Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Ssh To Localhost?

May 28, 2010

Strange problem: I can ssh in from a different machine, and I can ssh out to a different machine, but I can't ssh to localhost. I get a connection timeout.

Code: # ssh -vv localhost
OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config


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General :: /localhost Recursion/cache/iptables - Allow Localhost Recursion But Deny Recursion To External Clients?

Mar 8, 2011

I am a newbie in Linux. I have Fedora 13 OS 32 bits. I am working with PowerDNs and Poweradmin. How can I configure this with PowerDNS?

1. Allow localhost recursion but deny recursion to external clients. Is there a tutorial for that?

2. Set up cache nameserver for localhost (like caching-nameserver in Bind).
Is there a tutorial for that?

3. My Master Server with PowerDNS is working well from localhost but external clients cannot access it.

I have iptables with these rules:


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Fedora :: Run Any Pgms On Localhost In Mozilla?

Dec 4, 2009

i have to run some html, perl, php programs on my fedora.. but itseems i have a localhost problem .. not abe to run any pgms on localhost in Mozilla..? how do i resolve this? (i run usually as [URL] usually in fedora 6 or previous versions this works .. but m not able to figure out how to do in newer versions ..

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Fedora Networking :: Setting Localhost As First Dns?

May 2, 2010

i am trying to use a local DNS service (unbound), and for that, i want each connection (eth0, wlan0) to first use localhost as DNS ( and then try the DNSs it gets from the DHCP. this is a laptop so it is not just setting it for a single connection but a system default.

i looked and searched and there does not seem to be a straightforward way of doing it. i am usign gnome with networkmanager, and setting the method as "get IP only" is not suitable, as it omits the DHCP-provided DNSs, and also cannot be set as the default method.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: VSFTPD: Can't Connect From Localhost

Aug 20, 2010

I set up a ftp server using VSFTPd. Remote connections are working fine. I can connect then create, rename and delete folders. I can upload files without any issue. BUT, each time i connect directly from the server (with the command "ftp localhost") i can't upload files either delete them. The only thing i can do is create folders. I'm getting error code "553: could not create file" when trying upload files. I triple checked the rights, everything is OK. I disabled SELinux (even if i don't like it). The weirdest thing is everything's working fine from remote host.

Below my vsftpd.conf:



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Fedora Servers :: Change The Http://localhost/ To Own Name?

Feb 24, 2009

how do i change the http://localhost/ to my owe name

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Fedora Networking :: Apache Localhost Works But Not The Ip?

Mar 29, 2009

I have installed apache. The problem is that localhost works but not the ip for viewing my hosted sites.

How can i rectify this error?

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Fedora :: VNC Server Warning: Localhost:1 Is Taken Because Of /tmp/.X1-lock

Mar 31, 2009

I've always used SSH to get to my Linux server and decided to figure out VNC. I've got VNC installed just fine and was logged, then I click Exit on the VNC screen and all hell broke loose. So I'm left with a gray useless screen, so I though I would kill the process. Did a ps -aux | grep vnc and saw what is running Then did a vncserver -kill :1 and vncserver -kill :2 Then typed vncserver

Now I'm getting Warning: blahblahblah:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X1-lock Remove this file if there is no X server blahblahblah:1 Warning: blahblahblah:2 is taken because of /tmp/.X2-lock Remove this file if there is no X server blahblahblah:2 So per the man pages I need to go here $HOME/.vnc and kill something. So How do I get to $HOME/.vnc? Is this a hidden location? I'm thinking I need to do a kill -9 .X1-lock per the above Warning message but where is that?

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Connect To The Localhost

Jul 13, 2009

I'm trying to connect to url, but the browser is unable to connect to the localhost; my OS is F11, if someone have encounter this problem? i was able to connect to the localhost when i had F6 OS.?

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Fedora Servers :: Localhost Ties Up Port 80

Jul 25, 2009

I have an installation of Fedora 10 that has been running wonderfully for months, ever since I bombed my 9 installation trying to install Apache Tomcat (I really just wanted Apache, live and learn). I finally decided to brave the attempt to install Apache 2.2 again because I have a little more instruction to go by. Apparently not enough to deal with this snag though, at least not the way I want.

Install went fine, but I couldn't start the service. Following the error trail I found that it was binding IPv6 to port 80 and wouldn't allow any other ip or localhost to use it. I disabled IPv6, don't need it, I'll learn about it later.

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Fedora Servers :: Postfix Only Listening On Localhost ?

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to get my own email server set up, and so far its been going pretty smooth, The only thing that is not working right now is receiving emails. I can send email just fine, and when they are sent they are even sent from the proper addresses, but when I try to send an email to my domain, it does not go through.

I have the port forwards set up on my router to send all traffic on port 25 over to my mail server, I can telnet to the smtp server from the localhost just fine, but when I try to telnet from another computer on my network it gives me this message


So I ran a netstat -an on my mail server to see what ip address smtp is listening on and I get this result


Now most guides I find for this problem just say to un comment the line in the that says "smtp inet n - - - - smtpd", the problem is that line is already uncommented and I am still not able to telnet to port 25 from any machine on my network.

Here is my, tell me if there is anything that I can do.


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Fedora Networking :: DNAT To Localhost Not Supported?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm having problems with NX, it's doing strange things, trying to connect to some IP host in timbuktoo because my DNS provider's DNS sucks AND because NX is looking up the host "localhost" without first consulting my hosts file (which nsswitch explicitly tells it to do). THAT's all beside the point.

To work around this apparent bug in NX I tried creating an iptables rule to redirect traffic destin for a certain IP (10.x.x.x) to localhost ( with the following rule: iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d 10.x.x.x -j DNAT --to After adding the above rule, my attempts to connect to that host continued to get routed right off into the internet where I DIDN't want them to go. Instead of being redirected to the localhost/loopback address.

It seems DNAT to localhost is not supported? A Google search reveals many other people having this issue but blaming it on everything but iptables. I'm proposing that it's not supported, by design or not, to redirect traffic from a NIC to the loopback network?

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Fedora Installation :: Stuck At Root@localhost

Feb 20, 2010

so i installed f12 from a dvd my friend gave me.after the package installation and the system reboot i log in as "root" and typed my root password then [root@localhost ~]# came up now i have no idea what to do next. the installer wont run in graphics just textbase im new to linux and im willing to learn but what do i do next.

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Fedora Servers :: Squirrelmail: Can't Access Localhost

Jun 1, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 on x86_64. I've installed squirrelmail, along with dovecot on my office server, and cannot access it through http://localhost/webmail. I have followed all the configuration steps I could find (including

I know that everything else is working (I can send and receive mail, access IMAP mailboxes, webserver is working), browsing to


just gives me

"Problem loading page"

in Firefox. Sometimes, however the message is "Unable to connect."

I will add that I already tried installing Squirrelmail on another (i686) machine and had exactly the same problem.

/var/log/httpd/error_log says:

File does not exist: /var/www/html/squirrelmail

This makes it seem like aliasing is not working somehow.

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Fedora Servers :: Simulate A VH Through A Localhost With A Dynamic IP?

Nov 16, 2010

For backup and pre-functionality purposes, I need to simulate a VirtualHost in my Fedora (14) machine. I found some interesting links to carry out that process but with an IP fix.So, how can I simulate a VH through a localhost with a dynamic IP?

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Fedora Security :: Iptables To Deny All Except Localhost?

May 15, 2011

i was hoping that someone in here could possibly help me out with my iptables rule set. First here is what i would like iptables to do, i want iptables to deny all packets or traffic from the outside coming in and for output allow the things i need like web and irc etc... Also, i would like iptables to deny access to all services like sendmail and ssh except i would like localhost to have access to everything. What i mean by localhost is that when i run my iptables script it loads fine except when i try ssh from localhost i get this output:ssh -l user localhostssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote hostI know what most of you are thinking, why do i need to ssh into localhost from localhost just open another terminal, well i am getting myself familiar with iptables i want all services logged and blocked but not from localhost. I cant seem to figure out this problem and i have tried several different things. Here is my iptables script, I am hoping that someone out there can tell me what i am doing wrong...

iptables -v -F;
iptables -v -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT;


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Fedora :: Connect To The Localhost At Port 6667 Using Irssi?

Aug 18, 2010

I want to use bitlbee-irssi to IM using gtalk.. I have installed bitlbee and edited /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf with

RunMode = ForkDaemon
User = bitlbee
DaemonInterface =
DaemonPort = 6667

Now when I try to connect to the localhost at port 6667 using irssi, i get the following error message saying it cannot connect to localhost port 6667

13:48 -!- Irssi: Looking up localhost
13:48 -!- Irssi: Connecting to localhost [] port 6667
13:48 -!- Irssi: Connection to localhost established
13:48 -!- Error: bind: Permission denied
13:48 -!- Error: listen: Bad file descriptor
13:48 -!- Irssi: Connection lost to localhost

A similar looking error comes up when I try to telnet localhost at 6667. Also, I get a selinux warning saying SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/bitlbee "name_bind" access .How do I check if bitlbee is listening to port 6667? Btw, I am using fedora 13, I have selinux running in enforcing mode and the firewall running. I have set the port 6667 in the other ports tab of "system-config-firewall" (I am hoping that this will open that port).

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Fedora Servers :: Dovecot Stopped Getting Localhost Mail?

Oct 23, 2010

Last time I rebooted, sendmail & dovecot started from init and everything worked. I needed to reboot this weekend [new videocard] & yum had given me a new kernel etc.Now. running Thunderbird - with 2 accounts and chuck@localhost.
The "otherserver" account works fine. Localhost won't pull in the mail.

/var/log/maillog says
dovecot: pop3-login: Login: user=<chuck>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
dovecot: POP3(chuck): Disconnected: Logged out top=0/0, retr=0/0, del=0/0, size=0


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Fedora :: How To Send Mail From Localhost To Gmail Or Yahoo?

Dec 4, 2010

can any one please tell me that how to send mail from localhost to gmail or yahoo or some other server,i think it is some mail relay server problem but dont know how to get over it.i am using fedora 13.and i had setup dovecot,sendmail and squirrelmail properly.and configured them. i have no problem to send mail from my local host to me squirrel mail and mutt works only problem is that they cant send any mail on other servers.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Firefox Can't Establish A Connection To The Server At Localhost

Nov 3, 2010

I've installed apache application server v7.I get a problem when I type the command localhost:8080

Unable to connect Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.

# ps ax |grep tomcat
9463 pts/2 S+ 0:00 grep tomcat

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Red Hat / Fedora :: VirtualBox Apache Webserver; Cannot Localhost 8888

Jun 28, 2011

I have installed VirtualBox on a MacBook and installed RHEL6 on a guest server ("Orion") in VirtualBox. I am trying to follow the tutorial at xenocafe on Apache Web Server Tutorial for Linux. I've checked a few other websites for port forwarding, and have used VBoxManage to set

Apache/GuestPort" 80
Apache/HostPort" 8888
Apache/Protocol" TCP


I am able to ssh into the Virtual Box guest server using:

$ ssh -l rmt1 -p 2222 localhost

I believe this means that the port forwarding works. I am able to start and stop httpd on the guest with no warnings. I retired a problem with DocumentRoot by setting SELinus to disabled. My trouble is that: When I bring up a browser on the host and try localhost 8888 and expect to see my sample html page housed on the guest server (located under root / www), what I get is a spinning wheel.

And when I bring up a browser on the guest and try localhost 80 and expect to see the sample page I made, what I get is the well-known Apache test page. I am stuck in knowing (1) how to cause port 80 output from the guest to be interpreted by the host browser searching port 8888 (Or, Why does ssh into the guest work but http out of the guest not work), and, (2) how to arbitrarily determine the location of what the very first webpage is that will be loaded.

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Fedora Installation :: 12 On Dell Laptop - First Boot Localhost Login ?

Nov 24, 2009

I tried to install fedora 12 in my old dell laptop LATITUDE D800. In first boot I get the black screen with

localhost login:

I see several discussions regarding this issues, but I could not resolve the problem. For example, I cannot find system-config-display. This is a fresh installation and there are no other OS in my hard disc.

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Fedora Servers :: Access Localhost Through Browser After Installing PhpMyadmin

Jan 30, 2010

i have fedora 11 installed in my laptop and apache server by default. after starting httpd and mysqld services i was able to access localhost through browser.(e.g. [URL]). before installing phpMyAdmin everything goes right. after installing phpMyAdmin it created problem in localhost. now typing [URL] it opens joomla site but without images and without intending of content. when i type [URL] in browser it ask for user name and password. i already provide user name(root) and password(my_root_password) in /etc/phpMyAdmin/ but it doesnt open.

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Fedora :: Evolution Refuses To Connect Localhost IMAP Server

Nov 21, 2010

I have a strange problem with evolution in Fedora 14. I run my own mail servers (Postfix and Dovecot) on localhost. This all worked great in F13 but now evolution refuses to connect to the localhost imap server. If I connect from my laptop (also F14) i.e. not from the localhost all works fine and great with evolution. I deleted all the config and started again to no avail. I also created a new user and logged in with this user and I still get the same so looks not to be user config issue.
evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt returns nothing useful.
Dovecot is listening on localhost as I can telnet to the imap port. Also other imap clients like Thunderbird work fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Access Localhost On Webbrowser After Installing LAMP?

May 1, 2009

I did everything and restarted my machine, everything seems to be ok. But when i type in my IP on the browser which is which would be the localhost machine, i get this below:


ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [URL] The following error was encountered:

* Connection to Failed

The system returned:

(113) No route to host

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

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Fedora Servers :: Localhost Httpd Server Doesnt Have Internet Connection

Jan 5, 2010

i have installed apache and php in my fedora 11 system and httpd works fine except that it doesnt have internet connection for example rapileech doesnt work it says "cannot connect via port 80" and if i put an rss feed collector in a website it doesnt work but everything else works fine , also when i put the same file in a shared web host it works fine

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Fedora :: Apache Install - Access Index.php On Localhost - Permission Denied

Jan 19, 2011

I've just upgraded my laptop to Fedora 14 and installed LAMP on it for a test environment. I've followed the official instructions to install but seem to have a problem that I didn't have on F13 or Opensuse. Each time I try to access index.php on localhost I get a permission denied message and an SElinux alert. I have tried 7 different solutions on various forums and just can't view anything in a browser.

/var/www/html has been set to chmod 777
/var/www/html/index.php has also been set to chmod 777

A standard user can definitely read and write to the above files/folder. Until I commented it out the Welcome/Test page was working perfectly.

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Fedora Networking :: Telnet Works Localhost But Not Network / Firewall Disabled

Jun 3, 2011

I'm working on setting up access for our developer via Telnet, we are on a local network behind a physical firewall. I set up the standard Telnet service for Fedora15 and from localhost I can login via any user and root.... However I cannot login from another terminal on the LAN, even though I can ping and FTP to the fedora15 box. I added the firewall rules for telnet, that did not work, so I disabled the firewall, still cannot get a connection via port 25. I feel either port 25 is closed in another manor or the telnet is restricted to the localhost.

Also I cannot login to root to configure the Firewall Desktop GUI, only standard users, is this an issue? I also cannot login to the console as root even though I use the correct password.I can only su to root and sometimes it is a PITA. There must be some settings to clear these issues up...

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Fedora Servers :: Mount.nfs4: Mounting Localhost:/home Failed - No Such File Or Directory

Nov 28, 2009

I can not use nfs from F10 client to F12 server. nfs mount on F10 to F12 times out anf nfs4 mount gives "mount.nfs4: mounting localhost:/home failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory" I have tried to close firewall and set selinux to permissive mode on both client and server with same result. Samba works fine. On server [root@flokipal ~]# mount -t nfs4 localhost:/home /media/tonlist mount.nfs4: mounting localhost:/home failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory


[root@flokipal ~]# mount -t nfs localhost:/home /media/tonlist
[root@flokipal ~]#


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Error - [root@localhost ~]# Yum Install Ffmpeg Libdvdcss Libdvdread Libdvdnav Libdvdplay Lsdvd Mplayer

Apr 16, 2011

I was trying to play some mp3s and mp4s in my totem but keep on getting this error report of which I have attached some screenshots. I also tried to download some things that I usually put on my system such as: vlc, ffmpeg, dvdbackup, dvdrip, audacity, thoggen, handbrake, audacious & sound converter but I fail in the process.

Here are my outputs:
Code: [root@localhost ~]# yum install ffmpeg libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdnav libdvdplay lsdvd mplayer gxine
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
google-chrome | 951 B 00:00
google-chrome/primary | 1.4 kB 00:00
google-chrome 3/3
Setting up Install Process
No package ffmpeg available.


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