Red Hat / Fedora :: Redhat 5 Server Is Slow?

Oct 13, 2010

My Redhat 5 Linux system is "SLOW". . . .My system is 250 GB hard disk, 4 GB RAM and Xeon Processor.Its really getting late to start all the services in the boot it self....Then it takes more than 5 mins to get my Username and Passwd screen....After i entered in to GNU mode its getting even more slower. . .it takes minimum 5 minutes to enter in to OpenTerminal. . . I tried top it is not useful. . .I didn't install any s/w recently

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Smartd For IBM RAID Server(redhat)?

Aug 13, 2010

I am using smartd for monitoring disk's status and i am using smartmontools-5.39.1.tar.gz package for compilation. I am able to compile and run it on HP servers(redhat). Now,i need to execute it for IBM RAID SERVERS too on which compilation is done but i need to configure smartd.conf for them so as to monitor all existing disks. (only DEVICESCAN works in conf file). Rest devices to monitor(eg. ata, sda devices) don't work at all. it is possible in IBM raid servers and if yes, then what configurations should i use.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Connecting To Redhat Server Remotely?

Oct 12, 2010

Our servers use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Tikanga). I would like to remote into the server to install PHP, Apache, MySQL.How can I do that from Windows?How can I do that from Linux? Which Linux distribution is the best for this purpose?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Website Hosted On Virtual Redhat Server

Dec 11, 2010

I have just joined this respective forum and I have a issue with website hosted on Virtual Redhat Server. Scenario is like this I have three virtual redhat server(R1,R2,R3) 5.0 on VMware workstation 7.0 installed on window 7(physical machine), on R1 I have DNS server , On R2 I have Apache web server and I have hosted a website called "" just for testing purpose, R3 is just a normal server nothing installed on it yet..

Problem : I can access my website [URL] from all of my three virtual redhat server but when I try to access it from some of my physical XP,window 7 machines as well as from virtual XP machine present on my local LAN, website cannot be accessed so I am not getting the point why it happens because I checked that my port 80 is listening.

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Server :: Minimum Partition Size Required In Redhat Linux Server For DNS Server Configuration?

May 5, 2011

Right now i have a HP DL 180 Server with 130 Gb Hard Disk & 8 Gb ram after Raiding0+1. i want to configure Domain Controller Server for my office for 200 to 300 Users. what should the partition size must be mentioned in my 130 Gb Hard Disk, is that going to be Sufficient for ME ?

i am bit confused about /Usr /Var /Boot partitions, as i need to manage perfectly in 130 GB

if i go with 4 Gb swap and remaining for " / " is that will be fine ? should i need to specify partition sizes separately for / tmp /var / usr ..

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Server :: Configure Redhat Enterprise Server 4 As Router And Proxy Server

May 18, 2010

Im new in linux i want to configure my redhat machine as both router and transparent proxy!

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Fedora Networking :: F14 Samba Server With Slow Write Speed

Aug 4, 2011

I had a F14 samba server working flawlessly now for a quite time. Unexpectedly about a month ago the write speed slowed down around 64kbit/s and that's really slow. I haven't changed any configs, only updated the server. I've troubleshooted this from many angles:
-It is not a network issue because sftp writes are good.
-It is not a RAID1 issue because write speed from another directory (locally) are good.
So basically samba is the only thing left.

Here's example from smb.conf:
comment = My share
path = /mnt/RAID_share
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
writelist = +smbuser

Here's a snip from logs today:
[2011/08/04 09:04:27.509273, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:04:47.526336, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:17:57.634660, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/08/04 09:18:17.635196, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown .....

There's a restart that is not software related.

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Server :: Rsync Files And Directories From A RedHat Host To A Windows Server 2003R2?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to rsync files and directories from a RedHat linux host(v 4.5 & 4.7) to a Windows server 2003R2 Standard Edition with cygwin running. I'm executing the rsync command from the cygwin shell. The transfer involves rsync'ing approximately 1 TB of data from the linux server to the windows server. After about 280+GB of data transfer, the transfer just dies.

There seems to be no particular file or directory that the transfer stops at. I'm able to rsync GB's of data from other linux hosts to this cygwin server with no problem. Files and directories rsync fine.The network infrastructure is essentially the same regardless of the server being rsync'ed in that it is GB Ethernet running through Cisco GB switches. There appear to be no glitches or hiccups across the network path.

I've asked the folks at if they know of any problems or issues. Their response has been neutral in that if the version of rsync that cygwin has ported is within standards then there is no rsync reason this problem should happen.I've asked the cygwin support site if they know of any issues and they have yet to reply. So, my question is whether the version of rsync that is ported to cygwin is standard. If so, is there any reason cygwin & rsync keep failing like this?

I've asked the local rsync on linux guru's and they can't see any reason this should fail from a linux perspective. Apparently I am our company cygwin knowledge base by default.

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Server :: Configure RedHat As A Time Of Day Server For A Docsis Modem System

May 13, 2011

I have been able to find enough information that I need to enable 'time-udp' in /etc/xinetd.d/ But there isn't an entry for time-udp. How do I enable time-udp (Time of Day server) on a Red Hat system? It's RHEL 5.6 64bit.

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Server :: Unable To Load Redhat 9 Server After Disk Recovered?

Mar 13, 2011

I got this type of messages:k journald starting. commit interval 5 seconds.EXT3.fs:mounted file system with ordered data modefreeing unused kernel memory : 212 k freed.Warning:unable to open an initial consoleAfter this Server is not hang state but stay at same Anybody can help me how to resloved this type of issue.

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Server :: Redhat Version 5 Server Use As BTSN Exchange?

Mar 6, 2011

i had redhat version 5 server , i want use it as BTSN exchange can i used for this, and how

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Server :: How To Install Bind Server On RedHat 5

Apr 26, 2010

How to install step by step to install bind server on RHEL 5.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Difference Between NIS And Redhat Dir Server?

Apr 6, 2009

It seems that NIS/NIS+ and Redhat Dir Server/CentOS Dir Server have similar functions.

What are important differences between them?

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Server :: Server Slow : Apache Mysql Fine Tuning Server For Faster And More Responsive?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running a linux cloud server with the following config
1.2ghz Processor allocation
752MB Ram

The site loads slow and clicking a link almost freezes the page for a second. Also, the page loads could be much faster. We've been running mysqltuner and have pretty much optimized all slow queries. Is there anything we can do to fine tune the server for faster and more responsive?


Timeout 20
KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 5
<IfModule prefork.c>

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Red Hat :: Redhat 5 Windows XP Dual Boot Boots Only Into Redhat?

Jan 11, 2011

I had Windows XP working. I then put in a new hard disk and installed Redhat 5 on it. rom then i could only boot into Redhat. Further, everyting is very slow. Anothe rproblem is that Redhat does not see my netwrok so I cannot get onto the Internet. I need to have the choice of booting into XP or Redhat.

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Server :: How To Install Ns2 In Redhat 5?

Nov 10, 2010

what are necessary requirements to install ns2.can i install ns2 in redhat5v

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Server :: How To Load Tun In RedHat

May 9, 2010

how to load tun in RedHat

uname -a

Linux server 2.6.18-028stab067.4 #1 SMP Thu Jan 14 17:06:11 MSK 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Server :: Can't Ping To Other Network On Redhat 6

Jun 10, 2011

Why my redhat can;t ping to other network( if ping to gateway is ok) and than i can use internet and resolve to dns. selinux status is disable and iptables is flush

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Server :: Compiling Rsyslog 4.x Or 5.x On Redhat 5.5?

Apr 9, 2010

We want to begin centralizing our system logs to a dedicated server, using a daemon that is flexible and offers more features. After some research, I decided to give rsyslog a whirl (versus syslog-ng).roblem has come down to compilation errors which, unfortunately, I've not been able to resolve otherwise (rsyslog forums) and it appears this is a larger problem with the product. So before I begin making another decision, I wanted to get some input from others here.Here is a snippet of the errors:

/usr/local/src/rsyslog/rsyslog-5.4.0/runtime/queue.c:1291: undefined reference to `ATOMIC_SUB'


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Server :: CVS Configuration On Redhat Enterprise ?

May 11, 2009

Installation of CVS on Redhat linux

Installing CVS on Redhat Linux Redhat Enterprise 4.0

The following steps give simple steps to install CVS software on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.0.

1) Download the tarball cvs-1.11.1p1.tar.gz
2) Run "gunzip cvs-1.11.1p1.tar". You will get file called cvs-1.11.1p1.tar.
3) Then extract this file using command
"tar -xvf cvs-1.11.1p1.tar".
4) Then go to directory cvs-1.11.1p1.
5) There you will find a file called INSTALL. Read it once carefully.
6) Now run the command "./configure."
7) Build it using the command "make".
8) Install binaries/documentation using command "make install".
9) Now open file called /etc/services and add the following lines.
Cvspserver 2401/tcp # CVS client/server operations
cvspserver 2401/udp # CVS client/server operations
10) Open file called /etc/xinetd.conf and add the following lines to that file.
service cvspserver
Port = 2401
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
passenv =
server = /opt/bin/cvs
server_args = --allow-root=/home/cvs -f pserver
env = HOME=/home/cvs
log = /var/log/cvslog
11) Space on both sides of = in the above file is a must.
12) Restart xinetd services by running command " services xinted restart "
13) Check whether CVS is running on the port 2401 by using the following command "nmap IP |grep 2401". If the CVS server is running correctly it will give output as "2401/tcp open cvspserver ".

It doesn't output like "2401/tcp open cvspserver"

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Server :: Find Version Of Redhat?

Jun 12, 2011

I have redhat cd's(total 5 cd's). I want to install RHEL4. My problem is that I am not sure that cd's are RHEL4 version. How can check the version of rhel using cd's?

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Server :: Config The Redhat Add To AD (server2003)?

Apr 7, 2010

there is an active directory in our company , the AD's system is server2003 , now i wanna to make the redhat5 system to add AD.

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Server :: Install DB2 8.2 On REDHat System 5?

Apr 20, 2011

Could you possible to install UDB DB2 8.2 install on redhat linux 5 .. what is the procedure please reply are send me the installation link..

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Server :: Yum Update While Doing Redhat Upgrade From 5.2 To 5.6

Aug 18, 2011

# yum update Loading "rhnplugin" plugin Loading "security" plugin Skipping security plugin, no data Setting up Update Process Resolving Dependencies Skipping security plugin, no data

--> Running transaction check
---> Package stunnel.i386 0:4.15-2.el5.1 set to be updated -----> It hangs here and there is no further progress after this stage

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Server :: Redhat Cluster NFS Mounting?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying to build cluster computer system using redhat linux enterprise 5.5. And I'm on the step to set up the NFS mounting. (step 3 of part VI on this paper: However, I kept getting "permission denied" when I used the command "mount -t" to mount the slave node onto the hard drive of the master node. Even when I edited /etc/fstab file to make it automatically set up during booting, I still receive the same result. By the way, I've already logged in as a root user on both slave and master nodes.

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Server :: Install Red5 On A Redhat 9?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm after the easiest way to install red5 on a redhat 9 server?
i have ssh accses is there a apt-get , or a yum command i could run to install it .like urpmi (Im a mandrivia user mostly)
if so what might this command look like?

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Server :: Deploying RedHat From HP RDP (Altiris)?

Aug 2, 2011

I have no choice, everybody including windows needs to be deployed from within the same tool and "they" choose HP RDP Altiris.

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Server :: Redhat - Solaris - Host Went Down - RCA ?

May 1, 2011

My server running on RHEL/Solaris went down of its own. I have rebooted the box and now the host is up. what are all the log files do i need to check to find root cause for this issue. I have already checked /var/log/messages and sar logs but not of much help.

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Server :: Root Mirroring On Redhat?

Jan 20, 2010

Is root mirroring is supported in RHEL /RHAS operating systems? If so, how to find out whether the root mirroring is enabled or not?

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