Server :: Messages Stuck In Sendmail Queue Beyond ConfTO_QUEUERETURN Lifetime?

Sep 2, 2010

Messages are stuck in my server's /var/spool/mqueue/ folder beyond the lifetime I have specified in confTO_QUEUERETURN (5d). Any idea why this could be? The file permissions appear fine; files in the mqueue folder show rights of: Code:-rw------- 1 root smmspThis is causing an issue because the queues are slowly getting larger and larger. I'm seeing the queue size consistently growing. maillog shows entries like: Code:grew WorkList for /var/spool/mqueue to 28000Just thinking outloud -- could the queue runner not be completing it's job in time? Maybe I could check with time sendmail -q

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Server :: Search Mails In Queue Of Sendmail By IP?

Feb 18, 2010

how can i search mails in queue of sendmail /var/spool/mqueue by IP. This facility is available in qmail e.g. qmqtool -f '' this search all mail messages by IP and we can delete all the message easily.

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Server :: Cen't OS And Qmail: Messages In Queue Going Crazy?

Aug 20, 2010

Anyone have an issue with Messages in Queue going crazy? and inside the emails is: Received: (qmail 13662 invoked by alias); 20 Aug 2010 10:07:14 -0700 Delivered-To: [URL]..

Don't really know what could be causing this, the other day my messages in queue was at like 5,000 or so, but now its up to 445,000 messages in queue!! All of them that exact message.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Move The Sendmail Queue Folder?

Nov 5, 2009

Is there a simple way to move the Sendmail queue folder? Presently it's at the default location on /var/spool/mqueue/ but when / recently ran out of space (my fault storing backups there), it was unable to receive any more mail. There is plenty of space at another partition. My /var/opt/scalix location lives on another set of discs with lots of room. I created a folder called /var/opt/scalix/sendmail/mailqueue/ but uncertain how to move the existing queue to it.

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Server :: Sendmail - Disable Local Delivery And Queue Is Growing Up?

Jan 18, 2011

I want to setup sendmail to alert for Nagios, OSSEC, redmine, ...

I configure sendmail to work with Gmail smtp follow this guide. I disable local delivery in sendmail by adding the following lines in

define(`MAIL_HUB', `xx.localdomain.')dnl
define(`LOCAL_RELAY', `xx.localdomain.')dnl
it works but this messages seems to be stuck in sendmail queue:
sendmail -bp


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Server :: Sendmail Isn't Sending Mail For Some Reason And Keeping It In The Queue

May 14, 2011

Sendmail isn't sending mail for some reason and keeping it in the Queue. I attemped to flush them but it deferres the connection to the server in which it is trying to relay the message to. I have checked to see if there is a DNS error or anything like that. I attemped to flush the messages through webmin.

This is the result.


I am not finding anything in the logs to let me know their is an error. I can ping the mail servers that it is trying to send to. Now it has started delaying when ping MX servers. So I knew something was starting to mess with it. I have checked the /etc/hosts. It is correct. The server isn't black listed. Mail to root just gives me.


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Server :: POSTFIX Server New Domain Emails Stuck In Queue

Apr 20, 2010

I am newbie to postfix. I added a new domain to my postfix server in the under mydestinations variable and the relay_domains file. Also, added this domain to my backend exchange server. When I send a test message from the new domain, my messages from that domain appear to be stuck in the "queue active". What does it mean when you are stuck in this queue? Does this mean that my backend email server (exchange 2003) isn't allowing messages from this new domain OR that the POSTFIX server still needs configuring.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cron Send Mail But Stuck In Queue

Aug 5, 2010

I recently install CentOS 5.5 on my small server. Unfortunately, I have problems with my mail configuration. I don't know anything about sendmail and dns configuration so I am just looking for something easy to set up. I use cron to perform automatic task. I set up the variable $MAILTO in cron to my regular mail. Cron send the mail but it is stuck in the queue.

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Server :: Configure Sendmail To Send Only Messages?

Mar 19, 2010

I have to configure sendmail to send messages only and not receiving any mails on a linux server when the mail server is on another to configure sendmail?

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Server :: Sendmail Relay Messages To Ext. SMTP Server?

Jan 31, 2010

I've got a server set up with Debian. The problem is that my ISP doesn't allow usage of port 25 (as I understand a lot of ISP's don't).I have PHP scripts hat use the mail() function to send e-mails through the Sendmail application.So, my question is: How can I relay messages sent to sendmail to an external SMTP server (like Google Mail, for example)? Would this be easier to do in the PHP configuration, or on the Sendmail side of things?I've used PEAR extensions in PHP to achieve this before, but scripts downloaded from the Internet generally just use the basic mail() function, and it would be a real pain to modify them all.

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Programming :: Keep Track Of Messages Sent From Server And Not Get Stuck?

Dec 14, 2010

I am writing a client chat server program in java. The chat server is already written. I created the interface and I connected to the chat server. The server keeps sending protocol messages to whom ever is connected, also it keeps sending specific protocol every 10 sec to check if user is still online.My problem is when I connect from my interface to the chat server, the program gets stuck, I can not press any other button because after connection my program keeps receiving commands from server(I have a method to keep reading after connection). How can I keep track of messages sent from server and not get stuck i.e press other buttons or type in the interface?

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Software :: Sendmail Queue Not Processing

Apr 6, 2010

Ok for some reason my sendmail queue is not processing the mail that's in mailq it looks like it trys to process and times out or something and skips to the next one, is there any way I can find out why it's not sending the queue list that's in mailq. the mail that's in the queue list is from my websites registration form.

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Programming :: Block Messages On A Message Queue ?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm facing a scenario in which i need to block messages from being passed onto a message queue when my code is running. how to proceed.

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General :: Sendmail - Creating Queue Files Directly?

Jul 27, 2010

I am directly creating "qf" & "df" files into the sendmail queue folder and then processing this queue by command line. This is the only way to export data and email from this old application I am stuck with.This works quite well in my test enviornment but I am really new to linux/sendmail and just looking for any feedback on this process. Is this direct creation of queue files safe and any pitfalls that I should be aware of?

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Ubuntu :: Print Jobs Stuck In Queue?

Mar 28, 2010

I have 2 printers plugged into a Windows XP PC (an Epson Stylus Photo RX580, and an HP Laserjet 1020) with full sharing on and everything, and is shared with other Windows PCs via the network I have set up. It has worked perfect. But today I added a PC running Ubuntu 9.10 and and can't figure out for the life of me what I am doing wrong. I installed both of the printers via the GUI in Administration, and both of them are detected and Ubuntu says they're working. But when I put something in the queue to print it stays there with the status "pending".

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General :: Printer Queue Stuck - Can't Completely Delete

Aug 27, 2010

I am printing from an Acer to an HP. I can't completely delete the queue and now can't print anything.

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Programming :: Program Hang Stuck There Signal Handling On POSIX Message Queue UNIX C Pr

Jun 14, 2011

In a single main() function,so need signal handling. Use Posix Message Queue IPC mechanism , can ignore the priority and other linked list message,to implement the scenario:

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Sendmail Not Processing Messages After Reboot?

Dec 25, 2008

I am running Fedora 10 and working with sendmail to send messages via various scripts. I've gotten everything working and under normal circumstances the messages get delivered as expected. However when I reboot my computer, all mail designated for sendmail gets hung up in the queue. I've confirmed that sendmail is set to start on boot (runlevel 5) and I've checked for the existence of sendmail processes (they indeed exist after boot).

However, if I restart the sendmail daemon manually, everything in the queue gets sent and I get flooded with a backlog of emails from the past several hours (or days). Is there a reason or common problem as to why sendmail doesn't actually process mail after startup and why manually restarting the process seems to solve the problem? Is this a bug in sendmail? /var/log/maillog doesn't reveal anything out of the ordinary.

Here's the pertinent info:


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OpenSUSE Network :: Sendmail - Large Messages Only Queueing?

Jun 24, 2010

I've got a strange sendmail problem I've never come across before...Messages less that 2500 lines (approx 169kb) are sent correctly - anything else goes straight into the queue and is never delivered. The server sits in a intranet, is not connected to the outside world, and forwards its mail to a smart host.All configuration has been done through yast, so there are no unusual settings. I've run sendmail on SuSE from version 6 upwards, and this is the first time I've come across this - it's driving me potty

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Software :: Configuring Sendmail To Relay Messages To An Email Gateway?

Jun 15, 2011

We have a sendmail server located in a DMZ that has normally been able to send SMTP traffic to whatever destination is listed in the address of any given e-mail message. A recent change in network configuration has introduced an e-mail gateway that all servers need to send smtp traffic to in order for the messages to go out to the Internet.

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Server :: Sendmail M4 Configuration Base Directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf Was Not Found

Nov 1, 2010

I am using webmin for my daily tasks. I have fedora 13, whenever I click on ''Sendmail M4 Configuration'' or Outgoing Addresses (generics)'' I get the following error message


The Sendmail M4 configuration base directory /usr/share/sendmail-cf was not found on your system, or is not the correct directory. Maybe it has not been installed (common for packaged installs of Sendmail), or the module config is incorrect. I read documentation at, it seems that structure of directories for send mail has been changed in version sendmail-8.1.4 shipped with FC13. In webmin config module we have


Sendmail M4 base directory = /usr/share/sendmail-cf

which is not there. I did a locate / sendmail-cf on the command line, it finds nothing

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Server :: Sendmail Not Reading Default ?

Apr 1, 2010

I recently modified to use a third party SMTP server to send emails. It works great. But when I run sendmail from the command line, I have to specify the -C flag and force feed it the location of my, or else it doesn't work.

So in other words, the following works great:

However, if I don't specify the -C flag, sendmail doesn't consider what's in the and barfs:

I don't run sendmail as a daemon. I'm only using it to send emails. I know my modifications of are correct because it works perfectly when I use the -C flag. I searched my disk to see if I could find another on the machine and only the one in /etc/mail came up.

Why sendmail is not reading my

I'm running Sendmail version 8.14.2 on Fedora Core 8.

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Programming :: Get Length Of Run Queue And Swap Queue?

Nov 3, 2010

is it possible to get the length or even the items of both queues, the run queue and the swap queue? I've googled a lot but had no luck. Maybe I havn't used the correct search words...

Is there any header and/or code example to use structures or any API to get these information from the kernel or the scheduler?

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Fedora Networking :: Kmanager-vpnc Vpn Key Lifetime Limit - GUI Doesn't Provide A Location To Enter Information

Jan 6, 2011

I am using KNetworkmanager-vpnc to VPN back to the office from home, the vpn connection works fine - for 15 minutes then I am disconnected. I am fairly certain that this is related to the Phase 1 key lifetime limit. The Knetworkmanager-vpnc GUI does not provide a location to enter this information. I think I found the config file that holds the connection information at /home/<user>/.kde/share/apps/networkmanagement/connections/ I just don't know the proper syntax to put in the file to specify a key life limit. Anyone out there know how to do this? I am using Fedora 14 x64 with knetworkmanager-vpnc 1.0.9-0.28.

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Server :: CPU Queue Vs CPU % Busy

Dec 29, 2010

Am wondering if looking at the CPU process queues, vs CPU% busy, are a better indication of whether an upgrade is needed.

Afterall, processes can still queue up to be processed even if "top" doesn't shown CPU 100%. Say if it's indicating 50% busy within the top output, it's only saying that 5 out of 10 times sampled, the CPU was busy. But a process may arrive to be processed at any time, and if it arrives just when the CPU is processing something it needs to wait in the queue. Am I making senses?

How many processes queued up would suggest an upgrade is required of the CPU? I've read online (believe it's Microsoft) that 2 is the figure.

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Server :: Exim Not Processing Queue

Apr 11, 2010

Mails are not going out of the queue. Removed all frozen mails and tried to flush queue using exim -qf command. Also checked queue after restarting exim. Still messages are not going out of the queue.

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Server :: Postfix Queue Time Limit ?

Apr 27, 2010

I notice that when someone sends a message from my Postfix server & it can't find the destination server or if there is a incorrect domain recipient entered by mistake, it sits in my Postfix queue for days. I think perhaps 4-5 days for some reason. I was wondering if I could shorten the time so the sender gets a delivery failure message kicked back to them in 24 hours rather than waiting 4 or so days.


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Server :: Unexplained Mails In Postfix Queue / Get Rid Of Them - Why Is So?

Jul 21, 2010

On the postfix mailserver of our company I'm seeing several of these messages in the deferred queue (apologies for the terrible formatting, I couldn't get it any better) code...

looking at the headers, there is probably something wrong with our DNS-server, which we will investigate, but I still have some questions about the failure notice:

- why are the failure notices refused? Is that a fault on the sender side, for example sending the wrong return address?

- where does this[] come from anyway? I don't see it anywhere in the headers.

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Server :: Finding The Source Of The Email In The Main Queue?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a server (RHEL 4.7) with an mqueue that keeps growing over a two or three day interval. Then I have to manually flush the queue by removing all the mail in the spool directory as the sendmail flush command doesn't work. I've looked at the mail queue manually with a sendmail -bp command and it seems to show an occaisional mail item in the queue. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot more non-legitimate emails in the queue spool. how do I find out the source of the email in the main queue? Next, how do I stop it from building the queue? Next, is there anyway to automatically flush the queue once it builds if I need to?

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Server :: How Long Normaly Keep The Mail Server Send Mails On The Outbox Queue And Try To Send

Apr 8, 2010

How long normaly keep the mail server send mails on the outbox queue and try to send? What about hotmail, gmx and gmail mail server?

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