Software :: Using Dd To Copy An Image File To A Remote System?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to get the dd command to successfully copy a disk image to a remote system.Right now I am testing out the syntax by trying to copy the /dev/sda1 directory of the subject computer. The command syntax that I am using is the following:Code:dd if=/dev/sda1 ibs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror | (ssh of=/roarchive/test obs=4096)The user account running this command is root, and the account does have key-based authentication between the source and destination computers. The command does not return any error messages, but when I check the directory on the destination system, the expected output is not there.

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General :: Copy And Paste Between Local System And The Remote System When Using Rdesktop?

Dec 22, 2010

On Linux I do:

rdesktop remotepc

How do I copy and paste between my local system and the remote system?

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Fedora :: Copy Image Of System To Larger Drive?

Mar 3, 2009

I am running Fedora 10 and would like to move from my 40gb hard disk to a larger (320gb drive). I would like to take an exact image of the smaller drive and put this on the bigger drive.

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General :: Remote Copy File

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to use the command rcp to copy file from remote server ( linux ) to local pc , what is the command ?the remote server name is lnx_srv , the path is /tmp/ora_file1.txt , the linux login id is ora_usr , the .rhosts have released to ora_usr the localhost pc path is c:OraI read the help page of windows , tried the command rcp lnx_srv.ora_usr:/tmp/ora_file1.txt c:Ora , but not work , the error is "rsh: can't establish connection" , Can advise what is wrong ? what comamnd should i use ?

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General :: Copy A File From Remote Directory

Aug 4, 2011

How to copy a file from remote to local directory and vice versa using ftp bat script file in telnet.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy A Large 30gig Image File?

Jan 3, 2010

I have some large image files that are 30 gig and more. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 whenever I try to copy one of these files to another drive I get a error saying the file is too large. I am trying to copy from an external Hard Drive or a slave drive does the same thing. I have a friend who has expressed the same issue. This must be a widespread bug.

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Ubuntu :: Copy ISO CD Image File To USB Flash Drive Using Dd?

Jul 13, 2011

I am pretty much a noob when it comes to Linux. But I desperately need to do exactly what the title of this thread says.I have this ISO file which is a bootable CD image. But instead of booting off of a CD, I want to boot from a USB flash drive. I understand that I can't simply just burn it with ImgBurn or whatever, and then just drag and drop the files and folder to a USB flash drive. Because hidden files, bootloader, etc. would not be visible and not copied. I know I'm in for some special software in order to copy every single byte from that ISO image to my USB flash drive.

I did try extracting the ISO with PeaZip (7-zip based) under Windows Vista, but that didn't work out very well. It resulted in a few files and folders, totaling in at about 2 KB, while the source ISO file is actually some 50 MB. WinRAR, on the other hand, would simply just create an empty folder where to put the files (no files created/extracted), flash before my eyes and call it a day ("complete").I have learned from other posters on other forums that there is this Unilx program/command called DD. How can I use DD to accomplish this task?

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General :: Remote File Copy Through Archiving Software ?

Oct 6, 2010

I need to back up a fold on a remote machine to my local box; the remote hd does not have enough space archive it, neither does my local box. I know there's a cantrip to pipe scp through gzip (or similar), but I don't remember the syntax.

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Ubuntu :: Secure Copy: Overwrite Remote File With Sudo?

Mar 18, 2011

My situation:

Host A: need sudo to access the file
Host B: need sudo to access/overwrite the target file

How to copy a file from host A to host B without creating temporaries? Is it possible?

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Programming :: Copy A File Securely To Remote Host In JAVA?

Feb 2, 2009

I am looking for an API in JAVA which gives me functionality to copy a file to remote host in secure manner like (SCP).

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General :: Why Dolphin Makes Local Copy When Play A Remote .avi File

Oct 15, 2010

i am using dolphin 1.5 in kde 4.5.2. whenever i try to access movie file from remote samba server. dolphin copies the movie file to somewhere in local hard disk. so, i have to wait until a big file transferring complete. i know that it happens when i open .avi using mplayer. if i open the same remote file with kmplayer, it will player immediately instead of making local copy first. however, kmplayer is very slow and sounds and video stream breaking up, (i am sorry i do not know right english expression for this) i suppose this is not related to mplayer configuration. this seems to be dolphin problem. can i make dolphin to stop copying samba share to local disk and play instantly? there is a video in videos. it is comparing how dolphin and nautilus act differently when i play remote samba share movies.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Copy A File From SMB Share To The Local File System

Aug 17, 2015

There is this bug in the latest version of Ubuntu, which is also Jessie, which is:

Can't copy a file from SMB share to the local file system: Software caused connection abort

The problem, apparently, is that newer versions of Samba hit servers with multiple requests at the same time, and for some reason the Zyxel and Iomega boxes can't handle this. The best solution they've come up with is to modify the smb.conf file on your server to include this setting: "max mux = 1".

Here is the reference material on this bug: [URL] ....

People who develop samba have fixed it in the latest version but neither the ubuntu nor Debian have released the fixed version of nautilus, as of yet. Here, is the reference: [URL] ....

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Debian :: File Upload Using Firefox - Smaller Image File Is Previewed While Bigger Image File Is Not

Dec 16, 2015

I am trying to upload some pics on my Facebook account using Firefox. When I click on Facebook's file upload icon, Firefox bring up a 'File Upload' window. I noticed that smaller image file is previewed on the lower right hand corner, while bigger image file is not. Is there anyway I can change this behavior or maybe change what Firefox is using to browse my files?

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Ubuntu :: Copy A File From Desktop To A System Folder?

Nov 20, 2010

I need to copy a file from my desktop to a system folder but unsure how. It needs to go to the "etc/X11" folder

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Ubuntu :: Dd - Device Copy.... Low File System Space?

Mar 17, 2011

So I wanted to copy a copy-prod disk and decided to try dd after reading some information about it. after running dd for about a minute, I got a warning that I was low on disk space. I stopped dd and found I had only 200 MB left of 200 GB free space (originally having over 220 free). I deleted the 1/2 finished backups but cannot find the data which was written to the drive. It is hard to think that that much data could be written with my slow pc in under one are the commands I performed if that helps locate the data:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/disk/home/mark/pccheck.iso
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck.iso
sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck2.iso

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General :: Copy Entire File System Hierarchy From One Drive To Another?

Jul 7, 2011

I would like to copy the entire file system hierarchy from one drive to another..i.e contents of each directory as well as regular files in Linux platform. Would be gratefull to know the best way to do that with possibly Linuxes in-built functions. The file system is a ext family.

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General :: Installation - Create An Image File Of A Running System?

Dec 9, 2010

As I understand it creating an image of a Linux system makes an exact copy of the OS and any user files/configurations/programs etc. What i would love to do is create an image of my work PC and install it at home on my desktop. Can someone briefly explain the process of creating and installing images of Linux systems?

Home OS - windows Want - An image file that can be executed in a virtual machine(VMPlayer or VirtualBox) or booted directly on my home PC.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Need To Copy A Text File To Windows Platform Running On Same System

Mar 22, 2009

I hv a text file in redhat linux platform and i need to copy this file to windows platform running on the same system. Is there any command for this.

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Server :: Error: Message Reported From The File System: FTP Copy Not Supported

Feb 24, 2010

There is a centralized FTP server which are accessed by clients to develop some web development project and to achieve this the clients are using ftp service. The problem is when they are trying to copy any files and directories they are getting the following error: "Message reported from the file system: FTP copy not supported,use move instead"
I've checked all the permissions and they are all OK. I don't know why this is happening. they can create and move files and folders but can't copy files and folders.

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Fedora Servers :: Create A Backup To A Remote File System?

Jun 26, 2010

Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.

When I try this I get:


# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known


I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Browse My Files Using Remote File System / Why Is So?

Feb 14, 2010

I am new to XUbuntu and I cant seem to browse my other hard drives connected to my system, It keep saying Connecting to "60 GB Filesystem" failed.Authentication is required.
how do I browse my other hard drives in Xubuntu?

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General :: Accidentally Type Concatenate Large File On Remote System

May 6, 2010

Every once in a while on a computer I'm ssh'd into, I will accidentally type "cat largefile.txt" and my screen will start rushing with text for the next 10 minutes. I'm always working in a screen session, so my current solution is to just log out and then log back in, and since it can go 100X faster when I'm logged out, it'll finish in the short time it takes me to type my password in again. Is there a better way? Either involving the fact I'm in a screen session? Or a way to do this within SSH? What doesn't work: detaching from the screen session (doesn't respond until file is done outputting) trying command to move to a different window in the screen session (also doesn't respond) typing ctrl+C to kill cat command (also doesn't respond, probably because the command is done and the buffers just have to catch up).

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Ubuntu :: Rsnapshot - Automated Data Backup Of Remote File System

Aug 28, 2010

Rsnapshot is a software written in Perl to make backup of local and remote file system. The well proven rsync is behind this utility. rsnapshot does not need root user intervention to restore the data of a normal user. It does not take much space in your Backup server. It can be easily automated (scheduled) to make life easier. Just setup once and forget it configuration. Basically it takes snapshot of file system (or a part of) in regular interval such as hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.

This can be configured easily through a simple text based configuration file. The above task can be setup in a few easy steps in a few minutes. Two major tasks are configuring rsnapshot and openssh automatic login. To make the backup automatically, we need to automate the remote login in a secured way. This can be done through openssh tools. This scenario depicts backup of desktop (assuming that IP address is data to a backup server. My desktop runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and backup server runs on Debian Squeeze. [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disc Mirroring Between Local And Remote File System

Nov 5, 2010

Is there any software that will do full mirroring between a local and a remote file system. I have a server (9.04) and a laptop (9.10). Each user has shared a shared directory on the server, and on the laptop. Updates to files may be done on either system. I want to keep both copies syncronised. Currently I use a script based on rsync (scheduled by cron) to keep the local and remote copies in sync.

The problem with this approach is that rsync only seems to be able to handle deletion of files if one file system is the master, which is not the case in my set-up. If I move a file to a different directory, rsync will reinstate the old file as well as copying the new one. I was hoping there was some software that could do proper mirroring between the 2 systems, but6 so far I cannot find anything.

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Debian :: Which Default File System Will Be Created On Usb Stick Using Live-helper Usb-hdd Image?

Feb 5, 2011

which default file system will be created on usb stick using live-helper usb-hdd image?

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General :: Remote Mount Of Nfs Gives Permission Denied Error - FUSE File System?

Apr 6, 2011

I have created a new file system (fuse) which works fine and is mounted in the local host. I want to be able to mount it from another host. I added it to /ect/exports: /mnt/ltfs *(rw,sync) And restarted nfs. Then from my client host I type:

mount -t nfs myHostName:/mnt/ltfs /mnt/data1

Where /mnt/ltfs is on my local host and /mnt/data1 is on the client host. Note that this is a "FUSE" file system so here is it's local "mount" output: ltfs on /mnt/ltfs type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,default_permissions,allow_other) Note thet this is of type "ltfs" but I am told that it should work like its a nfs. ltfs uses fuse under the covers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mount A Live Compressed File System For Reading & Writing From A LiveCD/DVD Image?

Jul 9, 2011

On a Linux CD/DVD, there are compressed filesystem images for the live version for KDE or Gnome for example, but they have no extension, but they are clearly an image file ( compressed filesystem images for the live version before installation ) !!

I was wondering, How do I mount these compressed filesystem images, after I copy the ISO content of the CD/DVD on my system .... I want to edit some files or packages and make some changes, like if I want to customize a live version of gnome for example ! ... ( I know you might be tempted to tell me to use KIWI etc to customize etc ..... ) ... but I want to be able to mount the compressed file system image, then edit it for reading and writing while it is in a subdirectory on its own ... i want to open it ! ... is there a way to do this ??? ... these type of files have no extension ...

i can open this compressed filesystem image then to edit for read & write ... before I roll it back again ..... If and when I succeed .... what should I watch out for ? ... will the same compressed file image but slightly modified work again ?

PS. that same question could be kind of translated or be extended like : how do I use unionfs/squashfs programs on the command line to mount these image files with no extension for read & write mode ???

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General :: Copy A Read-Only File And Make The Copy Writable With A Single Cp Command?

Mar 1, 2011

How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).

More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Cd/dvd Copy Image Saved

Jan 6, 2010

I did it in 8.04, my question is when I left (opposite) click the desktop CD/DVD icon and select Copy from the pop-up menu where does the extracted image end up.Its always worked well enough I never worried about it, but today I needed some copies of a DVD a coworker authored that had one of those lame "Stomper" labels stuck on. It was applied off center and made the disk so unbalanced it appeared to read at 1X or less I was expecting an option to save the image but didn't get one. Anyone know if its still on my hard drive somewhere so I can avoid the tedium of ripping it again?

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Ubuntu :: Copy USB Drive Image

Aug 25, 2010

Im pretty sure there is a utility that copies byte for byte for linux that i could use to copy an image of a usb and later write it to another.

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