General :: VirtualBox - Internet Access Via Guest OS (Windows)

May 20, 2011

I have an USB internet key (multimode GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA) that only works on Windows. Though, I mainly use Linux for development activities and I don't want to move them to Windows. For this reason I decided to use a Windows guest on VirtualBox for internet access and the Linux host for the other stuffs, but I'd greatly prefer to use Linux for everything (internet too) and Windows only as internet gateway.

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Debian :: VirtualBox Guest-only Internet Access

Aug 12, 2014

Is it at all possible to disable internet access for the Debian host while providing internet access to the VirtualBox guest(s)?

I plan to only hook up the host to the internet for updates, upgrades and installations, although if I can, then I will make a Debian guest to test everything out and download the files from there and install everything on the host without even a single host connection point.

Is this the indomitable approach to intercommunication security? If not, then what haven't I thought of yet?

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General :: Windows XP Vmware Guest Unable To Access Certain Internet Hosts

Jan 28, 2010

I have annoying problem. My setup is the following: debian Linux, 64 bits, VMWare workstation 7 host, with Windows XP running as guest. From Firefox, or Internet Explorer, I am unable to access few sites, for example, osdir. Basically get connection timed out, on the other hand ping works to those sites. Moreover, Slashdot loads very very slow and sometimes gets horrible text-only version.

everything works fine on Linux host

I suspect it has something to do with routing on Linux, I recall having similar problem long time ago, which was fixed by setting something in /proc.

I tried setting MTU and TCP window size on Windows lower, but did not help

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General :: Cannot Ssh Into Ubuntu Guest On Virtualbox 4.0.4 On Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I have an Ubuntu guest installed on Virtualbox 4.0.4 running on Windows 7 Home Premium. I have two firewall rules for Vbox which allow any, any inbound for both TCP and UDP and those rules have edge traversal enabled. I have host ports 9080 and 9022 forwarded to 80 and 22 on the guest. The Win7 box is on an Ethernet connection

After some testing, I have a netbook with a Wifi connection and Ubuntu netbook remix which cannot make an ssh connection to the Ubuntu guest.

But, the same netbook can telnet to port 9080 on the Win7 machine's address and successfully connect to a web server running on port 80 of the Ubuntu guest.

In order to check this out, I ran initctl stop ssh on the Ubuntu guest, verified thagt port 22 had no listeners, and ran ssh with /usr/sbin/sshd -d -e. This shows various bits of debug info from the console. Then I ran Putty on the win7 machine to connect to port 9022 on it's own IP address (that it got from DHCP) and made a successful connection to the guest Ubuntu.

The variable that I don't know much about is the landlord's cable router setup, but I can't figure out why that would block packets to 9022 but not packets to 9080.

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General :: Windows XP Running As Guest On VirtualBox Is Very Slow

Aug 9, 2011

We had an old Windows XP server running a Filemaker database on a 2.6 GHz Intel CPU, but that server died. It's been replaced by a box with two 2.4 GHz Xeon CPUs and 5 GB of RAM that's running Ubuntu 11.04 natively, and Windows is running as a VirtualBox guest. 2GB of RAM has been dedicated to the Windows guest.Of course, these old Xeon CPUs don't have the VT-x extensions, so I wouldn't expect to be able to add CPUs to the VirtualBox guest, but the Filemaker database is running at least 2-3x slower than it did on the old server. I would expect that utilizing one 2.4GHz CPU out of four available shouldn't result in such an astounding difference.

I would also like to be able to continue using this setup, since it would also mean we'd be able to remove our Linux server from the rack, which is running on even slower hardware (not that the system requirements are high for its job though).So my question is: Why is this so slow? Is there anything I can do to change the situation? Or should I just give up now and find more suitable hardware?I understand that the "new" machine should be about 1% slower in theory, so please don't tell me this "should" be fine. I need more concrete answers (as in, "I've tried this before and you should do X") since in the real world, it appears to be about 50% slower. I'm about to blame "virtual" CPUs to multithreading on single core processors, and possibly the difference in CPU architecture between Xeon and Pentium 4 CPUs.

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General :: Using Samba To Share A Folder From A Guest With A Windows Host In VirtualBox

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to share a folder from a Linux Guest with a Windows host (with read and write access if possible) in VirtualBox. I read in these two links: here and here that it's possible to do this using Samba, but I am a little bit lost and need more information on how to proceed.

So far, I managed to set up two network adapters (one NAT and one host-only) and to install Samba on the Linux guest, but I have the following questions now: What do I need to type in samba.conf to share a folder from the Linux guest? (the tutorial provided in one of the links above only explains how to share home directories) Are there any Samba commands that I need to run on the guest to enable sharing? How do I make sure that these folders are only available to the host OS and not on the Internet? Once the Linux guest is setup, how do I access each of the individual shared folders from the Windows host? I read that I need to mount a drive on Windows to do this, but do I use Samba logins, or Linux logins, also do I use localhost? or do I need to set up an IP for this?

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General :: Install VirtualBox Guest Additions On Fedora 14 Guest?

Apr 3, 2011

I installed a Fedora 14 guest on a Fedora 14 host with Virtualbox, then i run these commands on the guest:yum install kernel-devel kernel-headersbut if i try to install the virtualbox-guest additions on the guest, is still complains about that it's unable to find the kernel source directory?Ha anyone succeded installing the guest additions on a guest Fedora 14?

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Ubuntu :: Virtualbox Guest Machine Can't Reach Internet?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Windows XP virtual machine under Virtualbox PUEL 3.1.2. I have always been able to browse the Web or do anything else I wanted over the network.

Suddenly, the guest XP machine can't reach the Internet any more. There is no indication of any problem with the network connection. I checked my router, and the virtual machine is indeed getting assigned an IP address. So why can't it reach the internet?

Yes, the virtual network adapter is in bridged mode. It always worked that way before. I can see local network shares from the virtual XP machine, and even reach the Apache server running on the host OS (Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit).

Also possibly significant: Even though the virtual XP machine is detected by the router & assigned an IP address, the printer attached to the virtual XP machine cannot be seen by another Windows machine (a real one, not virtual) on the network. I never had a problem sharing the printer before. I have to share it from a virtual Windows XP machine when I'm running Ubuntu because there are no Linux drivers available (it's a Winprinter).

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OpenSUSE :: Access Web Server On VirtualBox Guest From Host OS

Sep 4, 2010

I used to be able to access the web server I had running on my guest OS in Virtual Box from my host OS. I also had it set to the network settings of "Host Only Adapter". Then I needed to access the internet directly on the gues OS, so I changed my settings on the guest OS to "NAT" (in virtual box), and in /etc/network/interfaces, I removed the loopback stuff and the static IP I'd put in. Now no matter what I do, I cannot get it back to being accessible from the host os! I even did a completely NEW install of Ubuntu guest OS in Virtual box Guest OS: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Host OS: OpenSUSE 11.3 VirtualBox: 3.2.6

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Where Host Can See Webserver From Guest And Reach Internet?

Sep 21, 2010

I have set up my guest OS in VirtualBox so that it has a static ip and is using a bridged adapter. As a result, I can see the webserver that's hosted in guest from my host OS's web browser. However, for some reason my current setup does not allow my guest to reach the internet. What settings do I need to enable both?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - How To Access Network Drives On VirtualBox Guest OS

Feb 13, 2010

I currently have VirtualBox installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop. I have windows xp as a guest os and it has network shares on it. My question is, is there a way for another computer to access those network drives on the guest os in virtualbox? I don't want to search for hours on end on google, a simple no would be fine - however if it is possible let me know because when I am in windows on another computer that has windows as a host os it sees it in the windows network folder but it says " location not found" or something similar but it still shows a pc picture of the virtual os of the virtual box program running in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: X Forwarding - Access Via Ssh A Virtualbox Guest Machine?

Mar 29, 2010

host - ubuntu 9.10 desktop
virtualizer - VirtualBox

What will be the easiest way to ssh connect a VM on VirtualBox, exporting its desktop to host, while it is already running ? I found; Howto Access via ssh a Virtualbox Guest machine.


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General :: RHEL 5 Internet Connection When Used As Guest - VMware - On Windows 7 Host

Apr 12, 2010

I have RHEL 5 installed on VMware 6.0 and the host OS is Windows 7. My Host is connected to internet using a wireless connection and works on shared IP. Earlier when I had Windows vista as host I have managed to get the internet connection on the RHEL but do not remember how I managed it. Now I need help in setting the internet connection on RHEL. I have set up a NAT connection. But of no use.

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General :: Can't Access Windows Partition From A Mandriva Guest OS In Visualbox / Mount It?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to access information inside a windows partition using a visual box, which has Mandriva 2009.1 installed as a guest OS. me to mount the windows partition.

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Ubuntu :: Guest On Windows 7 With VirtualBox Freeze After Close Terminal

May 18, 2011

The following is my virtualbox ubuntu config. Virtualbox is the latest version.

Ubuntu 11.04
Base Memory 2G
Video Memory 64MB
3D acceleration: YES

The problem only happens after I close terminal. The individual program or software works fine. But as long as I use terminal, and close it, then the desktop environment freeze.

Is there anyone encountering the same problem, and how can I resolve it ?

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Guest Additions: Set A Shared Folder In 11.2 Guest

Mar 4, 2010

OpenSUSE installed in a Virtualbox Virtual Machine and I want to set a shared folder.

1 - Set up a Virtual Machine and install OpenSUSE 11.2

2 - Create a shared folder on host (HostFolder)

3 - Setup the shared folder in Virtualbox Via the Virtual Machine details or via Devices > Shared Folders...

4 - Install dependencies for running the Virtualbox installer You need to install the right development kernelpackage for your machinetype (use 'zypper search -i kernel' to see what's installed) sudo zypper make gcc kernel-source kernel-hosttype/default-devel

5 - Run the Virtual Machine and go to Devices > Guest Additions This mounts an iso image in your OpenSUSE guest.

6 - Open a root terminal and run

cd /usr/src/linux
make oldconfig && make prepare && make scripts && make dep
cp ../linux-obj/$HOSTTYPE/default/Module.symvers .
make prepare

* A commenter on previously mentioned thread says this step is unnecessary but it doesn't work without on my system. I suggest trying step 7 first and returning to step 6 if that fails. *

7 - Run ./VirtualboxLinux yourhosttype .run from the mounted iso image.

8 - Create shared folder in OpenSUSE (GuestFolder)

9 - Test with sudo mount -t vboxsf HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder It works? Great! Let's set up the system so it automounts for your regular useraccount instead of root-only access.

10 - Add this line to /etc/fstab HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder vboxsf defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

11 - It works for me but if it still doesn't automount after a reboot; sudo mount -a

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Ubuntu :: VBox Guest Cannot Access Internet?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a virtual XP as guest in VirtualBox on a computer running Hardy. I used to be able to access the internet from the virtual XP, using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome with no problem - it just used the Ubuntu host's connection, whch it seemed to see as a "NAT Adapter".

It still sees this NAT connection - if I hover the pointer over the Network icon in VBox it says "Adapter 1 (NAT): cable connected". And if I use Firefox from the host OS, it connects just fine.

Why can the virtual XP no longer access the internet?

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Fedora :: Installing Guest Additions Virtualbox 13 Guest?

Jun 3, 2010

I had a lot of trouble installing Guest Additions within the Fedora 13 Guest on a Linux host. I had to mount the vboxGuestadditions.iso from the Device --> CD/DVD Devices menu. Then I located the appropriate package for my system. In my case it was the AMD64 Linux version.I ran this as administrator in Terminal. I used the "bash" command followed by the package name. This was after CDing the the appropriate directory. The packaged installed, I then rebooted and it worked fine. (Something that would make this easier is to load a script into nautilus that would allow me to open a locatation as administartor at the open window. I'm sure there is something in Fedora to do this but I couldn't find it in a hurry so I used the command line way).

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Ubuntu Networking :: VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest Has No Internet Connection?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm new to VirtualBox and Linux, so I've run into a bit of trouble trying to set up an internet connection. My host is Windows XP, and my guest is Ubuntu 10.04. I am attempting to connect using NAT (I need simple internet access for browsing web pages and downloading/updating packages), though I have tried other types of connections and none have worked. I am using version 3.2.0 of VirtualBox, so a lot of instructions that I've found online don't apply to me because they are for slightly older versions. The official VirtualBox guide hasn't been helpful either because it says that NAT is supposed to work without any set up, but it doesn't, in my case. I don't really know what other information to provide - please let me know. Also, I know almost nothing when it comes to networks, so please be specific!

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Networking :: Use Internet From Guest Windows XP In Ubuntu?

Jan 23, 2011

I am basically trying to connect to Internet in Ubuntu 10.10.
I am using my mobile Nokia 6600 via bluetooth which unfortunately isnt supported by Ubuntu .
There have been many blogs and threads on the net to fix this issue but none worked for me.
So i tried to use virtual box 3.2.12 in Ubuntu to check whether Windows XP Pro can access net from my cell via bluetooth.
It worked!!!!! But my basic intention to get net in ubuntu was to install some really good softwares in ubuntu Software centre which otherwise require downloading of lot of .deb dependencies manually.
Can anyone tell me how to use the Internet from the guest windows XP in ubuntu?

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General :: Accessing A Guest OS's Directory From The Host OS In VirtualBox?

Jun 5, 2010

With VirtualBox you can share a directory on the host machine with the guest machine. Can you share a directory on the guest machine with the host machine? In my setup the host is Windows 7 and the guest is Ubuntu. Can I have a directory on the Ubuntu file system accesible from Windows?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Internet From Virtualbox?

Nov 21, 2010

I have an issue my host os is ubuntu 10.10 and i've installed bt4 in virtualbox and i am not able to access internet from my guest os. NAT and Bridged dint work

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Slackware :: VirtualBox - Windowsxp Guest - No Sound - Unknown Audio Device - In The Windows Device Manager

Mar 11, 2010

For those that use Virtualbox on their slackware host and have a windows (xp) guest running. I have tried various settings for sound (Alsa, PulseAudio), the AC97 drivers are installed in the Windows xp guest os, but there is no sound and there is an unknown audio device (in the windows device manager). If I remove the AC97 drivers and use the soundblaster16 drivers in the Vbox settings there is no unknown sound device, but there's still no sound. why I can't get sound working?

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General :: Set A Higher Resolution Than 800x600 In VirtualBox Without Using Guest Additions?

Nov 25, 2010

There is no shortage of questions about increasing the VirtualBox resolution to more than 800x600 with a Linux guest OS, but every time the proposed solution was "install Guest additions".I want the VM to be as simple and as portable as possible, so I would prefer not to install "Guest additions" which seem to fail after each kernel upgrade, which have to be uninstalled before a VBox upgrade etc.Is there a way to increase the resolution to something greater than 800x600 without Guest additions? Why can WinXP set 1024x768 without guest additions?

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General :: Windows - How To Access Internet From QEMU

Jun 14, 2011

I am running qemu version 0.13 on windows XP. My Host OS is Windows XP and my guest OS is Debian 4(Etch). How do I connect to internet from Debian OS? My windows OS can connect to Internet. The following is the launching command which I am using now to launch qemu in windows XP.

qemuqemu.exe -L "qemu" -boot c -hda "debian4.img" -m 512 -localtime -ctrl-grab -usb -net nic,model=ne2k_pci,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56 -net user -redir udp:161::161 -redir tcp:4440::22

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General :: Cannot Access The Internet On The Windows Side And Cannot Find The Driver?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a shared system. One half Linux and the other Windows. I recently did an upgrade to Windows 7 and now I cannot access the internet on the Windows side, and I cannot find the driver?? In Ubuntu I can only access via wireless not through the ethernet network adapter. The motherboard is abit nf8v. Sorry, more of a Windows question as to Linux.

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Networking :: QEMU: Tap Host: Windows 2003 Server - Guest: Ubuntu 9.04 - No Ip Address And Can't Access Public

Oct 28, 2010

host is windows 2003 server 64-bit
guest is ubuntu 9.04 server 64bit
Qemu : 0.11.1
Qemu manager: 7.0

from Qemu manager, if network card is using User Networking, it's a NAT and I can see that Guest Ubuntu has an ip address and is able to access the internet. However, as Guest ubuntu is running server so I want to do use Tap networking and I assue with Tap, the Guest ubuntu will get an ip address which is in the same subnet as host machine by dhcp. so from Qemu Manager 7.0, I changed Network card to be:

Vlan Number =0
VLAN Type: Tap Networking
Mac address: tap0's mac address from host
TAP Network Adpator: Tap0

Note that tap0 was created by openvpn. and then fired Ubuntu guest, ifconfig shows no ip address on eth0 (which has the same mac address as Tap0) so the guest Ubuntu has no ip address and can't access public.

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Ubuntu :: Get Access To NTFS Partitions In VirtualBox Running Windows XP Pro?

Nov 20, 2010

How can I get access to my NTFS Partitions in VirtualBox running Windows XP Pro? I saw it somewhere once saying something about setting up shared files but it was confuseing and did not work.

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General :: PPPOE Server Access Internet Clients Fail To Access Internet

Aug 26, 2010

I have a linux box (fedora) with two ethernet cards eth1 and eth2. On eth1 I successfully configured a PPPOE internet connection. Such that from the server I can browse the internet. On eth2 I wired it to a wireless router essentially to provide the wireless cloud. On eth2 I also configured dhcp, such that the Linux box is both PPPOE and DHCP server.However my clients on the LAN cannot access the Internet.

On passing the routing command I get
Destination Gateway Iface
196.44.x.y ppp0 eth2 (my subnet) ppp0.

The router (functioning as a wireless access point mainly) has a fixed IP address of and eth2 has IP address The dhcp file running on Linux has been set with option router (Gateway) I cannot figure out how to correctly set the routing table such that my clients on wireless can access the internet cloud. I googled and googled but no solid solution. Any suggestions?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Couldn't Access Internet Via LAN With Could Access With Windows 7?

Jul 6, 2011

I connected my laptop running with Ubuntu 11 in the LAN but I couldn't access internet.But I could ping to the other computers connected in the LAN. I tried the same thing with windows 7 in the same laptop and I could access internet.

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