General :: Change SHMMAX Variable For Performance Tuning?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using Ubuntu-10.4 and postgresql-8.4.Now I have to change my SHMMAX variable for performance tuning.I have 16 GB.change it permanently and what is the suitable value for the DATABASE Server.

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Server :: Finding The Performance Tuning Resources?

Feb 23, 2011

I am currently reading [URL] its an old document from 2006, so i am not really sure how much information in it is still valid.

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General :: How To Change The PATH Variable

Mar 12, 2011

I was changing my sudoers file to give permission of using "sudo" command to all root commands, asking for the password. It works, it's fine. The problem I'm having is with the variable PATH to my user, I think.

In terminal:
normal user:


ataias@ataias-notebook:~/Downloads$ echo $PATH
super user:


root@ataias-notebook:~# echo $PATH

As many commands are in /sbin/, root can use them without writing "/sbin/" but I can't do the same cause it's not in my path.

while root do this:


shutdown -h now

I should do:


sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now

and I want to use only


sudo shutdown -h now

I want to change my user's path variable to make it equal to root's path. how to change it? I don't know many things of shell still.

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General :: Change PATH Variable

Oct 16, 2010

I want to add my current working directory to the PATH variable and make it permanant in my .bash_profile so I can run my testscript without using the ./ charactors.can this be done?

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Server :: How To Permanently Set Shmmax

Jun 10, 2010

For Oracle installation, I need to set kernel.shmmax parameter to 8416559104

According to the manual I did the following:


when I check the value

It looks OK, but after reboot there is the default value 3294967296 again.

The system is 64-bit SLES11.

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General :: Assign Local Variable Values To Global Variable?

Feb 17, 2011

how to assign a local variable value to a global variable....

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General :: Create An Environment Variable With The PRINTER Variable?

Apr 16, 2011

I am supposed to create an environment variable with the PRINTER variable, which should resolve to the word sales. Would the command be like this?: env PRINTER - NAME=SALES (is this the command to create that variable with resolving the word sales to it?)

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Debian :: Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error: "shmmax" E667: Fsync failed Press ENTER or type command to continue

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Debian :: E667: Fsync Failed - Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel/?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error:

"shmmax" E667: Fsync failed
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I have read that this can be cause by a full disk. I checked with df and have plenty of space available.

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Fedora :: Change The Releasever Variable ?

Jul 31, 2010

I was doing a preupgrade from f12 to f13. That was interrupted by a power cut. When I tried to redo it by booting from the grub option, it failed (can't remember the error). I then re-ran preupgrade, but got the "the root for the previously installed system was not found" error even though the UUID was correct and even when I referenced the partion by device - /dev/sda14.

So I decided to go old school:
1. yum update
2. change the repos manually to reference f13
3. yum update

So as it stands these are seemingly the only remaining f12 packages


But i am guessing due to the interrupted preupgrade, the releasever variable has not been updated. How can I manually do that?

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Ubuntu :: Change String Variable In Awk?

Nov 26, 2010

How to change string variable in awk? for example, I parse with awk script text file named some_name_with_extension.txt

I want to print only some_name in my script

varCompName = FILENAME
print varCompName

How to put not all symbols from FILENAME to variable?

This make my day

In windows I used some of next


would extract all but the last 2 characters of the my_var variable.

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Programming :: Variable Name Change In A Loop?

Apr 24, 2010

I am about to move my scripts to the next generation level, so I need some help I am stuck in varying my variable names in a loop. For example:

for user in ben dorothy mike pat
[ -r /home/$user ] && let "$user"check=1 || let "$user"check=0


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Programming :: Change String Variable In Awk?

Nov 26, 2010

How to change string variable in awk? for example, I parse with awk script text file named some_name_with_extension.txt

I want to print only some_name in my script

varCompName = FILENAME
print varCompName

How to put not all symbols from FILENAME to variable?


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Programming :: Change Variable In Case Command?

Aug 7, 2010

I want to display 4 options using the case command and refresh the screen when options 1 and 2 are chosen (no changes to the options and you get asked again to chose option), but give a message for option 3 and exit on option 4. I set this up with the script below, but choosing option 1 works and choosing option 2 exits the script.


#testing options


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Slackware :: Change The $ARCH Variable To X86_64 Too, Right?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm mainly asking beforehand so I won't have to shoot myself in the head twenty minutes from now. I suppose I'll find/figure out one way or the other anyway . Can I just source the and then run sbopkg -i if the source for the package I want to create isn't 64bit capable? I might need to change the $ARCH variable to x86_64 too, right?

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General :: Use The Value Of One Variable To Generate A Name For Another Variable?

Jul 25, 2010

can i use the value of one variable to generate a name for another variable? for example i want to use the counter from a "do while" loop to name and define a variable each time the loop executes. for example

objectnames1=`ls -a`
objectnames2=`ls -a`

i don't have a script yet but each time through the loop i intend to cd to a particular directory and then define a variable containing a list of each object in that directory as values. for the rest of the script to work, each variable generated has to be unique, and i can't think of a good way to accomplish this.

if using a value from one variable to name another isn't possible, can anyone think of a more elegant solution? i know limited syntax but i'm willing to read up...

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General :: Sed Substitution Of Variable With A Variable?

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to alter the character position of residue numbers above 999 in a pdb file.The following script is an attempt to:1) Get all unique pdb residue numbers (in column 5) using awk and assign it to a variable i.2) Loop through all the values in $i and if it is greater than 999, shift that number one character to the right using sed.However, the script only manages to alter the final residue numberCould anyone please advise how I can loop through all values in $i and shift it one character to the right?

# Script to alter position of residue number in pdb file for resid above 999
i=$(awk '{print $5}' wt-test.pdb | uniq)


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Programming :: Put A Variable In The $PS1 Prompt That Will Change Each Time A Command Is Run?

Feb 11, 2011

I would like to put a variable in the $PS1 prompt that will change each time a command is run. I want the color of the $PS1 prompt to change each time a command is run.I know that I can do this:

PS1="h@w # "
## "#" is changes every time a command is run


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Ubuntu :: Ondemand Vs Performance - Increases The Clock Speed To Performance When The CPU Is Under Load

Jul 31, 2010

I just wanted to know if having my laptop set to ondemand, will this affect performance in any way? I realize it increases the clock speed to performance when the CPU is under load, but does the time it take to go from ondemand to performance affect speed? Will there be any noticeable difference between the two setups? I have a dual core intel at 2.2GHz when in performance. When ondemand is set with no load it downclocks to 800Mhz.

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Server :: How To Do Squid Proxy Tuning

Jan 20, 2011

we having more than 5000 users and will have 7 squid proxy servers with high end configuration upto 4gb ram n 320*5 HD in rhel4&5 most of them complaining that at peak hours their browsing speed is slow but we are having 1gbpgs link at peak hours i.e when established connections r flowing more than 550 browsing gets slow how to do fine tuning are squid is only responsible to access upto 600 connections

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Official IO Tuning Guide?

Jul 16, 2010

We need an official IO tuning guide for ubuntu similar to the one given here [URL].

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Fedora :: F13 - Fine Tuning Desktop Effects?

Oct 27, 2010

How to speed up the menu "fade" (or get rid of it all together) in desktop effects? I need a composite manager for docky but the slower response on menus annoys me as they have to fade in and out. Anyone know which key in apps -> compiz I should change? Is it one of the plugins or one of the general keys?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fine Tuning S Video / ATI On 9.10

Apr 14, 2010

Essentially, what I am attempting to do is set up an older PC with a Radeon 9600 video card chipset in it with xubuntu 9.10. I would like to attach this PC to my rear projection tv (Sony KP-48S75) via an S-video cable and use this TV as the primary and only monitor for the system. At one point, I had Ubuntu 8.04 hacked onto this same hardware fulfilling this role decently. However, due to some carelessness on my part, the system became unstable and I decided to start anew (random crashes, lots of X freezes, dependency issues, screwing too much with my sources.list and so on). So, that said, I installed Xubuntu 9.10 on the PC and had it hooked up to both an LCD monitor and the TV via S-video. Upon boot, both outputs worked, though X only rendered on the LCD and not the TV. Thus, I dug and researched and found that by putting a bunch of xrandr commands into my gdm start script I could finagle the TV into displaying my output, mostly.

The commands I used to get the S-video out work (and, therefore, pasted into my /etc/gdm/Init/Default script) follow:
xrandr --output S-video --set load_detection 1
xrandr --output S-video --set tv_standard ntsc
xrandr --output S-video --set tv_horizontal_position -2
xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600
xrandr --output S-video --mode 800x600
xrandr --output S-video --rate 60
xrandr --output VGA-0 --off

You'll notice I do a few things in those commands. First, I set load_detection to 1 in hopes of enabling automatic S-video connection detection (this isn't working). The next interesting bit is my commanding the horizontal position. The reason I had to do this is, because, upon getting the S-video output to render, the picture rendered to the right-hand side of the screen, deprecating the furthermost bits (for instance, I cannot see the shutdown icon in the upper right hand corner). Setting the horizontal position to -2 allowed me to shift the display to the left a bit, but, to my surprise, the right hand side still deprecates and I am just left with a black column on the right hand side.

Question 2 has to do with the screen indexing. If I run a xrandr command with no options, I see VGA-0 indexed as Screen 0. I also see the S-video listed as disabled (even though I see it rendering on the TV right in front of me). Finally, I notice that, under the VGA-0 section, there is a screen size listed, as well as several resolution modes with many parameters following them (like 800x600 72.2*+ 75.0 .... some other stuff). However, under the S-video section all I see is one mode with one small bit after it (800x600 72.2*). This smacks of suspicion to me and makes me think it might be related to the right side of my screen being deprecated. My wager is that I need to tweak some modelines in the S-video output so that it is more in sync.

However, I do not know the syntax for modeline editing and, since the S-video screen isn't even detected, I am not sure I really can edit these options. Does anyone know why my S-video output would continue to be listed as disabled even when its running? Furthermore, can anyone tell me why no screen index is given to the S-video output (I only see screen 0 attached to VGA-0, no screen 1 for S-video)? I think I need the screen indexed properly in order to use the xvattr command later in order to allow xv overlays to function on the proper screen. Finally, I do have a xorg.conf file loaded in /etc/X11 that is mostly hacked together stuff I used trying to get this to work in the first place. Would this conflict with the xrandr setup? Which options override which?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Fine Tuning Of ACL Using Samba

Oct 1, 2010

I was so sure it must be easy to set up the file permissions like I want, but obviously it isn't. Here is what I want to have: I have a samba fileserver (only Windows clients connecting) with a common share. Everybody is supposed to be able to put files on the share, but no one should be able to delete files which do not belong to oneself. I want several users to put files in a common directory, so they need write access to the directory, right?

But all the same they should not be able to delete files from others. So they are not allowed to have write access to the directory, right? It all works fine with modifying etc. but still I can delete files I am not supposed to do. I learned already that permission to delete is bound to the permissions of the containing folder and that sticky bits might help. But either they don't or I didn't get it right until now.

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Ubuntu :: Intel GMA G41/43 Video Driver Tuning?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a Asus 54G43-Pro mobo with Intel GMA G43 video chip on it. It works fine in Ubuntu and using the same display with the same settings, under Maverick in comparison with Lucid, the video is a little more sharp and with more contrast. I have dual boot with Windows and in Windows it is even less sharp and contrast.

In Windows I can tune the sharpness, contrast, etc but I was not able to find a simlar features in Ubuntu. I have checked the Synaptic and even installed some Intel GMA files but I still have no access on tuning the video driver. Is this possible in Ubuntu and possible to be hidden somewhere or I can just forget about it?

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Software :: Common Lisp Tuning For Gedit?

Aug 28, 2010

i need to get gedit to highlight lisp source code as well as provide auto indentation.(because as you may know , lisp programming without auto indentation is IMPOSSIBLE) now so far i've searched the web and tried some "solutions" but didn't work so far , for instance this post here promises syntax highlighting but suggesting to install 2 files , unfortunately it seems to do nothing.

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Programming :: Bash - Read Content Of File To Variable And Use This Variable In For Loop ?

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying to read content of file to variable and use this variable in for loop. The problem is, when I have c++ comment style in file - /*. Spaces in line are also interpreted as separated lines.

For example:


Changing $files to "$files" eliminate these problems but causes that whole content of variable is treated as one string (one execution of loop).

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Programming :: Make A New Variable With The String From The Old Variable Btut Without Any Plus Sign?

Apr 7, 2010

my script has a variable which comes in the form +00.00 +0.00 -00.00 or -0.00 (the numbers can be any in that form) for any that have a + symbol I need to remove the +, but if it has a - symbol it needs to stay.

i need to make a new variable with the string from the old variable btut without any plus sign. I have tried a lot of different ways with no success, each thing I tried either left the + or removed the entire string. I think this should work but doesn't


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ralink .dat File Fine Tuning ?

Feb 12, 2011

Ralink's drivers for wireless adapters [url] with .dat-file to configure default properties of used WiFi adapter (at my case - RT2870.dat).

Example is below.

I'd want to fine tune adapters (I have two of them) to get maximum performance for streams between two WiFi clients connected to my router (JWNR2000 at my case).

At the moment I have changed WirelessMode=6 to force 802.11n mode (and it does work). Speed between WiFi-clients is about 3MB/s now. I want more How to?


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Server :: Apache Maxclient / Serverlimit Perf Tuning?

Mar 25, 2010

I've been trying to set-up/tweek these param's in Apache to a setting suitable to the server for the amount of memory. When i look around some people say, hey.. just look at the memory used per process and then divide that by the amount of memory available and you get the number of processes that can be handled by Apache in one go before it starts swapping.

Well, for this i'd done this calculation and for me it turned out to be 200 approx concurrent connections. Well funny thing is, out MySQL server had a slow down so the Apache servers were running at approx 450 concurrent connections and weren't swapping in memory etc (still had 600MB free not including what was available in Buffers/Cache - 'free -m')... Thus if i had have set the limits to 200 then people would have been not getting to the site, so i'm kind of pleased that i happened to not have the time to set this yet.

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