Programming :: Keep Track Of Messages Sent From Server And Not Get Stuck?

Dec 14, 2010

I am writing a client chat server program in java. The chat server is already written. I created the interface and I connected to the chat server. The server keeps sending protocol messages to whom ever is connected, also it keeps sending specific protocol every 10 sec to check if user is still online.My problem is when I connect from my interface to the chat server, the program gets stuck, I can not press any other button because after connection my program keeps receiving commands from server(I have a method to keep reading after connection). How can I keep track of messages sent from server and not get stuck i.e press other buttons or type in the interface?

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Server :: Messages Stuck In Sendmail Queue Beyond ConfTO_QUEUERETURN Lifetime?

Sep 2, 2010

Messages are stuck in my server's /var/spool/mqueue/ folder beyond the lifetime I have specified in confTO_QUEUERETURN (5d). Any idea why this could be? The file permissions appear fine; files in the mqueue folder show rights of: Code:-rw------- 1 root smmspThis is causing an issue because the queues are slowly getting larger and larger. I'm seeing the queue size consistently growing. maillog shows entries like: Code:grew WorkList for /var/spool/mqueue to 28000Just thinking outloud -- could the queue runner not be completing it's job in time? Maybe I could check with time sendmail -q

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Programming :: POP3 And Leave Messages On Server ?

Mar 10, 2010

According to RFC 1939: "POP3 is not intended to provide extensive manipulation operations of mail on the server; normally, mail is downloaded and then deleted." However most of the mail clients have that option "Leave messages on server" after they have been downloaded. How is it done?

I tried sniffing mail traffic with Wireshark, but the only POP3 provider I have is Gmail and its POP3 access is SSL secured, so I was unable to gather any info from this... I tried downloading sources of Thunderbird and Evolution and checked what are they doing with "leaving messages", but it seems my C++ skills are not enough - I was unable to understand what is happening when "leaving"...

Suggest me some POP3 provider, that is providing unsecured POP3 access, so I could try again reverse engineering with Wireshark?

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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Programming :: Socket C++ / Send And Receive Messages In Server?

Jan 2, 2009

I'm trying implement a small server for a university work, my server is creating, binding and listening but it don't accept any connection, these are the files I'm using in server:


// Definition of the Socket class
#ifndef SOCKET_H
#define SOCKET_H
#include <sys/types.h>

I've made a client just for test it, but no ones run well, the server is always returning -1 when accept is called!!

What should I do to send and receive messages in this server??

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Programming :: How To Track Entries In CVS

Nov 30, 2010

I have an inventory.txt file in CVS, which has about 5000 lines. First ten lines from inventory.txt are following:

Serial_Number Location
P303948932 Shelf:4F
F348237842 Shelf:2C
W312390232 Shelf:9L
Q239432042 Shelf:1E


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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Track Fronze Server

Jun 23, 2010

My server keep crashing ever so often. For the last three days one random server die each days. How would I track down the problem to solve this.

I have around 18 Servers.
Running from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.4.

My servers are traffic and storage intensive,

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Security :: Track DDoS Attack On A Server?

Jan 25, 2011

how can I track a Dos and DDoS attack on a server . Does linux have any goiod known command line utilities and log files to us e in this way?

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Server :: Disk Filling Up - How To Track Down Rogue Files

Feb 5, 2010

I'm running an OpenSuse 11.2 box at home which updates a mysql database 4 times a day then posts 34Mb to my website. It's exactly the same amount of data each time, and my scripts*TRUNCATEs then rewrites the database with the latest data - so the database size remains the same.

There's a problem (I think with the script) however which means that everytime the script runs, approximately 34Mb of space on my hard disk is mysteriously taken up. I'll have to get that script fixed...

I can't, however find the files which are eating up my diskspace at the rate of 140Mb per day. I've done various searches (mainly with Dolphin) including hidden files immediately after running my flaky script and looking for any files created/modified in the previous few minutes when the 34Mb has disappeared.

There are LOTS of files in /proc (which I don't think is actually on my HD right?) and also in /var. There's nothing much in /tmp (on a separate partition) or any log files that I can see. The box has been running this script daily for the last 6 weeks so I'm hoping there's a load of files somewhere I can get rid of, then fix my script.

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Server :: Trace/track Email Activity In Ubuntu

Mar 5, 2010

I need to trace/track email activity in my ubuntu server, normal i use this command tail -f /var/log/mail/mail.log, more or less. But the problem i am facing is that it take a long time to go through the entire log as my server recieves thousands of emails per day. is the a code that i can use to search email in the log, for instance need to find in the mail log.

Secondly; if there is an email that is blocking others on the queue how can it be remove or forced to go the mailbox. or to view its contents in order to decide whether to remove it or not.

Had a problem that are said not arrival or that are delivered as late as a day and sometime 6hours.

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Programming :: Code For Few Warning Messages?

Oct 2, 2010

For the following compilation warning message I need to create some sample program in C for self study. Also I am looking for some good web link where all the C warnings are described.

1. Warning #47: incompatible redefinition of macro "entity" . Undefine macro before
2. Warning #167: argument of type is incompatible with parameter of type
3. Warning #175: subscript out of range


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Programming :: Get The Log (syslog) Messages Through Application?

Mar 30, 2009

I want read the log messages to my 'c' application , i am using the fedora core 8 operating system , how to read the system log messages(syslog) through my application.

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Server :: Can't Download Messages From Mail Server (Dovecot, Postfix)

Sep 29, 2010

I am running Fedora 10, Postfix and Dovecot I recently changed the password of a user using the 'passwd' command. The problem is that the user can no longer receive their email messages in Thunderbird (Authentication Error). However, they can still login using SquirrelMail and get their mail.

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Programming :: Block Messages On A Message Queue ?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm facing a scenario in which i need to block messages from being passed onto a message queue when my code is running. how to proceed.

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Programming :: CAPA -STLS Does Not Delete Messages

Sep 6, 2010

I have designed a simple mail client to download messages/data to a file.

The server type is CAPA STLS which means can handle noncrypted and encrypted logins.

I have a problem which is that POP3 CAPA STLS mail server does not want to delete messages. It deletes the messages on the non STLS side.

For an STLS session, I receive the +Ok for a Deleted message.

Language C, Library openssl, IP4.
Compiler: gcc.

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Programming :: Doing SQL Stuff From Received Email Messages

Apr 25, 2009

I was wondering if you could recommend a simple way to achieve functionality where received email messages are automatically processed and used in SQL commands (depending on certain criteria, of course). For example, say I have made a PHP-based blog application and it's located at and I'd like to give members the option of posting to their blogs by sending email to a special address. The email messages received there will be inserted into a database depending on the sender's address, with the body becoming the post and the subject line becoming the post's title, etc.

Another example could be how those trouble ticket systems let customers submit tickets via email, while the support agents operate via a database-driven Web application. Is this the type of thing one must code from scratch, or is there an open source solution out there which only needs to be configured accordingly?

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Server :: Sendmail Relay Messages To Ext. SMTP Server?

Jan 31, 2010

I've got a server set up with Debian. The problem is that my ISP doesn't allow usage of port 25 (as I understand a lot of ISP's don't).I have PHP scripts hat use the mail() function to send e-mails through the Sendmail application.So, my question is: How can I relay messages sent to sendmail to an external SMTP server (like Google Mail, for example)? Would this be easier to do in the PHP configuration, or on the Sendmail side of things?I've used PEAR extensions in PHP to achieve this before, but scripts downloaded from the Internet generally just use the basic mail() function, and it would be a real pain to modify them all.

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Programming :: Error Messages Generated When Compiling C++ Code?

Jul 3, 2010

Is there an online resource to lookup error messages generated when compiling C++ code?

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Programming :: Script For Searching Through Messages For Multiple FTP Hits

Oct 25, 2010

My script looks really crap and messy, the logic isn't great and I'm not hugely happy with it. Also it echo's $i instead of an actual IP address (line 10). How to improve this. It basically searches through /var/log/messages for multiple FTP hits and when the hit count is higher than a specific number the IP is added to a config file and ftp is restarted. There are some obvious flaws in my script.

TOPHITS=`grep "FTP session closed." /var/log/messages* | awk '{print $7}' | sed -e 's/^.*[//' -e 's/].*$//' | uniq -c | sort -nr`
HITNUMB=`echo $TOPHITS | awk '{print $1}'`
IPHIT=`echo $TOPHITS | awk '{print$2}'`
HIGHIP=`echo $TOPHITS | grep $HITNUMB | grep $IPHIT | awk '{print $2}'`

if [ $HITNUMB -gt $MAXHITS ]; then
for i in $HIGHIP;
echo $i
sed -i '78s/$/,$i/' /opt/etc/proftpd.conf
/root/ftp restart
echo "not greater than $MAXHITS"

I'm not even sure what will happen if I get multiple responses for my $TOPHITS. It would be cool if it could search for IP's already blacklisted somehow, it might actually be easier to just create a file with a set of blacklisted IP's or something.

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Programming :: Where Printk Messages Stored When Call Insmod

Jul 8, 2011

where the printk messages are stored when we call a insmod? I'm using Slackware, and I think my distro can store these messages on others place.

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Programming :: C/c++ Code Is Used To Parse Type - Length - Value Messages?

Feb 12, 2011

Does anyoe have any example c/c++ code that is used to parse type-length-value messages.

The only decent article I can find on the web is:

Bur it does not give any examples of parsing etc..

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Server :: POSTFIX Server New Domain Emails Stuck In Queue

Apr 20, 2010

I am newbie to postfix. I added a new domain to my postfix server in the under mydestinations variable and the relay_domains file. Also, added this domain to my backend exchange server. When I send a test message from the new domain, my messages from that domain appear to be stuck in the "queue active". What does it mean when you are stuck in this queue? Does this mean that my backend email server (exchange 2003) isn't allowing messages from this new domain OR that the POSTFIX server still needs configuring.

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Programming :: Fork()ing Multi Child Process In C - Stuck

May 12, 2011

i got basic knowledge about creating a single child from a parent using fork(). But when it comes into creating multiple children, i am simply stuck. I am trying to create two processes from a parent and it would wait for both two processes to finish. my attempt is as below


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Server :: How To Change FTP Log Messages

Mar 12, 2010

I am running RHEL EL4. i have configured vsftp , everything works fine.The thing is that the FTP log messages are going into /var/log/messages . So i changed the log location by confuguring as follows

1. In the /etc/syslog.cong,

2.Change the line in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog

3. In /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

After the changes , i restarted the service for both ftp and syslog

Evenafter the above confguration , still the ftp log messages are going to the same dir /var/log/messages.

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Server :: Can Not View Detail Of /var/log/messages

Apr 18, 2011

I want to check my system general log file by


It is not showing me detail.

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Server :: Convert Syslog Messages To XML?

Feb 8, 2011

What is the easiest way in Linux to convert syslog messages to XML?

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Programming :: Program Hang Stuck There Signal Handling On POSIX Message Queue UNIX C Pr

Jun 14, 2011

In a single main() function,so need signal handling. Use Posix Message Queue IPC mechanism , can ignore the priority and other linked list message,to implement the scenario:

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Fedora :: Kmail Keeps Downloading ALL Messages From The Server?

Mar 24, 2011

Since yesterday Kmail has started downloading ALL ,messages, not just the new ones, from the server. It is a real pain as the mail check takes about twenty minutes and Kmail usually freezes afterwards. Then I have to close it down and after restart it downloads several thousand messages all over again. This has only started happening since yesterdays Fedora update, which I think was anything to do with Kmail?

I am using Fedora 14.

EDIT: I have just notice it is not downloading ALL messages, just the read ones. The new messages are being left on the server but the old ones are downloaded and flagged as new. So it seems as if something has got flipped around somewhere?

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General :: Get Log Messages From The LAMP Server On Ubuntu 10.04?

Jun 2, 2010

How can I get log messages from the LAMP server on Ubuntu 10.04?Should I install some good program on Ubuntu for that purpose?

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Server :: Add Spam Header Into Email Messages?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm setting up email gateway using Postfix, Amavisd-new, ClamAV and SpamAssassin on Opensuse 11.1. Everything seems okie, but I can't have messages with added spam headers, such as:

X-Spam-Flag: NO
X-Spam-Score: 0.233
X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.233 tagged_above=-10 required=6.6
tests=[ALL_TRUSTED=-1.8, AWL=0.536, BAYES_50=0.001,]

When I try to debug amavis, I can see that SPAM-TAG, <> -> <>, No, score=5.406 tagged_above=-999 required=6.2 tests=[LOCAL_DRUG=4, NO_DNS_FOR_FROM=1.407, NO_RELAYS=-0.001] but they don't add to email messages. I've configured amavisd-new with $sa_tag_level_deflt = -999 to add spam headers at all but not successful.

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