Red Hat :: Cant Fix Missing Grub.conf?

Dec 8, 2010

I am trying to fix missing grub.conf on RHEL5.I booted from installation media > entered Rescue Mode > issued following cmds:

chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/sda1

:I get a message that installation is finished with no error and a device map is created.
when i reboot (without installation media) i land up at grub>from grub> i did followingroot (hd0,0)setup (hd0)and got successful installation message.On rebooting I again get the grub> prompt

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Fedora :: Kernel Update Doesn't Edit Grub.conf Vmlinuz And Initramfs Missing?

Dec 23, 2010

after yesterday's update to kernel my grub.conf didn't get updated and ll /boot shows that neither vmlinuz or initramfs exist for that kernel. uname -r though tells me I'm running

How can I do that? and on another more reallystic matter how can I generate the missing files so I can manually update grub.conf?

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Fedora :: Get The Graphical Screen Back By Adding Vga=795 To /boot/grub/grub.conf

Nov 21, 2009

since i have installed the nvidia drivers i have lost the graphical boot and just had a bar at the bottom of the screen instead. i tried to get the graphical screen back by adding vga=795 to my /boot/grub/grub.conf but when i rebooted not only did i not get the graphical boot or the toolbar at bottom.

i got list of all the drivers and services it is starting with ok next to it. i have also since doing this lost the bit when restarting or shutting down getting the words restarting or shutting down and just get blank screen with flashing cursor. i removed the vga=795 and i still get the list of drivers/services loading.

how do i get the quiet option back. i have checked /boot/grub/grub.conf and it has the quiet in it.i have also tried running update-grub but get message command not found. i have attached the grub.conf file

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Fedora :: Could Not Open The File /boot/grub/grub.conf?

Aug 31, 2010

I would like to modify the boot loader settings and triedo open the file grub.confHowever, it is said that the file could not be opened, as seen in the attachment.Tried to authenticate as 'root' before opening the file, but the problem still exist...

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Debian Installation :: Missing The Xorg.conf?

May 24, 2010

I'm somewhat spoiled by standard installations that do it all. This time I'm doing it more manually.I've installed a sid guest vm. I want to give it a graphical face, so for a change I've chosen the lightweight xfce.Only I'm missing the xorg.conf. I've installed xdm, so I have a login. However, it can't get in from there.It hasn't yet generated an xorg.conf in /etc/X11.Short of copying one, which I suppose I might try, How do you prompt debian to generate and configure the xorg.conf from scratch?Currently, I have

root@sid:~# tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(II) Xen Virtual Pointer: Found absolute axes
(II) Xen Virtual Pointer: Found x and y absolute axes


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Debian :: LDAP On Squeeze (6.0) Missing Slapd.conf?

Mar 1, 2011

I try to setup OpenLDAP on Debian Squeeze.But it seems the documentation I found is differed than the installation.

Normally I would expect /etc/ldap/slapd.conf as also mentioned at url.However this file does not exists and I got the feeling Debian changes a lot with the default (bit poor if you asked me).Seems they created a LDAP database and put the config in there, correct me if I am wrong?A folder /etc/ldap/slapd.d is created with some config inside. And also a /etc/ldap/ldap.conf does exist.

Is there any documentation on this, and what if I would like to have a flat config in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf?

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Fedora :: Command To Create Missing Xorg.conf File?

Jul 22, 2009

how to create a missing /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

I need to set certain parameters in xorg.conf, and my old xorg.conf won't work on my latest laptop.

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OpenSUSE Install :: .conf Files Missing After Update Timed Out?

Mar 17, 2010

I was running an update to updgrade firefox to the latest version. the update timed out and now when i boot the laptop i get the command line login. Typing startx brings a screen with a black cross in the middle and a black and white background.

In the boot process a lot of errors are coming up saying "conf files need .conf". Also i have noticed an error that says the xorg.conf file is not where it should be. I know this is responsible for graphical boots so could be my problem. However yast and network services are also not working in the command line so i am unable to update to fix this. I installed from a live CD so im unsure how to use this to repair my system?

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General :: "/boot/grub/grub.conf: No Such File Or Directory"?

Jul 3, 2010

I just recently installed a kernel, everything works fine after reboot except. When I use nano -w /boot/grub/grub.conf I get /boot/grub/grub.conf: No such file or directoryIs there something i have to do after installing a new kernel in Gentoo Linux.I can't access my /boot all that appears there is a symlink to /boot How can i see my kernels located in /boot.

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Fedora :: Why GRUB Does Not Display Menu Based On Grub.conf/menu.lst

Jul 28, 2009

I am testing my crash recovery strategy for my linux system and I am having trouble with GRUB. I am basically restoring my backup (i.e. tar) unto a different hard drive, but I am having problems getting the machine to boot without me having to type the GRUB commands at the GRUB prompt that is presented when the machine boots up off the new hard drive. I have tried to restore the MBR in two ways (the 2nd one is the one that gets me to the GRUB prompt):

1. Get the MBR off the original drive and write it unto the new drive (all via dd), but that did not work at all: the machine hangs right away during boot up. It seems to hang right at the point where the BIOS tries to read the MBR.


On original drive:

# dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr+part.bin bs=512 count=1

On new drive (new drive is now in place of original drive):

# dd if=mbr+part.bin of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc

2. By using the FEDORA rescue CD, I installed grub unto the new hard drive as follows:


# chroot /mnt/sysimage
# grub-install --root-directory=/boot hd0

reboot and remove FEDORA CD Using the 2nd option above, I get the GRUB> prompt during bootup. I can then boot into the system by issuing the commands that are in the menu.lst file, followed by the "boot" command. However, I would like for those commands to happen automatically, just like in the original configuration. It seems to me that GRUB is actually finding all its stage files because I doubt the GRUB program (the one displaying the prompt) fits entirely in the 446 bytes it has on the MBR. So, it must be loading its stage 2 (and stage 1.5??) files from my /boot partition. However, if GRUB is loading its stage files off the boot partition, why does it not load/read the menu.lst/grub.conf contained in the boot partition also?


# ls -l /boot
total 22888
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1274567 2009-05-27 16:39
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1274538 2009-06-16 22:27


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Fedora Installation :: F10 Boot Using Grub.conf - No LVM

Apr 14, 2009

I've installed Fedora 10 on the third partition of an external HDD. It has with the following partitions:

(hd0,0) - GRUB bootloader files [PRIMARY]
(hd0,1) - Chainload LILO for another Linux [PRIMARY]
(hd0,2) - Fedora 10, no LVM or Swap (labeled F10) [PRIMARY]

I'm trying to boot Fedora 10 using the following grub.conf:


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Fedora :: Booting Mandriva From Grub.conf?

Sep 9, 2009

What is the configuration issue in the other-than-Fedora-11 stanza below that prevents that OS from booting? That stanza is taken directly from the /boot/grub/menu.lst of that OS, whose root partition is on sda5. All I get upon choosing the menu entry is a blinking cursor and a steady HD light. obsessing over this for a couple of weeks, reading what I can find about grub configuration but without joy.

Here is /boot/grub/grub.conf:

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You do not have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.


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Fedora :: Kernel X86_64 Grub.conf?

Dec 3, 2009

The latest update changed the default boot from 0 to 1 and added extra parameters to the new kernel boot line.

# hiddenmenu
title Fedora (
root (hd0,7)


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Ubuntu :: Move Grub.conf To A New Partition?

Aug 1, 2011

at the moment I am trying to create a script on the Win7 partition of my dual booted laptop that will allow me to change the default of Grub2 OS to ubuntu. To do this I need to transfer the grub configuration files to a small partition which windows can access.There are several tutorials online that show me how to do this with grub legacy, but these are not very clear on how to set the new configuration location in grub, and I am a little wary about touching my boot loader without knowing for sure what I am doing.

Another option I have come across is to chainload grub legacy with grub2 so I can make changes to grub legacy (which I've heard is generally easier to get along with) and test my configuration before I change loaders.Which of these would you suggest? And if I should just make the changes to grub2 then what will be the difference between this and the process of grub legacy?

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General :: Nano Editing Grub.conf Though Commandline?

Oct 12, 2010

I have to edit the grub.conf as there was a issue in running in virtual box, so i went to edit the /boot/grub/grub.conf file ( centos )and run


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Fedora :: Generate Grub.conf File Automatically

Nov 16, 2009

After a kernel upgrade on my linux, my grub.conf become empty. How can I auto generate grub.conf file? I don't want to do it from scratch.

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Installation :: Decide The Parameter Value Of Root In Grub.conf?

Jul 21, 2010

After I installed Linux OS(for example:SuSE10,redhat5),the [root] parmeter of [kernel] in created grub.conf seems that sometimes it's defined to device name.sometimes it's defined to Label or sometimes UUID. So ,I want to know what is that relative to? Hard disk type or OS version or both?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub.conf Modification - Auto Booting

Feb 1, 2010

I have windows vista on one sata HDD, and fedora on a second sata HDD. After installing fedora of course the grub is auto booting fedora. I would like vista to be the default O/S. I dont care if i modify the grub file to have it manually boot vista, or to remove the grub interface all together, i just want it to auto boot vista. My bios is programed to boot my vista drive before my fedora drive, however it keeps booting the grub and it boots fedora, which i find kind of odd. below is the contents of my grub.conf file:


*NOTE: i have already tried changing the 'default=0' to 'default=1' and restarting the computer, as i saw in a different post on these forums, however that did not fix my problem. Im guessing its because i have the operating systems on two seperate drives, where the other guy just had them on a single drive.

**EDIT: after posting i had to modify lines 6 and 10 of my grub.conf file because it had smileys at the end lol. i put a space in between the 8 and the ) for posting purposes only, my actuall file does not have these spaces.

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Fedora :: 14 Grub.conf Points To Wrong Swap?

Jan 3, 2011

I have just completed a clean install of Fedora 14 on a new disc (/dev/sdc)My old system disc (/dev/sda, an LVM 'vg_phenom00') is still installed.I note that my /etc/fstab has entries for the swap space on both disks;

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Mon Jan 3 09:00:29 2011


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Installation :: CentOS4.5 Edit Grub.conf - Says It Is A Read Only File ?

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to edit my grub.conf file. I am logged in as root. It says it is a read only file. I have tried to set permission with chmod 777 and also tried through GUI. Using VI it says it's a read only file. Using nano it will not write either. I have two choices on boot up. I want to automatically go to second automatically. First at the moment is CentOS-4 i386 (2.6.9-55.ELsmp) and second is CentOS-4 i386 (2.6.9-55.EL).

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Security :: Grub.conf File Has Been Cleared On RHEL V4.7 Server

Mar 26, 2010

I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7). The server was recently rebooted and wouldn't come up. After some investigation we found that the system would not boot because several files had been zero'd out (not deleted):

* All of these files had a date of March 11, 2010 with a time 03:46
* A zero byte file called /halt was also found with a date of 08:46

We could manually boot to the latest kernel, but none of the startup scripts would run. We analyzed the system looking for any file created on March 11 that were also 0 bytes. Once we had a list, we were able to determine that the system could be recovered without a full blown reinstallation of the OS.

We did a rescue boot from the installation CD, mounted the system volume privately, and edited the grub.conf file. We then brought up the network and copied the needed files from another RHEL v4.7 system. Rebooted the server and check the OS, databases, and apps.

My question is - Has anyone seen this behavior before? I seems like we may have been cracked or at the very least someone has cleared the files needed to recover the system smoothly.

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CentOS 5 :: Specify Root Option For Kernel Command Of Grub Conf

Feb 12, 2010

I'm using 2 cloned disks with CentOs5.3 and I need to be able to control which one is booted. I can specify which disk in the BIOS but after stage 2 it is always running from disk 2. When I have puppy linux on one disk and CentOs on the other I can boot off of either as selected by the system BIOS so the BIOS is not the issue. I think it is how the root option is passed in the kernel command in the grub.conf.

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-128.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00

I think when the OS searches for the /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 share is locates 2 since the disks are clones and uses the last one found. On information I have found for the kernel command and the root option it appears CentOs uses it differently. CentOs uses a volume name as specified /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 instead of a partition designator /dev/hda2. Is there a different way to specify /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 in CentOS for the root option for the kernel command of grub.conf?

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Fedora Hardware :: Touchpad Doesn't Work When Trying To Set Vga Mode In Grub.conf

Aug 22, 2010

I just tried setting my vga mode in grub.conf so that I can have my boot splash back after disabling nouveau. Works great. Problem is, now, that after doing this my touchpad is disabled. Anyone else run into this? I'm on an HP dv6, FC13, vga=0x37b. I remove vga mode setting and touchpad works again.

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Fedora :: Error When Try To Edit /boot/grub.conf File Or Any Other Files

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to set up some shares on this pc and every time I try to edit the /etc/exports file I get this error. I get the same error when I try to edit /boot/grub.conf file or any other files. Does not matter what editor I use. I'm running f14.

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Hardware :: Dual Monitor - 2nd Monitor Not Coming Up - Xorg.conf Missing Something?

Oct 19, 2009

This is a repost of my initial problem, I need some one who knows what they are doing more than I too take a look at this command output and give some sort of direction/clue/etc on what I'm doing wrong or missing.

Is my xorg.conf missing some vital line(s) or setting?

My best guess is that i'm missing something to tell the Xserver to use both screens, as the Xorg.0.log does not talk about trying to bring up the intel display; but this is just a hunch.

I'm running kubuntu 9.04 with 2 monitors: on-board intel video and a PCI nvidia display: I am using my nvidia display fine, but still can not get my 2nd display (the intel) working. What the heck am I missing?




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General :: Editing Grub.conf To Make Windows Default In Dual Boot?

Mar 31, 2010

I installed Windows XP Pro and RedHat Linux Enterprise 5 on my PC for my purpose. The PC is used by other family members too and they need only Windows OS for browsing. It is becoming problem for them to reboot after the PC enters into Linux by default. I am still learning Linux and I want to edit the /boot/grub.conf file to make Windows as default OS to boot. The following is the content of my grub.conf file (FYI):



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General :: Moving Install To New Hard Drive (Fc12) Mount - Grub.conf, And Rsync?

May 31, 2010

As my proficiency with Linux improves slowly, I've been trying to find the answers for myself, but in this situation I must admit I find myself rather stumped. I have a perfectly nicely working Fedora 12 install on an 80GB SATA drive, and when it hit an error and wouldn't boot last week (easily fixed with fsck from the initial command line) I panicked and ordered a new 250 GB drive. It got here and I might as well use it, I thought to myself, so I went about trying to figure out how to move my install without having to reset all of my settings, programs and so on. I didn't want to mess with dd because I'm not so so clear on resizing my partitions once the copy is done (if someone thinks this is a better idea I'm open to suggestions.) After some poking around I found this set of instructions which I attempted to follow to the letter, but hit some snags. I understand this thread I am referring to may be a bit outdated, which is why (I assume) I hit a bump here

# mount /dev/hdy1 /boot
mount returns an error demanding I specify the file system type. At a loss, I barreled on until


To summarize, I partitioned and mounted my new drive using fdfisk and the instructions provided above, then used rsync to copy over all of the files, so as far as I know the new drive is ready to go, just not yet bootable. Opening the Grub.conf file in Kwrite (as root) returns a blank page. What do I do now?

As a side note, you can see that I am not too squeamish about the terminal, so I would prefer to find a "command line only" solution to this relatively simple (?) procedure.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - Installer From F13 LiveCD Doesn't Detect Other OS - So Grub Conf Is Wrong

Oct 13, 2010

I've just installed Fedora (F13) for the first time, on a new HDD, to give myself a dual-boot system. So currently I have:

So, at the appropriate stage in the install menu, there is an option for where to install GRUB, and a drop-down to choose which drive is the primary BIOS boot drive.

However, in both cases, no other drive except my new sdc is visible. So, I can install GRUB to MBR of sdc, or to first sector of boot partition - but no option to put it to my primary boot drive MBR on sda.

Likewise, in the GRUB configuration page, if I go to Add another OS, the only option it gives me is my new Fedora install. It doesn't list the Vista OS on sda at all.

The result is that I can boot to either OS by changing the boot drive priority in BIOS.

I guess my question is this:
- is this expected behaviour from the installer, meaning that I'll need to configure GRUB manually somehow? (gulp ) or
- did I do something wrong in the install process? or
- is this some weird bug manifesting itself?

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Ubuntu :: Menu.lst Missing In Grub?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to install slackware (i.e. dual boot) along with ubuntu 10.04. I've read some threads as to how to do this and came to know that we need to skip installation of LILO in slackware installation and an entry for slackware in the menu.lst file of grub. I thought I'll take a look at the file before I actually start the installation however I didn't find this file at all in the grub directory.Can someone please tell me if it is normal for this file to be missing or is something wrong here? if there is something wrong then what do I do

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Server :: Removing Ldap \ Shows Pam_ldap: Missing File "/etc/ldap.conf"?

May 23, 2011

I had a machine that is using ldap, but need to remove it completely.I edited the /etc/nsswitch.conf and removed all references of ldapand renamed /etc/ldap.conf to /etc/ldap.conf.bakI can log in as root, but cannot log in as any user in /etc/passwdIn the /var/log it shows pam_ldap: missing file "/etc/ldap.conf"I am guessing I am missing something else?I never set this machine up for ldap, was here when i got here, so not sure of steps to even put ldap on.

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