDS1 stays disabled but VGA1 reverts to 1024x768 so I have to do this each time.I've done some search of the on-line literature regarding the error messages I am seeing in the boot log.

People are suggesting changing all kinds of things to alleviate the side effects of the "conflicting" error message above, even modifying GRUB parameters (which won't work for me since I use LILO).So, I have a manual work around which I must do each time I log in. Does someone know how I can get X or KDE to force 1600x900 upon start (while Linux/X/whoever find and fix the problem) or does someone know of a real fix?

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Slackware :: Using The Default Xorg Server Without Using Xorgconfig In Slackware?

Jul 13, 2011

i can normally adjust the back light settings of my lap top by pressing fn and the up and down aarows. I am using the default xorg server without using xorgconfig in slackware, and it works perfect so far dispite this slight problem. When i do, do that key combo, (in kde) it does display the the meter of brightness, but i can't move the settings. I believe this may be an x issue, but not sure.

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OpenSUSE :: Dual Monitor - Nvidia Driver With X Screen - Shows A Black Screen

Feb 5, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.3 with an nvidia card connected with two monitors. In the past I used xinerama which was ok, but now I need to have two separate desktops, one on each screen. I set the nvidia driver with x screen, and now one screen works perfect and the other only shows a black screen. When I move the mouse over the black screen, the mouse pointer turns into an X, but moves correctly, which seems to me that the problem is that I need to set the second desktop to that screen. I looked on forums on how to do so, and no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Crashing - No Reason Monitor Will Go Black Then On The Screen It Will Be At A Terminal Screen

Nov 30, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running kernel .26 installed on my Dell Dimension 2350 with 512mb of memory. The problem I have been having is, When I am using the computer mostly Internet stuff for no reason the monitor will go black then on the screen it will be at a terminal screen, kind of like when you start up the computer, I don't remember what is all on it but the last thing in the list was: checking battery state: OK after that the screen will flash in multiple colors and then it goes into a loop of just black screen than a colorful flash and back over to a black screen. the only way I can fix that is by holding down the power button. this will happen mostly on face-book on the games and just on the profile page, but it does happen just checking my gmail or play solitaire it does this around 4-8 times a day.

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OpenSUSE :: Configure Default Monitor In KDE?

Jul 14, 2011

I am currently running openSUSE 11.3 x86-64 with two monitors, a 24" and a 20", both running off of an nVidia 9800 GTX+ using twinview. Does any one know of a way to have programs open by default on my 24" display or at least default to the display which the program was used previously. My computer seems to prefer to open programs on the 20" more so than the 24". In all other aspects the 24" is the primary monitor. I think that I am looking for some sort of setting within KDE.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Default ?

Jan 10, 2010

Whenever I reboot my computer, my second monitor isn't activated and I have to manually set it up again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Fix 2nd Monitor To Default

Mar 20, 2010

I recently had a wine program crash after I tried to set it within itself to windowed mode. Now ever since, when I boot, I load my sound app and it loads on the smaller 2nd monitor to the right. ANY wine pop-up or program loads on the 2nd monitor to the right. Even though I've checked that my primary, larger monitor on the left is #1 both in displays and through amdcccle. I've read through my xorg.conf but don't see why pop-ups windows and wine windows are loading to the smaller monitor.

My xorg.conf:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0


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Software :: Scripting Screen Command To Start A Split Screen By Default?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to use the screen command to start a split screen by default.

I know once I am an in `screen`, I can type C-a S to get a split screen. But is there a way to specify this as an argument to the `screen` command so it starts automatically with a split screen?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Default Monitor With ATI Dualview

Mar 5, 2010

I need help with configure my xorg.conf to use 1 monitor as default and start all programs windows notes and popups on this monitor.I have 2 monitors with my main monitor to the right (1920x1200). I want to move programs or any other windows to my left (1280x1024) monitor.So the question is, how can i configure xorg.conf to start all programs on my right monitor.

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General :: Change Console's Default Monitor?

Mar 20, 2010

Is there any way to specify which monitor the console is displayed on in Linux?

Details: I have a 3 monitor setup with 2 video cards. When I boot the computer, the BIOS displays on the PCI graphics card (which has a small monitor). When starting Linux, the console is displayed on the same monitor. Is there a way to have the console output on a different monitor? I'm using the vesafb framebuffer.

I don't see a way in my BIOS to change the default video card.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Default Monitor Settings

Feb 4, 2011

I have a relative who made the mistake of changing the resolution of her display to something that her monitor does not support. The monitor no longer displays anything.If she connects another monitor to the computer, the monitor will work properly. If she boots off the live CD, her current monitor works properly. If she swaps out her graphics card with another with the current monitor, there is no display.Apparently, there is a remembered setting for the resolution of her particular monitor. Is there a way that it can be reset back to the default?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Default Resolution Too High For Monitor ?

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem with my screen resolution in Linux. This happens with both openSUSE 11.4 and Fedora 15. The moment my PC restarts after I have installed the operating system it will boot up with a screen resolution higher than my monitor supports. My screen supports a maximum resolution of 1600 x 1200 @ 75Hz and Linux sets the default resolution way too high at boot, now all I get is a message from my screen asking me very nicely to change the signal timings, but I can't because I can't see anything to change it to a lower value (I don't want it so high anyways because then everything is too **** small). My monitor is a SONY GDM-5410 and the Graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 4870 1GB. It nly works when I boot the system to FailSafe mode, but then I can't cahnge it permanently.

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Fedora :: Desktop Icons Default To The Left Monitor Not The Primary?

Jun 25, 2010

I swapped my monitors and reconfigured x using Nvidia-settings. My main monitor is set as primary display and absolute. My secondary monitor is set to left of..

My desktop Icons default to the left monitor not the primary.

Is there a way to change this?

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Ubuntu :: Allow GNOME Use External Attached Monitor As Default Display?

Aug 11, 2010

I am using ATI HD3200 graphics card, and running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid on a laptop. It have VGA port so I can attach external LCD monitor to the laptop. I am using fglrx driver.

My question is how should I configure the xorg.conf file so that when I attached external monitor, the GNOME menu bar (Applications, Places and System, etc) will be put on the external monitor instead of laptop LCD monitor.

I have checked varies web resource that saying you can drag and drop the GNOME menu bar to the new screen, it never worked. Someone also suggested to add new bar into the screen and GNOME will remember it, I can't even find the option to do that.

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Slackware :: Default Applications In Slackware

May 2, 2011

I am looking for a kind of update-alternatives for Slackware to set default applications. Currently the reason is I want to use "display" as the picture viewer in Midnight Commander. Display is a part of ImageMagick. "MC" keeps looking for something called "GQVIEW", which is not installed, and is now known as "Geeqie". I removed the Geeqie pkg to see if it would help MC use Display. I also added a line in .bashrc like "VIEWER=/usr/bin/display" to see if it would force the issue.

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Software :: Open Screen As Daemon Will Not Execute Command Unless Screen Is Opened?

Aug 5, 2011

In a nut shell, I have a program called OpenSim which is a 3D virtual world emulator. My ISP provides me with dynamic DNS so I have written a program that compares my external IP to the IP in a file called Regions.ini that OpenSim uses to go out to the Internet. If the IP's are different then I need to change the entry in the Regions.ini file and reboot OpenSim. The program works except for the fail safe I put in in case OpenSim crashes during shutdown which happens one in a while.Here is the code:Quote:


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Ubuntu :: Change Default Video Mode To The Lowest Possible To Be Able To Work On SD TV Instead Of LCD Monitor?

May 4, 2011

How can I change the default video mode for ubuntu to the lowest possible to be able to work on SD TV instead of LCD monitor?

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General :: 3D Zalman Monitor - To Manually Enter The Resolution But After A Reboot It Goes Back To The Default

Apr 5, 2010

I'm using Redhat 5 with a video card nvdia fx 1500 and a zalman zm-m220 monitor

Has anyone configured a 3D monitor with redhat?

I'm trying to set the resolution to 1680x1020. I edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try to manually enter the resolution but after a reboot it goes back to the default.

which is the file i need to edit to manually enter the resolution.

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Fedora :: Launch A Program From Screen 0 And Have It Open On Screen 1

Jan 22, 2010

How an I tell gnome (using a script or setting in compiz settings)to only open application X on screen 1 and have it work from screen 0? example: I have nvidia dual/seperate screens runnig so I have screen 0 and screen 1 I cannot drag a window from one screen to the other I want to launch a program from screen 0 and have it open on screen 1

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Ubuntu :: Open Source Web Traffic Monitor?

Jan 20, 2010

Does anyone knows of any open source proxy/web traffic monitoring application so I can run reports on users web browsing for Linux? Something equivalent to websense? but free I'm not really concern about blocking any traffic only running reports.

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General :: Unix Tool To Monitor Too Many Open Files?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm looking for a tool which can monitor whether a process is near limit of maximum open files.

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