Slackware :: What's Your Favorite SQL Editor?

Nov 3, 2010

I've recently installed Slackware 13.1 and want do some work with a MySQL database. I've used SQL Navigator at work for a few years and want something similar for home. Maybe I've become spoiled but a good SQL editor is just as useful as a good IDE in my opinion.I tried to install MySQL workbench but there are some dependencies on GNOME that got in the way. I tried SQuirreL because it's written in java but wasn't too impressed, and couldn't get it to stop auto-committing (that could really cause a bad situation). RazorSQL looks nice but I don't want to anty up for the $70 license fee.

What are your favorite SQL editors for use on Slackware, and how do you use them?Also, if there is anyone who has successfully installed MySQL workbench on Slackware 13.1.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Anyway To Combine Favorite MP3 Player / Favorite Multimedia Software Into Sushi Roll?

Apr 13, 2010

Ubuntu convert for 1 year and counting and loving it more and more every day. My main PC isn't playing nice with my ipod, and of all the music software out there, I enjoy songbird the most.I dig its clean lines and iTunes-esque file management. Now of course comes the question.I connected my ipod to my computer, and it doesn't show up on Songbird. There's no add-on for ipod device support either. What gives? Is there anyway to combine my favorite MP3 player and my favorite multimedia software into one delicious sushi roll?

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Slackware :: When I Used Arch Linux, One Of Favorite Stops At The Forums Was The Community Contributions Section?

Feb 3, 2010

One thing that really bothers me about Slackware is the lack of unified, well maintained, and up-to-date documentation, but what keeps me coming back is the outstanding community. I see a lot of community contributions floating around on these forums, but they often get buried in all the questions and other posts people create. I know there's a search feature, but sometimes it's fun to browse an organized list of the community's work and see if I find anything fun or interesting.

Back when I used Arch Linux, one of my favorite stops at the forums was the Community Contributions section. The FreeBSD forums also have a section for user-contributed HOWTOse should have a section like this. Call it "Contributions" and place it by the "Installation" section at the top of this forum. It would provide a great place for users to check out what the other slackers have come up with without making a thread of their own to ask (which will probably result in many duplicate threads) or digging up an ancient thread.The only new threads allowed there could be a HOWTO, a new process or method a user discovered, or a user-made script/program/etc. Of course, other users should be able to comment with their replies for suggestions and/or improvements.

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Slackware :: Get The Rc Runtime Editor To Show Again?

May 21, 2011

How do I start the ncurses rc runtime services selector you get when you install to run aggain to allow to make changes?

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Slackware :: KDE Menu Editor: Changes Do Not Persist

Oct 9, 2010

Right click on the "K". Choose Menu Editor.Save changes. However, after that,some changes persist, other changes do not and, additionally, some unexpected folders magically appear on the menu (such as "Office-1, Office-2, etc.). Some folders I created never show on the right place (the main menu) but instead tend to persist on a different submenu (such as "Graphics"). If I move them out to the place I want, they immediatly show back in the wrong place. Regular KDE manuals I've seen do not mention this issue or how to go about fixing it (they just tell you to delete an item when you want to delete it, to save the configuration after you are done, etc). Maybe I should switch to Fluxbox immediately. I use Linux mostly for production and research, and all I expect from a GUI is to let me get things done.

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Slackware :: Configure A Custom Editor In Filezilla?

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed filezilla 3.3.3 in my Slack current Trying to configure a personal text editor in filezilla In the settings I put :

kwrite %U

but I get an error message 'The file selected as default editor does not exist.'

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Ubuntu :: Text Editor Column Editor And Regex Search/replace, Incrementing Number Insert?

Jul 25, 2011

On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.

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General :: Default Editor Can Be Changed In Redhat To Different Editor?

Mar 10, 2011

How default editor can be changed in redhat linux to different editor.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Run Favorite NZB Downloader

Jul 17, 2010

I have just upgraded my distro to 11.3 and unfortunately now I can't run my favourite NZB downloader (running from wine) Alt.binz. Is there any program GUI based that is user friendly and easy to use on Linux that someone can recommend for me.

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Fedora :: How To Create Additional Favorite Bar In 15

Jun 29, 2011

how to create a additional favorite bar (dock) in Fedora 15?. The gnome 3 has one dock by default on the left pane, the number of icons that could be added are limited to 7, adding more icons reduces the icon size which makes the or favorite bar completely useless.orhow to increase the existing favorite bar height without reducing the icon size(i need two more icons to be incorportated), is it feasible?

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OpenSUSE :: Favorite Application For Viewing Dvd Cds?

Sep 25, 2010

what is your favorit application for viewing dvd cds? I have one remote control that is supported from linux.. and it will be great if the play pause button are recognized by the application.

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OpenSUSE :: What's Favorite Download Manager

Feb 19, 2011

I personally use GNOME gwget, but what is your favorite? I'm creating this thread out of curiousity to see if there is a better download manager. I generally use a download manager because of the better resuming support than just Firefox's download manager, as I have an unreliable internet connection.

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General :: What Is Favorite Package Manager

Dec 5, 2010

What is your favorite package manager (or lack thereof) and why? I like APT and Pacman. Pacman is nice because it is so simple and sensible. APT is nice to all the GUI frontends and all of it's capabilities.

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Ubuntu :: What Is Your Favorite Backup Program?

Feb 18, 2011

I installed Sbackup from synaptic.Now I am wondering if there are better backup programs for Ubuntu(I did read favorite backup solution poll in "find similar threads).I just need something very basic. I plan on doing thr backups manually about once per week, so I don't need anything too fancy or with too many options. What's your favorite? (tar doenn't count).

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Debian :: Cannot Get Favorite Streaming Stations To Work

Jan 10, 2011

I cannot get my favorite streaming stations to work. I think that it is related to the Iceweasel shockwave flash plug in.

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Fedora :: Add A Folder To Favorite Places In Files?

Aug 23, 2011

1. how to add a folder to my favorite places in files, and also add it to the move to list, such as dropbox folder.

2. now when I run the vmware it says it needs to compile and install some kernel modules when I click install it gives me this message:

nable to build kernel module See log file /tmp/vmware-root/setup-12885.log for details, but I couldnt understand anything extra from the file

3. how to take screenshots in Jpeg rather than png?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opera For 64-bit First Since It Is Currently Favorite Browser

Jun 11, 2010

I am going to try Opera for 64-bit first since it is currently my favorite browser.Will this be the beginning of the end of all those flash related questions and problems?

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Ubuntu :: Applet To Open Favorite Directories?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.I'm looking for a panel applet that will act much like the Application/Places menu but only includes my few favorite directories preferably with submenu ability and icon settings.

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General :: Favorite Lightweight Desktop Environment?

Jul 22, 2011

For a while I have been searching for a new desktop environment to use on my netbook, since gnome 3 is too heavy for it. Currently it is running ubuntu because unity is lighter than gnome 3, but I am planning to go back to fedora at some point in time. So far I found LXDE to be my favorite, after trying XFCE and Enlightenment.I'm not looking for a solution here, just opinions, what is your favorite lightweight desktop environment (and with which WM if you wish) and why?

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Software :: Adding Favorite Missing Screensaver?

Sep 3, 2010

By far my favorite screensaver on Xscreensaver was the Lorenz Attractor screensaver, but this is absent from my current xscreensaver version 5.11 on Slackware 13.1. I feel my slack install is not complete without my favorite screensaver, so please point me in the right direction to find this screensaver.I am aware in certain repositories of a package called xsceensaver-extras-X.XX. I am rather unfamiliar with slack's package management, but did not find any xscreensaver .txz file anywhere. Please correct me if I am wrong.Is there somewhere else I can find a .rpm file of the xscreensaver-extras package and explode it to find my necessary files?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Have A Sftp:// Mount As Favorite, How To See Where It Is Mounted

Apr 8, 2010

In Nautilus I have a sftp:// mount as favorite, how can I see where it is mounted ?

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Ubuntu :: Favorite Screenshot Programs - Copy Picture To Clipboard ?

Nov 22, 2010

What is everyone's favorite screenshot programs? I really don't like the gnome one. A timer feature is very important to me and the gnome one doesn't have it.

I found the Xfce4 Screenshooter and it has a timer. Are there any other good ones that other people like? If there was a way to copy the picture to your clipboard that would make me even happier. I almost always edit my screenshots after I take them so that would be even more helpful. [url] [url]

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Files With 64-bit Kaffeine (favorite Player) Or Any Other 64-bit Video Player?

Jun 25, 2010

I've been away from Linux for a while, so I need to get informed about some of the 32- vs. 64-bit issues concerning video players and codecs. So, what is everyone using these days?

More specifically, is it possible to play, e.g., .wmv files with 64-bit Kaffeine (my favorite player) or any other 64-bit video player? If so, then which combination of player and codec should I use?

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Ubuntu :: Favorite Drawing Program - DRAWING PAD For GIMP

May 11, 2010

So have you ever tried a drawing pad for GIMP before?

Do the drivers work?

What image/illustrator editor do you prefer?

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Programming :: Favorite 256-color Vim Color Scheme

Feb 25, 2011

What is your favorite 256-color color scheme for vim?

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Fedora :: Gconf-editor RPM ?

Dec 31, 2010

The rpm for gconf-editor is not on the list of mirrors for fedora, Where can this be downloaded.

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OpenSUSE :: C / C++ Compiler-Editor?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm an absolutely beginner at linux and openSuse. I dont even know how to install apps. I learned to install from repositories but I dont know how to install a script file.. I dont even know anything about terminal. So what I want is for now is apps that required to write C/C++ codes and compile them. Im at univ and I need to install these but I dont know which apps I should get or how to install them. I was using MS Visual Studio on windows.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get MP3 Tag Editor?

Feb 5, 2011

Does anybody know of a MP3 tag editor that can be used on a command line and be scriptable?

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Best PDF Viewer / Editor?

Feb 21, 2010

I've used Adobe Reader 9 but you can't save PDF's. I've used the "PDF Editor" but it takes too damn long searching through eBooks.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Vim Editor On 10.4

Jun 10, 2010

Tried sudo apt-get install vim-full

Got this:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package vim-full

applied sudo apt-get update still I can't install the vim editor

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