Red Hat / Fedora :: Lighttpd Not Working - IP Don't See Anything

Jun 29, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.2(i think). But my Lighttpd does not work. Code: /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart

Stopping lighttpd: [ OK ]
Starting lighttpd: [ OK ]

it should work. When I browse to my IP i don't see anything. I just brought a VPS, so trying to get it working

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Slackware :: Function To Check If Lighttpd Running Has Exception When There's No Lighttpd

May 7, 2010

what the procedure is to file bugs against slackware so I will post here. The rc.lighttpd I have works but the function to check if lighttpd is running has an exception when there's no lighttpd.

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Programming :: Use Mod_perl With Lighttpd?

May 2, 2010

Is possible to use mod_perl with lighttpd?

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Server :: Lighttpd - After Installation Could Not Get Web Pages

Aug 9, 2010

I have installed lighttpd from svn as


Then I created four directories


And ls -l for following is


So permissions are correct upto here.



Changed the following to






Now I run


I can see


lighttpd is running.

Following is lighttpd.conf [url]

I created some html pages in /var/lighttpd/ in a directory called jp (which I had made).
Permissions of Document ROOT


And the directory


I was not able to see the webpages [url] but I was able to see [url] so why I could not browse the directory jp

I am getting a 404 not found error. Where as the page exists.

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Repository Does Not Include Lua / Lighttpd?

May 14, 2009

Yum answers that it does not contain lighttpd or lua in the repositories (base,updates,addons,extra). Where can I find a repository containing these packages or should I revert to building myself ?

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CentOS 5 :: Apache Vs Lighttpd / Big Difference In These - Which Is Best?

Jul 31, 2009

Is there a big difference? Which do you prefer?

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CentOS 5 :: Use Yum To Upgrade Lighttpd And Install LUA

May 26, 2010

I am running CentOS 5.5 Final on my VPS and IO am using lighttpd for a webserver. I am trying to find a way to upgrade this to the latest version using Yum.I want to find a repository that will allow me to upgrade to lighttpd-1.4.26-2.el5 with the required dependencies. I would also like to do the same for LUA 5.1.4.I have found older versions of lighttpd but not the latest in an RPM / Yum installable version. I have found tarballs and binary version but I am of the understanding that I should use yum to manage my packages to keep the system neat and easy to upgrade / remove etc. in future.

Can anyone advise me as to where I can find these programs and how I would connect to the right repository to get them.

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Ubuntu :: Install Lighttpd With Arm - Cannot Find -lpcre

Apr 27, 2010

I am trying to install lighttpd into ubuntu with arm. BUT when I configure the file, it gives out an error!


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 200 Error When Using Lighttpd To Stream Flv

Mar 2, 2011

We are able to stream the video fine from while the flv file is located in the /var/videos/flv folder. We have a second volume that we formatted and mounted as /media/data/videos/flv. We have changed the path in the lighttpd config file to match this. When we play the video we are receiving:200, Stream not found, NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound, clip" "[Clip]"/media/data/videos/flv/test.flv".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Have Lighttpd Not Autostart At Boot

Jul 16, 2011

How do I stop Lighttpd server from auto starting when I boot? I'm using it on my laptop for testing and I'd like to turn it on when I need it but not have it autostart.

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Server :: Lighttpd Anti-hotlinking For Images ?

Jan 7, 2011

Lighttpd anti-hotlinking for images i just want these domain to link my imgages (,,,,the other site will be redirect to [url].

lighttp configuration :


This configure onle effect to no effect to (,, i still dont know why..

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Server :: Multiple SCGI Servers With Lighttpd?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to configure lighttpd to send SCGI requests to different ports, depending on what file(s) are accessed. Is this possible? This is what I've tried, and it hasn't worked.


$HTTP["url"] == "URL1" {
scgi.server = (
"/RPC2" =>


SCGI requests aren't sent to the correct port, regardless of what file is accessed.

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Software :: Get Per Directory Configuration In Lighttpd Aka Htaccess?

Aug 17, 2010

the questions is how to get per directory config working for lighttpd? so far from googling i've seen people trying to use conditionals to match certain rules for a vhost , but i don't think that messing around with the main config file for each directory/vhost/whatever is such a good idea.

More importantly , i'm looking for a standardized method to achieve this which would work by simple putting an htaccess-like file into a directory and do the magic. i'm not interested in maintaining apache htaccess syntax , only to get the per directory config to work regardless of the syntax used.

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Programming :: Lighttpd Startup Script Failing?

Aug 4, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.04Following is a startup script I am trying.



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Networking :: Lighttpd Breaks After Large System Update?

Feb 24, 2010

I am not fully sure if this belongs more to the networking section or the software. O hope it is related to here enough.

My problem is as the topic says.

My port 80 seems to be already taken. lighttpd fails to start reporting that it cannot bind to port cause its already taken.
The error message itself:

"Starting web server: lighttpd2010-02-21 07:01:02: (network.c.345) can't bind to port: :: 80 Address already in use failed!"

I am not able to crack this by myself. Ihve tried investigating this by

lsof -i :80
netstat -ape | grep -v unix

First doesn't show anything second anything abt port 80.

Now hints I can think of. Maybe you have more experience and ideas what I can do and where should I look for the culprit.

I am using debian (unstable) and lighttpd. I even tried rebooting; it says that the port is taken already at the boot sequence (well it starts pretty much at end anyway but the system should be clean).

It seems that it started failing after a major distro update, so maybe there are some conflicts based on ipv6/v4 or something, though I have no idea what it could be. Well my hit for that is the part of error msg "bind to port: :: 80 ". This "::" looks like ipv6 naming convention. Maybe its lighttpd internal.

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Server :: CentOS 5 Make Qmailadmin Work With Lighttpd?

Aug 20, 2010

I have been searching in the forum and google but still not lucky enough to figure out yetI have a lighttpd server runningbecause apache consume so much CPU and memory) andqmailtoaster (just setup).Here is the configuration in cgi modules:

cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl",
".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl",


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Server :: Installing Lighttpd From Svn Unable To Start Script?

Aug 4, 2010

I have followed all the steps as mentioned on documentation.except automake (I am not clear as where to make automake)

I logged in as Root on a Ubuntu system
and then

cd /opt
svn checkout svn://
cd lighttpd-1.4.x
make install

After this what do I need to do to be able to start the lighttpd ?After this I did not found any script /etc/init.d/lighttpd. so what more has to be done ?

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Server :: Lighttpd Access.log File Is 73 GB - How To Clear It Partially

May 19, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server running with lighttpd.

The file, access.log has utilized 73GB at: logs/lighttpd/, which contains data since 3 to 4 years (approx.)

So, i need to have only last 6 months logs in the file and the rest to be cleared.

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Server :: Lighttpd - Name Index.html Of Additional Domain?

Apr 13, 2011

For the 1st domain,say domain1. I name the index file as:


3 identical files. It works seamlessly. On browser its webpage can be evoked. Now I add another domain, say domain2. How shall I name its index files?


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Server :: Lighttpd - Slow HTTP POST Attack

Jan 31, 2011


I ran across the above article, which described a DoS attack in which requests are sent very slowly to the Web server. I'm running lighttpd 1.4.28 on a Gentoo Linux server, and I'm wondering if there is anything I could do in preparation to defend against such an attack.

A bug report [url] seems to indicate that there was a patch in place already against this sort of attack, but I wanted to be sure that was the same thing and if there was anything else I needed to do.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Installed Lighttpd - Get 404 Not Found In Browser

Jul 31, 2010

This is what I did till now and all was installed with success:
yum update
wget [URL]
yum install lighttpd
chkconfig --levels 235 lighttpd on
/etc/init.d/lighttpd start
Must I configure something else too? if yes... what?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lighttpd 404 Error Page Not Found Message

Jul 7, 2010

I installed lighttpd to be able to view cgi files that display the status of my UPS. For the most part is has worked w/o incident i.e. until recently when the UPS battery failed on my APC backups xs 1500 lcd. I could not view the multimon.cgi file via the localhost or url e.g.: [URL]... I'd get 404 page not found message. After checking links here and on the web, I tried: [URL]... The page is displayed. From this discovery, I'm not sure that this is a web server configuration or a network host configuration issue or what. I'm running Lucid with all updates, no mods to lighttpd except I added the mod_fastcgi line to the lighttpd.conf file

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Server :: Lighttpd: Backend Is Overloaded + Multiple Php-cgi Processes In D State?

Sep 24, 2010

I've got this problem for a few weeks and I cannot figure out. I'm pulling my hair out. I have a server installed PHP, lighttpd and redis. Sometimes, I got the following messages in the error log of lighty: Code: 2010-09-24 13:57:33: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to anoth er backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 567 2010-09-24 13:57:33: (mod_fastcgi.c.3011) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to anoth
er backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 626 and:


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Software :: Cronjob Schedule To Run Php Script On Lighttpd Server Internally?

Mar 29, 2011

I know that you can access and run any script of the web by wget:



But this is literally accessing it externally through the web, i think that it is safer and faster to access the script internally. I am using lighttpd to host my php pages, and is there a way to do that? I have had some hosting experiences, the cronjobs on the hosts let u input:


* * * * * php /public_html/path/page.php

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Wordpress To Work With Lighttpd And Wordpress Hostname

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to get wordpress to work with lighttpd and my home test server... <name> as my IP is not static... When I install wordpress ( via apt-get ) and set it up through install script like this:

bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n wordpress <name> It is accessible from outside of my network but not from local one where the sever ip is From outside it is using correctly domain <name> but from inside when I try to use ip from other pc on net it will not work..a s it still using <name> in all links... Also I would like to have it in <name> as I have another test site in <name><test_Site> which by thee way works from inside and outside of my network.... its just wordpress ...

I have followed this guide: [URL] but its for apache... I spend whole night searching for some solution and now I'm dead tired and you are my last hope ...( ....Obi Wan Kenobi ) So does someone running wordpress in setup like I described above, if yes

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Lighttpd To Work Correctly - "No Configuration Available..."

Jun 29, 2010

Lighttpd works correctly under debian, but not Ubuntu 10.04. Lighttpd does not start automatically, and when I try to start it from the command line, I get: lighttpd "No configuration available. Try using -f option"

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General :: An Isolated System In Total Chroot Running Lighttpd, Mysql, Ssh - Get "Connection Refused"?

Aug 12, 2010

Basically they all cover running a 32bit app running on 64bit host and so on.I want to have an isolated system in total chroot (running lighttpd, mysql, ssh, etc from there).(For security reasons I have to isolate the dev from the live one.) So I installed the chroot environment, mounted all the neccessary things and chrooted in. Everything went fine. Edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to use port 22222 instead of 22. Used service ssh start then. It says service running but if I try this: ssh -p 22222 localhost I get "Connection refused". The chrooted is system is very minimal so far so there is no firewall, hosts.allow/deny or anything.

ps.: The chroot environment will be a development area as I already mentioned. I thought chroot is the easiest way but if you say KVM is better or something I can go for it. The machine is easily capable of running even 10 VMs easily.

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Ubuntu :: Lighttpd "No Configuration Available. Try Using -f Option"?

Jun 29, 2010

I can not get lighttpd to work correctly. I keep getting the error:Quote:lighttpd "No configuration available. Try using -f option"

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Server :: Lighttpd 1.4.28 Won't Start - How To Start It

May 25, 2011

Fresh install, followed the directions,

# ./configure --with-mysql --with-openssl --with-openssl-libs=/usr/lib (MySQL 5.5.12 & OpenSSL 1.0.0)

Everything seemed to go well enough. Stock lighttpd.conf. However, it won't start on boot. Not even manually via:

# /etc/init.d/lighttpd start
# /etc/init.d/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (came across that while scouring Google).

No messages, no logs, nothing. ?

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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