Server :: Active Directory User Integration With Samba Fileserver In CentOS 5

May 19, 2011

My all production PC r running under ADC windows2008 server. Recently I implement a file server in CentOS 5. Now I want to integrate Samba (File sharing) using Active Directory so that all access permission to file server comes from AD's permission.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Active Directory 2003 R2 Integration?

Jul 29, 2009

I was working to integrate Centos 5 and AD 2003 R2, this is my set up Windows side:

1. Install Identity Management for Unix, (Windows R2 already includes the Unix attribute not entirely necessary to install IMU, but it makes easier to configure the attributes from ADUC, when IMU is installed the Unix attributes TAB is shown in the user properties)

2. Configure the Unix attributes for every user account that will be authenticating from centos.

3. Create an user account to be used as a proxy for ldap, a regular user would be enough. Password never expires.

4. Create a computer account for every centos host; assign this computer account as pre-windows 2000 account.

5. Assign a value of 4128 to the user account control property for the computer account.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Active Directory Domain Integration - Allow Domain Users To Authenticate Server And Access File Shares Using Samba

May 13, 2010

The company I work for, as usual, is Microsoft-centric. I'm attempting to integrate my Ubuntu server into the domain to allow domain users to authenticate to the server and access file shares using Samba. Here's my current configuration:


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CentOS 5 :: Active Directory Integration - Authenticating SSH Users

Apr 22, 2009

First, I'm extremely green with linux. I'm trying to configure my CentOS 5.2 box to authenticate my SSH users with my Active Directory. What would be the best way to go about doing that? I've configured Winbind and joined it the the domain but I'm not able to login locally or SSH with an AD account. I'm not sure where to go from here. Also my users will not be accessing any file shares on this box, SSH only.

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Server :: Postfix And Active Directory Integration?

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying out few stuff with Linux and Windows. I have a 'Postfix' mail server on CentOS 5.5 with 'dovecot' and 'squirrel' (webmail) working fine. I am just wondering, how can I create bulk mailboxes on CentOS 5.5 (for postscript) so that the the users can access their mail from the browser (squirrel mail)?

How can I integrate with Active Directory? I am also looking for techniques to automatically create bulk users (for example 100 users) on Active Directory with a default passwords (or random passwords if possible) that integrate with Postfix.

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CentOS 5 :: Samba And Active Directory

Feb 9, 2010

I have a freshly installed CentOS 5.4 box which I'm trying to get AD authentication working on. I have AD authentication via kerberos working for SSH, but when I try and have it work for SMB shares I'm getting an access denied error. What's even more odd is that when I tell pam to use winbind to authenticate works just fine. Wbinfo -a username%password authenticates fine and getent passwd and group enumerates the AD users and groups ok. My smbd.log was throwing the following error "Failed to verify incoming ticket with error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" but has since stopped for some reason, but googling this indicated I needed re-join the machine to the domain, which I have.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba To Replace Windows File Server In Active Directory?

Jul 22, 2010

We have a couple of Windows file servers that just share files. It is all they do. We'd like to use Ubuntu on two replacement servers allowing Windows XP and Windows 7 clients to access the files. Our network is active directory based due to Exchange and homegrown .NET apps, so it is important that active directory is used to authenticate the clients. Samba doesn't need to be a pdc or bdc, but provide pass through authentication.I understand that Samba can communicate with active directory through security-ads and security-domain.

Here are my questions to see if I should proceed:1) Folder permissions:If we move all our files to the Ubuntu server how do we set folder permissions and will we see the active directory accounts when we do this?2) Skipping ubuntu accounts: I know the domain and ads allow you to skip creating ubuntu accounts, right? If not, how do you keep the passwords synchronized?3) Easiest way? Is there a very easy way to pull this off that I've missed? My goal is to eliminate the Windows based file servers while ensuring the admin part of it is as easy as possible.To date I've been able to get the sharing to work with an ubuntu account mirroring the active directory account. I've been able to get Samba to talk to the pdc, but not successfully through domain security. ADS security was a complete cluster with winbindd

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Server :: Migrating User Profiles From MS Active Directory?

Jan 27, 2011

I have around 12 users, with their profiles present on a Windows 2003 Active Directory and I would like to migrate to an open source free alternative.Could you recommend any alternative that supports the migration of user files from Active Directory?

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Server :: Setup User Authentication And Internet Accounting Like ISA And Active Directory In Windows?

Mar 8, 2011

setup user authentication server and internet accounting server like ISA and Active Directory in Windows?

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Replace Active Directory

Nov 4, 2009

I would prefer to use a linux server for authentication but I will need the same configuration features.I have been looking for a good guide to setting up CentOS as an alternative to Active Directory, but have not found one yet.The features I want to see.

1. works with Windows clients.
2. Network Home folders (does not neessisarly need to hold profile information)
3. Logon scripts for clients.
4. shared printers
5. shared folders.
6. can log linux boxes in with the same credentials and logon scripts.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Integrating With Active Directory?

Aug 13, 2011

okay so we have multiple servers running CentOS and multiple people who need access to these machines for various tasks. i would like to be able to use the credentials from Active Directory (running on server 2008) to give them access to these servers without having to go through each server and add these people into permission groups. basically a single sign-on for all of these servers depending upon what permissions were granted in Active Directory. how do i go about doing this?

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OpenSUSE Network :: User's Home Directory Saved In Samba Server Not Locally

Mar 27, 2011

Continuing with my assigned task of migrating the company's PCs to GNU/Linux (openSUSE as server for GNU/Linux clients) I managed to set up a DC with roaming profiles for the few remaining Windows users, user validation and login for the openSUSE boxes and a few network shares with different rights. I know there are no roaming profiles for GNU/Linux and I can live with that but I would like to specify wich users/groups would have their home directories saved locally (notebook users) and which will save them on the Samba server.

By default home directories are saved locally but somehow Samba creates a minimal home directory for each user under /home in the Samba server. How can I tell the client box to use that directory? and how can I set up the few notebook users to save it on their disks? Maybe using the options under Yast > Security... > Users and groups management > Users (LDAP Users filter) > and then select the user and use the "Manage Samba account parameters" plug-in for specifying the different paths cant achieve this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Active Directory With Windows 7?

Dec 18, 2010

I have ubuntu server 9.04 installed on my computer and I am trying to make a Domain Server. I have made sure that there are no problems in the configuration file. When I go to join the domain in windows 7 it tells me that it cannot find the Active Directory server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Shares Using Active Directory Permissions?

Jul 20, 2010

I am the IT Manager at a research facility. We have a fairly unique network configuration in order to support all of the different projects we have going on. We have Red Hat, Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista/7, Windows Servers 2003, Ubuntu servers, Red Hat servers, and even a few Netgear ReadyNAS and Buffalo Terastations. Over the last few years, I have been migrating all of my users and accounts to a single ACL list, which I chose to be a Windows AD 2003 server. 95% of my users work on Windows platforms and just use ssh tunnels to develop on our linux boxes.

However, i ran in to a problem with our Linux boxes not being able to symbolic link on my Windows 2003 file shares. Of course, this is a problem with Windows not supporting symbolic links. I know 2008 does support this feature, but given the economy and the budget restraints, we cannot afford to purchase the updates we would need, so now I am moving all of my shares to a Ubuntu 10.04 server using Samba. I have joined the server to my AD domain successfully, i can login using my AD credentials, and even assign ownership and group permissions using AD users/groups.

Here is my question.

I would like to keep the AD permission schemes intact. I have several shares that contain folders that have individual permission settings. For example, I have a /shared directory that contains about 50 different folders. Some of these folders I allow my users to write data to, some just read, and others I deny access to complete groups and just allow key groups to access (for example, personnel data should only be accessed by the Administrative staff).

Is there a way to make this work?

I can assign uid and gid manually per folder in Samba, but i would like to have the possibility to add multiple users and groups with permissions to folders, which I do not believe can be done with the standard chown commands. Currently, I can see the folder permissions from my Windows box, but when I try to edit the permission settings, it defaults back to full access. So my AD permissions are not being saved.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Active Directory Samba Share Permission?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm having a problem with Active Directory and Share permissions that I cant seem to figure out. I used likewise-open to join my ubuntu server to a windows 2008 domain. Everything seems to be working fine. The problem is, the only way I can access the shares is if I CHMOD 777 the share directory. If I CHMOD 770, the Domain owner or Domain group member of the directory cant access the directory. Also, when creating a folder within the share, I need to set the directory mask as 777 in order to enter those sub folders.

Heres the share section from my smb.conf

comment = Ubuntu File Server Share
path = /srv/samba/public
browseable = yes


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Ubuntu :: SADMS Active Directory Cached Logins: Samba 3.4.7 / Kubuntu 10.04.1

Oct 13, 2010

I've been banging my head on this for a week... I finally got AD login working, but I can't get cached logins working. I installed SADMS, let it configure everything, and though I can now login, I still cannot login as my AD username when my machine is not connected to the AD network. I need to be able to login at home, connect to the VPN (if I can ever get that working), then sign on to services at work using my AD username.

Also, I cannot login to local accounts when the system is not connected to the AD network. Plus, home drive mapping is not working, our shares are \FILESERVERuseruser[I]username[I] so this does not work. UPDATE: I installed likewise-open, and now I can't login unless I use the full domain name when logging in via ssh, but I cannot login on the desktop, which is not what I want, now my username doesn't match the previous UID mapping, and my home directory is mapped to /home/likewise-open/DOMAIN/user, instead of /home/DOMAIN/user, like it was before.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba Doesn't Create User Profiles On The Fly

Nov 20, 2010

I've got Samba server running on CentOS box. Everything works fine when I use "path" parameter, but I think Samba should create /home dirs for clients automatically. It should look like this:

comment = Home Directory of '%u'
valid users = @"Domain Group"
browseable = no
writable = yes


When I explicitly declare "path" param, it works ok. But I need PERSONAL home dir for every user separately, not one dir for everyone.

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Debian Configuration :: Change Homedir In Active Directory User?

Feb 2, 2011

I followed these steps to add a client to my active directory domain, everything is working as expected except that when a username has whitespace it creates a directory in /home with whitespace and gconf fail to access his config dir in the user's home. KDE also fails to start but I don't know what's failing yet. I found that the easiest way to fix these issues is to replace whitespaces by underline in homepaths so I changed the pam_mkhomedir source to replace the whitespaces and save it using the usermod command. It should work but is not... the reason is that I can't change the user data using the usermod because domain users are not in /etc/passwd.

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CentOS 5 :: Active Directory Permissions ?

May 6, 2009

My boss has commissioned me with creating a new file server to replace a M$ server that is installed now. We want to go with Linux for many reasons, but one big thing we want to be able to do is still manage permissions using M$ type permissions from our XP desktop's rather than unix style permissions. How would this be accomplished on a CentOS box?

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Server :: Configure Samba In Centos - Give Permission For User - Can Able To Read And Write The Particular Folder

Apr 23, 2011

I Have Configure Samba server in Centos, I need give permission like for some user(5User) can able to read and write the particular folder, and again i need give some another user(6user) can only read permission for same folder.

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General :: Set Up Active Directory Authentication For Centos ?

Jan 4, 2011

How can the linux boxes authenticate from Windows Active Directory ? The Apache should also authenticate from Windows Active Directory ?

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CentOS 5 :: Kerberos Authentication To Active Directory?

Apr 15, 2009

I've configured kerberos authentication on my centos 5.2 box. When I kinit with a username in AD and not on the centos box, I get a TGT. However, I cannot log into the centos box as any of the AD users. This is probably a stupid question but do I also need to create the account's on the centos box that I have in AD? If so, does that mean i can then use pam to authenticate users on my cyrus imap process running on the centos box?

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CentOS 5 :: Alternatives To Active Directory In Windows?

Aug 19, 2009

I've been looking for alternatives to Active Directory with Centos mainly SAMBA and OpenLDAP. I have worked with SAMBA and I know I can create a PDC and make clients join a domain but how about enforcing Group Policy?... is this possible with SAMBA or OpenLDAP/LDAP?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Integration Services Hyper-V (Error 2)

Nov 4, 2010

I've installed CentOS 5.x (64 bit) on a Hyper-V Server R2. When I trying to install integration serices I get an error:
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt/linux_ic_v21_rtm/
[root@localhost linux_ic_v21_rtm]# make
Building all modules...
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/build SUBDIRS=/opt/linux_ic_v21_rtm/src modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2

I am using:
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I did everything as it shows on [URL].

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CentOS 5 :: Active Directory Authentication Command Line?

May 21, 2010

I have just installed the 32bit and 64bit versions of CentOS 5.5 and was wondering how I can add these machines to Active Directory for authentication. I've done this in the past with CentOS 5.4 using the GUI and everything worked just fine but now need to do everything from the command line.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Active Directory Login Not Working

Jun 22, 2010

I am testing CentOS 5.4 on a virtual machine before deploying to a server.I am trying to get authentication through our Active Directory server, without actually joining the machine to the domain.I tried multiple tutorials, including this one: URL...Basically I enabled authentication through kerberos and modified my ldap.conf file.

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Server :: Log User Samba Who Delete Or Move Files/folders On Samba Server ?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to know is there any way to record or tracking or make logging if when user samba delete files or folders i can know that, cause sometimeon samba server some users complain they lost files, though i have daily backup and i can restore their files, i just want to know if or maybe some other users in one group accidentally move or delete the files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can See Samba FileServer Cannot Access Shares

Jun 27, 2010

I recently upgraded my ubuntu samba fileserver to 10.04 along with increasing the size of my RAID 1 /home directory.I am using the same smb.conf file setup I have used on intrepid ibis setup and hardy heron setup before that.On my new setup, I can see the ubuntu server on my windows 7 machines, but I can't see the shares and can't access them.In checking the logs (/var/log/samba), one log continues to look for a printer share from one Windows machine that I have not set up on samba yet.

I have found a few people who have reported similar problems online, even a few who have filed bugs, but then they say "my computer started working suddenly. I don't know what happened." so they closed the bug. or "my computer started working after I rebooted my machine." I have rebooted all machines on the network. That doesn't fix it.

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Ubuntu Security :: Samba Fileserver Filled With Viruses?

Sep 23, 2010

I've prepared a Samba fileserver at work without much too problems and I've prepared a batch file to mount it as z: letter on windows machine at startup.As a sad result the share gets filled with many viruses and became a vehicle of infection.

folder1 ----> folder2 and many other files and folders

folder1 has a condivision access read and write for everyone so I get no problems with passwords for all those who have access but i use ntfs security to do it read only (viruses act like if a pendrive is connected and mainly put infected files just in the "root" of it, in my case in folder 1) and then give everyone full control in folder2. I've been trying to understand how to do this but I'm quite new to linux and smb.conf really scared me. I've tried samba graphical tool which was a lot easier but I'm not able to achieve this kind of result: no need of user password for users to mount the share and no write possibilities in folder 1 and full control in folder 2.

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Server :: FTP Server Installation And Integrating With Windows 2003 Active Directory?

Jan 10, 2011

I need to install FTP Server in CentOS and it has to integrate with Windows 2003 Active Directory. Users should use their Active directory Credentials to upload or download files in FTP Server.

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