Server :: Starting Ms Vpn PptpdFATAL: Could Not Load?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm running Linux Suse 11.2.When I start the ms vpn server the following error occurs:starting ms vpn server pptpdFATAL: could not load /lib/modules/ i go in to that directory, the directory doesn't exist. But there is only one directory called hen i copy and change de directory to it doesn't work But something is strange... I have an other server (virtual) and the vpn server works and the same directory doesn't exist.

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Server :: Starting Vsftpd For Vsftpd: 500 OOPS: SSL: Cannot Load RSA Certificate?

Feb 10, 2011

Any clue? I'm using the same key for root login and it works fine (also works fine for SFTP but i hate using that cause its extremely slow)

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Ubuntu :: Long Wait At "Starting Up..." + Windows Load?

May 3, 2010

Installed 10.04 last night and started to have some troubles with the computer.On the Ubuntu side my start-up speed has increased by quite a bit.I get a long pause after I select 10.04 from my grub screen "Starting up..." takes a while.meone mentioned something about having Grub 2 vs Grub 1?It does say Grub Loading Stage 1.5 as it starts up...

Someone else mentioned something about driversSystem -> Admin -> Hardware DriversThree drivers appear.1) NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)2.) Broadcast STA wireless driver3) NVIDA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]The third one is activated, so that feels right.And then, on the Windows side of things.Right after I installed 10.04 and then tried to select my window's partition it would not load. It just got stuck in a never ending loop of "Starting Windows...". Had to force shut down and then Windows made me go through this long process of trying to revive it to an older point

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Server :: Apache Server In No Starting / Not Strating On Default Configuration File?

Mar 21, 2011

I have install Mandriva 2009 and install apache server but its not strating on default configuration file . What I should do for starting apache . i have tried /etc/init.d/httpd start but apache is not running .

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Server :: Start Postfix Server Than Immediately Maillog Is Starting To Grow

Mar 18, 2010

I am running CentOS 5.4 and Postfix. So when I start Postfix server than immediately maillog is starting to grow. And the first lines that I see in it are:


Server is already in several blacklists and I desperately need to do something.

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Server :: Server Not Starting Up. Xfs Filesystem ?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an HP proliant server n i am new to linux the problem i am facing is that when i start the system it turns ON normally but after the linux starting up options like when we select whether to start it normally or in failsafe mode after selecting one option out of the two it comes up with following messages on the screen and get stuck over there.


I would have attached the snapshot i have taken with a camera but there is no option of attaching files overhere.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Improve Server Speed On Servers With Heavy Load?

May 4, 2009

There is a tool appeared in repository called ktune; The purpose is to adjust some sysctl.conf settings to improve server speed on servers with heavy load. What is this tool for if one can achieve the same with the configuration file added to system startup? Or ktune is just such file?

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Server :: Unable To Load Redhat 9 Server After Disk Recovered?

Mar 13, 2011

I got this type of messages:k journald starting. commit interval 5 seconds.EXT3.fs:mounted file system with ordered data modefreeing unused kernel memory : 212 k freed.Warning:unable to open an initial consoleAfter this Server is not hang state but stay at same Anybody can help me how to resloved this type of issue.

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Server :: VNCServer Error Message Saying "Starting VNC Server: No Displays Configured"

Jun 3, 2010

When I start the vncserver process, I get a message saying "Starting VNC server: no displays configured." I edited the /root/.vnc/xstartup file and changed twm & to say "gnome-session &" (Without quotes). Not sure why I am still seeing this error. It's CentOS 5.4.

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General :: Hit CTRL-ALT-F7 Without Starting The X Server?

Aug 11, 2011

At the moment all I see is the message INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal. What does this mean?

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Server :: Starting Mysql At Bootup ?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a server running Mandriva Enterprise Server 5 and have configured apache/mysql/php, the problem i have is that when i reboot the server i have to manualy start mysql. what file i need to configure to enable mysql to start at boot up and what line of code i need to enter to enable this.

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CentOS 5 :: New Install: X Server Not Starting

Jun 14, 2009

I have installed centos 5.3 and it the X Server is failing.

I have managed to get to cli and update all packages.

I have an ATI Radeon x1600 and Dell 19" Wide Screen 1440 x 900 monitor.

My linux skills are ok but could be better.

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Server :: Abrupt Increase In Server Load Upto 300?

Sep 19, 2010

I run a server with nginx at the front and apache at the background. Nginx serves as a reverse proxy in here. As there were lots of DOS attacks, I have implemented Deflate-DDOS, APF and Nginx anti-ddos features and the server runs without a problem. Once every month, the load on server increases upto 300 and I receive an email like this :

Subject : Cron <root@server> [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm

Content :

find: `/var/lib/php5/sess_0ca40520ac8ecb66090746f90da17516': No such file or directory
find: `/var/lib/php5/sess_3839b0cbf042934183d56ff682c948e0': No such file or directory
find: `/var/lib/php5/sess_dec1ed8ea1f62caf7a42a29b9f82c506': No such file or directory


There's more that 100,000 ( I suppose ) lines on this email. I have no idea what the problem is. It seems there's something with the session, but I really don't know what it is.

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OpenSUSE :: Starting MySQL - Community Server

Sep 13, 2010

I consider myself a linux noob. The thing about this is, I have played around with various distros of linux over many years. Eventually I get frustrated at how ridiculous something as simple as text editing can be. I'm having a problem starting mysql. I have already ran the install script afer downloading mysql community server from yast.

what I need to do to start the server. I tried to issue rcmysql start, but it says "The absolute path to 'rcmysql' is 'usr/sbin/rcmysql' so running it may require superuser privileges. So i say SUDO rcmysql, enter password and again same message.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Up Ventrilo Server ?

Jun 23, 2010

I have it downloaded (linux version). What folder should I put it in?? Does it matter?

I am new to bash so i dont know how to start the Ventrilo Server up.

I navigated to the folder the server is in and did ./ventrilo_srv and ./ventrilo_srv -d and they both come up "No such file or directory".

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Ubuntu :: Starting Websphere Application Server?

Mar 11, 2011

I have installed websphere application server community edition from ubuntu software center. Now whenever i tries to execute the file "" (which is the file to start websphere server) i receive following error.

Quote: Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined. At least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program. Now i searched web & find out the way to set JAVA_HOME environment variable which is according to my knowledge done by following command.


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General :: Error When Starting - Gmux Server

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to install SAP Gui for linux 710r9 on fedora 10. After installing and configuring the client correctly I was able to LOGIN in to my SAP and use it properly, but when I select connect it gives me error box saying "Error when starting "gmux sever"." how to remove this error.

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Server :: Empty PID File While Starting Script?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm trying to write shell script to use etc/init.d In fact, my application has written by java and I have made the fat.jar (etest.jar)file as executable one and after I wrote the small script to run it background ( that is,


java -jar /root/les/run/etest.jar >/opt/etstout.out 2>&1 &

And after I wrote the service script That is ,


# Startup script for epict
# chkconfig: 2345 25 88


I tried with google to solve this issue but did not get any result.

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Server :: Openvpn Error During Starting The Service

Jul 21, 2011

WHEN I START /openvpn /etc/openvpn/server.conf im getting the following error i had installed the configuration by following link [url]

I had pasted i error log below:

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Server :: Send Mail Not Starting In RHEL5.1?

May 14, 2010

I have installed sendmail in RHEL 5.1 ,while trying to start sendmail iam getting this error Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 90: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': World writable directory 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 567: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory /etc/mail/ WARNING: dangerous write permissions [FAILED] Starting sm-client: /etc/mail/ line 525: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': World writable directory [FAILED]

i tried by installing same in other system it is able to start sendmail and it is running ,i checked the permissions of /etc/mail both are same , i have tried by reinstallin sendmail application also but iam getting same error again.

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Server :: Service Starting Error - Opennms ?

Jul 17, 2011

I followed the below link for installing disk space alert in opennms its not automatically alertin disk space so i followed the procedure below i getting such a error can somebody point out where im making mistake in installation


Im getting mail alert for allnode down events i opennms..but not gettting mail regarding disk &memory down events:

Stopping OpenNMS: Trying to stop OpenNMS but it's already stopped.

[ OK ]

Starting OpenNMS: Started OpenNMS, but it stopped running: for details see /opt/opennms/logs/daemon/output.log

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Server :: Starting Proftpd Failed On Centos?

Feb 6, 2010

I recently had a problem with Proftpd, when execute proftpd return the next error:

# /sbin/service proftpd start
Starting proftpd: [FAILED]
the file configuration is:

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Server :: Starting Serverice From Remote System

Aug 9, 2010

i try to write a script to start and stop jboss service from remote systems. starting and stopping jboss service is working fine on local system. when i try to start jboss service from remote system . i not able to start jboss service.

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Server :: Weekly Once Resync Is Starting Itself In RAID1

Jul 25, 2011

how can I stop resyncing permenently & how can I check whether the normal sata HDDs can support RAID before/after buying HDDs. Because on every saturday or sunday resync is starting itself even there is no entry about resncing in crontab. But if I run "cat /proc/mdstat" it is showing RAID1 is perfect. see the below output

#cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md0 : active raid1 hdb1[1] hda1[0]
513984 blocks [2/2] [UU]


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CentOS 5 Server :: Service Not Starting On Bootup?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a service I've made an init script for, and it's added to chkconfig, which shows it "on" in all the correct runlevels. When I start or stop this service using the "service" command all is fine, but it does not start on it's own at bootup. I am currently at a loss to determine why it is not starting. Here is the script:

# chkconfig: 2345 95 10
# description: Start or stop home automation


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Fedora :: Gdm Login Not Coming Up, X Server Not Starting Properly?

Oct 3, 2010

Hey all, I need help here! Whenever I boot up Fedora 13 my computer just decides to stop doing things right before the graphical login screen comes up. The system starts up properly, but after the "local" program starts, it goes to the fedora-colored blue screen right before the login screen usually comes up. I can still bring up consoles with ctrl alt f1/f2 and switch the tty screens. Whenever I try to start the X server using the X or Xorg command, it echoes the usual stuff and then the screen goes black. After that, nothing happens. I can get out of X by using the classic ctrl alt backspace method.

I haven't checked any X logs other than Xorg.0.log, but I'll post the others for any special failures soon.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dhcpd3 Server Not Starting On Startup?

May 31, 2010

I currently got Ubuntu 10.0.4 server edition running on my server. I got 2 network cards in it. One for (eth0) the pppoe connection and the other one (eth1) for dhcp and network.

When i installed dhcpd3 server a couple of days ago, it wouldn't start. So i searched the web and came on the conclusion that i have to do " sudo ifconfig eth1 down sudo ifconfig eth1 up"

Problem is i don't have connection with this pc all the time. So if i have to restart it, the dhcp server won't start.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySQL Server Not Starting With Boot?

Jul 26, 2010

So recently my MySQL server doesn't startup when Ubuntu boots (it used to) and therefore causes database errors with my Web applications. How do I add MySQL to the run at startup list?

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Ubuntu :: Stop The X Server From Starting Automatically At Boot?

Jul 18, 2011

Running Ubuntu Server, installed xubuntu-desktop, but I don't want it to start up every time. How can I stop X from starting automatically?

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Ubuntu Servers :: BoxBackup Server Daemon Not Starting?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm trying to run BoxBackup to sync a couple active servers to a data server. I installed the server and client, making sure to follow the instructions closely with all the certificates. The problem is the service daemon on the service won't even start. The service manage reports: "bbstored dead but pid file exists" (basically, tried to instantiate the process, but it died due to faults).

Here's the log of the daemon in /var/log/box

Jul 27 13:05:10 frogbert bbstored[13429]: NOTICE: Box Backup Store Server v0.11rc8, (c) Ben Summers and contributors 2003-2010
Jul 27 13:05:10 frogbert bbstored[13433]: NOTICE: Starting daemon, version: 0.11rc8
Jul 27 13:05:10 frogbert bbstored[13433]: NOTICE: Using configuration file: /etc/boxbackup/bbstored.conf
Jul 27 13:05:10 frogbert bbstored[13433]: WARNING: Exception thrown: ServerException(SocketBindError) at ../../lib/server/SocketListen.h(232)


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