Ubuntu :: How To Scan If There's A Subfolder In A Folder

Jun 27, 2010

I have a small bash script that compress all folders in a specific folderThe script also:- add a password to the compressed files- delete the original folder after compressionSuppose that this script is called "rar.sh".At some particular moment, there will not have any folder in the specific folder since they have all been compressed.I want something (a script?) that will check (every minute approximately) if there's new folder in the specific folder.If there's new folder, then execute script rar.shor if there's not new folder, then re-scan in the next minute.

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Ubuntu :: Move Folder Which Have Same Name In Subfolder?

Mar 1, 2010

How to move folder which have same name in subfolder Path : /root/Documents/untitled_folder/untitled_folder/abc.txt I want to move files from that folder how to do that

Output : /root/Documents/untitled_folder/abc.txt through terminal any idea ? and plz suggest a way to do in all folder present in directory recursevely how to check recursively in all folder's present in directory



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General :: Delete A Subfolder ABC From Main Project Folder?

Jul 29, 2011

I want to delete a subfolder ABC in a main Project folder Globe. It occurs in many subfolders. It is very hectic to search and issue an rm -rf ABC command. I need to make a script for that .

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General :: Show Folder And Only One Subfolder Using Ls In Command Line?

Jul 13, 2011

I have many folders with many subfolders. All I want it to get the folder name and the first subfolder. I tried using ls -R but this give me more than I want it. Let say I have:



All I want when I execute the command is to show me:



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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Clamscan File Or Folder Scan Freezes

Aug 13, 2010

I decided to check out nautilus-clamscan, in which all it does is add an option to scan the selected file or folder for viruses in the context menu, and while it works fine for some things highlighted, for some that I've randomly tried it freezes, and won't complete scanning. using the usual method of scanning for viruses through Clamtk, it scans those files and folders just fine, so it's not those themselves that's causing the freezing.

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Debian :: Eeepc Wifi - Every Time Scan For Network Using Iwconfig Wlan0 Scan Or Wicd And Computer Completely Freezes

Jan 9, 2011

I installed squeeze on my eeepc 1015ped and downloaded the correct firmware-brcm80211 drivers but every time I scan for my network using iwconfig wlan0 scan or wicd, my computer completely freezes. I previously had a solid install running xmonad, and wicd was working like a charm (using the same broadcom driver) but i tinkered too much with it and decided to do a fresh install. I haven't quite run into a problem like this before.

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General :: Get Last Subfolder On A Path?

Jul 29, 2011

I create a bash script and I assign a folder variable like:


is there any way to make another variable with just the specific SUBFOLDER

(?some command?)----> will make My_variable_subfolder = SUBFOLDER

so if I do

echo $Myvariable_FOLDER_PATH


and echo $My_variable_subfolder


The tree and path names will change so I jjust want the last subfolder that I will access to access its files.

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General :: Upload File To The Subfolder?

Mar 21, 2011

why I cannot upload local files to subfolder in my home folder on FTP server? Say, i wanna upload files to /home/haolh/trial/occ/src/occ, but following error msg were given...

commandput "C:Proj rialoccsrcocc" "occ"
error/home/haolh/trial/occ/src/occ: open for write: permission denied

After google this prob, i've tried commands as below but it still failed

chmod 770 /home/haolh/
chown root:haolh /home/haolh/

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Server :: Directing A Domain To A Subfolder?

Nov 5, 2009

I have a virtual server which I am hoping to host several sites on. Each of these sites is in its own subfolder in /var/www/http/ Problem is when I set up DNS records they can only point to the http folder itself. I suppose I can just redirect each domain to then go to the required subfolder, but I'd like to keep the URL the user sees as a simple xxxxx.com (without subfolder).

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General :: Call Another Bash Script To Run On A Subfolder?

Sep 29, 2010

I want my bash script to run scripts located on a different folder. If it is also located on the same folder with my script, it will go like this:

on my $HOME folder: (this_script.sh, backup.sh, restore.sh, purge.sh)

But what if, on my $HOME folder: (this_script.sh)

$HOME/scripts folder: ( backup.sh,restore.sh, purge.sh )

Below doesn't work...


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Server :: Samba - Browseable = No Not Working On Subfolder?

Apr 20, 2010

I am running samba-3.0.21b-2 browseable = no, not working on subfolder (worklocal) .. what I missed? work folder already invisible .. but when I entered into it .. I still able to see folder named local..

public = yes
only guest = no
writable = yes


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General :: User Write In A Subfolder When Can't Access Parent?

Jul 13, 2010

I was wondering, i have a webfolder and have permissions set to 770 with group being www-data. I would like to give access to one folder to a friend so he can edit images, css, etc. I made that folder 770 with group being site_name with www-data and him being in the group. So far so good it sounds like. However when i use the full path to the directory linux says it doesnt exist.

Is there a way i can make it so he doesnt have r/w file on files inside the parent directories and still access the directory i want to give him?

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General :: Zip -x For A Directory - Subfolder Contents Not Being Excluded Recursively?

Dec 9, 2010

I am attempting to use the zip command with the '-x' option to exclude a folder e.g. 'zip upload.zip public_html -x public_html/jquery/*'. However, parts of this folder are still being added to the archive. I made a shell script (saved as 'compress.sh' and ran as '. compress.sh') to do the archiving so I could test adding nested wildards for multiple subfolder levels.


rm -f upload.zip
zip -r upload.zip public_html
-x public_html/jquery


Each new line I added here that has the nested wildcards made the archive file size a bit smaller. Adding more /*'s than this didn't affect the file size. Even after all this though, there were still a couple megabytes of files and folders from the 'jquery' directory that were added to the archive.

Here's some examples of files and folders that were created after I unzipped the archive:
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/icons [folder]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/addons/pager/.svn/entries [file]
public_html/jquery/js/tablesorter/build/.svn/text-base/js.jar.svn-base [file]

Why is it that despite all the -x lines, the files and folders like these were still being added to the archive? How can I simply recursively exclude the entire public_html/jquery folder from the archive?

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Networking :: Creating Subfolder Permission Through Samba File (smb.conf)?

Dec 31, 2009

I have three users in samba file user1


and I have share1 and its subfolder " subshare " the thing i have to do is that, i have 2 assign user1 and user2 to share1 that means user1 and user2 can only access share1 through password and user3 can access only its subfolder "subshare" i have done this upto first level permission of share1 not able to do for its subfolder "subshare"

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Debian :: Backup Purge Script - `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 10, 2010

This script simply deletes files older than a certain age (in this case 7 days) from a certain location; I use it to purge old backups nightly, and it works as expected:

# delete backups older than 7 days
find /mnt/backup/*  -mtime +7 -exec rm -Rf {} ;

The problem is, every morning I get an email with an error message something like this:

find: `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No such file or directory

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Programming :: Awk/bash - "current Dir" - Script On A File In A Subfolder

Apr 25, 2011

I have a script (bash) that do some editing and stats on different logs (syslog) and output a file (html format). If i want to run the script on a file in a subfolder as the script where in that folder how do i do that?


makes a file called index.html with some stats from the syslog file.

if i run the script on a file in a subfolder


the script makes a output in the base folder, i want it to print the file to the test folder. There are multiple subolder and i want a index.html in each of them.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Access Folder To Delete Or Restore From The Recycle Bin Folder

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 9.10 for a home build NAS. Everything is working great just have one more thing to figure out. I have Samba set up to access my files and I set up a recycle feature so anything deleted will get moved to a Recycled folder. (I learned this the hard way after hitting delete key by accident while browsing the shares in windows. Lost 100 GB of data)

Now it is for the most part working but the permissions on folders isn't getting set right. If I delete a file in a share I can go to Recycle bin folder and delete the file for good. But if I delete a folder I can not access that folder to delete or restore from the Recycle bin folder. I have to chmod the folder before I can do anything with it. Anything I can change to get folders deleted via windows to have the right permissions when it is moved to the Recycle bin folder?


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Change Directory To A More Than Three Folder Tree Destination Folder From In Terminal?

Sep 18, 2010

I cannot change directory to a more than three folder tree destination folder from ~ in terminal. I've checked everything. No Typos or misspell. The destination folder was recognized by "ls" command but when I went to it, the terminal said, "no such file or directory."

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Ubuntu :: Create Folder',and Results In An Empty Folder Being Created On Desktop?

Oct 29, 2010

I have this nasty habit of refreshing desktop in a quick succession by right-clicking and selecting 'Refresh',on my XP system at office.(And,iam sure most of us do the same).With Ubuntu,if a right-click on desktop slowly and select 'align by...',it simulates the XP refresh action as explained above.But,if i perform the same action rapidly,it takes this first option from right-click context menu,which is 'Create Folder',and results in an empty folder being created on desktop.I tried double right-clicking and again it created an empty folder.Is there any workaround to handle this.I mean:Can the right-click context menu items be shuffled so that the 'Create Folder' option is moved from 1st place

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Ubuntu :: Media Folder Has Extra Folder Titled With Non-existent Partition?

Nov 24, 2010

When I get my partitions listed in the terminal or in GParted they go up sequentially to sda7 as they should. The media folder in my file system shows the other dual boot OS and a data disk partition, both mounted, which is correct. All good. But there is a third strange folder titled sda8 however I have no such partition. /etc/fstab shows no sda8 either. When I open /media/sda8, it shows no files, says its empty and lists an empty available space that equals the empty space on the Linux OS partition in which the folder sits. But no pie chart shown, and it belongs to root. I changed the permission and found I can save files to it.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Cache Folder In Home Folder - Safe To Delete?

Jun 8, 2011

upon browsing the home folder in my ubuntu system, i came across a hidden cache folder..

it occupied around 700 mb of space..and im falling short of space..

can i delete the contents in the folder? are they safe to delete?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Keeps Crashing When Renaming Folder Under Folder View Plasmoid?

Jun 17, 2011

Running kubuntu 11.04x64 w/ xrender and folder-view plasmoid:

I cannot view "open with" for directories on the desktop (but it is visible w/in dolphin file structure) and whenever I try to rename folders on the desktop it crashes and restarts (but the rename is successful and no open windows crash).

This glitch is reproducible under OpenGL and Xrender; had to switch over to xrender after a recent system update that seems to slow my computer to a crawl after a little time and kept it cause it seems much smoother and crisper.

Is there any way to fix these issues or is there an alternative to the folder-view plasmoid to view a folder content on the desktop that is more stable?

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Ubuntu :: Memory Scan On CD?

Oct 22, 2010

One of the things I found really handy about the Live Ubuntu CDs is they had the option to run a memory scan on the computer. As the head of an IT department of one person in charge of maintaining 60 computers, that capability has helped me more than twice.

I think the options when running off CD/USB were Install Ubuntu, Test Ubuntu, run a memory scan, or boot off the harddrive. However, starting with Lucid and continuing with Maverick, the only options on the Live CD/USB seem to be install or try (although the memory scan is available on my Grub menu after Ubuntu is installed, unfortunately, most of the computers I am responsible for at work are Windows only).

Is there a way to start the memory scan when running a Live Lucid or Maverick CD/USB?

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Ubuntu :: AV To Scan Windows ?

Jun 3, 2011

Is there an AV i can use to scan my windows partition to find any bugs/backdoors or viruses? I know there is a backdoor somewhere, and comodo isnt picking it up so i am refusing to boot from my windows 7 right now. My password information keeps getting changed and websites and emails are alerting me that someone has access to them and is trying to promote spam.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Scan As A User?

Jun 4, 2011

I have just installed 11.04 (64-bit) and I cannot scan as a user. Scanning as root works fine. My device is a Brother MFC-7420. I've installed the brscan2-0.2.5-1.amd64.deb package from the brother page. After installing this, I can run xsane as root and scan perfectly.

I could not find any instructions for enabling this as a user on 11.04, so I followed the instructions for 10.04 at [URL]...n1c.html#u9.10 and added the following between libsane_usb_rules_begin and libsane_usb_rules_end

# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes" I then restarted udev, turned my device off and on again and tried to run xsane. I get the following error:

Code: "Failed to open dvice `brother2:bus3;dev1': Invalid argument I looked at what the rules were trying to do when libsane_matched is set to yes, and found that setfacl was not installed on my box. I installed this and changed the line to read


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Ubuntu :: Can't Scan For Networks

Sep 1, 2011

I updated to KDE 4.7 today with MUCH trouble muon hung at towards the end of the updrade at 100% so i had to force quit with " sudo ksysguard" it refused to boot into the desktop so i had to complete the upgrade from the terminal/safe mode when it finished i could not get my wireless to work my drivers is installed properly and i have tried toggling the wireless switch, much to my dismay but nothing seems to work. i can't scan for networks and the network-manager app just reports "WLAN Interface: Error: Invalid state"

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Ubuntu :: Kde 4.5 - Move A File Or Folder Into Another Folder, All The Icons Arrange Back To The Left Side

Sep 14, 2010

When I position icons on the desktop in specific places, then I choose to move a file or folder into another folder, all the icons arrange back to the left side. This happened in an earlier version of KDE 4.x, disappeared the next version, and reappeared. how to keep this from happening. It makes using the desktop a pain in the you know what.

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Ubuntu :: Best And Full Feature Editor - Open All Files In A Folder When Drag And Drop The Folder On It

Jun 21, 2011

when i used windows there was this wonderful editor named Notepad++.it was perfect(it still is) some of its best and useful features of it (for me) was:

1-open all files in a folder when drag and drop the folder on it
2-search and replace a statement in all open files
3-have an extended mode which include special characters like

and so on.. i want to know if there is an editor with this feature in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Drag File/Folder To Taskbar Button Creates Launcher, Not Bring Folder To Foreground?

May 20, 2011

After upgrading to 11.04, I noticed something strange, being that when I want to drag a file or folder from one Nautilus folder window to another which is not visible, I can no longer hold the item over said folder's taskbar button and wait for it to appear. It just shows the + for copy, and when I let go (which I have no choice but to eventually do), it creates a launcher to that item (I assume it's doing that, and not actually copying there, but the + has me unsure).

I've looked in Nautilus's preferences to see if this is some new behaviour that I can revert back to, but could find nothing there.

I'm of course using the Classic desktop with bottom panel being the taskbar. If you know how I can rectify this, please let me know, as the times I would want to create a file or folder launcher without the usual hassle would be rare, but I am constantly dragging stuff from one folder to another, and it would be a real pain to have to line up source and destination folders each time.

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Ubuntu :: Folder Customization - Put A Different Image On Each Folder To Represent The Contents

Jan 3, 2010

I have a bunch of folders with different stuff in them. I would like to be able to put a different image on each folder to represent the contents.

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