Slackware :: KDE Menu Editor: Changes Do Not Persist

Oct 9, 2010

Right click on the "K". Choose Menu Editor.Save changes. However, after that,some changes persist, other changes do not and, additionally, some unexpected folders magically appear on the menu (such as "Office-1, Office-2, etc.). Some folders I created never show on the right place (the main menu) but instead tend to persist on a different submenu (such as "Graphics"). If I move them out to the place I want, they immediatly show back in the wrong place. Regular KDE manuals I've seen do not mention this issue or how to go about fixing it (they just tell you to delete an item when you want to delete it, to save the configuration after you are done, etc). Maybe I should switch to Fluxbox immediately. I use Linux mostly for production and research, and all I expect from a GUI is to let me get things done.

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OpenSUSE :: Menu Editor: Change Computer Menu?

Sep 8, 2010

I wanna find a way to change the Computer menu from Kickoff.

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Ubuntu :: Wheres The Menu Editor At On Xubuntu 9.10

Apr 22, 2010

Wheres the menu editor at on Xubuntu 9.10? (With xfce 4.6.1)? I can't seem to find it.

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Ubuntu :: Alacarte Menu Editor Compatibility?

Jul 12, 2010

I've just recently downloaded Lubuntu 10.04 and tried it. It was nice because it was light on my machine.My only problem is, is that it doesn't have a graphical menu editor, and I don't know how to edit menus other than using GUIs.

I've read something about alacarte-menu-editor being able to be used in Lubuntu. I would just like to confirm if it DOES work with Lubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: How To Create Commands For Menu Editor

Apr 17, 2011

Now and then i want to add a command for installed application that hasn't put an icon in the Main Menu. What is missing, that i do not know how to research, are the mysterious pieces of code following the application name in the Command line of the dialog box for making a new Menu entry, invariably including the % sign and letters for options. If i simply write the name, e.g. mc or aiksaurus (magnificent thesaurus), the new entry doesn't work, although it might work through the terminal or Alt+F2.

Needless to say, i will be VERY grateful. I am otherwise installing applications that cannot be used. I love this community and the vision...the love that will replace money and transform this world.

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Debian :: Applications Menu Editor For Wheezy Xfce

Oct 31, 2015

With Jessie, I use Menulibre. It's not in the Wheezy repos that I see, However. I read of Alacarte, but it seems to have a list a mile long of other stuff that "needs" to be installed with it.

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Ubuntu :: Alacarte Menu Editor Not Working Properly?

Nov 14, 2010

Ive had a look around and couldn't find anything that helped so i thought id ask,i have ubuntu net-book 10.10, the menu editor isnt running properly its really hit and miss i have icons that appear even if ive unchecked them and icons that dissappear even though ive checked them and i also keep having to delete duplicate program entrys in the menu editor and its been a problem pretty much since instalationive tried running Alacart as Sudo and editing the menu in that way but i still have the same hit and miss problem with icons being there at randomim really new to Ubuntu and only know what ive recently picked up reading these types of forums so im not sure if im doing something wron

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OpenSUSE :: Lancelot Search Doesn't Notice Menu Editor Changes?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a few items in the Menu that refer to the start scripts of extracted Java programs that came as tarballs.Go into the Menu Editor and rename one of these (e.g. to reflect an updated version)Save - Message says "Updating System Configuration"Browse using Lancelot - the old name is not there but the new one is.Search using Lancelot - the new name is not there but the old one is.The new name is only in the search after reboot.Is there anyway to get Lancelot to update the search index straight away after a menu editor change?

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Ubuntu :: System->Admin->Language Support Missing In The Menu Editor

Jun 7, 2011

I have no menu entry for System->Admin->Language Support, and it is not present in the menu editor. Which package do I need to install to get this?

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Slackware :: What's Your Favorite SQL Editor?

Nov 3, 2010

I've recently installed Slackware 13.1 and want do some work with a MySQL database. I've used SQL Navigator at work for a few years and want something similar for home. Maybe I've become spoiled but a good SQL editor is just as useful as a good IDE in my opinion.I tried to install MySQL workbench but there are some dependencies on GNOME that got in the way. I tried SQuirreL because it's written in java but wasn't too impressed, and couldn't get it to stop auto-committing (that could really cause a bad situation). RazorSQL looks nice but I don't want to anty up for the $70 license fee.

What are your favorite SQL editors for use on Slackware, and how do you use them?Also, if there is anyone who has successfully installed MySQL workbench on Slackware 13.1.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Icon On Main Menu / Visible Icons Places / System From Gconf-editor

Oct 28, 2010

I'm trying to change the icon on my custom main menu on Ubuntu 10.10 doing this> sudo gconf-editor apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar.I gave object_type menu-object and custom_icon path as /home/ john/Pictures/menu.png then I checked use_custom_icon but with no luck (notice that I've succeed doing this in a virtual machine with the exact settings)Also I want to have icons on places and system, so I did thisdesktop/gnome/interface and clicked menus_have_icons.what I'm missing?

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Slackware :: Get The Rc Runtime Editor To Show Again?

May 21, 2011

How do I start the ncurses rc runtime services selector you get when you install to run aggain to allow to make changes?

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Slackware :: Configure A Custom Editor In Filezilla?

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed filezilla 3.3.3 in my Slack current Trying to configure a personal text editor in filezilla In the settings I put :

kwrite %U

but I get an error message 'The file selected as default editor does not exist.'

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Slackware :: Cannot Shutdown, Reboot And Logout On Slackware 13.37 From Kde Menu?

Jun 11, 2011

I have done 3 clean installs for this problem and it remains, i don't want to do it from the terminal..(Buttons exists but they won't work...)

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Slackware :: Make Bootloader Include Slackware In Its' Menu?

Jan 6, 2011

To an empty disk I installed:

1) Windows XP & then shrank it's partition to make room for OpenSuse) 2) OpenSuse with grub installed on the MBR (& then shrank the home partition & created a new root and home partition for Slackware 13.1). These two OSes dual-booted properly 3) Slackware 13.1 with LiLo installed to the superblock of the Slackware root partition (sda8). How do I get Slackware to be a 'working' selection on the boot menu?

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Ubuntu :: Text Editor Column Editor And Regex Search/replace, Incrementing Number Insert?

Jul 25, 2011

On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.

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General :: Default Editor Can Be Changed In Redhat To Different Editor?

Mar 10, 2011

How default editor can be changed in redhat linux to different editor.

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Software :: Make A SSH Persist After Tty Close?

Jul 1, 2010

I use a reverse SSH tunnel to log into my university machine from home. In order to do so, i start the java client that let me have ssh access to my university machine (since is behind a nat), then start the ssh -R command. However the java client is defective and brings my firefox to 99% cpu and ram leak, If I close the java client, i also lose the ssh -R tunnel and the connection. I tried to give disown, but again when the TTy is closed i also lose the tunnel. Is there any way to make it persistent? at least for an hour once i have closed the java client?

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Ubuntu :: IPod Persist With Root Permissions

Jan 29, 2010

Okay so my iPod auto mounts correctly to /media/IPOD (out of the box). But the permissions are set to root leaving me with no write permissions for syncing. Obviously it works if I sudo rhythmbox and then sync, but it's too much of a hassle and not very optimal (having to re-add the songs you want to sync etc).

So...How do I make my iPod mount with permissions allowing me to read & write? Previously (in 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) it used to auto mount with correct permissions.

Some info that might be worth brining up: This all started after I got my iPod back from Apple Store for repairs. I noticed they had updated the firmware and formated it to HFS+, I told them I wanted it changed to FAT32 and got it changed rather quickly. Is it possible they f'd something up when formatting? If so, how do I correct it?

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General :: Does XFCE Persist The Status Of Programs

Aug 1, 2011

Does XFCE persist the status of programs? If I close down and leave one program open, does XFCE restart that program the next time round?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Renaming Host Does Not Persist?

Feb 18, 2010

My centos host (running under VMware) is called localhost.localdomain I've tried to rename this is a myriad of ways:

* I've altered HOSTNAME variable in /etc/sysconfig/network
* I've created a file called /etc/hostname with the new name
* I've modified /etc/hosts
* I've written the new name to /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
* I've used sysctl -w kernel.hostname=NEWNAME
* I've run hostname NEWNAME

and yet after reboot the name remains localhost.localdomain

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Fedora Networking :: Making Interface Persist Across Reboot?

Apr 21, 2009

running fc10 in a vmware setup Added /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:0 to create another interface and all works fine (IPADDR= Would you expect this to be available after a reboot, last reboot I had to run ifup eth0:0

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General :: Pppd Disconnects From 3G, Doesn't Reconnect, W/ Persist Set?

May 23, 2010

I am trying to configure pppd to connect to a 3G network (Sprint, in this case) and then stay connected, reconnecting automatically if the remote connection is terminated. I have enabled the persist option. My configuration file is as follows:

connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/cellular"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Make UTGOTY Preferences Persist

Dec 1, 2010

Due to some foolishness on my part I have needed to reinstall UT GOTY on my Ubuntu Karmic PC. I have run the loki installer fine and the game runs but every time I load it up I am back to Player as my name and the default video settings. For some reason my changes are not being saved.

The loki readme states that a .loki/ut folder is set up in the ?home folder and this is where all the config is stored. There isnt one shown in Nautilus BUT if i try to create one it says it is already in use. So I had a look through the CLI and got this:

saric@saric-desktop:~/.loki/ut$ ls
install_dir System
Not sure what this means.

I did note during the install that the shell kept saying it couldnt create the .loki/ut directory but it seems to be there. Can anyone shed some light on how to get my preferences to stick. I have a hankering for some fragging.

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Fedora :: Persist Boot Messages On USB Live Image?

Sep 16, 2010

I've a headless custom device that boots from USB using live image. Since I cannot access the device through the network, I need a way to persist boot related log files (dmesg, boot.log, messages) to view them on another computer. I also need to know how can I run custom commands on startup of live image.

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Programming :: Make Data Persist Through Webpages Via Forms?

Aug 17, 2010

For a website I'm making in PHP, I need a link on a particular dynamically generated page, called "Make a friend". Clicking this will take the user to a page where they have to provide their username and password, and if it's correct, the database will be updated. When the "make a friend" page is generated, the link will have a ?author=32 (say) argument, to reflect the author's id in the database. Now my problem is, that I need the author AND username and password as arguments to the "make a friend" script. How do I do this?
Instead of making the link a link, I've been toying with the idea of making it a form button (which will look better anyway), and using a <input type="hidden"> argument, for the NEXT page, which will be the page requesting the username and password, but I still can't seem to come up with a viable solution somehows.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Persist TCP Congestion Control Algorithm Change?

Jan 27, 2011

OpenSuSE 11.3 (but this is not likely a distro specific issue)Kernel, but likely applies to a number of previousAm close to launching a more extensive webpage describing in detail why and how this configuration is important, but I'm missing up to date information on how to persist the config. By default, changing the TCP Congestion Control algorithm only modifies the current system session. Docs I've read recommend that the command resetting the algorithm be written to Code:/etc/rc.d/rc.dAm confused with all the different config files, but I suspect either an existing file should be modified or an additional file should be modified in



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Red Hat / Fedora :: Persist Boot Messages On Fedora13 USB Live Image?

Sep 16, 2010

I've a headless custom device that boots from USB using live image. Since I cannot access the device through the network, I need a way to persist boot related log files (dmesg, boot.log, messages) to view them on another computer. I also need to know how can I run custom commands on startup of live image.

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Slackware :: How To Edit The Xfce Menu

Jun 8, 2011

How can I edit the xfce menu to only contain the stuff I use and not all the stuff installed?

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Slackware :: Konqueror Missing In KDE 4 Menu?

May 30, 2011

1. I can't find the Konqueror file manager in Kde menu. I can of course add it, but I'm wondering if it's by design or if it's a problem specific to my installation.

2. When I set my plasma desktop to folder view, activity, (whatever, I still don't understand how do folder views and activities relate, it's the most f****d up design ever) to get a full screen desktop (like in Kde 3), and my taskbar panel is at the top of the screen,then I get an "impression" of the default desktop widget behind my background (tried both wallpaper and a solid color). It seems to go away when I move panel to bottom of screen (then can move back to top and it's ok).See attached image.

3. Can't find a way to change color of Title bars. I'm right now using Oxygen widget style with Oxygen theme. I can't live with these gray bars which are even the same color for both active and inactive Tile bars (design idiocy of highest caliber IMO). Changing the color seemed to work when using Plastik just fine.

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