Programming :: Get The Log (syslog) Messages Through Application?

Mar 30, 2009

I want read the log messages to my 'c' application , i am using the fedora core 8 operating system , how to read the system log messages(syslog) through my application.

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Ubuntu :: Direct Syslog Messages To Particular Tty?

Aug 24, 2009

I wrote a script which will run in ubuntu box and will display in tty1, without loading the gdm. The problem is when I plugged in a usb drive it will cause some messages to be printed into the current tty user logged in.

Like : [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through

This is really disturbing when a user is running the script. Is there anyway that I can direct all the messages to some other tty which I don't use.

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Server :: Convert Syslog Messages To XML?

Feb 8, 2011

What is the easiest way in Linux to convert syslog messages to XML?

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Networking :: Capture Syslog Messages From A Device On The LAN?

Jan 6, 2009

Got a Ubuntu system. Have a device on my LAN that can send Syslog messages.

I would like to:

1. Capture these specific syslog messages.

2. Keep them separate from any other syslog activity on the Ubuntu system.

3. View these syslog messages later.

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Security :: Send Syslog Messages Through SNMP?

Aug 3, 2010

Is there a way to send syslog messages through SNMP? I'm not finding much info online around this. A co-worker said it was easy to do. RHEL5.5

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Server :: BIND Messages Filling Up SysLog?

Dec 9, 2009

I have the following BIND messages filling up my SysLog that I'm hoping someone can explain to me:


Dec 9 09:35:44 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) '' denied
Dec 9 09:35:47 dns2 named[30103]: client query (cache) '' denied


I would expect this behavior if " and" wasn't a domain that I hosted. But this is a valid domain that this server should be answering for. In my named.conf I do have the


allow-query { any; };

option on every zone. This is my slave server and I have the primary shut off so I can test this slave server. FYI: So far queriers still seem to be working. The pages for the sites are still coming up via the internet.

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Server :: Syslog Not Updating The Messages File?

Feb 16, 2011

I am facing an issue with my syslog server. The server is collecting remote log also. and the issue is no log messages are updated in /var/log/messages file. But other files are getting updated.

[root@Server1 ~]# cat /etc/syslog.conf
# Log all kernel messages to the console.
# Logging much else clutters up the screen.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Syslog On A 8.04.4 LTS - Log The Messages From A Linksys Router

May 2, 2010

On this Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS server, I want to log the messages from a Linksys router. So I made this change to "/etc/init.d/sysklogd" SYSLOGD="-r" Then in "/etc/syslog.conf" I added the following to the top of the file: Code: if $fromhost isequal 'Linksys' then /var/log/Linksys.log & ~

Then I rebooted the server. But there is no "/var/log/Linksys.log" file.

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General :: Logging Ssh Messages In A Separate File Using Syslog-ng?

Jul 2, 2011

I am facing a problem while trying to log SSH messages in a separate file, say, /var/log/ssh_logs. I have tried modifying the syslog-ng.conf file as follows:

filter f_ssh { facility(auth, authpriv) and match("sshd[[0-9]+]:"); };
destination d_ssh { file ("/var/logs/sshd_logs"); };
log {


But still I am not able to get the ssh logs in the new file. They continue to go to /var/log/auth.

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Security :: Configure Shorewall To Allow Syslog Messages From Router?

Jan 29, 2011

I have my system set up to where the router(dd-wrt) will send it's syslog messages to my Linux PC system. I am using shorewall as my firewall. I have two questions: How can I configure shorewall to allow the messages from my router? If I use my router IP address to allow the messages to come through the firewall, will this be a great security risk as anything from the internet can come through on that router ipaddress?

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Server :: Redistribution Of Inbound Syslog Messages To Syslogd?

Apr 28, 2010

RHEL 5.4 i want to be able to do redistribution of inbound syslog messages to syslogd. as example, my syslog.conf has in it at the end:

*.* @
*.* @

my sysconfig/syslog file has "-r" as the only option for syslogd. any messages generated by the localhost will be sent to the two remote servers, but messages that come into this box (udp 514) only get logged locally and do not get sent out to the remote hosts.

you may ask why do i want to do this. because i have several syslog servers (for security purposes) and many of my net devices are configured to send syslog to all the syslog servers, hence each device is sending way too much duplicate udp-514. so i would like to minimize the udp-514 coming out of the devices, have all devices send to a central syslog server, and then central syslog server do distribution to the other syslog servers. others have also called this "syslog proxy". or, if not with syslogd, how to achieve this (preserving the original syslog message host info, etc)?

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Ubuntu :: Suppress Eth0 PHY Reset Messages In Syslog?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm getting 10000000's of syslog messages :

"eth0: PHY reset until link up"

- I have wireless and don't normally use an ethernet cable. From Googling round I found this bug report which appears to match the problem, however I do not feel happy/competent enough to recompile the driver as suggested in the bug fix. Is there a way to configure the driver so that it only tries the eth0 connection a limited number of times? This is Ubuntu 8.04 2.4.26-27 and SIS 191 chipset

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Syslog-ing Messages From A Particular Host To A Particular Log File

Oct 12, 2009

I've just configured my Linksys RVS-4000 router to syslog messages to remote syslogd server (i.e. my CentOS5 machine). Redirecting messages was easy, but now I'm having difficulties to redirect those same messages received from Linksys to a separate log file. By default, all these messages are logged to /var/log/messages, and after browsing manual pages for syslog, syslog.conf, and syslogd, came to suspect that what I want isn't possible.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Autologin - Syslog - Kernel Messages - Console

May 9, 2010

What i'm trying to accomplish seems rather silly but is needed for my little project here.

I'm using OpenSuSE 11.2 as a media center PC and need it to login automatically(console not X). That one i accomplished without problems.

However, after login i can see all the info about the services that were started and that needs to "go away".

One could do a "clear" in the .bash_rc and or .bash_profile but it will still show the login prompt which i don't want to see either (i don't even want to see the blinking cursor as well).

Question: How do i accomplish that so that the login console shows only the "splash screen" without any output of the kernel,rc.status nor the "issue-file"... just a plain blank screen ?

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General :: Send Snmp Traps Based On Syslog Messages?

Oct 24, 2010

I need to be able to send snmp traps based on certain severity or content of syslog messages. Can this be done from standard linux? Alternatively, are there MIB's out there that support syslog events so I can get the status from snmp?

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Software :: Filter PA/module-alsa-sink.c Messages From Syslog?

May 4, 2009

GNOME has adopted the pulseaudio infrastructure and it has grave errors reading from ALSA sinks. One of the many effects is that every 2 or 3 seconds a 3 line error message is written to the syslog to the effect of 'ALSA woke us up...blah blah blah' and it is filling up everyone's syslog. What I need is a workaround to just stop these messages from being written so I can level set and figure out a long term course of action.

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General :: Syslog Program - Send Email In Response To Messages Receives

Jun 22, 2010

I'm running a cobalt raq550 web server (Linux version 2.6) and I want to install a syslog program on it, something that could log messages and send me an instant email in response to certain messages it receives. Is there such a program?

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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Messages In Syslog - Allow Logging To The Standard Samba Logfiles

Mar 18, 2010

I wish to prevent the samba messages (mainly nmbd and winbindd) from appearing in the system log (/var/log/messages). I want to allow samba logging to the standard samba logfiles, but prevent the syslog getting clogged up by samba. I added syslog = 0 to smb.conf and reloaded the config but the messages were still appearing. I also tried the following (and restarted the syslog via /sbin/service syslog restart) # Suppress messages from samba.

nmbd.* /dev/null
smbd.* /dev/null
winbindd.* /dev/null

For interests sake the messages I'm getting are below (I'm not concerned about the messages themselves, I can chase them up at my leisure via the samba logs) Mar 18 09:58:29 SERVER nmbd[3808]: query_name_response: Multiple (2) responses received for a query on subnet xx.yy.z.zz for name DOMAIN<1d>. Mar 18 09:58:29 SERVER nmbd[3808]: This response was from IP xx.yy.z.zz, reporting an IP address of xx.yy.z.zz.

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Ubuntu :: Application That Can Send Text Messages To Cell Phones With?

Mar 17, 2011

Anyone know of an application that I can send text messages to cell phones with? I send alot of text messages to my wife while I work and it would be so much easier if I could just do it from my keyboard.

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General :: Best Open Source Syslog Server / Syslog-ng Which Is Not Fulfiling Requirement?

Dec 11, 2010

I am looking for an open source syslog server which accumulate the each and every log of Windows, Solaris, Linux and network devices. Currently I am using Syslog-ng which is not fulfiling my requirement in Windows clients, as I need the logs of every action which user performed after logon.

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Programming :: Read Through Syslog And Translate IP's?

Dec 8, 2010

I've got a cisco error log which is pulled and mailed out via the following code (values are written to a mysql db). I really need to make the IP's in the second column hostnames,I don't really know how to start.I'll paste the code I've got and someone can come up with a bright idea



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Programming :: Apache Use Syslog Or Use Own Library?

Jan 24, 2010

in the directory of /var/log , i see some directory like apache2 , apt , gdm , i wonder does all these folders was made under the syslogd ? i mean do these utilities use syslogd to log their messages or they use their own systems , for example apache use syslog or use its own library?

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Programming :: Send A UDP Syslog Packet With Source Port Set To 514

Jan 25, 2010

I am trying to generate a UDP syslog packet from my C application. But I am facing a problem with a Cisco Router ACE that does not like the Source Port being '0' and thus drops the packet.How can I specify the Source Port in the UDP header to '514' as stated in RFC3164 (Section 2: Transport Layer Protocol)? "It is RECOMMENDED that the source port also be 514 to indicate that the message is from the syslog process of the sender"

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CentOS 5 :: Replacing Syslog With Syslog-ng?

May 5, 2009

trying to replace syslog with syslog-ng. When I:

yum erase syslog,

wants to remove everything else that (presumably) has syslog as a dependency. how do I replace the dependency on syslog with a dependency on syslog-ng?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Syslog Files Accumulating Searching For Setting To Delete Old Syslog Files?

Oct 7, 2010

I noticed in my system that my root partition is getting full. I found a lot of old compacted syslogfiles. Had a look at etc/sysconfig editor eg cron but could not find a setting which allows to delete files older than a month. Where and how could I influence this ? I deleted manually all syslog files older than a month. Approx 6GB

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Programming :: Code For Few Warning Messages?

Oct 2, 2010

For the following compilation warning message I need to create some sample program in C for self study. Also I am looking for some good web link where all the C warnings are described.

1. Warning #47: incompatible redefinition of macro "entity" . Undefine macro before
2. Warning #167: argument of type is incompatible with parameter of type
3. Warning #175: subscript out of range


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Programming :: Block Messages On A Message Queue ?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm facing a scenario in which i need to block messages from being passed onto a message queue when my code is running. how to proceed.

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Programming :: CAPA -STLS Does Not Delete Messages

Sep 6, 2010

I have designed a simple mail client to download messages/data to a file.

The server type is CAPA STLS which means can handle noncrypted and encrypted logins.

I have a problem which is that POP3 CAPA STLS mail server does not want to delete messages. It deletes the messages on the non STLS side.

For an STLS session, I receive the +Ok for a Deleted message.

Language C, Library openssl, IP4.
Compiler: gcc.

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Programming :: Keep Track Of Messages Sent From Server And Not Get Stuck?

Dec 14, 2010

I am writing a client chat server program in java. The chat server is already written. I created the interface and I connected to the chat server. The server keeps sending protocol messages to whom ever is connected, also it keeps sending specific protocol every 10 sec to check if user is still online.My problem is when I connect from my interface to the chat server, the program gets stuck, I can not press any other button because after connection my program keeps receiving commands from server(I have a method to keep reading after connection). How can I keep track of messages sent from server and not get stuck i.e press other buttons or type in the interface?

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