SUSE :: How To Get My Computer Icon On Desktop

Sep 3, 2010

Get a computer/my computer icon on desktop also I am looking all over for setting to not show mounted drives on the desktop. I like it so far

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SUSE :: How To Get Floppy Icon On Desktop?

Sep 14, 2010

I have just installed SUSE 11.3, how do I get a floppy icon on the desktop that I can right click on to mount.

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Get Computer / Home And Trash Icon On Desktop?

Jan 27, 2010

A long time ago I was trying to find a way to have the computer icon, the home icon, and the trash icon on my desktop in Ubuntu (like in windows), I got them on fine. When I put them on I used some program that was already on Ubuntu, the guide I used told me it was the equivalent of the registry editor in windows. Now I want to get on this program again to see what I can do?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Icon On Desktop To Open Computer Folder

Jul 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.4 64bit. I accidentally deleted the computer icon from the desktop. How can I replace it?

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SUSE / Novell :: K3B Icon Missing In Panel - Suse 11.3

Jul 19, 2010

New Suse 11.3 installation with Gnome desktop. Added K3B using Yast2, and after completing the install of K3B, there is no icon for K3B! Instead there is an "X" and the text for K3B in it.From the main menu -> more applications -> multimedia, is where the K3B icon is.Yast2 is supposed to install any dependencies needed or warn if it can not find any missing dependencies. What is missing, or is it a permission problem? All the other application icons seem fine.

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OpenSUSE :: Removing The Home Directory Icon And Trash Icon From Desktop Using Custom Script SuseStudio

Mar 22, 2011

I have just created an 11.3 64 bit image using susestudio. All seems well but would like to customize the desktop via my script that I have added. My question is how do I remove the home directory and the trash icon from the desktop? Or better said what is the path to removing the symbolic link, I cannot find the symbolic links in the desktop directory. It is empty, I do not see any symbolic links under /home/test/Desktop?

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Software :: .desktop Icon Is Not Displayed / Icon Is Not Working In Menu?

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to add .desktop file for my application but I'm stuck with very strange problem.I created 48x48 icon for my program called etmmanager.png.I created .desktop file according to specifications:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ETM Manager for time logging

My problem is that icon is not working in menu! I can find my program in Utilities->Time->ETM Manager and this is what I wanted, but there is no icon for the program.

It starts working if I specify absolute path in etmmanager.desktop file like
About my system - Opensuse 11.1 KDE 4.2

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Ubuntu :: Xdg-desktop-icon Does Not Show Correct Icon?

Apr 30, 2010

I tried xdg-desktop-icon command. It does install a shortcut. The shortcut works when double clicked. But the shortcut is shown as a standard icon, not the icon defined in the .desktop file. Do I miss something?

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SUSE :: Install Virtualbox On Suse Enterprise Desktop 11?

Mar 18, 2010

I was tryin to install virtualbox on Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 and it said it needs pad-devil. I looked in the software archive that came with sled 11 but it wasnt there. I tried downloading the VirtualBox install for Suse Linux Enterprise Server but got the same error as when i tried install VirtualBox with the opensuse 11.1 rpm file. can virtualbox even be install on sled? (has anyone done it?) and if so where can i find pam-devil?

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OpenSUSE :: SuSE To SuSE Remote Desktop?

Mar 5, 2010

What would be the preferred method to establish a remote desktop session from one 11.2 machine to another 11.2 machine in the same location? No firewalls, local connection only. I've looked at VNC, RDP with xrdp, have not been able to establish a session to desktop. I would rather not use desktop sharing if possible, don't want invitations involved. Want something similar to hitting from Windows with VNC3and taking over the established desktop session. This is in my house, no security risks involved

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Fedora :: KDE Desktop Multiple Desktop Windows Icon Not Appearning

Sep 10, 2010

Could you please help me to get the "Multiple Desktop Windows Icons" back on my KDE desktop panel?I accidentally disabled it by right clicking on bottom left of the panel and now i am not able to restore it back through System Setting > Multiple Desktop

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Fedora :: Installed 15 With The Gnome Desktop - Doesn't Put An Icon On Desktop

Jun 26, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 with the gnome desktop which looks like the android system for mobile phones, I installed wine which put the icons on my desktop but whenever I install a windows app it doesn't put an icon on my desktop for that particular application. How would I add an icon for those window apps so I can lunch them from the desktop, I don't know if you call that the desktop or just the program luncher either way how do I put an icon there so I can run those windows apps from there?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find A Way To Watch Videos From Main Desktop Computer On Another Computer?

Jul 9, 2011

I've been trying to find a way to watch videos from my main desktop computer on another computer I've plugged into an HDTV. I'm such a Linux newbie that I decided to give Mythbuntu a try. It was way to complicated for what I needed, and I'm sure that some more experienced people reading my first two sentences laughed to themselves at my naivety.

What I am trying to find is simple: browsing one computer's home folder from another computer, and playing the videos therein. If there's anything like Mythvideo that requires less than half of the skill requirements, I will telepathically send love to the person that informs me of it.

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General :: Remove The Plasma Desktop In SuSE 11.1 And Restore The Original Desktop?

Oct 1, 2009

Is there a way in SuSE 11.1 to have the conventional desktop, instead the plasma desktop? I thought that installing KDE 3.5 will fix it, but I was wrong. I really don't want to download back SuSE 11.0, just to have my old desktop layout. SuSE developers should at least leave it as an option than to force people to install it

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SUSE :: SLED11: Icon Cannot Be Displayed Like It Does On SLED10

Mar 11, 2010

I put my own icon file into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/text-x-extension-eml.png and run cmd gtk-upgrade-icon-cache. The eml files on Desktop will display as I want on SLED10+SP2/SP3. But failed on SLED11, it just looks like a plain text file !

Is it OS limitation or what I am doing wrong on SLED11 ?

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSuse 11.1 KDE Different Desktop Background Image For Each Of The 4 Desktop?

Jul 23, 2009

Up until KDE4 I could select a different image for each of the 4 virtual desktops. Now I tried Suse11.1 KDE and it seems like there is no such option. I can change the background image allright, but all 4 desktops have the SAME image.

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OpenSUSE :: Way To Get Icon 'show Desktop' To Desktop?

Jan 30, 2010

is there a way to get an icon "show desktop" to my desktop?

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SUSE / Novell :: Change Launcher Icon From Spring

Jul 25, 2009

to something else, how do i accomplish such a task?Have mounted a second drive as /data and changed ownership and then created a launcher on the desktop all is functioning well although i would rather it resemble a folder.

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SUSE / Novell :: Clearing Update Icon In Status Bar

May 10, 2009

I lost my entire Operating system and am now reinstalling. After installing SUSE 11.1 and updating it through the update icon in the status bar, I ended up with a complete update except for the update icon in the status bar now depicting a downward arrow. This equates to my not wanting to download a update/patch/whatever of a "Microsoft font file"!

However, there is no way to delete this option that I do not want. How do I get rid of the MS font update and bring the OS/system back to the Gecko symbol associated with taking care (updating) of updating my system without a thing from MS? To those who are bound to ask, I want nothing to do with MS, this should be sufficient.

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Ubuntu :: Icon To Turn Computer Is Missing?

Nov 9, 2010

Today after turning computer on got message that there was a problem starting an aplet program. Prompted to ignore it or delete it. I deleted it. Now I notice that the icon to turn computer is missing.

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Ubuntu :: Put Computer Icon In The Sidebar In Unity?

May 11, 2011

I see many people are a little uneasy with the new desktop of Ubuntu. I think it's marvelous, though... Not because of a reason other than just that a change after a short while is always good.

So, in the Gnome desktop, I would go to gconf-editor and set some keys and I'd get my computer folder and home folder shortcut on my desktop.

This time since the unity desktop has come with a nice sidebar, I'd like to put the same icon there, in the sidebar. But I can't even access computer as Computer:/// anymore... What to do?

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Ubuntu :: When Computer Boots Half Of Panel Icon Goes Missing?

Oct 1, 2010

Sometimes when I boot my computer the icons on the panel (pieces of them) are missing. Like half of my wireless just the mail icon from the indicator applet half the trash can or show desktop or just the power button from the indicator applet session. After I log out and log back in either once or twice that usually fixes it. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with gnome 2.30.2.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Dropbox - Icon In The Notification Bar Will Disappear After Restart The Computer

May 3, 2011

i just installed ubuntu 11.04 on my brand new eMachine desktop but after install the dropbox desktop application, its icon in the notification bar (beside clock and network connection) will disappear after restart the computer. i tried to reinstall dropbox application but the icon will disappear again after reinstall.

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SUSE :: Very Slow Computer - HD Dying?

May 3, 2010

If I start it up, and it's fast, it's like that through out. But if I start it up, and it's slow, it is slow like that for a whole time, and doesn't recover. When that happens, I saw the CPU almost 100% all the time. The hard drive light indicator would be on all time time. The top command doesn't indicate any process that use a lot of CPU. It just has a high "wa" percent. My remedy so far is to restart the machine, and hopes it's fast again. Sometimes it does sometimes, it doesn't. It always start up to the login screen very fast.

However, even before logging in, I can see it's slow if the hard drive light is on all the time, and not blinking). Even typing in the password would show a slow echo of the *. This is OpenSuse 11.2, 64 bit. The file system is ext4 (I wonder if it has something to do with this). Does anyone have any pointers on how to troubleshoot this? I may do a re-install. However, if the hard drive is failing, then I'll just back up and wait for the day it stops working.

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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Shut Computer Down

Aug 20, 2009

I'm stuck in the "log off" mode. I don't get the shut down menu. It started when I turned the computer on today. I got a verbose boot up and had to login and enter password and run "startx". Then I got a gray screen before the splash screen.

I had been trying to get alsa to start in the "runlevel" section yesterday, could I have messed something up in there causing this?

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SUSE :: Put The Same Disk Image On Another Computer With The Same Hardware

Jan 18, 2010

I installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on a computer. I would like to clone the hard drive so that I can put the same disk image on another computer with the same hardware.

I used clonezilla to create the hadr disk image, when I restore the image on another computer, I got errors and failed to boot. I later learned that, I have disk-by-id on /etc/fstab and grub/menu.list. So, I went into the computer that I tried to restored using Knoppix liveCD and manually changed the fstab and menu.list so that it used something like /dev/sda1, /dev/sdd2, and /dev/sda3, instead of /dev/disk/by-id/WD....-part1 (part2/part3). When I re-booted the new computer, it still failed to boot.

So, do I have to go back to the original computer, manually edit fstab and menu.list to /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3, then re-create the disk image? Is there anything I have to change so that it does not use disk-by-id any more?

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SUSE :: On Restart The Computer Does Not Recognize The CD In Rom Drive?

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible to have a tri-boot system ? I currently have a dual bootsystem on mydesktop. Win XP & Ubuntu. I want to add SUSE 11.2 but don't know how to go about loading it onto my machine. On restart the computer does not recognize the CD in my rom drive and only asks if I won't to load Windows or Ubuntu. How do I go about adding another OS to my hard drive ? I have an old Gateway with 130Gb hard drive and plenty of unallocated drive space and 512Mb of Ram. I use Windows rarely (almost never but do need it for some applications) and mostly rely on Ubuntu which my wife and I both like and use daily but I want to look at and experience other Linux installations as well

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SUSE :: Drive Mounting, 'Computer' Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I added a second internal hard drive (/dev/sdb1) to a SuSE Linux system. I chose /home/users/STORAGE as a mount point. If I navigate to /home/users/ and right-click on the STORAGE directory and choose properties, I can see the amount of free space in the sdb1 partition of the second hard drive. Everything looks as I expected it to.However, if I choose the 'My Computer' option, click on home from there, which is where /dev/sda1 is mounted) and then navigate to STORAGE, the address bar in Konquerer looks something like this: da1:/users/STORAGEI might not have the format completely right but I do know that sda1 is listed at the beginning of the address. Yet if I copy files into this directory they end up in sdb1. Are there any issues with accessing the directory this way? When I right-click on STORAGE after navigating to /users/ through the My Computer page, the space used/available does not reflect the sdb1 partition.

A second question I have: On the My Computer page each mount location is shown in the top-right corner. The name of the new internal hard drive I added is displayed as "1TB media." That name is also a link to the mount point. How can I change this to something else? I would avoid using the My Computer page all together but there are many other people using this system and most of them know no other way to access thedirectorie

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General :: My Computer And Task Bar Missing In Suse 11.2

Nov 13, 2009

i have missing icons for the computer icon and mozilla icon and the start menu and and task bar are gone as well. i tried running the kicker and plasma command but will not execute type the command after pressing alt + f2. im running kde 4.3.

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Networking :: Unable To Browse The Internet Although The Network Icon Shows The Computer Is Connected?

Jan 31, 2010

I have recently installed Fedora 12 on my pc but I am not able to browse the internet although the network icon shows the computer is connected.

I tried the dig command and got the following message:global options +cmd; connection timed out; servers could not be reached;

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