Server :: Setting Up Windows-compatible Fileserver Using Ubuntu 9.10

Mar 15, 2010

I am somewhat of a newbie at *nix. I've asked some questions about Debian in the past, but I decided to just go ahead and start simple, with Ubuntu, then moving up once I've got the hang of things. So, I want to use Ubuntu 9.10 as a fileserver for my network, which consists of 3 Windows PCs and 1 Mac. I have a few ideas on where to go, Samba being my first package install, but I'm not too sure where to go from there. Could someone help me out? I love to RTFM, so if you'd point me kindly in those directions, I'll be glad to jump right on that too.

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Server :: Setting Up Harddrives On Fileserver For Maximum R/w Speed

Mar 19, 2010

I am currently in process of remodeling my home file server and would like some advice. The server has two internal hard drives that are rather small (10-15G) and I've now ordered a larger 2 TB drive which for the time being will have to run as an external drive through USB 1 (going to be rather slow).

I'm probably going to put the OS and swap on one of the internal drives but I was wondering if there was a good option for increasing the system's performance by making the second internal drive act as a kind of buffer for the 2TB usb drive. I'd like both the advantages of the large size of the USB drive and the fast read/write speed of the internal drive. Would it be possible to put it together so all reads and writes to the fileserver would first go to the fast internal drive (or even better, to internal drive and USB drive at once, although I suppose RAID is not an option with USB attached storage), and would then be put to the large drive. It would also be nice if the most used files from the large USB drive would be cached on the internal drive for fast read speed. I understood that ZFS would help me accomplish something the like but as I understand, it's not that easily available on Linux.

The current plan is to make the large drive a simple XFS drive and build a small daemon on the server that would simply move all new files from the internal drive to the USB one, once they are not used but it would be nice to have a more low level solution.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Webmail Server / Suitable Client To Connect To It That Is Compatible With Windows?

Jun 29, 2010

I would like to know how to install a webmail server and a suitable client to help connect to it that is compatible with both windows and linux ubuntu.

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CentOS 5 :: Connecting To A Windows Fileserver On A Domain?

Oct 26, 2009

I can't mount windows share from our domain.

I tried:
mount -t cifs -o username=user@domain,password=secret //fileserver1/somefolder/someuser /mnt/win

... with no luck " wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc"

I tried various combinations, including

mount -t cifs //fileserver1/somefolder/someuser /mnt/win

... just to make sure and still the same " wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc" message. Of course /mnt/win does exist and I'm root.

Am at wits end... is there something special to do in Centos for this to work?

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Server :: Fileserver With Access By VPN

Nov 30, 2010

I`m looking for solution for fileserver which could be accessed by VPN from Windows. Is it possible to configure something like this ? If yes, what kind of software should I use ? VSFTPD, Samba?

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Server :: Active Directory User Integration With Samba Fileserver In CentOS 5

May 19, 2011

My all production PC r running under ADC windows2008 server. Recently I implement a file server in CentOS 5. Now I want to integrate Samba (File sharing) using Active Directory so that all access permission to file server comes from AD's permission.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up PXE Server On Windows 7 / 10.04?

Dec 3, 2010

I got this laptop that's 3 years old. Previously, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit) using a bootable CD. Occasionally, Ubuntu would freeze and I did not know of a way to safe-shutdown. Everytime it froze, I simply did a hard-shutdown. And there we go. This hard-shutdown damaged the OS. Anyway, I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) and burned a CD. Magic! Laptop won't read the CD. Boot is far ahead, it's just not reading it at all! Looked around, found that setting up a PXE server is my last hope. The guides? They weren't nice to read. What I'm looking for is to set up a PXE server on the PC (running Windows 7 / Ubuntu 10.04 dual-boot) and boot from the PC through the PXE server. I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop AMD64

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Freenx As Server And Client On Windows?

Jan 14, 2010

I have been messing around with freenx to see if I can support my customer via remote desktop... I have installed the server on Ubuntu Karmic and the client on Windows 7. I love linux but need the windows computer for customer work and that is why I chose to install the client on windows. I setup the server the best I could and created custom keys which I then copied to windows and imported them to the freenx client. I am looking for security for my customer and that is why I chose custom keys... There are several issues to deal with but I want to just get started to see where it takes me. I added the test server computers ip address to the freenx client configuration and tried to connect to Ubuntu... I have left the port as 22 at the moment

Desktop setting on the client...I chose vnc which seems to be a good choice according to all the material I have been reading....Other settings I have left alone at the moment to see how things work.... All that said - I have the login window asking for information... I have the password asking for information....and I have the session wanting information....? Obviously I understand that login info can be set on the server and the password...but I haven't seen how to set up that? Of course I am testing the server from a client on my home network at the moment - but the customer has his own router as do I so those settings will need to be looked at as well.

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Debian :: Setting Up VPN Server On Windows Server

Apr 7, 2011

I need to grant windows client an access to fileserver. The easiest way to do it is how? Setting up VPN server on Windows server, what rules are going into iptables in linux machine then. Or setting up VPN server on Linux machine (which is the best option) and how the user gets to fileserver?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A File Server That Authenticates Using Windows AD

Feb 24, 2010

I know this is possible, the problem is all the guides seem to be out of date A combination of missing packages and obsolete packages are giving me a headache.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Samba File Server For Windows?

Mar 14, 2011

I can't seem to connect to it when using windows 7. Both are in the same workgroup (W0RKGR0UP) and I have set DHCP address for the ubuntu box. Is there any other thing that I would still need to edit ? My router address is and the fixed ip for ubuntu box is

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Debian :: Setting Up A Server On A Windows Network?

Aug 3, 2010

The office network has a machine we're using as a fileserver, which is running Windows Server 2003. There are several issues with this, but the main one is that the "Terminal Server License Server" was never installed or activated. I managed to do these things, but to continue requires retail keys which are long since lost. So the boss says we're going to make it into a linux server instead. And by we, he means me. A friend recommended Debian so my research starts here. i have a little experience running an ubuntu desktop at home, using the console quite a lot. And a little bit of experience messing with my own server. however, most of this is new territory for me.

The needs of the organisation:

1. We need a shared directory on the server which all valid accounts can access
2. We need a per-user directory on the server for each user, which only that user or root can access.
3. We need a per-user windows desktop, which only that user or root can access.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Windows File Server W/ Samba On Fedora 11?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to load a HP Proliant w/ Fedora 11 and setting up as a WFS using Samba. However, I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Right now I have 2 36.4GB drives in RAID 1+0 and 4 146.8GB drives in a RAID 5 config. I wanna use the smaller drive for the OS and the bigger drive for the storage. I've managed to load the OS fine, the problem is I can't figure out how to mount the 4 146.8GB drives as a single logical volume and set Samba to use it. Right now all the RAIDs are setup using the built-in Compaq Smart Array utility (or whatever it's called) that's built into the SCSI hardware or BIOS.

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General :: Setting Up CentOS VMWare Server On Windows Vista Box?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to learn Linux and have created a VMWare guest operating system using CentOS 4.8. I expect the next step is to install ssh in order to transfer files to the server but as of yet I haven't figured out how to assign it a host name or how to effect a transfer.

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Server :: Samba - Setting Up Shares For Windows Machine On CentOS?

May 10, 2010

Can anyone point me in the direction of setting up shares for windows machines on centos. I have found a few document but never managed to get it up and running correctly. I need to be able to get access to subfolder etc for different users. Is there any way of doing it with some sort of gui?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up 11.3 To Access Printers On Windows Server 2003 Via Samba?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to set my openSUSE desktop up to use the printers on my office network via Samba. I managed to get it working in 11.2 but 11.3 is giving me some trouble.I am able to access the printers and use them but I have to enter my network credentials each time I print. In 11.2 I was able to "save" my username/password and was not required to do this. Are there any Samba packages I need to add in addition to the basic ones? There seems to be a lack of documentation on this particular subject, most is concerning Windows clients printing on Linux print servers.

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Networking :: Setting Up A VPN For Windows Clients To Reach Debian Server Over The Public Internet

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to give some windows users a permanent connection to a samba share behind a firewall over the public Internet. I know I can give them access with something like winscp (which they have done) but really I'd like to do it with a VPN so it seems seamless to the user. However I have no idea how to set up the server to support this and am finding the documentation a bit confusing. The samba share is on a Debian box and the firwewall is a Linksys WRT54GL.

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Ubuntu :: Make Folders Windows Compatible?

Sep 19, 2010

I have an folder with different websites saved on it but when I'm about to extract it to an .zip and unextract it on Windows it says something like wrong name.What to do?DIT: Would it work if I installed VMware Workstation on my PC?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Isn't Compatible With Router / Modem

Feb 22, 2010

I brought my netbook so I could continue to keep up with my homework, which amounts to a lot of typing and editing some TIF files.

Problem: Windows 7 isn't compatible with the router/modem I have access to, so I have no internet access in the apartment we've rented. I know that it works, because I'm using the apartment owner's ancient anemic desktop. Can't do homework on this though.
Problem 2: I have Windows 7 Starter, so I can't use compatibility mode, so I can't use Wubi.
Problem 3: I don't have an optical drive and have just a 512mb flash drive which may not work, so I'm not sure how to fix this.
Problem 4: I don't have a Windows 7 backup disc; never received one.
Problem 5: My dad works with copyright and intellectual property so he'd notice if I pirated Windows and would be extremely not okay with it.

I could probably buy a bigger flash drive if I really had to, hopefully they're not too expensive. I am most comfortqble with Ubuntu but I will use whatever will run the Gimp (or some TIF editor) and Firefox. I cannot afford to get 3 weeks behind on my homework.I've only been off the plane for a few hours and am trying to get used to the French keyboard, so I apologize for any typos that slipped through.

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General :: WiFi Dongle For Ubuntu - Compatible With Windows ?

Jun 28, 2011

I need a WiFi dongle for Ubuntu and most people at the shops only know if its compatible with windows

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Ubuntu Networking :: NeatX And !M NX Client For Windows - Barely Compatible?

Jun 22, 2010

I have installed NeatX on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.[URL]..And I use the No Machine Windows client to connect.[URL].. On first glance it is superior to FreeNX because it does incorporate theme and style into the remote session. On longer usage it gets more and more trouble connecting. Basic commands like RestoreSession and Terminate do not work, but get the same reply.

NX> 500 Internal error
NX> 999 Bye.
Sessions still open, not unmounting
NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15


I can create a new session but I cannot ever ever ever terminate it even after a reboot. What's going on? Is Ubuntu relying on Alpha stage software here?

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Debian :: Windows Compatible Apache Configuration

Aug 6, 2015

Since a few month, I upgraded my configuration to an Acer Aspire E 17 laptop. I dropped the Windows 8 that was installed inside by default. Right now my hard disk looks like that :

- A Windows 10 Installation form the final released version's iso
- A Debian 8.1 Installation with Gnome 3.x as desktop

As I am a developper, I enjoy Debian, the power, and the capabilities unlocked with Linux systems. However, I still need my Windows installation for design work, making templates, etc. For now, I need to boot Debian if I want to code, and to boot Windows if I want to use some proprietary programs such as Adobe's softwares. For a lot of reasons I can explain, I don't want to use alternative like Gimp, and I don't want to run so big softwares under Wine.

So, I want to do the following : I want to create a little partition formatted in ext4 on my disk (something like 10gb ?) and make this partition running my local configuration of Apache 2. This way, I could run my webserver, with the same files both on Debian (when I need to code) and Windows (when I need to design / template and to test some stuffs into my templates files). I could mount this partition under Windows using ext2fsd program, but this way of thinking supposes there is both Apache's linux binaries and Apache's windows binaries to run and manage the server in this partition (making something like a " portable " version ?) .

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General :: Create Windows Compatible Self-extract-zip?

Jan 17, 2011

Possible Duplicate: How to create a zip file compatible with windows under linux Is that possible. What software will do that?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Editor Software Compatible With Windows Vista

May 8, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu, and I need a video editor that is compatible with Windows Vista as well.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB ( Comes In Suse11.2 DVD ) Compatible With Windows 7?

May 13, 2010

Recently, I downloaded openSUSE 11.2 DVD.I read here (Partitioning/Install Guide) that GRUB may not dual boot correctly with windows: It should be said that grub does not always get the settings to boot Windows quite correct and you may later have to adjust the /boot/grub/menu.lst file in your Linux installation

Is it true also for the openSuse version (11.2) that I downloaded? Please refer to Windows 7.

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General :: Split Files On Windows Compatible With System Cat?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to split up a large file on windows so I can upload it in parts to a linux machine. I'm looking to do the opposite to this hopefully with some native utilities to keep it simple.

I understand the linux side of the equation to be cat filea fileb > file

what is the simples way to split files on a windows machine which can then be joined together via cat on a linux machine?

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Fedora Hardware :: Browse Net All Files .exe Format Which Is Only Compatible With Windows

Jun 19, 2010

i had got an external USB modem, infact any indian would know that Reliance has this Net Connect which they give by which we can surf through the net. Although fedora is detecting this i dont know as to how i can browse the net using this since all the files are in .exe format which is only compatible with windows.

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General :: Compatible USB Hard Drive With Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server

Jan 18, 2010

I am looking to buy a USB hard drive that will work with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server, is there anything I need to look out for? Are there any computability issues I should be aware of? I have looked through Ubuntu's documentation but couldn't really find anything.

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Server :: Looking For Compatible CGI Database Software

Dec 10, 2010

I have suse linux 10.1 that came with whats looks to be a incomplete sql server. If it works I don't know how to use it because w3schools instruction guide does not work with sql. Anyways I was wondering if there's any database software for linux that could be installed in my webpage directory and used by html files. Or if theres any free cgi database software for linux that i could use with html to create database web pages.

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Debian Hardware :: Compatible Check For 2U Server

Sep 7, 2011

Can anybody confirm whether this 2U supermicro server will work with Debian 6.0.2. [URL].

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