Red Hat :: System Display Essage Disable IRQ # 209 While Booting / Fix It?

Nov 15, 2010

While booting the system display the msg disable IRQ # 209
How to fix this problem

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Disable Startup For Desktop During Booting System?

Apr 26, 2010

How can I disable the startup for ubuntu's desktop during booting the system?I would like to start it manually.I tried to remove the /etc/init.d/gdm file but no help.

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Fedora :: System-config-display Just Ruined Display?

Jun 29, 2010

I did not have any /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so I read on these forums that system-config-display would create one for me. I ran system-config-display and it created an xorg.conf. But now my display is all messed up!! So, I deleted the xorg.conf and nothing changed. Why on earth would the display still be messed up if I deleted the file that was causing it?? Does system-config-display change somethign else?

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Ubuntu :: Any Way To Disable Display Dimming On A/c Power?

Feb 23, 2010

So my display keeps dimming on even when plugged into the charger.The option to dim display is unchecked in power preferences, it gets really annoying when I'm trying to watch a movie.

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Ubuntu :: Display A Pop-up Message After Booting?

Dec 21, 2010

booting up the PC (Before or After user login) display an "Acceptable Usage agreement" with a OK button. The User must press OK to proceed. The Acceptable Usage agreement shows our companies System network policy. It can be easily done in a windows PC (Look Here). But I don't know how it is configure in ubuntu .

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General :: Grub All Over Display While Booting With USB

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to boot linux kernel from a USB stick. I performed following steps:

1. wrote Grub stag1 to MBR of USB with this command on my linux host.
dd if=/boot/grub/stage1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=512 count=1

2. Mounted the USB and I copied the following files in my USB.

3. Plugged in the USB in the the target machine. Rebooted and changed the booting sequence to boot from USB

My problem is that instead of getting a boot prompt, iIam getting GRUB GRUB GRUB all over the display. I googled out for it and found that if we change the auto-detection oh HDD in bios to manual that may solve the issue, but that did not help. If you happen to know that I am following the correct steps and in right order please point me how can I resolve this issue of GRUB.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Disable Display Power Management?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to disable display power management.

I tried to achieve this by disabling 'Enable display power management' checkbox in the 'Configure Desktop -> Display -> Power Control' KDE configuration dialog. That didn`t help and display still goes into standby mode after some period of inactivity. Also, I tried to disable dpms functionality by calling 'xset -dpms'. That didn`t help too. Note that 'xset dpms force standby'

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable GUI Console On 10.04 - Get Traditional Messages When Booting?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to disable the GUI console on 10.04 Server I want the traditional pure text console ... no plymouth, no plymouth-theme, just 80x24 console. Another question, Is there a way to get those traditional messages when booting? Like 8.04 Server does?


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Fedora :: Booting In Display Upto 800x600

Dec 11, 2009

im running virtual box on an iMAC and when i boot up fedora it only lets me put the display upto 800x600 so its very hard to see and it wont let me select any thing besides like 600x400 or 800x600

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Display Booting After Upgrading?

Jun 26, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop and have tried booting the ISO from a USB stick and also installing it to my HD with Wubi.Unfortunately my experience hasn't been any better than when I tried Ubuntu 8.10When booting the Live iso from my USB stick, my display goes into sleep mode (IE is receiving no signal) from the momentUbuntu begins booting until eventually the desktop appears several minutes later. If I was the average punter I would probably have assumed nothing was happening and rebooted.

As I have some experience with Linux (barely), I thought to try Ctrl-Alt-F1, which brought the monitor back to life and showed the terminal. As soon as I switched back to the main window (Ctrl-Alt-F8 I think) the display went back into sleep mode.Once it had booted, I did "sudo apt-get update", which worked and then "sudo apt-get upgrade", which did a lot of updates and then sent my monitor back into sleep mode, requiring me to reboot!When I tried to boot the Wubi install, again the display went into sleep mode as soon as Ubuntu started booting but this time the desktop never appeared and after about 5 minutes I rebooted.My motherboard is a Gigabyte MA780G-UD3H and I'm using the onboard HD3200 IGP and a Phenom II X3 720 and 4GB DDR2 1066Mhz RAM.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disable Touchpad And Adjust Display WUBI/W7?

May 14, 2011

The "Check if already posted" brings up no results. I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 with Wubi on my Window7 Home Premium laptop. No problems, except that I can't find "System" to make adjustments, specifically:

(1) Disable touchpad (it is disabled in Windows7).

(2) The display is only using about two-thirds of the screen (11.6" Samsung X120). In the Windows7 setup I do have the resolution set at 125% because the fonts are terribly small otherwise on this quite high resolution display.

During the installation I was not taken thru settings screens for things like language, video, like I have been on the very rare occasions I've installed a Linux OS onto its own partition, presumably because Ubuntu 11.04 is being installed as part of Windows7.

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General :: After Installing BackTrack5 / Booting To HDD Fails To Display GUI

Aug 1, 2011

I'm writing this post from the BT5 Live CD. However, after install and reaching a CLI (on the HDD), when I run startx, my monitor simply displays 'invalid format' (obviously this works fine via the LiveCD)... I've installed Ubuntu and Fedora a few times on a few machines, and have never had any issues with the display... not sure where to start troubleshooting.

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Red Hat :: Booting Successful But Failed To Display User Interface

Jul 16, 2010

Ii successfully installed RHEL 5 on my HP pavilion tx200 (tablet) I reboot the system and the booting was successful but failed to display the interface that will allow me to supply my user account, I installed it using custom layout and default layout but the result was the same.

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Software :: Reduce Lvm In Size In RHEL5.0 / System Is Not Booting Saying File System Corrupted Error?

May 14, 2009

reducing the size of LVM. I did it by using the commands, lvreduce,fsck,resize2fs.After reducing the lvm size, my system is not is saying file system corrupted error.

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General :: Boot - Display A Static Image While Debian Is Booting Up?

Aug 19, 2011

I need to show a static image with the logo of our department while Debian boots. Is there any easy way or tool to do this? (Any parameter of the kernel maybe?) It doesn't have to be anything fancy (like a progress bar)... just a plain an simple image.

I've seen many bootsplash projects..but most of them are broken. I tried splashy (which is available on the repo), but by the time it loads, my system is already booted, so I don't really like it. note that I don't have any Xorg server installed.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Started To Display And Computer Booting Slow

Apr 9, 2010

I recently install Ubuntu-studio Desktop and some other packages. And, I upgraded my System. But since then, the Grub has started to display (I have only 9.10 installed, using the entire Disk). Also, unless I select the entry, Grub does not automatically start. The startup takes nearly 1.5 minutes. And, the Login screen, after the installation of Ubuntu Studio GDM, is much slower. I removed the Ubuntu-studio GDM package, still it takes about 20 seconds to allow me to enter Username and password. Any idea?

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Ubuntu One :: Disable It From Doing Anything At All When I Log Into System?

May 5, 2011

Since upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu One insists on trying to synchronise every time I boot into Linux. When I want to log out or shut down I get the message that I can't because Ubuntu One is synchronising. The thing is, I don't use Ubuntu One and don't even have an account. But the control panel doesn't seem to let you change any settings without first signing up. So, how do I disable Ubuntu One from doing anything at all when I log into Linux?

Sorry if this has been asked already. I tried searching but it said that all my search terms were common words.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable System Sounds

Jul 9, 2011

I have upgraded to 11.04, but now I can't seem to disable system sounds. There used to be a window under sound preferences where you could select the sound for various events, like when you type and you hit a limit in the input field. I can't find where I can disable certain system sounds, which I find very annoying. I use Ubuntu classic.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Disable System Bell For All Applications

Sep 2, 2010

I've searched all over Google and searched the forums and I have not been successful in finding out how to disable the System Bell (Beep) computer-wide. It's annoying hearing this extremely loud "BEEP" when I hit backspace one too many times, even when my sound is muted. People look at me like I'm crazy. Even if I try to backspace a non-existent character in my Google Chrome browser, I am struck with a crazy Error Beep. Long story short, how do I disable the System-wide "System Bell" ("BEEP") permanently? I'm on OpenSuse 11.3 using the KDE 4.4.4 Desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Disable 'krunner' From Starting Up With The System?

Feb 10, 2011

I just recently switched from Windows 7 to Ubuntu + KDE and I can't for the life of me find a suitable 'msconfig' replacement.My issue in particular is with the 'krunner' process which I want to replace with 'synapse', but I just can't seem to find where to disable 'krunner' from starting up with the system.The 'Autostart' module in 'System settings' shows nothing. Also 'Pidgin' and 'Cairo-dock' start with the system and I can't find where this information is located. I'd like two things: a way to easily manage applications and services running when the system starts up, and a way to prevent the 'krunner' process from starting up again.

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Ubuntu :: System Not Booting / Fix This?

Jul 21, 2011

So I just got a new custom build and my problem is I can't get Ubuntu to boot at all.
I'm using two identical WD Caviar Blue 500gb drives.
I can boot windows off one, but cannot boot ubuntu from the other.
It just hangs after the bios screen saying loading os.

Any idea how to

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General :: System Not Booting SLC?

Feb 1, 2011

i have window vista and Scientific linux cern on my machine. but today i have installed fedora 14 in my machine. Now machine does not booting scientific linux cern.

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Fedora Hardware :: How To Disable System Sound FC15

Jul 7, 2011

I tried all possible solutions for disabling the worst sound ever (BEEP!). I have this problem only when the login screen appears and after I clicked on my account's icon to write my password and login. I tried to disable it (alert sound) from 'sound' in 'system settings' by muting it or even changing the sound to the other options and nothing happened. Then I search for this problem and found a solution that remove the module by executing

rmmod pcspkr

but I get an error because Module pcspkr does not exist in /proc/modules
so I checked in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and it has the following line under sound drivers

# sound drivers
blacklist snd-pcsp

As I understand, that is the new name of pcspkr and it is blacklisted - how is it still able to play this terrible BBBEEEEPPPP sound at login?

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General :: Temporarily Disable Internet Connection On System

Jan 20, 2011

Is there any way to temporarily "switch off (and back on)" the internet connection on a system (that runs linux)? The following methods are not allowed:Turning off the router. That would lead to a lot of angry young individuals. This method must be particular to my workstation.Use root privileges (coz I do not have them).
Yank the ethernet cable from the system.Why: Sometimes the internet proves to be a distraction.I am using the following system: Fedora release 11 (Leonidas), linux kernel 2.6.30 and GNOME 2.26.3

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Ubuntu :: Disable Filesystem Check After System Crash

Aug 22, 2011

how can I disable the automatic file system check after power outages or system crashes? The check sometimes prompts for a key (ignore, repair etc.) but the panels do not have a keyboard.

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Debian :: Booting A Second System Install From USB

Mar 23, 2015

I have installed a basic Debian system. I have a bootable Windows 7 ISO I'd like to install, but don't know how to do a USB install in Debian. I tried double clicking the USB logo in Debian and got an error message "Unable to mount Location. Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and mkake it setuid root.

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Fedora :: System Is Not Booting Directly From DVD

Sep 2, 2010

I have windows XP with my system, I downloaded Fedora 13 X86.iso image from bit torrent.also GPG keys in this image are 0 byte size. I burned it drectly to DVD. but sytem is not booting directly from DVD even though i changed bootup setup priority to DVD.

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Ubuntu :: Access To Booting The System Via CD?

Jan 29, 2010

His laptop was rebooted and when it loads then it stops after the white ubuntu logo (Karmic version) in a black screen with the message in the top left corner:

init crypto disk. He is desperate to get his information out from the "home folder" and there is denied access to this when booting the system via CD. So I was thinking there might be a pass through "safe mode". How do we make a copy of his home folder and access this information from safe mode.(He is pretty f... if he doesnt get this work out fast)

My linux /ubuntu level i on a starter/user level so if you have some great ideas spell them for me. ooh yes I HAVE looked through other treads, but there have not been a geek good enough to solve the "init crypto disk" problem so others with the same problem was able boot normally.

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General :: Booting System - Get Password?

Oct 20, 2010

I installed the Ubuntu version 10.04.1 in my personal computer but when I first boot the system after installation it ask for an administrator password. Where or how can I get this password?

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General :: Get Faster Booting In System?

Jul 27, 2011

how can I make my system's booting faster. Is Linux support to increase it?

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