Slackware :: Xfce Won't Logout Half The Time

Mar 18, 2010

It seems like 1 out of every 3 times I try to log out of xfce it stalls. I can continue to work but if I want to leave I have to ctrl>alt>backspace. Has anyone else had a problem like this?

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Slackware :: Mouse Cursor Is Half Gone And There Is No Toolbar In Slackware 13.1 With XFCE?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently logged into my Slackware 13.1 account and when I issued the "startx" command , there was no toolbar at the bottom and I couldn't see my mouse. I was able to click on a short-cut on my desktop , and my mouse came back. I can't open any thing except VirtualBox. When I open it , the top is cut off , so the minimize , maximize and close buttons are cut-off . I really have no idea what to do.P.S. I have XFCE instead of KDE

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Debian Configuration :: XFCE Logout Doesn't Completely Logout Of System / Solution For This?

Oct 17, 2010

As a normal user I have activated the functions of the Quit applet, i.e. Logout, Shutdown and Restart are active buttons. I am able to restart or shutdown, no problems. But when I use the Logout button I don't get logged out, just returned to the login shell & I am still logged in as my user. I don't have a display manager installed and I do NOT want to use a display manager such as XDM or GDM. How do I get the Logout button to actually logout the user? It appears I am only getting logged out of the x-session, but I want complete logout.

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Slackware :: Cannot Shutdown, Reboot And Logout On Slackware 13.37 From Kde Menu?

Jun 11, 2011

I have done 3 clean installs for this problem and it remains, i don't want to do it from the terminal..(Buttons exists but they won't work...)

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Ubuntu :: Auto Logout At Time Of Day?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to get a script that will auto logout user at a certain time of day.I have look all over the web. All I have found in my hunting is a script that will auto logout user after "x" amount of idle time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Half Is In English And Half In Another Language After Upgrading To 10.04

May 27, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 and so far I have those problems:

1. Before, everything in my system was in English. Now, half is in English, half in another language (PCManFM, some menus etc). I tried setting up Language Support but it changes nothing.

2. Cursor themes work only when hovering the mouse over "X" buttons in the right top corner of the window. As soon as I move the mouse somewhere else, it goes back to default cursor theme, even though I tried selecting 5 different themes - same result.

4. Hibernation don't work anymore. s2disk saves image to disk and then it resumes it but computer stops on text message along the lines of "Resume completed successfully".

5. Changing volume with keyboard shotcuts no longer works.

6. Smplayer does not display picture anymore when playing movies. The view is just empty. I can only hear the soundtrack. It is using XV filter.

7. PCmanFM that used to worked flawlessly, now after going into 1 or 2 subdirectories stops reacting to clicks on file/folder list. Need to open new instance to be able to do anything and this again would become unusable after visiting 1-2 folders.

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Ubuntu :: Half The Commands Enter Do Nothing And The Other Half Or Not Found Or Are Incorrect?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this. I'm not sure which veraion of linux I have but it was the latest veraon bfor the recent update. I accidentally hit alt ctrl f11 and my comp went inyo the grub menu. I've tried startx and it does nothing. About half the commands I enter do nothing and the other half r not found or are incorrect. The only vommand thw actualley work is reboot. I searched for this and read a grub guide but it did no good.

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Slackware :: Enable Windows Wireless Drivers In Slackware 13.1 And How To Install XFCE

Aug 22, 2010

I recently installed Slackware Linux 13.1 , and my Wireless is down. I've only installed 3 Linux disto's on my main laptop (Ubuntu 9.10 , 10.04 , and Crunchbang Linux 9.04 , just had Crunchbang), and they all had the same problem. In all three , I was able to enable Windows Wireless drivers and every thing worked. Now , I'm assuming I have to the same ting in Slackware? Sorry , but I have no idea what my wireless card is. But I know that my laptop is a Dell Insprion E1705. One last thing , I did ifconfig and that wlan0 is my Wi-Fi interface. I typed ifconfig wlan0 up to see if that was the problem. After I did that , I got and error message. Then I typed ifconfig wlan0 down to see if it was down and it made wlan0 down. I tried bringing it up again , but I got an error saying it couldn't find the device specified. Also , how do I install XFCE? I really don't like KDE for some reason and would like to install XFCE. I chose XFCE over GNOME (my favorite) because I want to try something new.

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Slackware :: Lack Of Event Sounds In Slackware Builds Of Xfce

Jan 25, 2011

I was over in the Desktop forum yesterday and apparently 'event sounds' are available for Xfce and are part of the original package, but I've never seen them made available, that is, the switch to turn them on isn't where it is suppose to be, in any Slackware specific package of Xfce.I've used 4.61 that came with Slackware64 13.1, 4.61 from the Salix depository, 4.62 from Mr. Workman, 4.62 from 'current' and recently 4.8 from Mr. Workman. None of these make the 'event sounds' available.

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Slackware :: Black Screen After Logout?

Jan 7, 2010

After updating my Slackware-Current (there was kernel and glibc package updates), I just get a black screen with a blinking "_" in the top-left corner when I logout.

I checked /var/log/kdm.log and found these errors:


I've found a workaround: uncommenting "TerminateServer=true" in kdmrc.

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Slackware :: Play A Video In Mplayer And Select Half Size - Box Freezes

Sep 5, 2010

I'm running SLackware64 13.1 and today I notice if I play a video in Mplayer and select half size, my box freezes.

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Slackware :: Black Screen At KDE Logout With 13.37 64-bit And VirtualBox

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to run Slackware 13.37 64-bit in a VirtualBox virtual machine. My VirtualBox version is 3.2.12. I had to disable compositing to keep the X-Server from reporting a segfault.Now the problem is that on logout from KDE I get a completely black screen. I can switch to a console session and type commands to get the login screen again.

telinit 3
telinit 4

I tried editing "kdmrc" to add the line "TerminateServer=true" but it had no effect on the problem.I had this working with Slackware 13.1 at one time, but I can't seem to get it working properly now even without desktop effects.I'm trying to avoid changing my VirtualBox software since each version seems to just introduce new and different bugs. The 4.X versions are not yet very stable.

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Slackware :: Make A Real Logout When Exiting KDE?

Apr 27, 2010

I use Slack 13-32 with kde-431, but when in kde logout actually get out of the X-KDE ...I have that after leaving the kde, type "logout" at the command line ...How to make a real logout when exiting KDE in Slack?

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Debian :: Set Time Zone Under Xfce?

Mar 17, 2011

I have Squeeze with xfce desktop installed.
Howto set a "Time Zone" under xfce or which additional package should be installed to do that?

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Slackware :: Cannot Add New Items To XFCE Panels In Slackware

Feb 6, 2011

i encounter a problem after following last -current updates.I cannot add and move items in XFCE Panels.why this happens?and what the solution?

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Slackware :: Slackware 13.1 XFCE Persistent Wallpaper

Mar 21, 2011

Slackware 13.1 XFCE. I've come across a strange problem which i've never had before on Slackware. I decided to set a desktop up for my sister. Being girls as they are she wanted to change the wallpaper. I showed her how, however when the machine is restarted the wallpaper turns back to default. In all my slack machines around here, i just simply right click on the desktop and change it. That makes it persistent throughout boots. I'm obviously missing something.

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Slackware :: Hal Daemon Stalls And Logout Shuts Down Computer

May 22, 2010

1) When my computer boots up it stalls when HAL daemon loads. This did not happen until I plugged in a defective hard drive. Anyone have any idea of how to go about fixing this?

2) If I open the session manager system setting, and untick "confirm logout" my system will shutdown instead of logging out. With the option enabled my computer logs out normally. I don't need the confirmation and find it redundant and feel like Linux is holding my hand and that's why I use linux because generally speaking I don't like an OS that wants to hold my hand, metaphorically, I mean.

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Slackware :: Unreadable Characters At Console Screen After KDE Logout?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm using Slackware 13.1.

Whenever I logout of KDE and go back into console mode, the characters at the console screen become unreadable gibberish. Is anyone else having this problem?

I can ctl+alt+F? to work at another console screen, but the ctl+alt+F1 screen remains unreadable until I reboot.

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Slackware :: User 'Logout' Not Working - Must Power Off To Recover?

Jul 6, 2011

If, as root, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get the KDE login screen.If, as user rob, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get a black screen from which I must power off to recover, and I use the term very loosely. User rob is a member of the 'power' group.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce Takes A Long Time To Start?

Feb 6, 2010

When I log into an Xfce session, the splash screen indicates the "starting window manager" step with a busy cursor for about 10 seconds or more. Mind you this is a 2.8 GHz Core 2 Duo machine.I have tried logging out, mv-ing ~/.config/xfce4 from a tty console, and logging back in, but the problem persists.I am running Xfce from squeeze.

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General :: Change Time (Advanced Eastern Time) On Slackware 8.1?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a linux (Slackware) machine and the time/date is like, June 23rd 2003, 10:00am (It's 11 here) and I am not able to set the time to have it correct. I change the timezome to Montreal but the time is still wrong.

Is there a way to force it to sync with my domain controler or even another online NTP server?

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Slackware :: Stop At Boot Time To Increase Booting Time?

Mar 5, 2010

It looks,slackware is taking too much time to boot. It's starting daemons at boot time.

What are those daemons that i can stop at boot time to increase booting time?

What's the best way to stop starting daemons at boot time?

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Slackware :: Converting To XFCE?

Jul 30, 2011

I heard Slackware 13.37 came with XFCE and KDE, but uses KDE as the default. I've used KDE as the default on Debian, so I'm wondering how I switch to XFCE on Slackware.

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Slackware :: KDM Does Not Allow XFCE To Shutdown

Mar 18, 2011

OS = Slackware 13.1
I'm normally a KDE user but tried xfce4 and found that it works nicely. I wanted to switch to it for a while. I did find one particular problem: When you try and end the session, you can Log Out but can not Restart or Shutdown. If you click on Restart or Shutdown it asks for password Even after entering a valid password, it will not allow the action.

(I tried user and root's passwords.) It says "Please enter your password." After entering the password it says, "Either the password you entered is invalid, or the system administrator disallows shutting down this computer with your user account." (Before you ask; my user is in power group.)

I tinkered with it for a while and decided it must have something to do with KDM and so I switched my default runlevel to 3 and started xfce4 [via startx] and it worked as expected. Next I tried using xdm instead of kdm and YES, it works as expected. I was able to Restart or Shutdown (no asking for password, it just does it.) What is it about KDM that does not allow xfce4 to restart or shutdown?

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Slackware :: 13.1 Hangs With Xfce?

Jul 27, 2010

Again when I was working under Xfce system hangs up. Earlier I had similar problems but under KDE so I blamed KDE for that. I am sure that there is something wrong with an access to external input devices. Some kind of a broken connection. I am using a USB keyboard but the same happened with PS/2 keyboard. Two flashing leds, I guess, indicate that device is no longer supported by the system. The only hope for an access to the system is via external wired connection. The other possibilities, I am thinking of, are hardware problems with PCI-bus or a virus affecting on a hardware level.

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Slackware :: Add Xfce Without Re-installing?

Jun 4, 2011

I installed almost the complete install. I left off Apache, MySQL and PHP since I wanted to do them myself (which I did and it went fine). I selected KDE as the window manager but now I want to try xfce. When I boot up, I'm left at the command prompt and have to login (probably does that for everybody) then I run startx. That brings up my KDE. Are the xfce components installed and can I use something else to bring up that desktop? Or can I install it and then bring it up at the command after login?

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Slackware :: Switching XFCE To KDE 13.1?

Apr 7, 2011

So I decided I want to switch to KDE because it's kinda neat and I decided I wanted a sleeker desktop. I've heard trying to xinitrc file, but I looked in the file and I have no idea where to start configuring it..

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Slackware :: 2 DVD Icons In XFCE In Current

Mar 29, 2010

If I reboot to Slackware current with a DVD in the drive and start XFCE, I get 2 identical DVD icons on the desktop.

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Slackware :: Adding New Xfce Icons ?

May 25, 2010

How to add new icons on xfce. i tried adding icons to my ~/.icons/<folder_name> then run this command


But it still doesn't appear in the icons selection.

I downloaded the icons in [url].

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Slackware :: Chestnut Dialer In Xfce

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to use as few KDE packages as possible in Xfce and yesterday found and installed Chestnut-dialer (./configure, make, make install).When trying to run it as a user it gives the message, "pppd:must be root to run pppd."Apparenty you have to set the pppd UID for root. Once done it will make the connection as user, but you can't "go anywhere." That is the e-mail client, browser, etc., report they are not connected.So far the only way to get it to work is to open a terminal, sign on as root (su) and fire up Chestnut-dialer from the command line.

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