How would I clear my commandline history at logon/logoff/startup time? I tried this : editing my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file like this I know this is for system startup
# /etc/rc.d/rc.local: Local system initialization script.
# Put any local startup commands in here.
Also, if you have anything that needs to be run at shutdown time you can make an /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown script and put those commands in there.
#clear user history ~/.bash_history
echo "" > ~/.bash_history
#clear root history /root/.bash_history
echo "" > /root/.bash_history
Sometimes I don't want commands to be added to my history. In bash it wasCode:unset HISTFILE You would run it after a few commands and it would clear them all.I can't find out how to do it with ZSH.
I just started using the z shell. i have one problem, what command clears z shells history? I know how to clear the .histfile: echo "" > .histfile, but when i press the up arrow key the last command is still there.
I have installed Squeeze with the Gnome desktop and the Totem Movie Player Application. It seems to work ok but it seem there is no way to delete the history. I found one post on the subject with no reply and have read the bug reports and the problem was not mentioned. I tried to find the file containing the history without success.
i am using natty 11.04. can you please guide me how to clear recent history in dash under search files folders?also tell me how to customize dash application menu etc...
I used to use CCleaner so I could keep specific cookies from being deleted while I deleted all others. Is there any way I can do this with Ubuntu? Firefox doesn't seem to allow it other than manual deletion which is not as fast an automated as CCleaner made the task.
I am using squid proxy server for sharing Internet in my internal network. I would like to know that how can I check the browsing history by individual users web surfing history by their IP addresses?
how do you clear the highlighted results after searching in elvis and other text viewer programs such as less?Also I know it's been mentioned before, but why does pat prefer elvis to vim? Just a personal preference?
klipper doesn't always store the latest clipboard contents in its history in kde 4.3.5. I have "ignore selection" and "separate clipboard and selection" set in Klippers settings. When i open a new program, for example - kwrite, type some text in it, select some of it and hit ctrl+c - copied text doesn't show up in klippers history list. It seems that klipper misses the first copy operation done in newly launched applications, only by copying the same (or some other) text again klippers menu entry shows up. This seems to happen with only newly launched application, when i had kwrite window already open, opening a second window and performing copy worked fine with klipper.
I have 2G of physical memory and 1G of memory swap. Very rarely the memory swap is used and when usage is around 1% while, then gets a lot of free physical memory...My question is:It is possible to "clean up" the memory swap. Or better still (I think). It is possible to spendphysical memory for data that is in memory swap?
I am writing a script in which I need to send a email to a address and was confused on how to go about this. (Its in a perl script so ideally it would be a one line command so I can just put in back ticks).
I just upgraded to OpenSuse 1.4 from 1.1 and it boots straight to the command lines. After login I type startx and it still does not go to the KDE desktop or anywhere else fo that matter. how to get to a GUI desktop from the commandline screen?
I want to close an open port which is in listening mode between my client and server application. Is there any manual command line option in Linux to close a port ??NOTE: I came to know that "only the application which owns the connected socket should close it, which will happen when the application terminates."I dont understand why it is only possible by the application which opens it ... But still eager to know if there is any another way to do it ??
I m looking for a video cutter that cut a portion of video in the given format, i tried ffmpeg and avidemux but they touch( some modification) the original video so output doesn't remains same as the source is there any software for ubuntu 8.04 hardy which cuts the video portion as it is and have command line support
I use in Ubuntu proftpd to send files with a little script over the internet to my website. If I write all these scripts it's a lot of work and my first question is what is the best way to send files over.
For example do you need to type: put /directory/file.gz /www/file.gz ? or can it shorter? like put /directory/file.gz /www/ because then ftp complains it can't create file
I'm looking for commandline monitoring tool for mysql and only thing I can find is mtop. Unfortunately, mtop's development halted back in 2004. Can someone suggest an alternative? or is there such thing?
While the program runs fine, it does not select the database automatically (last argument). This used to work with KeePassX. Nor does KeePass2 remember the recently opened files (the menu remains empty).
My system: Ubuntu Natty 32bit, KeePass 2.15
PS: I have to use KeePass2 as I need to share the database with other OS where KeePass1 is not supported. And would love to see ported KeePass2 to linux without mono. Keepass2 also looks worse than KeePassX IMO.
I used imagemagick to convert the files to gif with the following command
for i in {100..131}; do convert CIMG0$i.jpg CIMG0$i.gif; done # works
This worked like expected, but when afterwards I wanted to scale the images
for i in {100..131}; do convert -scale 25% CIMG00$i.gif CIMG00$i_scaled.gif; done # works not it seems the system is working for about half a minute, but I get no output. The single command
convert -scale 25% CIMG100.gif CIMG100_scaled.gif # works
works as expected and gives me a scaled image. What does the convert command do in the second case? is the for-loop wrong?