General :: How To Know Hardware RAID Through Commandline

Feb 25, 2010

I have configured Hardware RAID. Is there any way I can know that through login to linux box?

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General :: How To Send Webmail From Commandline

Jan 21, 2011

I am writing a script in which I need to send a email to a address and was confused on how to go about this. (Its in a perl script so ideally it would be a one line command so I can just put in back ticks).

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General :: Manually Closing A Port From Commandline?

Apr 6, 2010

I want to close an open port which is in listening mode between my client and server application. Is there any manual command line option in Linux to close a port ??NOTE: I came to know that "only the application which owns the connected socket should close it, which will happen when the application terminates."I dont understand why it is only possible by the application which opens it ... But still eager to know if there is any another way to do it ??

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General :: FTP Commandline Script To Send Files

Mar 1, 2011

I use in Ubuntu proftpd to send files with a little script over the internet to my website.
If I write all these scripts it's a lot of work and my first question is what is the best way to send files over.

For example do you need to type:
put /directory/file.gz /www/file.gz ? or can it shorter? like
put /directory/file.gz /www/ because then ftp complains it can't create file

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General :: Nano Editing Grub.conf Though Commandline?

Oct 12, 2010

I have to edit the grub.conf as there was a issue in running in virtual box, so i went to edit the /boot/grub/grub.conf file ( centos )and run


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General :: Control In KDE On Which Desktop An Application Started From Commandline Will Appear?

Jul 13, 2010

I am using a script to start an application (with GUI, i.e. windows) in KDE. However, the window will always appear on the currently used desktop. I would like to define which desktop the application will appear to be able to just run in invisible in the background. How can I do this for KDE?

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General :: Change Image Of An Executable File From Commandline.

Feb 15, 2011

I want to change the icon image of the executable files from command line.

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General :: Send A File From The IRDA To A PDA Using IROBEX Protocol +commandline

Mar 11, 2010

Is there a simple command line to do this, in an easy way?

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General :: Commandline Chmod 770 - Cannot Login To Test Server Notebook

Nov 18, 2009

I did command:
sudo -s
chmod 770 .
chmod 770 ..
And now I cannot login on my test server notebook. Please do not ask why I use server software on my notebook. Cause I like it and I use it only for typing text en learning linux commands. So I have a notebook with ubuntu server 8.04.2.

First question is:
Why have linux after command ls -l -a this output?
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2009-11-04 20:45 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2009-11-04 20:45 ..
And how must it to set and use? What is it's function? How can I repair my server notebook? Must I unmount my harddisk with a sqrewdriver and connect it to/on an other linux machine? If its needed, I can do that.

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General :: Startx Script Commandline To Start VirtualBox VM On Separate X Server

Aug 28, 2011

I am trying to start a VirtualBox VM on a separate X screen (in fullscreen) so I can switch between Linux and Windows XP by doing Ctrl + Alt + F<.

I am basically trying to do something like this:

startx "VBoxManage startvm XP" -- :4
startx "VBoxManage startvm "XP"" -- :4 (is this correct for quotes within quotes??)

I get a "bad command line option "VBoxManage" back from the startx script so obviously I am not understanding the rules for how to write "shell magic".

How can I do this correctly, or perhaps there is a better way of achieving a VirtualBox VM on a separate X screen?

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General :: Utility To Forward Ports On A Simple Home Networking Wireless Router From Commandline Using Upnp?

Apr 8, 2011

Is there a utility to forward ports on a simple home networking wireless router from commandline using upnp?

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General :: Migrate An Installed Ubuntu System From A Software Raid To A Hardware Raid?

Jun 29, 2011

migrate an installed Ubuntu system from a software raid to a hardware raid on the same machine? how would you go about doing so?

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 8.10 To 9.04 In Commandline?

Mar 1, 2010

Is there a way to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 in commandline?

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Ubuntu :: Passing Arguments In Commandline

Mar 13, 2011

I have some source code of an application called gmapping.

I am pasting the source code documentation below:


How do I run this file. When I enter the filename parameter, and press enter, I get

COMMAND LINE: parameter aces not recognized no filename specified

GridFastSlam: Initialization Error!

(Did you specified an input file for reading?)

What is the right line to type in the terminal to sun this code?

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Software :: Gphoto2 Commandline Client

Feb 27, 2011

I'm making a script for making tethered shooting easier in linux. With that I'm using gphoto2.

But i want to display the battery status:

in commandline it is:

As a result I get:

Label: Battery Level
Type: TEXT
Current: 100%

Now I only want to display the percentage, is this possible?

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Slackware :: How To Clear Commandline History

Mar 7, 2010

How would I clear my commandline history at logon/logoff/startup time? I tried this : editing my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file like this I know this is for system startup

# /etc/rc.d/rc.local: Local system initialization script.
# Put any local startup commands in here.

Also, if you have anything that needs to be run at shutdown time you can make an /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown script and put those commands in there.

#clear user history ~/.bash_history
echo "" > ~/.bash_history
#clear root history /root/.bash_history
echo "" > /root/.bash_history

But when I reboot, the history still remains.

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Debian Multimedia :: Use Commandline Audioplayer For Which Purpose?

Nov 17, 2010

Any commandline audioplayer I might not have heard before? Which one do you use? I just started using Moc [URL]

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Fedora :: How To Delete Folders With Stuff In Commandline?

Dec 21, 2010

I want to delete a folder with stuff in it through command line. I tired rm and rmdir but it doesn't seem to be working.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A GUI Desktop From The Commandline Screen?

Mar 10, 2011

I just upgraded to OpenSuse 1.4 from 1.1 and it boots straight to the command lines. After login I type startx and it still does not go to the KDE desktop or anywhere else fo that matter. how to get to a GUI desktop from the commandline screen?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Cutter With Commandline?

Feb 19, 2010

I m looking for a video cutter that cut a portion of video in the given format, i tried ffmpeg and avidemux but they touch( some modification) the original video so output doesn't remains same as the source is there any software for ubuntu 8.04 hardy which cuts the video portion as it is and have command line support

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Wireless From Commandline?

Mar 9, 2010

How can we configure a wireless network from commandline in Ubuntu?

I understand iwlist will give us the list of access points.

Next using iwconfig it is possible to connect to a wireless network without network manager. connect to a wireless network using commandline?

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Server :: Commandline Monitoring Tool For Mysql?

May 2, 2011

I'm looking for commandline monitoring tool for mysql and only thing I can find is mtop. Unfortunately, mtop's development halted back in 2004. Can someone suggest an alternative? or is there such thing?

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Software :: KeePass 2 Ignores Commandline Argument?

Jul 2, 2011

I run the password manager KeePass2 with the following starter:

mono /opt/keepass2-mono/KeePass.exe /home/XXXXXXX/KeePass.kdbx

While the program runs fine, it does not select the database automatically (last argument). This used to work with KeePassX. Nor does KeePass2 remember the recently opened files (the menu remains empty).

My system: Ubuntu Natty 32bit, KeePass 2.15

PS: I have to use KeePass2 as I need to share the database with other OS where KeePass1 is not supported. And would love to see ported KeePass2 to linux without mono. Keepass2 also looks worse than KeePassX IMO.

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Programming :: Imagemagick With For Loop On The Commandline Does Not Work

May 26, 2011

I have images in jpg format



I used imagemagick to convert the files to gif with the following command


for i in {100..131}; do convert CIMG0$i.jpg CIMG0$i.gif; done # works

This worked like expected, but when afterwards I wanted to scale the images


for i in {100..131}; do convert -scale 25% CIMG00$i.gif CIMG00$i_scaled.gif; done # works not it seems the system is working for about half a minute, but I get no output. The single command


convert -scale 25% CIMG100.gif CIMG100_scaled.gif # works

works as expected and gives me a scaled image. What does the convert command do in the second case? is the for-loop wrong?

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Ubuntu :: List Of Installed Packages By Repository Through Commandline?

Feb 11, 2011

I know dpgk --get-selections will list all installed packages, but is there a way to also get the repository each belongs to as well.

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Programming :: Standard For Naming Convention Of Commandline Options

Feb 22, 2011

Is there any document or specification like the Linux Standard Base for the naming convention of commandline options?

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OpenSUSE :: Virtual Machine Manager Vs. Qemu-kvm Commandline ( Tap Xor Snapshot )?

Mar 28, 2011

I want to experiment with pacemaker, and for that I'd like to start kvm virtual machines with the snapshot option, so that as soon as I stop the vm, all changes are gone and I can start over. Since I couldn't figure out how to setup networking (vm - vm and vm - public) with a kvm commandline without disturbing the Network Manager, I used the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) for this.

It works now, but I cant see how to use the snapshot option with the VMM. On the other hand, I cant see how I start the resulting vm from the commandline. When I look at the process list, I see the command with these network options:

-netdev tap,fd=21,id=hostnet0
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:45:30:b0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
-netdev tap,fd=22,id=hostnet1
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet1,id=net1,mac=52:54:00:84:5b:bc,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6

How would I go about these fd=nn things on the commandline? I guess I somehow have to start the tap devices before, but how?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Specifying Smtp Relay On Commandline Of Mail Command?

Aug 9, 2011

On my opensuse 11.4 box (although I assume the version is irrelevant), I'm trying to figure out how to do something with the mail command. We have multiple smtp relay servers and sometimes I have to test to verify that mail is bouncing off of them successfully. On my laptop, in my file for postfix, I've got the relay server listed. But to test multiple servers, I have to change the, restart postfix, send message, and then repeat for each test.

I'm trying to figure out a way to specify the smtp relay on the command line. I've been playing with the -S option which is supposed to allow variables and one of the variables in the man page is 'smtp'. I've tried several different syntaxes but nothing seems to work.

The closest I've come is:
mail -S smtp -s "test" <

That syntax doesn't give me an error but it still routes the message off the smtp server listed in which is not

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Software :: Scripting Commandline Args To Switches - Network Hardware

Jan 6, 2010

I have some network switches that I can login to via ssh and run commandline arguments (not a bash environment). Is there an way/app out there that would allow me to pass commandline arguments to the switch then wait and get the command output. ALl this over ssh?

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