Programming :: Googlinig Goto Cannot Be Replaced With Sytax

Dec 30, 2010

I google goto for linux This is logical.Not only so, but inevitable logic. Which cannot be replaced with sytax. Well, That isn't true. I guess, logic can be overridden with gobbeldygook, as we see in government everyday.

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Programming :: Getting A Particular Field Replaced In A Host List?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm having a bit of a trouble getting a particular field replaced in a host list. I have a MasterHostList which has a comma delimiter for fields and a new line to separate servers.


I then have a file.list file with a grouping of server names. What I need is to search the MasterHostList and for each server that is in the file.list I need to change the fourth field from group1 to group2 without changing the order or position of anything in the MasterHostList. Obviously the above names are arbitrary.

Failed attempts have been: for SERVER in `cat file.list`; do sed /$SERVER/s/,group1,/,group2,/ MasterHostList MasterHostList.tmp && mv -f MasterHostList.tmp MasterHostList; done for SERVER in `cat file.list`;do awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="," } /^${SERVER}/ { $4 = "group2" } 1' ./MasterHostList MasterHostList.tmp && mv -f MasterHostList.tmp MasterHostList; done

Both of these would in various output tests find the correct lines, but it wouldn't change them all correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Text Replaced With Rectangles?

Jun 20, 2010

So I booted up lucid lynx this morning and all the text is replaced with rectangles.This is true for the login screen and any applications I can get to open (Some such as Chrome and Firefox will not launch).If I boot into recovery mode and enter the command line, text works as normal.I found some suggestions to run "sudo fc-cache -f -v" which did not fix the issue and one suggestion to edit xorg.conf in a particular way, but since xorg.conf doesn't exist in lucid lynx, that was a no go.I did get a couple of screen shots:

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Ubuntu :: Icon Refuses To Be Replaced

Aug 3, 2010

Final update: No matter what has been tried throughout this thread, the gnome foot icon refuses to budge, so: I give up.I'll update this again IF the creator of the icons ever responds to me..Yet still the icon (gnome foot) remains, and i can't figure out why.

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Hardware :: Laptop CD Drive Be Replaced By A HDD?

Apr 10, 2010

An Acer Ferrari 4005wlmi laptop has the following CD/DVD IDE drive with a thickness of about 13 mm:


Can this be replaced by an IDE 2.5'' HDD?

If an adaptor of some kind is required, where do I get one?

Details of the rest of the system: [URL]

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General :: Eth Configuration Deleted And Replaced By New One

Dec 22, 2009

I have a problem with Fedora Red Hat (, every time I restart the server, the eth configuration is deleted and replaced by a new one. For example, my configuration:
eth0 --> static ip address

I restart the server, then eth0 file is deleted and replaced by eth1 with default configuration. I try to create an eth0 and give it the static ip, I stop the network I get at the end: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device

But when I start it back I get: bringing up interface eth0: Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization. However, if I configured the static ip to eht1 it will work perfectly. But I still get "SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device" when I stop it.

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Software :: Harddrive Replaced Recover LVM?

May 24, 2011

OK I Have a server half way around the world and I've got a problem (hopefully small), I had to have my main drive replaced and now I need to recover the LVM so I can access the other 2 hard drives with all the data on them. The problem is these drives used LVM and encription on them. Also the mysql partition was removed (also on the failed drive)

The setup is as follows 40GB SSD (this drive was replaced) 2X 500GB SATA These drives are encrypted and used raid and LVM But im really unsure how to get to the data/set it back up like it was before. Now before the hard drive was replaced I was smart enough to create a image of the drive with dd. Il try to list a few things I think are important Firstly this is what I used to start the drives up with the old drive.


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Software :: What Can Be Replaced In Microsoft Windows

Jun 22, 2011

What linux is the best use that i can replace to Microsoft Windows that suitable to school and college. that all program used in windows base will work like Visual Basic, Pascal program, Photoshop and many more

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General :: File's Group Changing When Replaced Via Scp

Oct 26, 2010

on my Fedora test server, there is a webdev group for all developers and the files under /var/www are owned by apache:webdev. Each developer is set up per normal, with each getting his/her own entry in /etc/group, then I add them to the webdev group (all from the command line). Things seemed OK, but when I edited a file as me the other day and updated it via scp, the ownership and group changed to that of my user, preventing a second dev from updating it later. How can I make sure that the file remains editable by all in the webdev group regardless of who updates it? Since it's a test server, the permissions are fairly loose at 775.

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Fedora Servers :: DNS For Web Server - Gets Replaced With The IP Address

Sep 26, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 and I have set it up as a web server with Apache. I have a domain name from GoDaddy that I own and I have set it to my web server. I am able to type the address into a browser on a computer outside of my network and it will pull up the web pages on the server. the problem that I am having is that after I type the URL, it gets replaced with the IP address. [URL] I know that I need a nameserver to resolve the IP address but I can not figure out how to do it. I have tried to use Bind but I can never seem to get it to work.

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Fedora Networking :: Resolv.conf Not Replaced

Nov 1, 2010

I use Fedora 13 (minimal installation), ISC DHCP server 4.1.1-P1. I'm running Fedora 13 too on a separate machine (minimal installation) with ISC DHCPclient 4.1.1-P1. My goal is to do some IPv6 testing. When I use the DHCP client manually (dhclient -6 -timeout 5 -d -v eth0), the client retrieves and installs a dynamically assigned IPv6 address.

Additionally, the client gets 1 DNS resolver address and 1 DNS search list. The resolver address and DNS search list always get written into /etc/resolv.conf. Perfect, exactly what I need. But when I do a "service network restart" or restart my system (which should trigger the same, as far as I understood), the DNS resolver addr and the search list get written into /etc/ and the /etc/resolv.conf stays as before. How can I change this behavior? I don't need the .save file, I just want to have /etc/resolv.conf replaced by the latest DNS information.

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OpenSUSE :: Alsa Is Replaced By Oss After Logout And Login

Apr 27, 2010

Whenever I log out and re-login, my alsa is gone, and is replaced by oss. It won't even work after I do


rcalsasound restart

my alsa info:


before logout my mixer (normal until i logoff):

after login:

It works good even if i hibernate or sleep but, breaks down while I logout and relogin... created a new user for testing: same problem persists.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - Active Window Replaced By 4 Smaller

Dec 5, 2010

I like openSUSE 11.3 very much. When I move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the screen, my active window is immediately replaced by 4, smaller windows (I think that at the beginning I had a cube). I'm afraid this gobbles up a lot of memory and henceforth slows down my computer. Is it possible to have only one window "active" at the time? If I want, say a terminal screen, I can always activate it via the "Computer" button?

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring A Replaced Folder Or File?

Aug 27, 2011

I turned my laptop in for repairs. I used someone else's USB drive to hold my pictures etc from that computer. I may have replaced the "pictures" folder tat was already on there, but I'm not sure if it was there in the first place. (Doesn't remember the "Are you sure you want to replace..." warning <.< >.>) I enabled hidden files, and there was a folder called .Trashes, instead of what you'd normally get. I copied my pictures onto my desktop, and then cleared the ones on the USB drive (left the folder). There was a folder named .000Trash-, or whatever it usually is. Only my pictures are in there. I'm confused, and don't tell me the pictures that were originally on the USB are gone forever.There's a tool for Windows, called Glary's Uilities that can get them back, supposedly. Not running windows, though

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OpenSUSE :: Alsa Is Replaced By Oss After Logout And Login?

Jul 15, 2010

Whenever I log out and re-login, my alsa is gone, and is replaced by oss. It won't even work after I do


rcalsasound restart

my alsa info:


before logout my mixer (normal until i logoff):

after login:

It works good even if i hibernate or sleep but, breaks down while I logout and relogin.

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Ubuntu :: System Text Replaced With Squares

Aug 12, 2010

Yesterday, while surfing a web forum with ~6 tabs open and music playing, I noticed that the top of my Firefox window, next to the minimize/restore/close buttons, was displaying the wrong name. It was displaying my second tab while I was on my fourth, for example, and this error continued even as I switched tabs, picking a tab for the name at seemingly random. The menu bar next to the "click here to hide all windows and show the desktop" button continued to show the right name, however. Within a minute or so, the browser started to hang, my computer started to slow, and the top of the browser became entirely obscured. I was eventually forced to power down the computer by use of the power button, as I was unable to access the shut-down menu.Upon booting up again, I noticed that the computer took longer to get to log-in. Once I did log in, I noticed that the text at the top of the window now consisted entirely of squares, with about as many squares as there would be proper characters normally. Furthermore, this had spread to other aspects of my system. I have all current updates.

Examples (attached pictures should illustrate):

- When in the File Manager, there are tabs that show your movement through the system; for example, if I start by opening Home, then Pictures, it'll show my Home folder and Pictures there. The currently-selected tab has the erroneous display of squares, but the non-selected ones do not.
- The shutdown menu has squares where the names of the individual options should be and at the top window, but the descriptive text below continues to function normally.
- The update manager has squares at the top line of the "loading" prompt, the top line next to the update manager icon (just above "The package information was last updated X hours ago"), and the name of each individual update consists of squares, in addition to the text just below "changes for the versions: 2.2... etc" text but above the changelog.
- The "Users Settings" options menu has squares at various areas, such as the name of the user, account type, and password. (The area with the name and colon, such as "Password:" is correct, but the area after the colon is all squares.)
- Black box system notifications - for example, the name of the wireless to which I have just connected - have the first line made into squares.
- Authentication prompts - for the package manager or update manager, for example - have the first line as squares, but the second works normally.
- The package manager seems completely fine, other than the aspects of it previously mentioned that extend to other applications (the name area at the top of the window, the authentication prompts).

(Looking back, I actually meant "rectangles" when I said "squares." Oops; apologies for any confusion caused.)It seems obvious that SOMETHING has become corrupted, but I'm not educated enough on the subject to identify and solve the problem, or to know much of the standard procedure for this sort of situation.

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Ubuntu :: Replaced Gnome - Terminal Icon?

Sep 22, 2010

I created a menu entry to run MATLAB using

gnome-terminal -x /usr/local/bin/matlab After using MATLAB a few times, I realized that my gnome-terminal icon has actually been replaced with the MATLAB icon, even when I'm running the terminal by itself. Meaning that it shows the MATLAB icon in the taskbar and the Run Applications dialog when I type in gnome-terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replaced With The Grub's Of Fedora

Jun 26, 2011

I was using ubuntu 11.04 with a separate boot partition. Then i installed fedora 15 during which i erased(format) the /boot partition which holds the Grub2 entries for ubuntu. And its been replaced with the Grub's of Fedora. My Ubuntu installation is still intact sans the /boot folder. i tried copying the ubuntu vmlinuz and initrd into /boot (now belonging to fedora) and booted from grub - it throws me into initramfs , from which i dont know how to get into the lovely GUI of ubuntu .


where /sda1 is boot ; /sda7 is home ; /dev/sda10 having the [once] ubuntu installed files without /boot folder ; /dev/sda3 my fedora installation from where am typing this. Can i make a dual boot of ubuntu and fedora now without the need of reinstalling ubuntu again

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Hardware :: Replaced 2 IDE Drives: CentOS Only Sees 1

Jan 6, 2010

I recently had to reload CentOS (5.3) on a box because of an unrelated problem (one of its SATA drives went belly up). I decided to update the old (reliability questionable) 80 GB IDE HDs that had been in it with some new 160's while I was changing stuff around.

the BIOS sees both IDE drives, and so does a bootable Acronis CD I have (boots some Windows version). But CentOS refuses to see both the IDE drives (the new SATA drive dropped in w/o difficulty). I spent some time messing with Master/Slave settings and switching disks around--CentOS only sees the Master disk (whichever physical drive that happened to be at the time--clearly was not a bad drive). Here's what dmesg has to say for itself in the relevant section:

Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
NFORCE-MCP55: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:04.0
NFORCE-MCP55: chipset revision 161
NFORCE-MCP55: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
NFORCE-MCP55: BIOS didn't set cable bits correctly. Enabling workaround.
NFORCE-MCP55: 0000:00:04.0 (rev a1) UDMA133 controller

The MB is a Tyan S2912 w/ 2 Dual-core Opterons (with an admittedly older BIOS, but the BIOS sees the drives; and so does the different OS so it seems like it's gotta be something w/ CentOS). The extra space of the 2nd IDE drive was not critical, so I just took it out for the time being (may try a BIOS update later).

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General :: Replaced Windows 7 With Ubuntu 11.04 And Cannot Get On The Internet

Jul 28, 2011

I replaced windows 7 with ubuntu 11.04 and cannot figure out how to get on the internet. Smeone told me to go to SYSTEM, ADMINISTRATION, NETWORKING then select connections tab. These will not show up on this system. Perhaps someone can tell me if I need to redownload the ubuntu or what.

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Fedora :: Replaced /dev/dsp As The Default Generic Sound Device?

Sep 4, 2011

I have old app that by default is looking for /dev/dsp as an audio device. The source is configured as such and I want to change that so sound will work on current versions of Fedora.

What is the equivalent of /dev/dsp in F15 ?

I think /dev/dsp was the default generic sound device .. ?

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Ubuntu :: Text Characters Replaced By Little Rectangles In Openoffice?

Feb 25, 2010

i have a problem, when i open OO, the text of the menus is replaced by little rectangles.

For example, instead of:

File Edit View etc..

(they look more like rectangles than squares) i also have this problem with drop down menus, font names, font styles and even with the numbers on the ruler.

Ubuntu 9.10, OO 3.1

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Ubuntu :: Replaced Music With Symlink - Lost Icon

Jul 4, 2010

I have a docs partition with my music on it. I replaced the Music folder in the system's home folder with a symlink pointing to the music folder on the docs partition, but the special music icon has now disappeared (it just looks like a regular folder).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replaced XP With Win7 - Need To Change Grub?

Aug 28, 2010

I had XP Home on my dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 PC & now installed Window 7 Home Premium 64-bit over old XP. Before installing Win7, as a precaution, I disconnected the hard drive where Ubuntu is installed. Now, naturally, the startup screen (grub?) still offers XP. Is there an easy way to re-detect & rewrite the startup menu with the Ubuntu install CD without re-installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 again, like a GRUB repair or rewrite?

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Ubuntu Servers :: NAS Device OS Be Replaced With LXDE Distro

May 8, 2011

Is there a recommended NAS device (preferably only an enclosure which I can change the SATA HDs) in the market that the OS used in the NAS device can be changed by installing either Lubuntu or Mint LXDE?These are the things I am looking for with the NAS device

> Accessible using Linux, Windows and OSX
> Low powered and power saving as it will be open 24/7 plugged into a UPS
> Has to have all of these programs: Dropbox, XChat, Chromium, JDownloader, utorrent (through Wine), VNC, TeamViewer, FreeNX


I have something similar going on with my relatively old (it's core 2 duo I think) monitor-busted laptop for around a year now. But the discspace of that is only 160GB and it's somewhat a pain to always migrate the files. I'm also thinking it would be good storage of lots of big pictures as my brother is a hobbyist turned professional photographer and I am an apprentice of his. It will also be stored with lots of videos and sound files that can be accessed at least through the network.

I'm thinking of at least having it 2TB but there currently are two problems with the current laptop namely: the USB plug of the laptop has serious problems that it disconnects the USB2 randomly then makes it USB1 speed. Secondly, it has bad heat management that it shut downs randomly without a word (or so I think it's because of that it shuts down).

As much as I would like to build from the junk of old computers we don't use, I don't think I have the time recently to make my own NAS and experiment (and even though I'm excited in learning and setting up RAID - I don't think I have that luxury of a time at the moment).

I've been reading last night of devices like Buffalo Link Station and such but most if not all of them have their own preinstalled OS and Google searches doesn't stumble me to an. What I want actually is install Mint LXDE or Lubuntu as I prefer that it has the features and programs I'm currently using right now with the 160GB network storage.

Is there a NAS device in the market I can install Lubuntu or Mint LXDE (yeah, I think LXDE will be the best environment for the things I will do for it)? Or is it still better that I make some time and build my own NAS? Please advice *bows deeply*

PS: I've been checking for NAS devices available at a (a very big local tech selling community) and found these:

Linksys Cisco NAS 200 dual SATA bay - [URL]
Buffalo Link Station Duo LS-WXL/E - [URL]
EtrayZ 2-bay [URL]

Do any of the abovementioned devices can be installed with Linux LXDE distro?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Warning: The Command '/usr/bin/whatis' Has Been Replaced By A Script

Oct 20, 2010

i finally get my server reformat and replace with redhat server v 5.5 ... [URL] and the same thing show in rkhunter log..

like this

[18:00:36] /sbin/ifdown [ Warning ]
[18:00:36] Warning: The command '/sbin/ifdown' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifdown: Bourne-Again shell script text executable
[18:00:36] /sbin/ifup [ Warning ]


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Fedora Hardware :: Battery Replaced - BIOS Not Load ROM From PCI Adapter

Jan 16, 2011

I just replaced the battery on my motherboard in an older computer that I was going to load Linux on. Before I replaced the battery, I booted up the computer and my old copy of win2k loaded up fine. Now that I have replaced the battery, the BIOS will not load the ROM from my PCI ATA adapters (one SIIG ATA 133 IDE controller, and one Promise ATA 133 IDE controller) which are hooked to my hard drives that I boot from (software raid 1) and the CDROM drive in the system (along with some other hard drives for storage). I removed the adapters and stuck them in another computer to check them. They both loaded their ROM's into the BIOS of the other computer. So the cards are fine. The computer has an award BIOS. I have checked all of the settings and reset the CMOS again, but it will not load the ROMs from the PCI controllers into the BIOS on boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Software Update Apparently Replaced Firefox 3.6.4 With 3.5.9?

Jun 26, 2010

Tofirst automatic software update was launched on my newly installed openSUSE 11.2 - and apparently it replaced Firefox 3.6.4 with 3.5.9.I tried to find out how to install 3.6.4 using YaST2, but adding the following repository didn't help me any further:Index of /repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.2What do I need to do to have YaST2 install the latest firefox version?

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General :: Accidentally Replaced The Partition Table Using GParted In UBUNTU

May 20, 2010

This machine has UBUNTU & wINDOWS XP. I'm currently logged into UBUNTU. I was just checking the features of GParted and accidentally clicked Device > Create Partition Table. A default MS-DOS partition table is created. Now if I re-start the Gparted there is nothing. Its showing entire disk as UNALLOCATED space.

Lucky thing is All the drives (C:, D:, E:) are currently mounted and I'm in UBUNTU. I guess its possible to re-create the partition table using current status. how to do this. This is a lab computer. If its not recoverable. I'm completely screwed!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Replaced DVDRW Drive Not Reading Disks?

Feb 25, 2010

I just replaced a DVD-RAM drive in one HP server, The drive is recognized by the OS:

# lshw -class disk
description: SCSI CD-ROM
product: DVDRAM GSA-T50L


Is there anything I should do when replacing a drive? Didnt think so, but this is going nowhere.

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