Programming :: PHP URL Get Page Image From Remote Server Without Errrors?

Apr 11, 2010

I can get a dynamic image to display in my webpage<td><img src="<? echo image.php" ;?>"where image.php is some ones example that outputs some characters to screen.All works fineBut the site is ssl,and It wont load the "foreign" object for security reasons.I was wondering I cURL could trick the browser into thinking that the image source is still on the same serverlike

$remote = '';
curl_setopt($ch, CURL_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0); // for testing


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Programming :: First Image Will Display On The Page, And When A User Puts Their Cursor Over It, Then It Will Load Image 2?

Nov 24, 2010

I have just exported 3 png files out of gimp for a html document I'm working on right now, and they are all almost the same, except I need each to load when the user does something. So the first image will display on the page, and when a user puts their cursor over it, then it will load image 2. When they press it, it loads image 3.

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Programming :: Load And Show Image In Web Page?

Feb 27, 2010

I did a perl/cgi script for uploading image. The script works, image is iploaded in upload directory, but the problem is: How can I to load and show image in web page?

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Programming :: How Proxy Server Get Html Page From Internet

Jun 15, 2010

im making client(browser) and proxy server application in linux and using c/c++....can any one guide me that how proxy server get page from internet and send it to the client (browser)?and how that page will be displayed on my browser??meanz that will be only text...if text then how i can display graphical page....

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Programming :: Executing Commands From Web Page And Outputing It Back To The Web Page?

May 8, 2009

wanted to know if i can execute commands on linux console through a web page and redirect it back to my web page !For example :if i send a query "ls"it should execute this command on my linux console and also redirect the list of the files to the web page from which i give the command !

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Programming :: Web Page On Apache Server Query MS Access Database

Jan 18, 2010

I have an access database and I would like to build a website on the slackware 12.2 server running apache 2.11.14 to let users query data from the MS Access database. I am thinking that I could just do it in jscript and make a jdbc connection and that should be good. What do you guys think.

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Ubuntu :: Print 1 Image Over More Than One Page?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a rather large image that I want to print onto several pages. How would you recommend doing this? I've been copying sections and printing like that using GIMP, and I have had limited success using presentation type software, but is there a faster way of doing this?

edit #1: Being able to Print this to PDF or PS would be great.

(Office computer runs slightly modified version of ubuntu 10.04-LTS 32bit)

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Programming :: Accessing Server From Remote Host?

Mar 2, 2011

i have made a java web server which works on localhost.but now i want to capable it handling many clients at a clients running on different computer need machine name or IP address of server computer.How can i do this in java?

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Programming :: Redirect Output To Remote Server Via Ssh?

May 18, 2009

I need to output of the script to the remote server via redirect. I created a simple script for your reference.Quote:



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Programming :: Connect To Remote Unix Server Using Script?

Aug 4, 2010

1)We need to do a clean up a folder in a remote unix server . What is the best option to connect to remote server? how do we use ssh ? Is there any prerequisite to use ssh?

2) We have to SCP few files to another folder in a remote unix server . I formed the below command to use in script. Is it of correct usage? scp -r $POS_HOME/posctl [login nameip address:/home/username/directory]

I have seen public key/private key generation part for SCP. How do we handle this? Does this need to be done as unix admin?

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Programming :: PHP - Connection To Remote Server To Edit File?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a webGUI in php where users can make certain settings. How can I edit a file on a remote server from my php webserver? Currently I use my FTP client, vsFTPd and a chrooted user in a specific directory where the file resides. I think this is pretty save as long a nobody else uses my FTPclient. How can I make changes to this file on the remote server from within my php-code on my webserver ?? (so that not I need to make the changes but my users can do it from a html-form) I found this but the credentials for the FTP-connection are plain :

$file = fopen ("ftp://loginasswd@server", "w");
if (!$file) {
echo "<p>Unable to open remote file for writing.


I use https for the webGUI, but I guess this does not mean the connection to the remote server will be encrypted also ? Can I use my FTP-user (has no shell) from within php to edit the file ?

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Programming :: Read Console Output From Remote Server?

Jan 20, 2009

when the user clicks a button (assume war application) and the action'system.out.println' a message, how can I *remotly* read this message (read the message from a different computer instead of the server)?when I use the eclipse, I can read it from the console but if I'm in adifferent location, how can I see this message remotely?I'm thinking about remote debugging (JPDA), however, it's very difficult to configure in order to make JPDA run. I tried based on tutorial of google search, bug failed.I wonder if remote debugging can actually solve my problem. If not, is there any other to solve

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Debian :: Wallpaper That Is Similar To The Image In The Home Page

Jul 25, 2010

Where can I find the wallpaper that is similar to the image in the Debian home page. Not the one in the smaller windows (in the image), but the part of the image which has "The universal operating system" written.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Page Zoom Gives Poor Image Quality?

Aug 2, 2010

One of my favorite features of fire fox is the page zoom ( ctrl + / ctrl - ) that zooms the entire page retaining the layout how ever when I installed 10.04 on my main desktop firefox started scaling the images very poorly ( ie no smoothing, leaving the image looking extremely pixelated ).All threads I've found on the subject seems to related to ubuntu 8, and suggest that a bug fix was underway... hopefully this means there is an easy fix - but what?info;Same computer it worked fine on ubuntu 9.xx and windows 7 - when doing desktop zoom (meta + mouse scroll ) the images also scales as expected.

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Programming :: Shell Script To Check Whether Directory Exists On Remote Server

Jan 17, 2011

I am new to scripting, would like to have a script that tests whether a directory exists on remote host & display the message accordingly. The remote hostname can be provided by means of file containing list of hostnames. Can use rsh for connecting to remote host.I tried with couple of scripts by searching google but didn't get desired result. Please help me, below is my efforts, $file contains list of hostnames.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Prints Mirror Image Or Top 1/2 Inch Of Page Missing?

Jan 19, 2010

I have two different ways to print to my HPOfficejet Pro 8500. They look like two different printers to the software.

When I attempt to print a PDF file one of these prints a mirror image; the other cuts approximately 1/2 inch from the top of the page. files appear to print without problems.

I have openSUSE 11.2 and HPLIP 3.9.8

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Software :: Unable To View Remote Hosts Details In Nagios Browser Page?

Sep 4, 2010

I have configured Nagios Server and Client on my RHEL 5.4 machines using these links and help html files in tar balls.


I have this scenario.

Nagios Server -
Nagios Client - (This is the remote-host I am trying to monitor)

I firmly believe I have at least configured it right as this command on Nagios Server does not show any errors.

/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

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Software :: Using Dd To Copy An Image File To A Remote System?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to get the dd command to successfully copy a disk image to a remote system.Right now I am testing out the syntax by trying to copy the /dev/sda1 directory of the subject computer. The command syntax that I am using is the following:Code:dd if=/dev/sda1 ibs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror | (ssh of=/roarchive/test obs=4096)The user account running this command is root, and the account does have key-based authentication between the source and destination computers. The command does not return any error messages, but when I check the directory on the destination system, the expected output is not there.

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Programming :: Downloading A List Of Files From A Remote Server Using A List?

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get this script to work. The purpose is to download a list of modules from the the list consist of a list of module numbers. What I am trying to do is Download the file or the file name corresponding to the number in the list.the list is comma delimited. this is what I have done so far and I am a stand still.

# Wget script to retrieve modules from modules
# ----Begin of user defined values -----
# Path to wget


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Software :: Xsane Reduces Size Of Image Of Scanned Page - How To Get Back To Full Size?

Nov 12, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04, xsane 0.996, Brother MFC 240c scanner.I just finished writing a long dissertation on my problem with this scanning environment (which I will spare you). In a nutshell the resulting image, when printed, is smaller than the original document. In writing my dissertation for this post I determined that the cause of the issue is that xsane believes I am scanning an 8.5 x 14 inch document when I am in fact scanning an 8.5 x 11 letter. So the question is... can I change the size to 8.5 x 11? and if so, how? I have not found anything in the xsane Preferences.

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Programming :: How To Poll For A Page In PHP

May 27, 2010

How do I poll for a page on a server using PHP?

If a user wanted a page that does not yet exist - but is being made at request - I'd like the script to "poke" the server to see if the page is ready to be displayed. If so, it would then transfer to that newly made page.

I read about "http_get", but do not seem to get it to work


Ok, there might be a simple way out, but I don't see it.

My info came from [url]

More specific:


Returns the HTTP response(s) as string on success, or FALSE on failure.

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Programming :: Put A Capcha On A Page?

Mar 17, 2010

Besides getting hold of a good software that'll do the job of actually generating the image, I'm confused as to how to actually put it on a webpage- since the program that'll generate the image will be on one particular webpage, and the program that does the *checking* will be on the *subsequent*, i.e. unrelated and separate page, how does it know what the correct letters and numbers are?

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Programming :: Writing A Page In PHP?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to write some PHP for a website that'll have the data that the script will generate written inside a table with thin black line around it, much like LQ itself. My problem is: how do I draw the box that the text will be inside of, since the amount of text will vary - if I have a GIF with a picture of a box, that'll be of a fixed length, and my script can then only generate that much text, for it to look nice. Or do I need to fiddle with the GD library to get done what I want?

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Programming :: Arrange EPS Files On One Page?

Aug 17, 2010

I have 100 sets of EPS files. Each set contains 3 files. I was wondering if it possible to arrange each set in such a way that 3 EPS files will be on one page?

I know how to write a bash script with "for" or "do" loop. how to arrange the EPS files, which are produced by gnuplot.

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Programming :: Use PHP To Read An RSS Page That Is Online?

Apr 30, 2011

Just a quick question. If I were to use PHP to read an RSS page that is online, what "browser" (user-agent) would the webserver detect my PHPs request as? If that doesn't make any sense I'm referring to information such as Code:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

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Programming :: PHP Function Without Refreshing Page?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a task01 function. I would like that the click on the button, does not refrest hte page. I does not work...

Here is the code...

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Programming :: Php Not Running In Html Page?

May 22, 2010

I have an HTML page that I want to run some PHP code. I found several "How tos" about this but I can't get it to work. The code is very simple:


cat test.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


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Server :: Access From A Browser To The Squirrelmail Configtest Page In Server?

May 10, 2010

I was trying to have access from a browser to the squirrelmail configtest page in my server, making some changes, I accidentaly remove the directory webmail. After I replace it with a backup apache2 can not start. This is what I have. Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of [URL].. closed. But I am sure there is a ?> at the end of this file.Base on what I read on [URL]...-with-the-tag/ I test without the ?> also, but I got the same error.

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Programming :: Calling Script From Php Page Is Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

I have typed the following code:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST">


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Programming :: Eclipse Run Configuration For An HTML Page?

Aug 14, 2010

How can I create a Run Configuration for html page with no http server (e.g. Tomcat)? I want to debug javascript so I need not a server.

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