Software :: Clear Screen On Logout Using Pam

Jun 24, 2011

If I logout on terminal, old contents are still possible to be read. I was trying to get it to work using pam_exec, by adding



This however didn't do antyhing. How to make it work using pam? I know that i can simply add some control codes to /etc/issue to get basically the same effect, but i wanted to do it using pam.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Clear The /tmp Directory When Logout?

Jan 16, 2010

i want to clear the /tmp directory when can it be set in bash_logout

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Fedora :: Unlocking Screen Causes Logout

Jul 27, 2010

I just installed F13 on my netbook (Toshiba NB205). Whenever the screensaver locks the screen (manually or due to a timeout), the unlocking of the screensaver causes my account to logout and I'm left at the GDM login screen. I've been seeing that the "work around" is to turn off the screensaver lock.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 12, 2011

If I try to logout or switch user, I end up with a black screen and a blinking cursor. I can type and the letters show up on the screen but don't do anything. I can do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and then "sudo service kdm restart", but I'd rather fix the underlying problem..Google gives several pages with similar problems but they all seem pretty old (2007), and they don't seem to apply to 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Logout Causes Screen To Scramble?

Mar 12, 2011

Dell Latitude D610 Laptop on a docking station running Ubuntu 10.04 Have 2 monitors, monitor 1 using DVI, monitor 2 using VGA. Extended desktop working as intended out of the box...was not successful getting the ATI Catalyst Control Center to work, but no big deal.The big deal is, when I log out, my screen on the DVI monitor scrambles, and you cannot see the login prompt at all. I get the little drumbeat SFX, and attempt to press enter and blindly enter password, but no login. The VGA monitor remains blank

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Slackware :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 7, 2010

After updating my Slackware-Current (there was kernel and glibc package updates), I just get a black screen with a blinking "_" in the top-left corner when I logout.

I checked /var/log/kdm.log and found these errors:


I've found a workaround: uncommenting "TerminateServer=true" in kdmrc.

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Debian Configuration :: XFCE Logout Doesn't Completely Logout Of System / Solution For This?

Oct 17, 2010

As a normal user I have activated the functions of the Quit applet, i.e. Logout, Shutdown and Restart are active buttons. I am able to restart or shutdown, no problems. But when I use the Logout button I don't get logged out, just returned to the login shell & I am still logged in as my user. I don't have a display manager installed and I do NOT want to use a display manager such as XDM or GDM. How do I get the Logout button to actually logout the user? It appears I am only getting logged out of the x-session, but I want complete logout.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Logout Without Black Screen Showing Up?

Sep 8, 2010

Every time me or another user uses the "log out" option were faced with a black screen that does not go away, unless the computer is restarted. i've left it for an hour thinking it might have just slowed down or something but that was a no go, and it happens each time you try to use it. the strange thing is if the black screen is up programs still run. i have a media server running most of the time and i have no problem accessing it while the black screen is showing.

Another problem im having is that sometimes when a user logs in they have no sound. the sound icon is showing that no sound is installed, but when another user logs in there is no problem and sound works fine.

Lastly i dont know if this is a feature or a problem. the first user to log in will always have control over the network connection. for example if my mother logs in first the icon to switch connections will show up on the top of her screen and she has full access to what connections she wants to use, also her account is just a basic user account. now when i log in i wont have the network icon on the top of my screen, and my account is the main admin account.

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Slackware :: Black Screen At KDE Logout With 13.37 64-bit And VirtualBox

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to run Slackware 13.37 64-bit in a VirtualBox virtual machine. My VirtualBox version is 3.2.12. I had to disable compositing to keep the X-Server from reporting a segfault.Now the problem is that on logout from KDE I get a completely black screen. I can switch to a console session and type commands to get the login screen again.

telinit 3
telinit 4

I tried editing "kdmrc" to add the line "TerminateServer=true" but it had no effect on the problem.I had this working with Slackware 13.1 at one time, but I can't seem to get it working properly now even without desktop effects.I'm trying to avoid changing my VirtualBox software since each version seems to just introduce new and different bugs. The 4.X versions are not yet very stable.

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Debian Multimedia :: Booting Screen Not Clear

Sep 20, 2010

Debian 60 (squeeze, testing) 64-bit. The window for selecting kernels at startup is NOT clear.

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Fedora :: Random Logout - Takes To The Login Screen

Mar 30, 2010

Recently I've been having an issue where every now and then, all of a sudden fedora logs me out and takes me to the login screen.

All my unsaved work is lost and I have to log back in again.

Is there any way to diagnose this problem and figure out how to solve it?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Login Screen Disappears At LOGOUT?

Sep 14, 2010

So I have Ubuntu Lucid machines about 20 of them. Configured via ldap authentication. I seem to be running into a rather strange logout problem. Whenever users click logout they're logged out, however after that all i get is the background screen with the cursor. The cursor is able to move, but no login screen.If i go to a terminal window alt+f1 and do a service gdm restart, then the login screen goes back to normal.

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Ubuntu :: Spontaneous Logout In Natty - Screen Goes Blank

Apr 30, 2011

However, there are one or two stability issues. In particular, over the last couple of days, I have seen two occasions where my screen suddenly goes blank, and after about 3 seconds I am presented with the login manager. I can then log in, and the desktop works fine again. Of course, everything I was doing is gone... So, where do I look to find what is causing the problem? I'd like to find out and either fix this here or submit a useful bug.

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Slackware :: Unreadable Characters At Console Screen After KDE Logout?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm using Slackware 13.1.

Whenever I logout of KDE and go back into console mode, the characters at the console screen become unreadable gibberish. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can ctl+alt+F? to work at another console screen, but the ctl+alt+F1 screen remains unreadable until I reboot.

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General :: Clear A Terminal Screen While Tailing A File?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm looking for something identical to what command-k does in a terminal window on a Mac.

clear / ^L does not work.

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Debian :: Boot Screen For Selecting Kernel NOT Clear

Sep 20, 2010

Debian 60 (squeeze, testing) 64-bit

The window for selecting kernels at startup is NOT clear.

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Programming :: Found 1 Or 2 On Environment But The Screen/pictures Are Not Clear

Jun 20, 2010

I have been googling around for Java VIDEO tutorial on Linux environment running command lines (on Editor NOT IDE). However most of them found are on Windows environment running IDE. I only found 1 or 2 on Linux environment but the screen/pictures are not clear.

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Fedora :: Inhibit The Clear Screen Before Login Prompt ?

Aug 10, 2010

The mingetty --noclear parameter is failing with my current Fedora 13 installation. In the past this parameter would inhibit the clearing of the screen before prompting for the login name on the console. At present even with the parameter it clears the screen.

My /etc/inittab (which always worked past versions) contains:


Can someone tell me if I might be doing something wrong, or was this parameter dropped in the current version? Does anyone know of a workaround?

I understand the security purpose of the clear screen. But the particular computer is in a secured location. I prefer to look at the content of the previous screen for debugging and other chores.

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General :: Clear Screen Command For BASH Shell

Jan 21, 2010

I am unable to use clear or cls command on bash shell. I have recently installed Cygwin and am using that for practicing unix commands.

I see that I can use Ctrl + L to clear the screen. I created an alias in my .bashrc to do the same as
alias cls='^L'

This is how i defined other aliases e.g.

And they work. Hence I assume cls will work too but this is what I get when I try to give cls on command prompt. Am i missing something? Is there a way to do this?

Then someone suggested, You cannot alias keystrokes to commands or vice versa. You could just alias cls to an echo command: echo -en "x0c"

And I added the following to .bashrc,

Sourced the .bashrc file. No errors but cls still does not clear the screen. Infact when I typed the echo -en "x0c on command prompt as well, nothing happened. What does this command do?

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Debian Multimedia :: Hibernate / Logout Garbles Screen And Freezes

Jul 13, 2011

I have a problem with garbled graphics after resuming from hibernate or logging out (when the screen blinks and goes back to the display manager). It only occurs when I do either, about half the time. What happens is the edges of everything "bleed" horizontally (left to right) in red and green colors and black text on a white background becomes entirely unreadable (but white text on a black background is readable and just looks a little bolder). If I shut down or restart the computer (softly) when the screen has garbled, then it will freeze and not even the SysRq keys work (I have enabled it in /etc/sysctl.conf). Then the only thing left is to do a hard restart (in which case there's a voice saying "System failed VGA test" before BIOS/GRUB loads) or poweroff. Powering it off and then starting it again works fine. I did a google image search and this is sort of how it looks when it freezes: link

Once the screen has garbled (but only if it hasn't frozen) I can use SysRq to issue S E S I S U O to shut it off and then power it on, and that works: then I get a non-garbled command line after sigterm and it shuts off and starts up properly. If I issue B instead of O (to restart) I get the "System failed VGA test" on boot (but it doesn't freeze when shutting down). Hibernation is easy enough to fix by just turning it off (it's not a laptop so I don't need it anyway), but it still happens sometimes when I log out. So as long as I never change users the system works perfectly and this never happens. I've tried GNOME, Xfce4, OpenBox without any DE, gdm3 and SLiM and the problem persists in all of them.

Some system details:
Debian Squeeze i386 (using only software from the stable main repository)
Kernel: 2.6.32-5-686
Video card: ATI Radeon 9600SE (using the preinstalled open source drivers)
Motherboard: ASUS P4P 800-E

By the way: sometimes when it's in the process of shutting off (when the display hasn't been corrupted), after it kills all graphical applications, I can see that the CLI text gets the garbled look, but at that point the poweroff works without freezing. This is the most similar sounding bug that I could find: [URL]. Unfortunately I can't find a solution to it, and most people who have similar problems seem to get either the garbled graphics or the freezes, but not both. Also: how safe is it to keep shutting off with SysRq to recover from this? Can I get disk errors?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Login/logout Screen After Xubuntu Install?

Jan 12, 2010

i installed Xubuntu desktop and decided i didn't like and uninstalled it.. but it hijacked my boot screen and login/logout screen. i restored the boot screen but i can't find out how to restore the login/logout screen.

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Ubuntu :: Multi User Logout Freezes With Black Screen

Aug 26, 2010

I have Lucid setup for multi user. Whenever 2 users are logged in and one logs off, it freezes on a black screen. It looks like it logs off OK and is on its way to the main login screen but never gets there. I found some older posts describing this problem but no solution. I tried to post to that thread but got a message saying I was not permitted. I am new to Linux and am struggling to figure out how to problem solve issues in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Tiny Font In KDE4 Login Screen After Logout

Jan 22, 2011

I am using KDE4 on 10.10 64-bit.

Only ever use the KDE desktop so completely removed XFE and the rudimentary Gnome left behind on the install.

Not a desperate problem just an annoyance.

Everything works fine, except if I logout the next login screen is using a really tiny font and I can't seem to find anywhere to change it.

The DPI must be about 10, as I can't even read it when blown up on my projector.

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDM Black Screen - Need To Clear All Config Files

Apr 19, 2011

No more than 15 hours after a breezy installation and setup I somehow managed to stop the desktop manager from displaying. Once you boot into Suse, the loading bar goes across, a white flash, then a blank screen forever. I figured it was KDM once I booted into x11safemode and tried to boot the desktop manager, it recreated the situation.

I've tried un-installing and installing KDM again, however it seems to reuse the same config file. I'm thinking about deleting the config file mentioned, but I'm not sure what will happen when I install the desktop manager, if there's any setting up to get it to work with my setup, or even if that will fix the situation.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Shutdown / Restart Screen Distortion With Logout Desktop Effect

Mar 28, 2011

When trying to "Leave" the system (either via the small button on the lower right of the taskbar or by right clicking on the Desktop and selecting "Leave") the logout / shutdown / restart screen comes up. I have the "Logout" desktop effect activated, which is supposed to desaturated the background when the Leave screen appears. However, instead of simply greying out the background, the image on the desktop and the rest of the screen also gets slightly distorted, with seemingly random distortion effects cropping up all over the place (e.g. horizontal lines or large blurs).

These distortions are different every time the Leave screen comes up. The Leave screen itself is displayed fine, and apart from the dodgy background I have no other issues with the whole process (the system shuts down or restarts properly according to my choice). I am using the Radeon drivers, and all other desktop effects I have on (Magic lamb, cover switch, present windows, etc) work fine and without a hitch. It's only the Logout effect that seems to glitch. Are the distortions intentionally created by the effect in order to emphasize the focus on the Leave screen?

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Ubuntu :: Migrating Quad-boot Setup - Console Screen Doesn't Even Clear

Mar 13, 2010

I know that these forums aren't M$ support forums, but any mention of Linux and open source there just ends up in "don't use Linux"-type replies, so i figured i should ask it here. I have a quad-boot setup (Win7x64-Win7x64-K9.10x64-K9.10x64). I am in the process of migrating this setup to another (bigger) HDD. The Win7 system partitions were cloned using 3rd paty imaging software, Linux system partitions were cloned directly (cat /dev/sda5 > /dev/sdb5), data partitions were freshly created and populated with files copied from old partitions.

As the hard drive is bigger than previous one, i decided to add a little more space to Win7 system partitions. So when creating new partitions, i left 5GB unallocated space between them in order to grow the partitions later. I cloned the new partitions, ran the chkdsk with all options on to make sure the resulting partition survived the migration, then checked if it is readable under Linux (it was), used KPartitioner to grow the partition to the new size, again booted into Win7 Recovery, ran chkdsk with all options on, removed bootloader and made a new one using bcdboot.

Now, my Linuxes boot OK (there was some wankery involved but nothing too serious), but neither of my two Win7 can. I checked the bootloader, fiddled with different settings (e.g. removed setting the root by UUID), even tried to manually boot it from commandline - to no avail. After "chainloader +1" and "boot" it just does nothing. No error messages, nothing at all - the console screen doesn't even clear.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04: On "Logout" Goes To Blank Screen?

Jun 2, 2010

When there is one user, and that person "Logs Out" instead of going to a screen where another user can choose to Log In - the computer goes to a blank screen; No mouse movements, mouse clicks or keys will reactivate. I have to reboot the whole computer.

Is there a way to get the computer to go to a 'switch user screen' when one user chooses to log out?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE V4.2 Won't Logout

Feb 23, 2010

OpenSUSE 11.1 - KDE 4.2

Can login to KDE 4.2, use it fine but when I attempt to logoff, it won't. Screen remains the same as before trying to logoff. Tried from root, same result. Only way out is shutdown -r now.

Gnome works w/no logoff problems.

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Debian :: Where To Put Logout Script

Jan 7, 2011

Where I should to put a logout script? The reason for my question is that I have installed truecrypt, but the application does not unmount the encrypted drives after logout.

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Fedora :: F15 Freezes On Logout?

Aug 17, 2011

When I click logout under the user menu (top right), the confirmation dialogue appears, and I can click Logout. the dialogue disappears and it starts to logout normally... then it just stops. it freezes once the top toolbar disappears. my tint2 bar stays visable, as well as my desktop background, and i can move my cursor around, but it wont respond to my keyboard. After just letting it stay like that for a few minutes, nothing changes, it doesn't even dim the screen or go to sleep, it just sits there.

I can shutdown and switch users just fine, just not logout.

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