Server :: Directing A Domain To A Subfolder?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a virtual server which I am hoping to host several sites on. Each of these sites is in its own subfolder in /var/www/http/ Problem is when I set up DNS records they can only point to the http folder itself. I suppose I can just redirect each domain to then go to the required subfolder, but I'd like to keep the URL the user sees as a simple (without subfolder).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Directing Ip To Domain?

Jul 25, 2011

I've setup a LAMP server at home & i'm trying to get a webserver running. I'm having trouble finding information on how to "point" my domain at my IP.

The site is up & accessible. I own the domain, but I don't know where to go from here.

I believe I need to change the dns servers on godaddy, but what to?

Is there a free service which will update my IP when it changes?

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Server :: Samba - Browseable = No Not Working On Subfolder?

Apr 20, 2010

I am running samba-3.0.21b-2 browseable = no, not working on subfolder (worklocal) .. what I missed? work folder already invisible .. but when I entered into it .. I still able to see folder named local..

public = yes
only guest = no
writable = yes


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Ubuntu :: Networking / Setup A Domain And Directory Server Similar In Function To Windows Server W/ AD And Join Other Machines To The Domain

Aug 21, 2009

I've got a home server running Ubuntu Server 9.04 and several machines running Ubuntu Desktop (9.04 and 8.04) and Windows (XP, Vista and 7). Now what I want to do is to create a domain and directory server similar in function to Windows Server w/ AD and join my other machines to the domain, but am not sure where to start. I already have file shares with Samba but now I want to setup a domain.

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Server :: Creating Domain Form Vadddomain-domain Doesn't Exist

Apr 12, 2011

iam using centos5.2.configured qmail,vpopmail. while adding domain form vadddomain<> At first time domain folder get created in domains directory.and also postmaster user also get created by default.And also in mysql. Now the problem is after some times or rebooting system domain get erased automatic.also in /var/qmail/users/assign file domain name get erased.

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Server :: Created Domain But Not Getting Domain In /var/qmail/user/assign File?

Apr 7, 2011

i had created domain but not getting domain in /var/qmail/user/assign file.also it error /home/vpopmail/bin/vdominfo domain name

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General :: When Create A New Domain On My Server It Gives The New Domain It's Own Nameservers

Jun 4, 2011

I want to host 5 websites on my new virtual server so I have created 2 nameservers that point to my virtual server's IP addresses as a glue record. What confuses me is when I create a new domain on my server it gives the new domain it's own nameservers ( etc) do I need to change these records so they use the nameservers I created earlier? If I do? Which particular records should I change? I'm running a Unix virtual server with a Plesk control panel.

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Server :: Connecting To A Samba (not On Domain) From Windows Domain Pc?

Jun 27, 2011

i need to allow window domain controller user to use file share of DC user can see the share file and directories of linux file server but not able to access.

below is brief--

I have a Linux machine which is on my network but not on my domain. I have configured SAMBA FILESERVER for file sharing purpose. I have a Windows XP PC which is on the domain(windows server) that I am trying to connect to a share on the Linux box. I supply my credentials but regardless of which login I use I always get Logon Failure. I have created an account on the Linux machine with the same user name and password as my domain account but so far no luck. Can I connect from a domain PC to a non-domain Linux box? Is there something else I should be checking?

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Server :: Domain Controller On A Current Windows Domain?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm working for a smallish non-profit that has gone through some recent growing pains. We have two sites that are currently without a domain controller, and no money for MS licenses, so I was thinking of trying to add a couple of additional Linux machines (we already run Linux for web services internally, and I've set up a test case previously to see if I could get a server to join the domain, which was a success) and was trying to find out if I can get them to act as Domain Controllers without replacing the domain. The main issue that I'm having at those locations is drive mappings are not happening correctly against our DFS file servers. The one other location that had this issue had it go away when we added a local DC. The domain is a Server 2008 domain.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Active Directory Domain Integration - Allow Domain Users To Authenticate Server And Access File Shares Using Samba

May 13, 2010

The company I work for, as usual, is Microsoft-centric. I'm attempting to integrate my Ubuntu server into the domain to allow domain users to authenticate to the server and access file shares using Samba. Here's my current configuration:


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Server :: Forward A Domain To Another Domain With Musking?

Aug 3, 2010

My customer has a domain hosted by me and he has another domain hosted by another isp. He would like to have this domain am hosted to be forwarded so thwt upon entering the url he should have the website which is hosted by this other ISP displayed (the url of the website be musked). How do i configure my DNS at achieve this?

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Server :: Redirection Of A Domain To A Subtree Of Another Domain?

Aug 10, 2010

I need to redirect a domain to a subtree of another subdomain , for example : [URL] should be redirected to [URL] How should I do this ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Buying Domain / Hosting Web Server / All Domain Registers Come With Email Or Just Email Forwarding?

Mar 29, 2010

I am thinking about buying a domain name and hosting my web server.

I have seen pricing from $8 to $30 a year. Any favorites from fellow ubunters? Also this whole "whois" thing scares me, if I am correct my information I enter when buying the domain is enter into some big pool of information. People can find this information out and dig up important information. url Can I prevent this with private Whois or how do I set it up? This website examples some of my fears with this whole WhoIs thing, url whois/Private-Whois.html Does most/all domain registers come with email or just email forwarding or both? How does that work? At this moment, my only question about Web Hosting is how do I get Website Statistics as in: Stats, web analytics, web traffic stats and more? I will be web hosting through Ubuntu 9.10 gnome.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Web Site When Site's Domain Name / User's Local Server's Domain Name Are Same

Feb 18, 2010

In the office there is a local network with samba+openldap PDC. The local domain name is The company desided to create a corporate Website on a remote hosting and desided that the site's domain should be which is same as local network's domain name. So now it is not possible to reach that corporate website from within the company's local network because, as I guess, bind9 which is installed on above menioned PDC looks for on a local webserver. Is there a possibility to let people from this local network browse the remote site?

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Ubuntu :: Directing RAM To Specific Applications?

Jun 17, 2011

I am running a windows game on Ubuntu through Wine, but it is running slowly. My computer is only a year and a half old, and it has 4 GB's of RAM. Is Wine not receiving enough of the memory? If so, can I direct a larger amount of my ram to the program?

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Debian :: Properly Directing Apache To Applications

Aug 8, 2015

I have Apache setup on localhost with a wiki, ethercalc, etherpad and kanboard.

Wiki is on port 80, in /var/www/html so when someone enters domain into browser it comes up, which is what I want. It comes up lightning fast.

Problem is how to properly direct to other ports i.e. 8000, 8002 and 9001 for other applications. All others are in /usr/share.

I tried creating directories with .htaccess for each in /var/www/html, but if they even come up (kanboard completely unreachable) they are super slow, drop connection and usually don't render completely.

I've read that if you have access to Apache configuration .htaccess is wrong way to go and for security reasons app files shouldn't be directly located in /var/www/html?

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Red Hat :: Directing Cron Output To Terminal Screen?

Sep 7, 2010

I am trying to display a text using crontab. My settings :

*/2 * * * * /bin/echo "hello"

This setting sends a mail to the user, instead of displaying on the screen. Now tried changing the setting to:

*/2 * * * * /bin/echo "hello" > /dev/tty1

Now I can see the text on the screen, but this setting comes with a catch. What would happen if the user changes the terminal. for instance if he gets into tty2, he wont have write access on tty1. So the user gets a mail saying "permission denied". Is there any way that I can force the user to use a particular terminal or can a cron job be set in a way such that the user would get the text irrespective of the terminal he logs in.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Directing The System Sound To Jackd?

Apr 13, 2010

I have been having troubles with having sound from my soundcard "M-Audio Firewire Solo" since I installed Ubuntu, more than 1 year ago.

Today, I have the sound from audacious 2 by using jack which means I can now listen music because audacious supports jack. what about other stuff?

I mean, forexample I cannot hear anything on ...... becouse firefox does not try to send the sound to the jack - or something like that I assume. So I think, there must be a way that I can hear all the sound that my computer produce. (welcome sound, pidgin sounds, video sounds, game sounds etc...)

So that, I am searching for a way that I can direct the whole sound to the JACK which can send the sound to my firewire soundcard and to my speakers.


What the hell is FFADO - Mixer? Is this problem have something to do with that? do I need to use jack always in order to have sound ? I am not going to produce something on ubuntu - I do it with Win. so All I need is to use my soundcard as a regular soundcard

I am now using an upgraded version of vanilla ubuntu to studio Karmic.

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General :: Get Last Subfolder On A Path?

Jul 29, 2011

I create a bash script and I assign a folder variable like:


is there any way to make another variable with just the specific SUBFOLDER

(?some command?)----> will make My_variable_subfolder = SUBFOLDER

so if I do

echo $Myvariable_FOLDER_PATH


and echo $My_variable_subfolder


The tree and path names will change so I jjust want the last subfolder that I will access to access its files.

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Ubuntu :: Move Folder Which Have Same Name In Subfolder?

Mar 1, 2010

How to move folder which have same name in subfolder Path : /root/Documents/untitled_folder/untitled_folder/abc.txt I want to move files from that folder how to do that

Output : /root/Documents/untitled_folder/abc.txt through terminal any idea ? and plz suggest a way to do in all folder present in directory recursevely how to check recursively in all folder's present in directory



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Ubuntu :: How To Scan If There's A Subfolder In A Folder

Jun 27, 2010

I have a small bash script that compress all folders in a specific folderThe script also:- add a password to the compressed files- delete the original folder after compressionSuppose that this script is called "".At some particular moment, there will not have any folder in the specific folder since they have all been compressed.I want something (a script?) that will check (every minute approximately) if there's new folder in the specific folder.If there's new folder, then execute script rar.shor if there's not new folder, then re-scan in the next minute.

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General :: Upload File To The Subfolder?

Mar 21, 2011

why I cannot upload local files to subfolder in my home folder on FTP server? Say, i wanna upload files to /home/haolh/trial/occ/src/occ, but following error msg were given...

commandput "C:Proj rialoccsrcocc" "occ"
error/home/haolh/trial/occ/src/occ: open for write: permission denied

After google this prob, i've tried commands as below but it still failed

chmod 770 /home/haolh/
chown root:haolh /home/haolh/

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General :: Call Another Bash Script To Run On A Subfolder?

Sep 29, 2010

I want my bash script to run scripts located on a different folder. If it is also located on the same folder with my script, it will go like this:

on my $HOME folder: (,,,

But what if, on my $HOME folder: (

$HOME/scripts folder: (,, )

Below doesn't work...


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General :: User Write In A Subfolder When Can't Access Parent?

Jul 13, 2010

I was wondering, i have a webfolder and have permissions set to 770 with group being www-data. I would like to give access to one folder to a friend so he can edit images, css, etc. I made that folder 770 with group being site_name with www-data and him being in the group. So far so good it sounds like. However when i use the full path to the directory linux says it doesnt exist.

Is there a way i can make it so he doesnt have r/w file on files inside the parent directories and still access the directory i want to give him?

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General :: Delete A Subfolder ABC From Main Project Folder?

Jul 29, 2011

I want to delete a subfolder ABC in a main Project folder Globe. It occurs in many subfolders. It is very hectic to search and issue an rm -rf ABC command. I need to make a script for that .

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General :: Show Folder And Only One Subfolder Using Ls In Command Line?

Jul 13, 2011

I have many folders with many subfolders. All I want it to get the folder name and the first subfolder. I tried using ls -R but this give me more than I want it. Let say I have:



All I want when I execute the command is to show me:



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General :: Zip -x For A Directory - Subfolder Contents Not Being Excluded Recursively?

Dec 9, 2010

I am attempting to use the zip command with the '-x' option to exclude a folder e.g. 'zip public_html -x public_html/jquery/*'. However, parts of this folder are still being added to the archive. I made a shell script (saved as '' and ran as '.') to do the archiving so I could test adding nested wildards for multiple subfolder levels.


rm -f
zip -r public_html
-x public_html/jquery


Each new line I added here that has the nested wildcards made the archive file size a bit smaller. Adding more /*'s than this didn't affect the file size. Even after all this though, there were still a couple megabytes of files and folders from the 'jquery' directory that were added to the archive.

Here's some examples of files and folders that were created after I unzipped the archive:
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/icons [folder]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/.svn/entries [file]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/build/.svn/text-base/js.jar.svn-base [file]

Why is it that despite all the -x lines, the files and folders like these were still being added to the archive? How can I simply recursively exclude the entire public_html/jquery folder from the archive?

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Server :: Apache2: Could Not Reliably Determine The Server's Fully Qualified Domain Name

Oct 24, 2010

Using Debian Lenny I'm getting the following message in my mail: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:


apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

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Server :: Correct Fix: Httpd: Could Not Determine The Server's Fully Qualified Domain Name

Mar 23, 2011

I get the following error while starting apache httpd

Code: httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using <Server's-ip-address> for ServerName I googled it and have come across the following solutions, all of them involve changing the ServerName setting in httpd.conf:ServerName localhost ServerName ServerName <ip-address-of-server> ServerName <hostname-of-machine/FQDN>

I am setting up httpd to be accessed from over a LAN, so i don't have a .com domain name. I am thinking of going with the first option, it seems to be working...

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Server :: Postfix Relayhost Not Working, If Domain Hosted On Same Server, But MX Points Outside?

Jun 23, 2010

i compiled and install postfix, and i using relayhost that point to my ISP. but my "DNS server" is on the same server where is installed postfix. and there is running apache with vhosts so i have domain that hosted on same server and in zonefiles of my domain my MX records points to Google Apps, to google's MX servers. But when i try send E-mail via sendmail to it not deliver mail to Google Apps totally, if i try to send to another E-mail everything fine it deliver it. so finally i done research this problem in Internet. And find that need to disable deliver mail to localhost(localdelivery)as i think postfix understand that the domain point to the same server where postfix have itself. and try to deliver mail local. but zonefile MX record even the domain on same server can point to another server outside. So i disabled localdelivery in postfix. and problem not fixed

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