Red Hat / Fedora :: F14 - Installation In External USB Drive - Put MBR In Sdc Instead Of Sdc1?

Nov 3, 2010

Installing in external drive at the point where to put the GRUB loader I have these choices :

1. Master Boot Record (MBR) at -dev/sda (internal HDD)

2. First Sector of boot partition - dev/sdc1 (external USB HDD)

How can I put MBR in sdc instead of sdc1?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Move Hard Drive Installation To External Drive?

Mar 30, 2011

i have installed fedora 14 with so many libraries ,development tools installed on my pc but i usually have to present some projects which can run on my system .........and can't be executed or compiled due to absence of libraries and tools there so, i there some way to so that i can use this current installation on my hard drive of my pc to some external media like external hard disk and plug and use that installation anywhere on any system..

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Hardware :: External HDD - "/dev/sdc1 Is Not A Block Device"

Dec 25, 2010

I have an external WD drive (model WD800B015) that works fine under Windows. When I try to mount it under Slack 12.2 (kernel, I get a message saying "/dev/sdc1 is not a block device." WD categorically does not support Linux. A google search has not produced any useful results.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Fedora 11 On External USB Drive With Anti-virus?

Sep 28, 2009

I have a Western Digital Pasport 320 GB hard drive. I wanted to create a live installation on it like a USB stick. I wanted it to serve as a portable OS that I could use to boot any other computer off of, and use it for diagnostics and anti-virus scanning on Windows based computers. The additional space is for my own personal use, kind of like having a mobile desktop where I have all of my documents in one place.What I need to know is how to set up Fedora 11 so that the hard drive will boot on most PCs regardless of their architecture. I also need to know what's a good Anti-virus to install onto it for the sake of fixing Windows hard drives.

Please keep in mind I'm a noob when it comes down to a lot of things, so if there's an antivirus I have to install manually, please included a step by step.

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Fedora Installation :: Running Fedora 11 On External Usb Hard Drive

Aug 3, 2009

Background is this: Laptop has an internal h/d (obviously) so I removed it from laptop. Then set Bios to boot from external h/d. Installed Fedora 11 on ext. h/d no swap partition as drive already has 4 partitions. Fedora ran lovely!! I then replaced internal hard drive but left bios to boot from external hard drive. Boot screen for fedora came up, hit enter and fedora started loading. The little balloon started filling up, got to a quarter full and then screen went black. Had to reboot to get going again,same thing happened. Can anybody tell me what may be causing it,i.e. black screen. Fedora boots up and runs lovely with internal h/d removed. Any help very gratefully received. M/c has intel dual core processor, 3 gig of ram.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing F10 On External Hard Drive Disk

Apr 9, 2009

I have got a hold of a extra hdd along with a hdd enclosure. I have tried looking for information on how to install linux on to one but haven't been completely successful on my search. So I turn to all of you. I was also wondering if its possible to have it were I can use it on multiple computers so I can use it for computer repair.

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Fedora Installation :: Mount External Hard Drive Using Fedoracore 15 On A Verbatim 500 GB?

Jun 4, 2011

I want to mount external hard drive using fedoracore 15 on a Verbatim 500 GB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 11.04 On External Hard Drive Drive?

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to install Linux Ubuntu 11.04 on an external hard drive - its partitioned and ready for Linux.I've downloaded and burnt the .iso file to a DVD so its all good so far...First of all... is this possible without messing up my macbook? I don't particularly want to break into my macbook to disconnect the hard drive (I read on a tutorial for a previous version of Ubuntu that I'd have to do that... - does it still apply to 11.04?) - as it voids the warranty (I checked ).The reason I ask this is because I had a friend who partitioned their internal hard drive and installed Ubuntu on it. But after installation was complete they couldn't boot up Windows 7 or Ubuntu... and it resulted in them having to clean install Windows 7... - I don't want to end up in that situation

Second... If it is possible to install it without messing up my macbook... - Do I just follow the install instructions but just make sure that where possible I make sure that everything is installed on my external hard drive?...I really need someone to put my mind at rest that everything will run smoothly and that I'll be able to run Mac OS X as usual but also that I'll be able to boot from my external hard drive to run Ubuntu.

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Fedora Hardware :: When Safely Remove Drive Menu Is Clicked On External Hard Drive

May 30, 2011

I have 350GB external Western Digital USB hard Drive.When I try to remove it from the system by executing Safely Remove Drive menu the fedora 15 system gets stuck.The processor starts giving a hum sound and it goes on even if it is left for half an hour in the stuck state.The Mouse is not working and everything is halted.

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Software :: Ubuntu Installed On External Hard Drive, Can't Startup Without External Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2009

I have 2 ubuntu's: 1 on my ineternal hard drive, 1 on my external

When I startup without my ext drive =>GRUB error 21.

And when I plug it in I can choose: the standard ubuntu kernel is the one on my external, and the original one is listed under other...

I'd like to be able to startup without external hard drive and make the ubuntu on my internal drve the standard.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Full Installation On USB External Hard Drive?

Apr 26, 2010

I disconnect my internal Windows hard drive first. Then run the installer from the Desktop CD. Everything works great.This is approximately the steps I take: I reboot, everything is good. I reconnect my internal hard drive, boot to Windows, reboot back to Kubuntu, everything is still good. I run updates and follow the instructions of the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto. I reboot again, still no problems. At this point, I figure everything is OK and I have no worries. I boot to Windows and do some work in that environment. The next time I boot to the external Kubuntu hard drive, I get the following errors:

Begin: Starting AppArmor profiles ...
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation On External Hard Drive Fail

Jan 10, 2011

My original intention was to install a distribution of Ubuntu onto an external hard drive so i can use it on different computers. I first downloaded and burned a copy of Ubuntu 10.10 and booted my Acer laptop to it. I then plugged in my external hard drive and tried to install ubuntu onto it by partitioning the external hard drive. After I did that, I booted from the external hard drive on my laptop and it ran the new distribution i created. However, when I tried to boot it from a different computer it said something like "partition not found." So the next time I tried to install ubuntu onto the external hard drive with out partitioning it, using the entire drive. This is what started to cause problems.

Now when I start up my laptop without the external hard drive plugged in i get "error: no such device: xxxx..... grub rescue>. When I start it up with the hard drive plugged in a grub comes up with the new installation, my old ubuntu installation, and my old windows vista.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Reformatting External Drive - Error "drive Doesn't Show Up At All Via Df -k"

Apr 15, 2011

I need to re-format an external drive. All the instructions I have found start with figuring out where the drive is mounted (sda, hda, etc.). However, as soon as my RH Linux machine sees the drive's format (ntfs) it decides it won't even mount it in the first place. Gives me an error message. Also, the drive doesn't show up at all via "df -k". how to convince RHL to be a little more accepting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Eee From External Cd Drive?

Mar 13, 2010

I was wondering wether it is possible to boot an eee 901 from an external usb cd drive? (for those who are unfamiliar with the eee, it has no internal cd drive) The cd drive is not listed in the bios boot menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: On External Drive Through The USB Port On 9.10

Apr 2, 2010

I have windows on my internal drive on a dell D 800. I removed the drive and installed 9.10 on an external drive through the USB port. It works great, until I put the internal drive back in. With the F12 button on startup, and choosing the USB device to boot from, I get a grub recover>. If I remove the internal drive it boots fine with this method. I don't want to have to remove the HD each time. Do you have any idea what to do? Is there a command I can enter at the grub recover prompt?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On External USB Drive

May 23, 2010

A while ago I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot on my Windows XP machine. It worked ok, but I quickly realised that I had neither the hard drive space or RAM to really run a dual-boot machine properly. So, I tried to uninstall Ubuntu and return to XP. Unfortunately, I discovered that uninstalling is not that straightforward and I've ended up with a theoretical dual-boot but with the HD repartitioned so that Ubuntu takes up the smallest amount of space possible. Because of this, when the machine boots, I still get a GRUB boot screen where I have to manually select XP to continue with the boot. (Ubuntu is still the default boot OS - I don't know how to change this!)

I've now decided to install Ubuntu again but this time on an external USB hard drive. In my head (and this could be wrong) this will give me the option to run the machine with Ubuntu if the external HD is connected or run XP if it is not.I've seen several tutorials about how to do this, but none seem to address the situation where GRUB is the boot loader already. Some tutorials tell me to disconnect the internal HD before attempting to install Ubuntu on the external. Do I really need to do this? Another alternative I've heard of is to download a LIVE cd to the external drive and then run the OS from that instead of performing a full install. Any thoughts?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bootloader On External Drive?

Oct 1, 2010

I recently installed Maverick RC to a partition on my external drive.Following the GUI, I used the advanced option and installed the bootloader to "sdb" and had Maverick install to a partition on the external drive (I want the GRUB to be on the external drive so I can boot directly into Win7 when I don't have the external connected). And, to note, I did set my BIOS to boot from the external drive first, I have that option in my BIOS. So, when I finished installing, I rebooted and all I got was a "-". Not even a "disk not bootable message". It just hung at "-" .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get On External Hard Drive?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm a newbie and can't get to linux on my external hard drive. I recently did a full install of Ubuntu 10.10 and am currenly running XP on my main drive. When I boot I can choose to go to my ext hard drive, which holds Ubuntu, but I'm stuck with a grub command line. What do I need to do to boot into Ubuntu from grub?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 On External Hard Drive?

May 6, 2011

I was wondering if it were possible to run and boot Ubuntu off of an external hard drive, I have a Seagate Free Agent 1.5 Terabyte external hard drive, I formatted it to FAT32 but am willing to reformat if necessary. I just really want to be able to have Ubuntu to run off of an external hard drive.

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Installation :: Debian Install To External Drive

Jul 9, 2010

I have the Debian Lenny 5-0-5 DVD's but they are not live bootable. They come with a setup.exe file which copies over the kernel images to boot from windows. Thing is that at the moment I am running the Ubuntu distro of Debian and cannot use the setup to do it. Can anyone tell me how to boot this disk in ubuntu itself?

Also does the debian installer allow you to choose which disk it installs to?(I am talking about the thing in the ubuntu installer that allows you to partition disks and define your own mount points before the install)

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Fedora :: Rename An External Usb Drive?

Aug 11, 2010

Does anyone know how to rename an external usb hard drive?

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Fedora :: External Drive Seen In Mint But Not 14?

May 15, 2011

I have a computer with an Asus M2N68-AM plus mother board running Fedora 14 that will not show external usb flash drives or hard drives when I plug them in. I used to run Linux Mint 9 on this computer and switched to Fedora because of easier LVM support out of the box. Mint would mount these devices just fine.

To simplify the issue and rule out anything I did since the installation, I tested this on both the Mint 9 live DVD and Fedora 14 live cd (both 32-bit versions, if that makes a difference) with the same results.

Just to be clear, I'm still somewhat new to Linux. I'm reasonably sure it's an issue with seeing the devices in the first place and not just an auto-mounting problem.

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Debian Installation :: Linux Not Booting From USB External SSD Drive

Sep 14, 2014

Debian not booting from USB external SSD drive. Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae been installed on new SSD, attached to Windows 7 laptop. When I select "USB storage" in Windows boot order menu and try to boot, Linux not booting, every time loading Windows. Is it ever possible to boot linux with such setup?

[URL] .....

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Debian Installation :: Won't Boot From External Hard Drive

Sep 18, 2015

I have got a 1TB USB hard drive, which I partitioned to be 500GB NTFS and on the other half I installed Debian 8.1.0. During graphical install I selected to install the bootloader not to the MBR but also to the external drive. After completing the installation I wanted to boot into Debian, but it just started Windows, which is installed on my internal. Even after choosing the USB drive in the boot menu, Windows booted. I later installed the bootloader to my internal, then I could boot into both Debian and Windows, but only if my hard drive was plugged in.

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Boot From External Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2016

I have a 2TB external Hard drive that nonetheless is being used for booting Debian off of. I have downloaded the "debian-8.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso" and have extracted it to my external hard drive. The letter assigned to this drive is "I". When I shut it down and enter the boot settings, it asks me for a name and a path for a new boot option. I have tried many different paths including:

Code: Select allI:setup.exe

I renamed the original Debian download (debian-8.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso) to "debian" so I didn't have to type the long file name into the path. When I type in "I:debian.iso" as the path and restart it pops up with a grub prompt, in my mind that tells me that some part of the debian.iso file is corrupted.

Dual Core i5-3317U, 1.7 GHz, Turbo boosted
1TB Internal Memory
64-bit OS and processor
Windows 8.1 Default OS

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 9.10 On An External Hard Drive?

Feb 20, 2010

I looked around on these forums and google and came to no solution so, I decided to make this thread. I'm using Windows XP and after I downloaded and tested out Ubuntu 9.10, I decided I'd like it as a second OS, can I install Ubuntu on my external hard drive (1TB)? would installing on an external hard drive take away the risks of losing data etc? If I installed Ubuntu on my external hard drive would it delete any files already on my hard drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install To An ESATA External Drive?

Mar 19, 2010

If I wanted to install Ubuntu to an external eSATA drive, how would I do that and not screw up the GRUB install on my primary internal drive? I'm guessing I would want to tell that eSATA installation to install its GRUB to the first partition on that drive rather than on my primary internal, but then.... how would I get there from the GRUB on my primary drive?I guess my problem is that the eSATA drive is not always powered up, and I'm not sure what GRUB (on the primary internal drive) would do if there was an entry pointing to a drive that wasn't there (because it's not turned on)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting An Already Installed From Usb External Drive?

Apr 5, 2010

installed Ubuntu 9.10 in an internal SATA drive and used it for quite a while, but yesterday my laptop's graphics card decided to die, and it looks like it will be a full month until I get replacement m/b. Therefore, I bought an external USB SATA Hub for my laptop's drive, but I can't seem to be able to boot ubuntu from this drive. I'm trying to boot with this external usb hub attached to an old P4 machine with USB booting enabled.I get till the grub screen, but as soon as the message "Grub loading" appears, I get a message saying:error: no such partitionand I get a prompt as follows:grub-rescue>I guess grub is trying to boot to a different device name... It's weird, I thought Ubuntu should boot irregardless of which interface I use, be it SATA or USB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Way To Install From External USB Hard Drive?

Apr 8, 2010

is there a way to install Ubuntu -from- an external hard drive. For example, let's say, you have a complete Ubuntu system with everything (no need to download additional packages/softwrae/etc anymore) , but you can't use remastersys to create an ISO with it because it is way over 10GB in size. Much larger than any DVD you could burn that newly created ISO to.. (besides remastersys is limited to the size of a DVD-r anyways)

Maybe someone has tried this before? Someone has created a dedicated large hard drive that is essentially the same thing as a ubuntu installation usb flash drive, to boot from an then install Ubuntu onto another "new" hard drive? I think it would be nice to have a hard drive (external usb or even better, an internal hdd drive i could hot swap to each new computer I have that I wish to install it onto.. ) And I think it would be so much faster to install from a Sata internal HDD drive than a USB pendrive or a cd/dvd rom, right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalling From External Hard Drive?

Jun 8, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for a few weeks now, and I like it a lot, but when I used the automatic partitioning tool on my portable hard drive (where I was installing it, it was my first time) I accidentally allotted half of the 640 GB to Ubuntu. Much more than it needs, it's unable to be accessed by Windows now. (I wanted around 40 GB for Ubuntu. Still more than it needs, but not too cluttered.)

However, I can't figure out how to erase the partition from the drive. I tried going in with the Windows Vista Drive Manager (or whatever it's called, the one that lets you manage partitions) and couldn't erase the partition. (I don't think I'd have any problems converting the partition back and combining the pieces again after doing so to work from scratch.) Does anybody have any idea how to do this so I can reinstall Ubuntu properly?

Oh, and GRUB is on the portable as well, so I won't have trouble with Windows booting up afterward, it's the main booter. (When the portable HD isn't plugged in, my laptop just boots Windows without asking about Ubuntu.)

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