Programming :: Redirect Output To Remote Server Via Ssh?

May 18, 2009

I need to output of the script to the remote server via redirect. I created a simple script for your reference.Quote:



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General :: Redirect Output From Remote To Local?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm doing some commands on a remote server (using ssh to log on to the remote server, did a ssh key swap), how do i redirect the output of a command back to the local server ?the person who helps me out is my HERO i'm really stuck on this and it would bring me a lot further if i get this to work

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Programming :: Bash Ambiguous Redirect - Redirect One Command Output Which Will Be Treat As A Content Of File For Another Command?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to grep multiple numbers from file, grep does have the -f option for that.

Code: grep -f <`seq 500 520` /etc/passwd I know this could be done with

Code: for i in `seq 500 520`; do grep "$i" /etc/passwd; done But my question is fare more behind this example. It is possible to redirect one command output which will be treat as a content of file for another command ?

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Programming :: Read Console Output From Remote Server?

Jan 20, 2009

when the user clicks a button (assume war application) and the action'system.out.println' a message, how can I *remotly* read this message (read the message from a different computer instead of the server)?when I use the eclipse, I can read it from the console but if I'm in adifferent location, how can I see this message remotely?I'm thinking about remote debugging (JPDA), however, it's very difficult to configure in order to make JPDA run. I tried based on tutorial of google search, bug failed.I wonder if remote debugging can actually solve my problem. If not, is there any other to solve

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Programming :: How To Redirect ALL Output To (log) File?

Aug 6, 2010

I am again struggling to make a script work, but hey, it is fun, I am learning new things. I discovered the set -x option which was, for me, like the second coming. Still, what I am not able to do is redirect ALL output to a (log) file, including what is produced by the -x setting. Let's assume a very simple script:
Code: #!/bin/bash
set -x
ls -la $source and I am running it as . >> /var/log/test.rmcb.log

The result of ls goes inded into the log file, but the rest still shows on the console where I am running the script: Code: ++ source=/home/atelier/Bureau/
++ ls --color=auto -la /home/atelier/Bureau/ Is there a way to redirect EVERYTHING to the log file ?

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Programming :: Cannot Capture SCP Progress Bar In Output Redirect

Oct 31, 2010

I would really like to capture the output of scp and my file's progress. Scp updates the transfer rate every 1 second, and I will like to save the transfer rate at every update. So for example, if the file transfer takes 30 seconds, I would like 30 reports of the transfer rate.

The output looks like:
file.dat 1% 3664KB 938.5KB/s 05:48

Whenever I try a simple redirect like:
scp file.dat &> output
... it does not save the rate at every update, it only shows the final rate.

If I try using typescript by starting "script" ... it's the same deal.

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Programming :: Redirect Output To Files Using Shell?

May 21, 2011

I have a huge database of students, I would like extract these data and write to individual file for each students.

I am running a loop in shell program (.sh file), the output of each run in the loop need to redirected to a file with variable name.

I tried the following line, but it did not work, where BodyMsg is the data and Rollno is the students roll number.

echo $BodyMsg > $RolNo".html"

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Programming :: Bash - Redirect All Subsequent Std Output To File?

Feb 11, 2010

I have got a script with an outer and inner loop. The inner loop issues loads of echo's which need to be redirected to a log file determined by the outer loop. The obvious solution is to redirect every echo to >$LOG and set LOG in the outer loop.


for f in $FILES ; do
for l in $LINES ; do


it is possible to map stdout to $LOG in the outer loop without having to redirect every subsequent individual command output?

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Programming :: Shell Script - Redirect Output To File

Sep 6, 2010

I did a select on my db and now I need that this if consult return true for me salve the columns information in file. How I do this in Shell?!

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Programming :: Redirect The Output To Multiple Files Without Displaying It To The Screen?

Oct 26, 2010

To redirect standard output to multiple files:


echo Test | tee file1 file2

My problem is that the word "Test" still displays to the screen? I want same effect as:


echo Test > file1

but with multiple file redirection.

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Server :: Redirect Local DNS Query To Remote DNS Server On Non Standard Port?

Feb 19, 2010

The issue is that my CentOS workstation is in a vlan from where the Intranet's DNS servers are unreachable. For browsing the web there is an ISA proxy server, which I presume resolves DNS for my firefox. However, wget, host, ping and aria2c fail to get any sort of DNS resolution since they're being run from command line.I have exported HTTP_PROXY value, which provides me internet access on console, but,only when I connect using IP address. It fails on name resolution.

My question is:May I redirect the DNS queries to my home PC which would be running a DNS server on a non standard port?I was thinking of putting nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and then put iptables rule to redirect UDP to a.public.ip.address:3535 UDP..I don't know if I am shooting blanks or what, I am not very much aware of this kind of setup.My main need is to provide DNS resolution to console apps.I want to utilize my company's idle bandwidth for bulk downloads, so, using proxy, SSH tunneling through my Home PC is out of question.

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Programming :: Bash - Automatically Build A Set Of Packages And Redirect Output Into Logs - Failed Make Should Return A Non-zero Value

Jun 27, 2011

I have a set of bash scripts that I'm running that automatically build a set of packages for me and redirect their output into logs. Basically, I have a bunch of lines that are something like this: ${CONFIGURE_DIR}/configure &> ${LOG_DIR}/log or cd ${CONFIGURE_DIR} && make &> ${LOG_DIR}/log, etc.

This is supposed to make the entire process silent. However, sometimes with some packages some output leaks to my console (either stdout or stderr). I'm thinking that maybe the configure scripts/make are executing commands within new shell instances that don't inherit my redirect, or something to that effect.

Another reason for thinking this is that in another part of my script I detect errors when running make by testing with "if [ $? -ne 0 ]", and if the redirect leaks to my console and also the leaked output indicates that the build failed ("make: Error" and so on), then my $? test fails (i.e., it thinks that $? == 0, whereas a failed make should return a non-zero value). It's as if my original script can't "see" the results from child commands executed from later scripts.

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Debian :: Redirect Apache To Remote Machine Www Content On IIS Server?

Mar 25, 2011

I am trying to show library content (asp files, IIS server, MySQL database on Windows Server 2003 - Inetpub/wwwroot/library - publicly. But Apache webserver is on Linux machine. In one of previos topics I was adviced to mount this remote machine webfolder into Linux /var/www. Well this way it want work. I was adviced it can be done through redirecting.

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Networking :: How To Redirect Locally-generated Packets To Remote Server?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to workaround a limitation in a server application. The limitation is that I can only connect to a LOCAL mysql database. I am trying to fool the server in to using a remote mysql database. I was hoping to do this by simply forwarding 3306 to another server on the same subnet.To that end I've set up iptables rules to forward all connections to port 3306 to a non-standard mysql port on a remote server. This works, except that I need to deal with the loopback interface in a special way and I'm stuck.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Redirect To A Remote Mysql Server?

Mar 22, 2010

I'd love a hint or two on the following problem. I've set up iptables rules to forward all connections to port 3306 to a non-standard mysql port on a remote server. This works, except that I need to deal with the loopback interface in a special way and I'm stuck.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DNAT --to 128.XXX.XXX.XXX:3197
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d 128.XXX.XXX.XXX --dport 3197 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
Since locally-generated packets will never hit the PREROUTING rule, you'll need to setup a near identical rule using OUTPUT to make it work. Here is what I've tried:


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General :: Redirect Output From Dd Command?

Apr 7, 2010

How to redirect output from dd command to /dev/null ?

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Ubuntu :: Output Redirect With Crontab?

Sep 16, 2010

My Problem: The output redirection auf a script works if the script is called in the terminal but not when its called via crontab.

My Situation: I have 2 scripts:
echo backup a to c
rsync -a -v --progress --delete --exclude=.Trash-1000 /path/a/ /path/c/backup/
echo backup b to c


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Ubuntu :: Capture And Redirect The Output Using Bash?

Jun 3, 2010

if I'm posting to the wrong forum. Be so kind to tell me where to better ask this question, as I'm really not finding the right words to google for.So, I have a shell application (fdb) which is a Flash debugger. I want to run it using bash script, capture it's output and pass it the commands (it can read from STDIN). The reason I want to do so is that Flash Builder (the IDE for Flash development) is plain stupid when it comes to compilation, and it won't allow me to compile any file in the project... so, I found out that I can make Eclipse to run an external tool. This external tool is my *.sh file whichches the compiler, and then it launches the debugger.The Eclipse console can display the compilation results, or errors. When I run the debugger it can even pass the input from Eclipse console to the debugger, however, the output from the debugger isn't shown.

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Ubuntu :: Output Redirect To A File After A Line?

Mar 9, 2011

I want to redirect the output of a command to a file, but not at the end of the file, but after a line. Do you know how can I do it?

Something like:

cat file_a | grep some_text >> resulting_file

# in this file I need to place the output from grep, but not at the bottom of resulting_file, like it would normally happen, but after line .. 3 , for example

Then, if file_a is:

abc x
some_text q
zxc w


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Ubuntu :: Redirect Output To A File And To The Console?

Apr 11, 2011

I'd like to redirect the output to a file and to the console. I know about tee but the issue is that it waits until the first process finishes.e.gecho "hello world" | tee test.txtfirst calls echo and then tee.Is there a way to redirect "on the fly" ?

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General :: How To Redirect The Output To Different Column In .csv File?

Apr 25, 2011

I was trying to redirect the output of two variables to different columns of a .csv file in MS excel like this,

echo "$a $b" > abc.csv
But I am getting both $a and $b in the same column, is there anything I can use instead of to move the value of $b to the next column? Or is there a good different approach to do it?

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General :: Sudo Aureport Redirect Output?

Aug 6, 2010

How do run aureport as root and redirect it's output to a directory that's only writeable by root?

Ex: sudo -u root aureport > /var/log/
/var/log/ permission denied
/var/log has these permissions:
drwxr-xr-x root root

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Ubuntu :: Redirect The Cron Output To Screen?

Oct 15, 2010

i got a bash script which can remind me my friends' birthday ,and i want run it as a cron job everyday,but the linux just emails me the output.Now my question is how to how to redirect the cron output to screen.

PS: when i run the script mannually ,it runs very well,so my script is good. And i have tried :

1.30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/console

it shows nothing

2. 30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/tty1

the same as 1

3. 30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/tty

it shows:/bin/sh: cannot create /dev/tty: No such device or address

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Ubuntu :: Redirect Output Of Xorg -configure To A File?

Jun 29, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04

I booted to command line only and entered the following command: Sudo Xorg -configure > xorglog.txt

the command seems to run just fine and does create a new file but I would like to see all the output of the Xorg -configure command but it just scrolls by too fast and I can't go back to see it. Hence this is why I'm trying to do the > . It seems to ignore the >.

how I can see what the command is doing?

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Ubuntu :: Redirect Curl Output To Multiple Files?

Nov 6, 2010

I am using curl as the following

curl "{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/allpages.html
i need to save each page in a separate page by the way i have tried this command
curl "{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/{1,2,3,4,5}.html
but it displays error
ambiguous redirect
is there any way to do that

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Debian :: Redirect Output Sound To Input (mic Or Line-in)

Jan 22, 2011

I want to compare the quality of a sound file (voice) before and after its transmission via a softphone (sjphone in my case). For this, i need to redirect the sound played, to the sound input (microphone or line-in).

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General :: Redirect Standart Output To Current Terminal?

Apr 17, 2010

i have a process launch by another app, i want to see the output (that is in console) in a terminal (gnome-terminal or tty); how can i capture de standart I/O from a process. my process (aria2) is launch by firefox and the output of ps is like:

# ps aux | grep aria2
dorian 30289 2.8 0.1 12148 4048 ? D 07:08 0:03 aria2c --continue -d /home/downloads/so/suse --referer= running but i cant see the output (download state), how can i capture or redirect standart I/O to my terminal to get something like the output of:

$ aria2c --continue -d /home/downloads/so/suse --referer= --load-cookies=/tmp/flashgot.h2fnxf84.default/cookies --input-file=/tmp/flashgot.h2fnxf84.default/flashgot.fgt
[#1 SIZE:6.7MiB/4,289.3MiB(0%) CN:5 SPD:25.3KiBs ETA:48h01m01s]

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General :: Run A Script In The Background Redirect The Output To A File?

Feb 11, 2010

I wrote a short script that sleeps for 30 seconds then outputs "Done" to the screen:

sleep 30
echo Done

now I want to re-direct the output to a file, I tried:

./scriptName& > fileName

Didn't work, "Done" still came out to the screen.

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General :: Unable To Redirect Script Output To File

Aug 25, 2009

I have a python script that when run outputs to screen.

./ 0403000511 919227434827
TS 21 check ok
TS 22 check ok
sms successfully delivered from 61403000511 to 919227434827
But when I try:./ 0403000511 919227434827 > test

The file test is created but there is nothing in it.if I try ls > test this works fine with output of ls redirected to file test.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Redirect Input To Output Pulse Audio?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a TV card connected to my Dish box, and I would like to use it on my computer. The tv card works fine, and the audio is connected to my line in. The audio card receives the audio signal, and I can set the volume and record it without any problem, but I can't get it to redirect to an output in order to hear the sound. I have been battling with this issue since a kernel update back when 11.2 was about to come out. Back then, the alsa mixer had an option called audio loop-back, which did the trick. Since I know I ca record the audio and play it back without any problem, is there an application that can do this automatically and simultaneously?

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