Programming :: Put A Capcha On A Page?

Mar 17, 2010

Besides getting hold of a good software that'll do the job of actually generating the image, I'm confused as to how to actually put it on a webpage- since the program that'll generate the image will be on one particular webpage, and the program that does the *checking* will be on the *subsequent*, i.e. unrelated and separate page, how does it know what the correct letters and numbers are?

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Programming :: Executing Commands From Web Page And Outputing It Back To The Web Page?

May 8, 2009

wanted to know if i can execute commands on linux console through a web page and redirect it back to my web page !For example :if i send a query "ls"it should execute this command on my linux console and also redirect the list of the files to the web page from which i give the command !

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Programming :: How To Poll For A Page In PHP

May 27, 2010

How do I poll for a page on a server using PHP?

If a user wanted a page that does not yet exist - but is being made at request - I'd like the script to "poke" the server to see if the page is ready to be displayed. If so, it would then transfer to that newly made page.

I read about "http_get", but do not seem to get it to work


Ok, there might be a simple way out, but I don't see it.

My info came from [url]

More specific:


Returns the HTTP response(s) as string on success, or FALSE on failure.

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Programming :: Writing A Page In PHP?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to write some PHP for a website that'll have the data that the script will generate written inside a table with thin black line around it, much like LQ itself. My problem is: how do I draw the box that the text will be inside of, since the amount of text will vary - if I have a GIF with a picture of a box, that'll be of a fixed length, and my script can then only generate that much text, for it to look nice. Or do I need to fiddle with the GD library to get done what I want?

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Programming :: Arrange EPS Files On One Page?

Aug 17, 2010

I have 100 sets of EPS files. Each set contains 3 files. I was wondering if it possible to arrange each set in such a way that 3 EPS files will be on one page?

I know how to write a bash script with "for" or "do" loop. how to arrange the EPS files, which are produced by gnuplot.

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Programming :: Use PHP To Read An RSS Page That Is Online?

Apr 30, 2011

Just a quick question. If I were to use PHP to read an RSS page that is online, what "browser" (user-agent) would the webserver detect my PHPs request as? If that doesn't make any sense I'm referring to information such as Code:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

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Programming :: PHP Function Without Refreshing Page?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a task01 function. I would like that the click on the button, does not refrest hte page. I does not work...

Here is the code...

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Programming :: Php Not Running In Html Page?

May 22, 2010

I have an HTML page that I want to run some PHP code. I found several "How tos" about this but I can't get it to work. The code is very simple:


cat test.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">


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Programming :: Calling Script From Php Page Is Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

I have typed the following code:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST">


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Programming :: Eclipse Run Configuration For An HTML Page?

Aug 14, 2010

How can I create a Run Configuration for html page with no http server (e.g. Tomcat)? I want to debug javascript so I need not a server.

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Programming :: How To Find Man Page Of Kernel Functions

Aug 2, 2010

My distribution is Fedora 12. When I want to get the infos of kernel functions such as printk, i type man printk, failed. I look up some articles and learn that in some distributions the kernel functions is in section 9 of man page. Then i type man 9 printk also no reply. How can i get man pages of kernel functions ?

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Programming :: Include Common Elements On Every Page?

May 16, 2010

I am trying to learn how to include common elements on every page. At first I made the mistake of calling it ssi but I do not think that is correct in php5. I downloaded phpb3 to look at and they are not doing it that way. they do it like this.

Problem is I can not find any articles that explain it. I even looked at the php manual and did not find it. Could someone explain this or point me in the right direction.

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Programming :: PHP - Pass Session To Iframe On Same Page?

Oct 4, 2009

Page.php -- has a special division thats empty and on Link Click calls Javascript to change inner.html to an IFRAME call So the user clicks the link and then it shows the division and loads the IFRAME The IFRAME Source is iframe.php in IFRAME.PHP I need to take the Session Variables that were set already in Page.php all sessions work fine when not using Iframe (open iframe.php in its own window) but doesnt work when its Iframed and sadly I have to use Iframe on this page NOW the CATCH is -- I CANNOT use any POST or GET Values the iframe src MUST be straight url to the page [URL] cannot use variables in the url [URL] etc..

IS it possible to do what I need Without passing variables via the url? Page1 has all session variables set, calls the iframe command when users presses a button, Iframe loads but DOES not have the Session data that was saved on Page1 -- and IFRAME cannot pass variables via the URL it must be a direct url to the page only Page1.php java used to set the HTML / IFRAME into its Div


function changeText(){
document.getElementById('iframediv').innerHTML = "<iframe scrolling='no' frameborder='0' margin='0' src='http://mypage.blah/iframe.php'></iframe>";


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Programming :: Get The Page Pointer From A Physical Address?

Oct 18, 2010

How do I get the page pointer from a physical address?

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Programming :: Creating A Page With Cgi Script In Perl?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a problem to creating a page with cgi script in perl. I have my registration.html page and registration.cgi script. The form in registration.html is the following:


<form action="./registration.cgi" method="get">
<legend><b>Fill up cells to creating your account</b></legend><br/>
<label>Name: <input type="text" name="name"></label><br/><br/>
<label>Email: <input type="text" name="email1"></label><br/><br/>
<label>Re-enter email: <input type="text" name="email2"></label>


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Programming :: Resizing An HTML Entrance Page?

Jan 2, 2010

I have created a website for a guy with an entrance page. I have written the entire site in PHP excluding the entrance page which is in HTML. The entrance page is literally just an image they drew up and I placed a link in. The problem is that the image is HUGE. I would like to know if there is any way (use JS, PHP, CSS, or whatever) to make this image either auto fit the screen/window or at least auto fit in a range of resolutions? Because if you have a small monitor then you wouldn't even see the actual graphic, just the border.

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Programming :: Load And Show Image In Web Page?

Feb 27, 2010

I did a perl/cgi script for uploading image. The script works, image is iploaded in upload directory, but the problem is: How can I to load and show image in web page?

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Programming :: Editing Script To Create A Default Web Page?

Nov 14, 2010

The title of this post may sound like it's real easy and simple enough for a noob to do but my situation isn't noobish.I have this script that i found on the internet that i wish to edit and create a new user and set a pass word AND create a default web page in the /var/www/html directory. This is the script with my edits included. The commented out field are my own editing.....

Code: #!/bin/bash
# Script to add a user to Linux system
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then


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Programming :: Changing Home Page Url For Firefox Using Script

Mar 15, 2010

My Debian Lenny's Firefox prefs.js file looks like this:


Now I am trying to set the home page i.e. browser.startup.homepage variable (in red color) with my own URL using a script. Here is what I am trying to do but it is not working:


Note that the in the original file (prefs.js), the URL could be set to *anything* and not necessarily So I need to search for the variable user_pref("browser.startup.homepage" and then set the entire line with my own supplied line (with the desired URL).

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Programming :: How Proxy Server Get Html Page From Internet

Jun 15, 2010

im making client(browser) and proxy server application in linux and using c/c++....can any one guide me that how proxy server get page from internet and send it to the client (browser)?and how that page will be displayed on my browser??meanz that will be only text...if text then how i can display graphical page....

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Programming :: Have The Javascript Include On The Page (it's A Php Template So That's Elsewhere In The Code?

Jun 6, 2011

this should have been a simple task, but for some reason one of my rollovers plain old isn't workingmy html sheet

<div style="background:#F5F5E9 url('/sites/all/themes/flossmoore1/images/bricks250.png');padding:1px;padding-


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Programming :: Loading Multiple Page Versions With PHP And MySQL?

Jun 18, 2011

I have a page which is going to be internationalized, and available in more languages. It contains PHP scripts to load, let's say, current user's data from database and the internationalized content itself, like "Welcome user" message. The problem for me is the fact, that internationalized content is not continual, and it's all over the page mixed with php scripts.

I don't want to use eval(). I've got 2 , they are, however, not good enough. 1. One file per language version, with scripts included - there will be many languages, so there would have to be many files with redundant data. Also if I wanted to change structure of script, I would have to change it in all pages. 2. Load international data from db, while scripts are on the page - not sure about good database structure I mean, how would I get the right content from database? (content would be split into rows, columns, or something?)

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Programming :: Vertical Scroll Code For 3 Column Web Page

Jun 19, 2011

I need a better tutorial than the out of date books I own or I can find using Google. If someone has a place they would recommend, please provide a link. I have a web page that is 3 column. I would like each column to vertical scroll separately. I would also like to keep the jump code in the left column if that is possible. Go here for the my web page and source code. [URL]

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Programming :: Point Out The The Source Code For Page Swapping?

Apr 9, 2010

I am doing a project on page replacement algorithms.... Can anyone point out the the source code for page swapping in linux kernel source tree.(I am using 2.6.31 kernel on a 32 bit x86 machine).

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Programming :: Get Parse Error When Connect The Page With A Database

Jan 27, 2011

I'm creating a comment form for a website but when I try to connect the page with a database it gives me a parse error. here are the codes I wrote:


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Programming :: Passing Parameters From Cgi Script To Html Page?

Jan 17, 2010

I have the following problem. I have my script /usr/lib/cgi-bin/login.cgiand two page in /var/www, home.html and welcome.html.When I log in /var/www/home.html with email and password, then login.cgi to extract exact user informations from mysql. Now I'd like start welcome.html page from login.cgi and passing user informations trought parameters

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Programming :: PHP URL Get Page Image From Remote Server Without Errrors?

Apr 11, 2010

I can get a dynamic image to display in my webpage<td><img src="<? echo image.php" ;?>"where image.php is some ones example that outputs some characters to screen.All works fineBut the site is ssl,and It wont load the "foreign" object for security reasons.I was wondering I cURL could trick the browser into thinking that the image source is still on the same serverlike

$remote = '';
curl_setopt($ch, CURL_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0); // for testing


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Programming :: Using Shell To Create A Default Web Page For New Users?

Nov 14, 2010

I came across this script a while back that i found. What i want to do is edit the script to create a default web page in /var/www/html a new user is added through the script.What the script does now is adds a user and sets a password for the user. What possible way (either through a combination of python or c or some other language) could i add to the shell script to do this? I've tried just dointhe command to touch index.html /var/www/html but it puts it on the desktop. Here's the script....

# Script to add a user to Linux system


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Programming :: Library Hat Could Download Content Of Web Page And Work On Windows ?

Jun 3, 2009

Finally I got a method to compile libcurl in Visual Studio 2005(as static library):

Following is the link: [url]


I am thinking of using Libcurl static dll for it but it didn't work on Windows so far.

I am looking for something simple and could be quick to embedded to my program with Visual C++.

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Programming :: Perl Script To View Normal Html Page

Mar 29, 2010

Can anyone please help me write a perl script to view normal html page.

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