Ubuntu :: How To Turn On Swap Permanently

Jul 3, 2011

I created the swap partition, but the problem is, that i have to turn on swaf every time when i turn on my computer. How to turn swap on permanently?

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Ubuntu :: Turn The Desktop Effects Permanently On?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using Kwin desktop effects. I turn on some desktop effects and it worksbut after I reboot my PC, the desktop effects does not turn on automatically.I always need to turn it on again. I always resume the compositing every restart.Also, I can't find all the effects in kwin. I can only adjust the basic effects (the first tab) but when I tried to go to the all effects tab (the second tab) it is empty.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Permanently Turn Off WiFi

Dec 16, 2010

I would like to turn off permanently wifi on my ubuntu 10.10 64bit.

- I know of right click on networking icon, but I need to do it every time system starts. - I also know of "ifconfig wlan0 down" but this again need to be done every time.

What should I do do turn it off permanently (disable) ???

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Debian Configuration :: How To Disable Swap Permanently

Apr 3, 2011

So from a web server stand point if we start using swap for httpd or mysql its bad and performance goes down the drain. So would it be a good or bad idea to disable swap entirely?

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General :: Ubuntu - Change Swap Disk Priority Permanently?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm using two swap disks. Changing the order they are in in /etc/fstab and using "pri" in fstab doesn't have any effect. This is what it looks like /etc/fstab

#swap on other disk
UUID=90a1550c-84d6-4bde-8bc1-7c15292980f1 none swap sw,pri=-1 0 0
#swap on same disk
UUID=13b70e65-f1c3-4728-920f-9e92467d1df0 none swap sw,pri=-2 0 0


Its opposite of what it is in fstab, and changes to fstab have no effect.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Permanently Turn On The Extrastereo Filter In SMPlayer?

May 15, 2010

I was just wondering whether there is some way to permanently turn on the Extrastereo filter in SMPlayer. I have to turn it on every time manually

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Ubuntu :: Swap Space Shows 0k But Have Volume Formatted As Swap

Dec 7, 2010

Lucid on an Acer Travelmate800.Can anyone tell me why I have 0k for swap space? I allocated swap which I can see in my Disk Utility's 'volumes' display.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Or Swap File On Flash Memory?

Aug 16, 2010

RAM for older machines like I use is fairly cheap these days. But flash memory is just as cheap or cheaper. So I'd like to ask about the feasibility of expanding my system's memory using flash memory. And about whether creating a partition for swap on the flash memory, or whether a swap file on the flash device, is the better way to go.

By flash memory I have in mind mainly USB sticks or what are sometimes called "pen drives." But I do also have CF and SD cards that, with the proper cheap adapter (one of which I already own for adapting CF) could be used to create extra swap space. So, what is the current consensus on the feasibility/advisability of using flash memory for swap? I've read about the limited write cycles of flash being an argument against using it for swap. But recent reading indicates to me that the limited write cycles problem applies mostly to older, smaller-capacity flash memory. Some will come out and say that, for larger-capacity flash memory, the life of the device is likely to exceed the amount of time your current computer will be useful (I think I've seen estimates in the range of 3-4 years life--minimum--for newer, higher-capacity flash memory).

A more persuasive argument I've heard against using flash memory for swap is that access times for these devices can be much slower than SATA, and maybe even IDE, hard drives. That would certainly dictate against using flash memory for swap.

So, how about some input on this issue? Anyone using flash memory for swap? If so, what kind (e.g., usb stick or SD/CF)? Are you using a swap file or a swap partition? How's system performance? Likewise, has anyone had flash-memory-used-as-swap die on them? The consequences would undoubtedly be dire. Also, has anyone measured flash memory access times to confirm or refute claims about slow access times? Are some types of flash memory better/worse than others in terms of access times?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Swap Partition : Need To Check Swap File System?

Mar 20, 2011

Does one need to Check the Swap filesystem, from time to time

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General :: Use Windows Pagefile.sys (swap) As Swap?

Feb 19, 2010

I know it's possible, but does anyone have a URL or tutorial on how to do this?

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General :: HPLIP - When Turn Off The PC And Turn It On Again The Printer Does NOT Work

Nov 4, 2009

I have Ubuntu 9.04, and a HP laserjet 1018 printer.

I install the printer using:

And when it ask me about plugin I give the path to it. (the 3.9.2 version of the plugin, because Ubuntu 9.04 has the 3.9.2 version of hplip)

well I install the printer, everything works perfectly.....but, when I turn off the PC, and turn it on again, the printer does NOT work!, I send work for being printed but mothing happens , Ubuntu tells me that the job was printed but ... no case, my printer does not print it.

I have to install it again since cero. what can I don to stop install it every time I turn off the computer ?

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Disable A Key?

Apr 2, 2010

So I just installed Ubuntu on my second laptop, however I ran into a problem. The F9 key is going crazy. I'm not exactly sure what is causing it (I've already popped off and cleaned the keys) but if I could find a way to just disable it I'd be very happy.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change The Timezone Permanently

Jan 3, 2010

So, here's my problem. Every time I'm trying to change my timezone, it last until I'm restarting my comp again, it seems like it doesn't save the changes permanently.I'm using Ubuntu v9.10 installed through Wubi. My timezone is set currently via BIOS.

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Add A Location To $PATH

Jan 14, 2010

How do I permanently add a location to my $PATH so it is always there when I open terminal?

Also is there a GUI for this?

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Mount Drives

Jan 21, 2010

i used to mount my drives in ubuntu..How to mount all the drives permanently?

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Alias Command

Mar 6, 2010

My current alias'd commands are:

alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

I'd like to change 'ls' and add a few more, is there a command to permanently do that, or a config file I need to edit somewhere?

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Ubuntu :: Why Does 'xset R 133' Not Work Permanently

Jun 11, 2010

I use 'xset r 133' to set autorepeat for the 'Windows key'.

But somehow after a while autorepeat does not work any longer and I have to redo the 'xset r 133'. I don't log out or so.

Ubuntu 10.04, gnome, compiz

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Ubuntu :: Disable Service Permanently Using GUI?

Jun 14, 2010

I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.4 i have some issues with it, first how to disable service permanently using GUI, second how can i change root passwd i tried sudo passwd root does not work, third i have network shared driver i want to mount permanently and create short cut to desktop.

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Ubuntu :: How To Permanently Disable A Touchpad

Nov 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 on Lenovo Thinkpad, and I have tree pointing devices:
- touchpad
- trackpoint
- mouse, that is connected only when I am home, so for around 50% of time.

I have downloaded a package "Pointing Devices" and tried to disable a touchpad, which annoys me. Sometimes new settings works, but each time I connect/disconnect mouse, the default settings (everything on) restores. It's even worse, because right now the touchpad works and annoys me, while it's written that it's disabled in "Pointing devices", so either the package is outdated, or it's a BUG.

How to permanently disable a touchpad?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Permanently Disable Fn Key

Feb 20, 2011

I've tried all three options here to permanently disable the fn key (so that when I press F1 it'll bring up help and when I press fn+F1, it'll dim the screen, etc.).

These methods work upon reboot, but once the computer is put to sleep (i.e. I close my lid), the settings are reverted back to default and I must use fn+ for everything again.

How can I keep the fn key disabled?

And on another note, why use gksudo instead of just sudo?

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Ubuntu :: How To Automount A Drive Permanently

Apr 23, 2011

I would like to mount a (ext4) drive permanently.I don like to use any additional packages to automount. Can anyone say me the manual way of entering the partition information into the fstab entry?Output: fdisk -l

karthick@karthick:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for karthick:


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Ubuntu :: Me Menu Permanently Offline ?

May 4, 2011

What do I have to do to get some love from the Me Menu? It says "Offline". If I click "Available", then Empathy starts up, and I get Twitter/Gwibber notifications, but the Me Menu still says "Offline". If I click "Offline" (even though it's already selected), then Empathy disconnects. While I am connected to a chat room via Empathy, the little envelope thingy will turn blue or green if I have a new message. Basically, all seems normal except that Me Menu permanently says I'm Offline.

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Unmount A Drive?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm running both Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows XP Home Edition. I have my hard drive partitioned with 90 GB for Windows and 60 GB for Ubuntu. Here's the problem: When I booted up Ubuntu for the first time, the Windows file system appeared as a second HDD. My dad told me that I need to make it so that drive doesn't appear or be read only or else he will be uninstalling Ubuntu because of the risk that some program will write to the Windows file system. I personally am not worried about that happening, but he clearly is. Remember, I'm brand new to Linux so please make things simple for me to under stand!

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Ubuntu :: Way To Permanently Mess Up A Pre-made Dvd

Oct 27, 2010

Is there a way to permanently mess up a pre-made dvd?
i would like to be able to mess up a dvd through software, that way there would be no proof of tampering. (i want a few new movies on blueray )
i would like it to run in ubuntu, but a windows program is fine.
these are factory dvds btw, not dvdrw.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount - Drive Permanently ?

Feb 8, 2010

I wanted to mount a drive permanently that I see in my Places -> Network ->

I can add it no problem, but I want it to always mount it when it is available when I am not around.

Once I mount it in the GUI is there any way to make that mount a permanent one?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Permanently Disable Wireless

Feb 14, 2010

I don't use wireless on my desktop so i would like it permanently disabled...each time i boot up it's back and receving up to 80mb of data from an unknown connection via wireless (i dont use wireless) so, to avoid any weird connections to my neighboors house or some kid hacking the neighborhood driving by with a wireless router in his truck i'd like to permanently turn off wireless. this is kind of funny because i had a hard time getting wireless to work on my laptop, but this is my desktop where i do not want it. i looked it up and your forum back in 2007 said to type in iwconfig in the shell then get the nickname of the wireless card then to black list the wireless card. i did this but it didn't work, so what do i do now? i have ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu :: Fix Window Buttons On Left To Permanently To Right?

May 18, 2010

I can put them on the right using gconf-editor. But every time I change theme, it goes back to the left. It's annoying. Is there a way to fix them permanently to the right?

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Ubuntu :: Shell Permanently Integrated On The Desktop?

Jun 4, 2010

permanently open BASH Shell open, on the side of the GUI. This would mean re-sizing the GUI... You would basically have a divider between the shell, and the GUI, so that you could resize either, depending on which you were working with more. For some programs, which open a new shell (aeroscript for example), that stays open behind the GUI, or has an ASCII "GUI", the program would simply open in a tab of the shell. The main shell would be dynamic; meaning that whenever you selected a new window in your GUI, the shell would automatically cd to that directory, in order to save some time. This would be especially useful when editing many files at once with a text editor such as Nano or VI. Alternatively, there could be a different shell tab open for each session of the file explorer. This however, could get quite cluttered. It's still a pretty raw idea. I did some Googling, and so far haven't come up with any similar ideas or actualities." This should also have options as to which shell you would like to install with it (BASH, KSH, ZSH, etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Mounting New Sata Drive?

Jun 11, 2010

i'm well versed with the fstab but i'm just curious if there is ubuntu way

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changing Hostname Permanently ?

Jul 23, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu 10.04 and so far I love it! I recently created a LiveUSB and I am running Ubuntu from my USB drive with preserve mode.

I changed the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files with my new hostname and everytime I reboot those files are going back to original state and change the hostname back to ubuntu...

The rest of my installed applications and settings are preserved... Is there a way to permanently change the host name?

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