Ubuntu :: Directing RAM To Specific Applications?
Jun 17, 2011
I am running a windows game on Ubuntu through Wine, but it is running slowly. My computer is only a year and a half old, and it has 4 GB's of RAM. Is Wine not receiving enough of the memory? If so, can I direct a larger amount of my ram to the program?
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Aug 8, 2015
I have Apache setup on localhost with a wiki, ethercalc, etherpad and kanboard.
Wiki is on port 80, in /var/www/html so when someone enters domain into browser it comes up, which is what I want. It comes up lightning fast.
Problem is how to properly direct to other ports i.e. 8000, 8002 and 9001 for other applications. All others are in /usr/share.
I tried creating directories with .htaccess for each in /var/www/html, but if they even come up (kanboard completely unreachable) they are super slow, drop connection and usually don't render completely.
I've read that if you have access to Apache configuration .htaccess is wrong way to go and for security reasons app files shouldn't be directly located in /var/www/html?
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Mar 17, 2010
I'm using win XP and windows 7, meanwhile, I want to install ubuntu on my desktop (not very recent: 256MB RAM, 2.8Ghz), I'm thinking about installing ubuntu 9.10, but I use a lot of specific application:
-Matlab (I want to know wich will be a good replacement as I need my files to be compatible with matlab: octave or scilab)
-Visual studio (I think netbeans is good but wondering if there is any better application)
-Proteus ISIS (I don't know any linux application to do the same work)
-Modelsim (simulation for VHDL) and the same, I don't know any good replacement
-Xilinx (for validation and compilation of VHDL file and also creating test bech files)
-step 7 for Siemens automates programming (I don't know if there is any linux program related to this)
(I already use open office and foxit for general use in windows so I'm going to install them on ubuntu too).
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a lot of application scheduled to load at startup (GoldenDict, Tomboy Notes, Evolution Mail, Liferea, etc.) and I'd like some of them to appear on the workspaces different from the default. I have Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome and Compiz effects. Is there a way to do this without a lot of mess?
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Oct 26, 2010
I have two applications that I would like to always open up in Workspace 2, even when i restart my computer. Is there a GUI solution that can do this? One of the apps is the Sound Preference window I would like set to open with the input tab selected.
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Jul 2, 2011
is there a way to make a password key-ring for a list of specifications, specifically; all the applications relating to preferences. I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, I'm the only user, I disabled all login password requirements because they were annoying me and I'm cool with anybody using any of my applications as long as they aren't capable of changing my system in any way. Some of the applications I would like to be on the list include the terminal, the network connections preferences, the keyboard preferences. I wan't to be prompted for a password before opening these programs
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Dec 24, 2009
If I am correct there is an official list(probably by Fedora itself) of packages/software included in each Fedora version, but I can't find it. I also have a couple of queries below.
1. There are always new applications, packages, games etc. being released for Fedora by open source developers and companies. Is there a good website where I can get a list of all these new packages etc, if possible an official one? I visit some sites such as Linux.com, but based on your own experience, I think you can guide me better.
2. In order to know which packages are installed on the Fedora machine one can type the following command, is that right?
rpm -qa
And this one gives the exact number of installed packages.
rpm -qa | wc -l
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Jul 11, 2010
Is it possible to bypass kdewallet manager for certain applications while leaving it in place for others? Specifically, I do not want to be prompted to open the wallet when I login and initially access the wireless network, but still require opening of the wallet to check email.
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a workstation dedicated to monitoring. The goal is to have multiple web sessions and other applications running across dual screens on multiple virtual desktops. I have a nice Perl/TK/wmctrl script that will automatically rotate the desktops. All is working great.
The problem is, I need a solution to automatically start the applications on the correct desktop, with the correct window size, in the correct location on the desktop. That way we can start the monitor boxes in the morning and have everything start in the correct place. It is a really cool effect to have wall mounted monitors with cube rotation showing off multiple graphs and more.
Do any of you pros know how to start an application with a specific window size and define where on the desktop it is placed? The box is running OpenSUSE 11.4 KDE. Is that kind of control possible?
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Apr 7, 2011
Just like the title says, it always asks me to go to the direct path.
iwconfig doesn't work. I have to type /usr/sbin/iwconfig
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Jul 25, 2011
I've setup a LAMP server at home & i'm trying to get a webserver running. I'm having trouble finding information on how to "point" my domain at my IP.
The site is up & accessible. I own the domain, but I don't know where to go from here.
I believe I need to change the dns servers on godaddy, but what to?
Is there a free service which will update my IP when it changes?
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Apr 13, 2010
I have been having troubles with having sound from my soundcard "M-Audio Firewire Solo" since I installed Ubuntu, more than 1 year ago.
Today, I have the sound from audacious 2 by using jack which means I can now listen music because audacious supports jack. what about other stuff?
I mean, forexample I cannot hear anything on ...... becouse firefox does not try to send the sound to the jack - or something like that I assume. So I think, there must be a way that I can hear all the sound that my computer produce. (welcome sound, pidgin sounds, video sounds, game sounds etc...)
So that, I am searching for a way that I can direct the whole sound to the JACK which can send the sound to my firewire soundcard and to my speakers.
What the hell is FFADO - Mixer? Is this problem have something to do with that? do I need to use jack always in order to have sound ? I am not going to produce something on ubuntu - I do it with Win. so All I need is to use my soundcard as a regular soundcard
I am now using an upgraded version of vanilla ubuntu to studio Karmic.
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Nov 5, 2009
I have a virtual server which I am hoping to host several sites on. Each of these sites is in its own subfolder in /var/www/http/ Problem is when I set up DNS records they can only point to the http folder itself. I suppose I can just redirect each domain to then go to the required subfolder, but I'd like to keep the URL the user sees as a simple xxxxx.com (without subfolder).
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Sep 7, 2010
I am trying to display a text using crontab. My settings :
*/2 * * * * /bin/echo "hello"
This setting sends a mail to the user, instead of displaying on the screen. Now tried changing the setting to:
*/2 * * * * /bin/echo "hello" > /dev/tty1
Now I can see the text on the screen, but this setting comes with a catch. What would happen if the user changes the terminal. for instance if he gets into tty2, he wont have write access on tty1. So the user gets a mail saying "permission denied". Is there any way that I can force the user to use a particular terminal or can a cron job be set in a way such that the user would get the text irrespective of the terminal he logs in.
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Apr 8, 2011
In many refferals to Gnome there is the item:
That seems to be missing from my installation of F14...
How do i turn it on or restore it?
I want to add a specific app, jConsole, to "Known Applications"
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Apr 25, 2009
How can i redirect data received on a port to another port located in a different machine? Can i do this using IPTABLES ?
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Jun 8, 2010
How do I give permission to a logged in user to stop/start a specific service without entering a root/sudo password? So they can do a simple "service SomeService stop|start" It is for a headless Ubuntu server.
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Jun 9, 2010
my system I want user1 and only user1 to be able to mount and unmount a specific partition, this partition contains backups and is usually mounted read only, needs to be temporarily mounted read/write by user1 while doing the backup.user1 is an unprivileged user. I've read that the user option will let any user mount the file-system (and only that user can then subsequently unmount it) and that the users option allows any user to mount or unmount the file-system.I also found this in mount's man pageQuote:The owner option is similar to the user option, with the restriction that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be useful e.g. for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user owner of this device. The group option is similar, with the restriction that the user must be member of the group of the special file.So it looks like I'd need a login script for that user to make the user owner of the device file (/dev/voiceserv/backup in this case)
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Jul 24, 2010
I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".
The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .
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Dec 2, 2010
for example
else {
for fileDOC in $location/*.doc
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm trying to configure our mail server to block email from a specific sender reaching a specific recipient. In other words, if one of our employees is getting harassed by a 'stalker', how would one go about blocking, at the MTA (Sendmail) level, a specific sender email address from reaching a particular users inbox? We do not want to capture the email - simply block it before it consumes server resources.The Sendmail server (MTA) is a front end to our Exchange server so no user accounts exist on the Linux server. We simply use it as a SPAM and Virus scanner then forward clean email to the Exchange server.
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Jul 19, 2010
I want to replace specific character in a file after every specific line. example as follows.
O 000000000000000000
A 111111111111111111
C 222222222222222222
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Jul 1, 2009
I configure squid to work with squidGuard , and all thing work properly , but there is problemfirst look to this squidGuard.confdhhome /usr/local/squidGuard/dblogdir /usr/local/squidGuard/log
src blacklist {
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Jul 28, 2011
I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?
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Jul 24, 2010
I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?
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Jun 5, 2011
I was wondering if there was any way to remove icons from the installed applications menu?I recently attempted to install GOG.com's Zork Anthology using Wine and when I de-installed, the icons for those files were still listed in installed applications. Is there anyway to delete them manually?
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May 18, 2010
I want to record an internet radio station starting at 2:00am tomorrow morning. The specific program on the radio station lasts until 6:00am. The command I need to run to record the station is: Code:mplayer http://wjcu.jcu.edu:8001/listen.pls -ao pcm:file=indie_heat_of_the_night.wav -vc dummy -vo nullI'd use cron, but 1. I'm not sure how to and 2. it seems unnecessarily complicated for something that I only want to run once. If cron is the only/easiest solution, I guess I'll just have to resort to that, but I'd rather not.
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm setting up a large number of virtual machines, each with a basic set of about 30 applications. Obviously, I don't want to do everything manually so I'm looking for ways to automate this process. Multiple distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat Ent., FreeBSD, CentOS, etc.) will be used, meaning I will have a few Ubuntu installs with the basic set of 30 applications, and multiple Red Hat installs with the same set, etc. So, I'm looking for advice on automating as much of this as I can, even if it means a new form of automation for each distro.
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May 25, 2009
Is there a programmatic way to get the list of all installed applications on Linux.
Also, how can we get the application activities in Linux OS like running applications name, time of day when they started, duration till the applications were running on system, application version etc.
Is there a way to do this in C/C++.
I am building an app that runs like a daemon and fetches the applications status and sends it to the network admin for him to monitor the application usage pattern on the user computers in the network.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a windows app installed under wine. It works fine. However, it has the ability to launch openoffice to do further functions. Obviously I have openoffice installed under linux, but the wine app cannot see it. How can I make the wine app see across the emulation layer into linux to see the app it needs? Dont tell me I need to install openoffice under wine as well to get it to work!
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