Server :: Allow Guest Access Folder

Feb 22, 2010

I have Apache installed on CentOS 4.5. My website have to play music on page and i have to show the file path. Eg : my website is in /var/lib/apache/webapp/mywebsite and my music folder is in : /music/myfile.wav and i want to play music on this /music folder and allow guest to download file. How can i do this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Access Shared Folder From Guest OS And Vice Versa?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm a Windows person and will soon be tasked with UNIX/LINUX projects. I'm trying to learn as much as possible in a very short period of time. I'm very familiar with VMPlayer and VirtualBox. Recently I installed OpenSUSE 11.3 as a guest OS on VMPlayer (bridged network). The host is WinXP. I have also enabled shared folder to the host @ CRepositoryInstalls. Question - How do I access the shared folder from OpenSUSE (the guest OS) and vice-versa?

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Guest Additions: Set A Shared Folder In 11.2 Guest

Mar 4, 2010

OpenSUSE installed in a Virtualbox Virtual Machine and I want to set a shared folder.

1 - Set up a Virtual Machine and install OpenSUSE 11.2

2 - Create a shared folder on host (HostFolder)

3 - Setup the shared folder in Virtualbox Via the Virtual Machine details or via Devices > Shared Folders...

4 - Install dependencies for running the Virtualbox installer You need to install the right development kernelpackage for your machinetype (use 'zypper search -i kernel' to see what's installed) sudo zypper make gcc kernel-source kernel-hosttype/default-devel

5 - Run the Virtual Machine and go to Devices > Guest Additions This mounts an iso image in your OpenSUSE guest.

6 - Open a root terminal and run

cd /usr/src/linux
make oldconfig && make prepare && make scripts && make dep
cp ../linux-obj/$HOSTTYPE/default/Module.symvers .
make prepare

* A commenter on previously mentioned thread says this step is unnecessary but it doesn't work without on my system. I suggest trying step 7 first and returning to step 6 if that fails. *

7 - Run ./VirtualboxLinux yourhosttype .run from the mounted iso image.

8 - Create shared folder in OpenSUSE (GuestFolder)

9 - Test with sudo mount -t vboxsf HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder It works? Great! Let's set up the system so it automounts for your regular useraccount instead of root-only access.

10 - Add this line to /etc/fstab HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder vboxsf defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

11 - It works for me but if it still doesn't automount after a reboot; sudo mount -a

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OpenSUSE :: Access Web Server On VirtualBox Guest From Host OS

Sep 4, 2010

I used to be able to access the web server I had running on my guest OS in Virtual Box from my host OS. I also had it set to the network settings of "Host Only Adapter". Then I needed to access the internet directly on the gues OS, so I changed my settings on the guest OS to "NAT" (in virtual box), and in /etc/network/interfaces, I removed the loopback stuff and the static IP I'd put in. Now no matter what I do, I cannot get it back to being accessible from the host os! I even did a completely NEW install of Ubuntu guest OS in Virtual box Guest OS: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Host OS: OpenSUSE 11.3 VirtualBox: 3.2.6

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Networking :: QEMU: Tap Host: Windows 2003 Server - Guest: Ubuntu 9.04 - No Ip Address And Can't Access Public

Oct 28, 2010

host is windows 2003 server 64-bit
guest is ubuntu 9.04 server 64bit
Qemu : 0.11.1
Qemu manager: 7.0

from Qemu manager, if network card is using User Networking, it's a NAT and I can see that Guest Ubuntu has an ip address and is able to access the internet. However, as Guest ubuntu is running server so I want to do use Tap networking and I assue with Tap, the Guest ubuntu will get an ip address which is in the same subnet as host machine by dhcp. so from Qemu Manager 7.0, I changed Network card to be:

Vlan Number =0
VLAN Type: Tap Networking
Mac address: tap0's mac address from host
TAP Network Adpator: Tap0

Note that tap0 was created by openvpn. and then fired Ubuntu guest, ifconfig shows no ip address on eth0 (which has the same mac address as Tap0) so the guest Ubuntu has no ip address and can't access public.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Ftp Server With Folder Access Restrictions

Dec 10, 2010

'm a bit familiar with Centos as I have set up few website on this environment but I have never actually installed, and especially, configure ftp server. Now I need to do this. Simply I need to be able to create an access account for a user and then restrict access to only one folder within the website (idea is to allow this user to upload images via ftp). I did google for ftp servers and read about vsftpd but I couldn't find any tutorial on how exactly make it work with folders and specific users.

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Shared Folder Access Without Authentication

May 25, 2011

Heres what I have and what I am looking to do. I have a PC with a single core 2 Ghz Pentium processor and 1 gb of RAM. Its pretty limited in what it can do and run. It has two physical HDDs one a 250 GB SATA and the other a 160GB SATA. One the two hard drives I have the following partition structure:

160 GB HDD
28 GB Ubuntu OS Partition
2 GB Swap Partition
130 GB Free Partition (EXT4 but empty)
250 GB HDD
250 GB Free Partition (EXT4 but empty)

What I would like to do is the following:
1. Strip down Ubuntu 10.04 to where only the bare minimums run and system resources (Since they are so scarce on this system anyway) be readily available
2. Have the system run solely as a Samba File server for all other computers in the house to read and write to
3. Allow other "known" systems to access the shared folder without authentication, but any system with an unknown name, should have to authenticate first
4. Have the 130 GB from HDA and 250 GB from HDB, be presented as one network drive of 380 GB as opposed to two of 130 and 250 gb respectively

Are these things that are possible for a person of mid level understanding of Linux? How would one set about achieving all of the above goals?

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CentOS 5 Server :: User Limit Access To One Folder

Mar 24, 2011

for create an user I put:

useradd username
passwd username

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Networking :: How To See Host Only Folder From Guest

Feb 2, 2009

My Windows guests see my VMware Host Only folders as \.hostShared Folders. But when I try to see them from a Linux guest, all I get is frustrated. No permutation of that seems to work. Because the Windows guests see the shared folders I know the host is doing its part in providing them. After two days of not finding an answer on the VMware Workstation forum I finally figured out that the problem really is how to look for them with Linux. With Linux I can turn off all NICs accept the Host Only NIC, put smb:// into the address bar and see all the shares on the host, but not the folder designated as the host only folder. How to look for the shares with Linux?

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Server :: Make Read Only Share Folder With No Printout Access To Clients On System?

Nov 29, 2010

Actually i have to make one share folder on linux in such way that user should only read the documents from shared folder and they should not take prints of that folder.could any one telme what server i should use.?samba or nfs?how can i stop client users to stop taking prints from that shared folder.

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OpenSUSE :: Share Folder To VirtualBox Guest WinXP?

Feb 5, 2010

I've tried using the "devices->Shared Folders" to create a shared folder but it didn't work. I still couldn't see it from the guest OS (winXP). I also, tried sharing a folder in winXP and then tried adding a network folder in dolphin - also didn't work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Server To Where It Does Not Give A Password Prompt To Access A Shared Folder

Nov 28, 2010

How do I set up a server to where it does not give a password prompt to access a shared folder?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connecting To A Shared Folder - From The Terminal On Guest?

Feb 11, 2010

I have Ubuntu karmic as my host OS and Ubuntu Server as a guest on Virtualbox. I have set a folder on my host as shared with the guest, but how can i connect to it from the terminal on my guest? I am also using webmin as i was trying to stay away from install a desktop

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Slackware :: VirtualBox Guest On Win7 Host - Folder Sharing?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Win7 laptop with the latest version of VirtualBox installed. It's a dual core proc with ram to spare. So, I installed Slack64-13.1 and it rocks! I'm really impressed that Slack is running at what appears to be native speed, but in virtual machine. Hardware response is normal, WIFI and LAN are both working great for my normal tasks.So, I downloaded a few much needed patches, and new ISO image for one of my old desktop PCs. Now, my problem is I can't connect my USB cdwriter to my virtual slackware or share folders in the Win7 install with the virtual slackware. I read a few of tutorials on the Oracle VBox website, and several of the ones here on LQ, and none of them seem to solve my problems.

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General :: Using Samba To Share A Folder From A Guest With A Windows Host In VirtualBox

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to share a folder from a Linux Guest with a Windows host (with read and write access if possible) in VirtualBox. I read in these two links: here and here that it's possible to do this using Samba, but I am a little bit lost and need more information on how to proceed.

So far, I managed to set up two network adapters (one NAT and one host-only) and to install Samba on the Linux guest, but I have the following questions now: What do I need to type in samba.conf to share a folder from the Linux guest? (the tutorial provided in one of the links above only explains how to share home directories) Are there any Samba commands that I need to run on the guest to enable sharing? How do I make sure that these folders are only available to the host OS and not on the Internet? Once the Linux guest is setup, how do I access each of the individual shared folders from the Windows host? I read that I need to mount a drive on Windows to do this, but do I use Samba logins, or Linux logins, also do I use localhost? or do I need to set up an IP for this?

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General :: Share A Folder In Samba With No Need Of Password For Individual User Not Guest?

Jun 13, 2011

I would like to know how to share a folder in samba with no need of password for individual user without using guest

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Access Folder To Delete Or Restore From The Recycle Bin Folder

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 9.10 for a home build NAS. Everything is working great just have one more thing to figure out. I have Samba set up to access my files and I set up a recycle feature so anything deleted will get moved to a Recycled folder. (I learned this the hard way after hitting delete key by accident while browsing the shares in windows. Lost 100 GB of data)

Now it is for the most part working but the permissions on folders isn't getting set right. If I delete a file in a share I can go to Recycle bin folder and delete the file for good. But if I delete a folder I can not access that folder to delete or restore from the Recycle bin folder. I have to chmod the folder before I can do anything with it. Anything I can change to get folders deleted via windows to have the right permissions when it is moved to the Recycle bin folder?


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Fedora Networking :: Samba Server Not Shown In System Administration / Give Permission To Access Home Folder?

Jul 1, 2010

I installed samba server in my external HDD. But it is not shown in system ----> Administration. Is there any problem. Then How to give permission to access home folder.

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Ubuntu :: VBox Shared Folder Both Way / Access To Certain Folder In Win7?

May 26, 2010

- I have ubuntu installed, and win7 is installed using vbox.

- I know how to set shared folder, so win7 can access the folder in ubuntu.

- I need to have an access to certain folder in win7 from ubuntu.

How can I do that?It is not about samba, right?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Chmod - Give A Mounted Folder /mnt/folder Access

Oct 28, 2010

I want to give a mounted folder /mnt/folder access so that 'root and the group test have read write access' and all other users have read access I understand most of the chmod command, the users groups world etc but where in the 'command' do you specify which 'group' or 'user' you are giving the read / write access to? in all the tutorials i've seen no where do you specify the actual group or user.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File - Access Shared Folder - Error: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 24, 2010

I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:


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Debian :: VirtualBox Guest-only Internet Access

Aug 12, 2014

Is it at all possible to disable internet access for the Debian host while providing internet access to the VirtualBox guest(s)?

I plan to only hook up the host to the internet for updates, upgrades and installations, although if I can, then I will make a Debian guest to test everything out and download the files from there and install everything on the host without even a single host connection point.

Is this the indomitable approach to intercommunication security? If not, then what haven't I thought of yet?

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Ubuntu :: VBox Guest Cannot Access Internet?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a virtual XP as guest in VirtualBox on a computer running Hardy. I used to be able to access the internet from the virtual XP, using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome with no problem - it just used the Ubuntu host's connection, whch it seemed to see as a "NAT Adapter".

It still sees this NAT connection - if I hover the pointer over the Network icon in VBox it says "Adapter 1 (NAT): cable connected". And if I use Firefox from the host OS, it connects just fine.

Why can the virtual XP no longer access the internet?

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General :: VirtualBox - Internet Access Via Guest OS (Windows)

May 20, 2011

I have an USB internet key (multimode GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA) that only works on Windows. Though, I mainly use Linux for development activities and I don't want to move them to Windows. For this reason I decided to use a Windows guest on VirtualBox for internet access and the Linux host for the other stuffs, but I'd greatly prefer to use Linux for everything (internet too) and Windows only as internet gateway.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Guest Access Checkbox Is Not Check-able

Apr 5, 2010

I'm trying to share files over my home network. I want to be able to access the files on any computer in the house and was going to use the guest access checkbox in the sharing options to do so. The only problem I have is that the guest access checkbox is not check-able.

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Ubuntu :: Samba Installation With Access To Guest Users

Apr 19, 2011

All I want is a simple Samba installation that anonymous users/guests can access. I have modified the smb.conf file so much using 'tips' that should enable a simple folder share. Nothing works. If I share the folder using Nautilus share then the folder is accessible without any credentials from only Win7 and android ES File Explorer. XP can't see the folder, nor can any other linux device. I want to switch to linux as a main OS but without shares it's not practical. Does anyone have a stripped down smb.conf which provides guest access to a single folder?

Here's the latest testparm -s
$ testparm -s
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Loaded services file OK.
workgroup = MSHOME
server string = %h server (Samba, LinuxMint)
security = SHARE
map to guest = Bad User
obey pam restrictions = Yes
pam password change = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
*Retypesnews*spassword:* %n
*passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .
unix password sync = Yes
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
dns proxy = No
usershare allow guests = Yes
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
path = /home/mint/Shared
read only = No
create mask = 0777
guest ok = Yes

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
read only = Yes
create mask = 0700
guest ok = No
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/printers
read only = Yes
guest ok = No

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - How To Access Network Drives On VirtualBox Guest OS

Feb 13, 2010

I currently have VirtualBox installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop. I have windows xp as a guest os and it has network shares on it. My question is, is there a way for another computer to access those network drives on the guest os in virtualbox? I don't want to search for hours on end on google, a simple no would be fine - however if it is possible let me know because when I am in windows on another computer that has windows as a host os it sees it in the windows network folder but it says " location not found" or something similar but it still shows a pc picture of the virtual os of the virtual box program running in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: X Forwarding - Access Via Ssh A Virtualbox Guest Machine?

Mar 29, 2010

host - ubuntu 9.10 desktop
virtualizer - VirtualBox

What will be the easiest way to ssh connect a VM on VirtualBox, exporting its desktop to host, while it is already running ? I found; Howto Access via ssh a Virtualbox Guest machine.


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Servers :: Access MySQL In Ubuntu Guest From WinXP Host?

Jul 3, 2010

I have Virtualbox setup

WinXP Host
Ubuntu 10.04 is the guest
Mysql is installed in ubuntu and it works fine in the guest (ubuntu)
Internet works fine in the host and the guest. Bridged Network.

Now, here is the thing... i want to access mysql from my host to load some data into it.

how do i access mysql from my host Win XP?

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Ubuntu :: LAMP Server "forbidden" And Home Folder Access?

Sep 24, 2010

Instead of doing this by actually changing the apache directory, I simply put in a symlink from the WWW directory.This worked many times, but today, under Maverick, I got the following error : "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server."I spent a LOT of time on the web trying to solve this error and in the end, it got solved simply by enabling permissions "access" to "others" direclty on my home folder (because my Dropbox folder is, of course, within my home folder).However, I have no idea if this is a good idea. Does this mean that simply anyone could access any file on my computer ??Alternatively, does anyone know how I could proceed to make this LAMP server work WITHOUT having to change my Home directy permissions this way ?

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